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Pact of the Limb

When you take this pact option at 3rd level, you sacrifice one
of your arms, in exchange for a more powerful one.
You remove one of your arms, and the new one replaces the
old one. While you still have this arm, you gain the following
If the Arm becomes severed, it regenerates at the end of
your next long rest.
When casting a spell with Somatic Components, but not
Verbal Components, you can attempt a Sleight of Hand
check (Contested by Perception) to cast a spell
Your arm can function as an Arcane Focus
Your Carrying Capacity Doubles.
Your unarmed strikes deal 1d4+STR Bludgeoning
You may add your proficiency bonus an additional time to
STR-based checks which involve your chosen arm.
Additionally, once per long rest, you can invoke the power
of your patron into the limb, and gain advantage on all
Intimidation Checks made within the next minute.

The form the arm takes is representative of your

patron. For example , a Limb Pact Warlock of the
Fiend may look a Dark Red or Crimson, and scaley.
The Limb of an Archfey Warlock may look Deep
Green, and have a bark-like texture. The Limb of a
Great Old One Warlock may look Black, and
contain motifs of Eyes or Tentacles.

An Arm and A Leg

Prerequisite: Pact of the Limb
You sacrifice one of your legs to your patron as well. While
you have this feature you gain the following benefits:
The Chosen Leg will regenerate if severed, same as the
Arm above.
Your Movement Speed increases by 5ft.
Your Jump Height and Jump Distance double.
Devil's Hand
Prerequisite: Pact of the Limb, Fiend Patron
You can cast Burning Hands at 2nd level Once per Long
Rest without expending a spell slot.
Faerie's Touch
Prerequisite: Pact of the Limb, Archfey Patron
You can, at will, cause a single creatue you touch to
undergo the effects of Calm Emotions. The effect ends once
you lose contact with them.
Outsider's Reach
Prerequisite: Pact of the Limb, Great Old One Patron
You can cast Detect Thoughts at will, without expending a
spell slot or material components.

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