Artefact Origin

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Sorcerous Origin: Artefact

Chosen by your Focus

Many Sorcerers are chosen - either by gods, magical entities, An Artefact's Wishes
or the very elements themselves. Some gain their power from As a sentient object, your focus has wishes, goals
their bloodlines, or from becoming submerged in the arcane and an alignment of its own. Unlike warlock
during some great event. You, however, have been infused patrons, a bonded focus and the sorcerer it grants
with power by a thing, a sentient arcane focus that, through magic to share a symbiotic relationship that neither
your choice or not, has bonded itself to you. party can withdraw from. This does not stop the
Perhaps it willingly offered itself to your service in order to focus from enacting mischief should it be angry at
save your life, or perhaps you just couldn't keep your hands its host, however.
off a shiny thing in an accursed temple. Either way, you now If you go against your focus' philosophy it may
have something, a rod, a staff, a crystal, an orb - an object, that choose to start interfering with your spellcasting.
lends you immense power and speaks to you. It is the source Any time you cast a spell whilst holding your focus,
it may choose to roll 1d20. On a result of 5 or
of your magic, but you are a special host indeed. Over the lower, you must roll on the wild magic surge table
years you have been bonded with it to the point where casting (PHB 104) and suffer a magical effect. In general,
magic is like breathing, something so natural to you that you the focus will only do this if it is upset with its
still hold considerable prowess without it. owner.
Your focus might be anything - from an elderly wizard who
became trapped inside a crystal for millennia, to the fragment
of an old god's mind that speaks to you in babbled whispers,
to the heart of a fae entity that guides you to protect the wild Empower
places of the world. At 6th level, you have gained the ability to briefly empower
your artefact.
Bonded Focus As a bonus action, you may spend 3 sorcery points to begin
At 1st level, you gain an arcane focus that you may use as a empowering your bonded focus. Whilst empowered, you gain
spellcasting focus for your sorcerer spells. This focus takes several benefits:
on an appearance of your choice, and is sentient. The focus Your focus hovers next to you, and follows you at your
may be of any alignment you choose. You may communicate speed if you move. At the end of the duration, it returns to
telepathically with your bonded focus so long as you are your hand. If you do not have a hand free, it falls to a space
within 60ft of it. It can only observe the outside world when it within 5ft of you.
is within 10ft of you, and it cannot speak. You may cast the cantrips granted by your bonded focus
When you first gain this feature, you forgo one cantrip feature even when your focus is not in your hand.
granted by your sorcerer class in order to learn 2 cantrips Once per turn, you may add twice your Charisma modifier
from any class, including your own, that you may cast whilst to the damage of any cantrip cast through your focus.
holding this focus in at least one free hand. Your bonded
focus gains another cantrip at 6th level, and another at 14th This lasts for a minute, during which you must maintain
level, which you are not required to forgo sorcerer cantrips concentration as if you were concentrating on a spell. If you
for. These are spells that it knew in its previous life, or lose concentration, the benefits of this feature end.
possesses as part of its nature.
If your focus is lost or destroyed, you must spend 10 Secrets of Another Mind
minutes and 15 gold's worth of materials in the form of At 14th level, your bond with your artefact advances and you
reagents specific to its nature in order to summon it again. are able to draw on more foreign powers related to the entity
that resides within.
You may choose two spells from any class of 5th level or
lower. Whilst you are holding your focus, you may cast these
spells as sorcerer spells.
At 18th level, you may use your bonus action to allow your
focus to hover next to you as per your Empower feature, and
return it to your hand with another bonus action.
Whilst floating in this way, you may use your bonus action
to cast any cantrip from your bonded focus, regardless of that
cantrip's casting time.
In addition, when empowering your focus you may expend
another 4 sorcery points to make it protect you, granting you
resistance to any damage from a spell, and preventing all
damage from magic missile for the duration.
(Image Credit: Nakai Wen,

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