(Dongseo-U) Overview of University

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동 서 대 학 교

■ 주소: 47011 부산광역시 사상구 주례로 47

■ 웹사이트: www.dongseo.ac.kr

Ⅰ. 대학 소개
1. 연혁
❍ 설립: 1992
❍ 4년제 사립대학교
❍ 캠퍼스 위치: 부산 주례 메인캠퍼스, 해운대 센텀캠퍼스
❍ 재학생수: 약 11,000
❍ 유학생수: 1,123

2. 특성
❍ 동서대학교는 1992년도에 설립된 짧은 역사의 학교이지만 디자인, IT, 영상매
스컴, 디지털콘텐츠 분야에서는 한국의 10위안에 드는 학교로 급성장하여 현재
에는 'Top Ten & to the World'라는 슬로건 하에 세계와 경쟁하고 있습니다.
❍ 동서대학교는 세계 유수대학과 공동학위 프로그램뿐만이 아니라, 43개국 243
개 대학과도 활발한 학생 교류와 교환 교수제를 실시하고 있습니다.
❍ 100% 영어 수강 가능 학과(영어트랙)는 경영학과, 영상콘텐츠학과, 컴퓨터공학
과가 있으며, 영어로 수업을 받고 학위를 받게 됩니다.

Ⅱ. 모집 요강
1. 모집 학과

계열 학과 전공분야 비고
석사 박사
경영학과* ○ ○ 영어트랙
(별도사항 등 기재)

인문사회 글로벌관광학과 ○ ○
에너지/생명공학과 ○ ○
토목공학과 ○ ○
공학 영상콘텐츠학과* ○ ○ 영어트랙
컴퓨터공학과* ○ ○ 영어트랙
건축학과 ○ ×
디지털포렌식학과 ○ ×
자연과학 보건과학과 ○ ×
융합방사선학과 ○ ○
디자인학과 ○ ○
예체능 영화학과 (이론전공) ○ ○
영화학과 (제작전공) ○ ×
❍ 영어트랙* 학과 지원자의 경우, 학위과정 입학 시 공인 영어성적 제출 필요

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- 공인영어성적 최소 요건: TOEFL 530, CBT 197, iBT 71, IELTS 5.5 and
TEPS 600 (NEW TEPS 327)

2. 입학 전형
❍ 접수 기간: 장학생 추천 의뢰일 ~ 2022년 3월 18일(금)
❍ 제출 서류: NIIED 제출 서류
* 최종합격시 대사관 인증, 아포스티유 인증을 받은 원본 학사학위증명서 및 원본 성적표
제출 필요
* 영어 100% 수강학과의 경우 공인영어성적(TOEFL 530, CBT 197, iBT 71, IELTS 5.5
and TEPS 600 (NEW TEPS 327) 이상) 제출 필요
❍ 우편발송주소
International Exchange Center (국제교류센터)
Dongseo university (동서대학교)
47 Jurye-ro, Sasang-gu, Busan, 47011, Republic of Korea

3. 지원자 유의 사항
❍ 입학 요건은 TOPIK 3급 이상이나, 졸업시 TOPIK 4급 이상 취득 필수
❍ 최종합격시 대사관 인증, 아포스티유 인증을 받은 원본 학사학위증명서 및 원
본 성적표 제출 필요
❍ 영어트랙 학과의 경우 공인영어성적(TOEFL 530, CBT 197, iBT 71, IELTS
5.5 and TEPS 600.(NEW TEPS 327) 이상) 제출 필요

4. 기타 안내 사항
❍ 본교 정부초청장학생의 경우, 수학기간 동안 기숙사 무료 제공 (2인 1실)

5. 연락처
- 담당자: 한준호
- 전화번호: +82-51-320-2746 / Fax : +82-51-320-2094
- 이메일: junhohan@gdsu.dongseo.ac.kr
- 주소: 부산광역시 사상구 주례로 47 동서대학교 국제교류센터

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Dongseo University
■ Address: 47 Jurye-ro, Sasang-gu, Busan, 47011, Korea
■ Website: http://uni.dongseo.ac.kr/eng/

Ⅰ. Overview of the University

1. History
❍ Private University
❍ Specialized in Computer Engineering, Design, Digital Contents and Film
❍ Campuses: Busan Jurye main campus, Haeundae Centum campus
❍ Number of students: approximately 11,000
❍ Number of International students: 1,123
2. Key Information
❍ Dongseo University, founded in 1992, is a young and dynamic university.
It has become one of Korea’s top 10 universities in its specialized fields:
IT, Design, Film, and Digital Contents. DSU was chosen as the best
university in globalization and is now competing with educational
institutions throughout the world. Our slogan “Top Ten & To the World”
reflects a resolve to become a leader in education. DSU conducts active
student and professor exchanges with 243 universities in 43 countries,
and offers seven dual degree programs with world-renowned universities.
❍ Globalized Campuses
- On entering DSU, students experience a dynamic atmosphere with
international students from many countries studying in specialized
majors. DSU’s International College provides them with support and
oversees all English-based undergraduate degree programs.
- Academic exchange agreements with as many as 243 educational
institutes around the world
❍ Specialization
- Computer Engineering
- Digital Design
- Visual Communication
- Digital Contents (Game and Animation)
- Film and Video
* DSU’s specialized ICT TROIKA divisions research cutting-edge fusion
technologies like IoT, smart factories, smart cities, AI, big data, cloud

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computing, wearable devices, drones, intelligent robots, smart sensors,
3D printing, VR/AR, interactive contents, serious games, special image
production and 5D cinema. These divisions are a cradle for future
engineering education.
* The Computer Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering and Digital
Contents Divisions are government subsidized, enabling them to develop
Korea’s international competitiveness through industry-academia
❍ Business Administration, Computer Engineering, Visual Contents are taught
in English

Ⅱ. Academics
1. Academic Programs

Field Department Academic program

Master’s Doctoral Remarks

Humanities․ Business Administration * ○ ○ English Track available

Social Science Global Tourism ○ ○
Bio-Chemical Engineering ○ ○
Civil Engineering ○ ○
Engineering Visual Contents * ○ ○ English Track available
Computer Engineering * ○ ○ English Track available
Architecture Engineering ○ ×
Digital Forensic ○ ×
Natural Science Health & Biomedical Sciences ○ ×
Multidisciplinary Radiological Science ○ ○
Entertainment & Design ○ ○
Sports Film & Video (Theory major) ○ ○
Film & Video (Production major) ○ ×
❍ Specialized major
▶ Visual Contents
- Visual Contents graduate program offers MA, Msc, MFA, or PhD degree in research
areas of animation, film, visual effects, and visual marketing & promotion. Both
Master’s and PhD level programs cultivate creative and convergent talents required by
industry, universities, and research institutes by educating both art students with
technical skills across the research fields and engineering students with artistic
- Visual Contents graduate program seeks talented individuals with problem discovery
abilities, problem-solving abilities, and creative abilities. To foster professionals, the
graduate program reinforces core knowledge, competencies, and convergence factors.
▶ Business Administation
- For decades, Dongseo University's Business Administration Department has been
nurturing business professionals for diverse industries. Recently, through its

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International College, DSU began offering undergraduate degrees in business
administration to Korean and International students using English as the sole language
of instruction.
- Now, with support from alumni and in response to changes in business environments
that demand advanced learning, Dongseo University’s General Graduate School
launches the Graduate School of Business Administration.
- IT technologies have created new market opportunities and risks, thereby dramatically
changing business environments. As a result, today’s business fields require greater
analytic abilities from new recruits and veteran managers. This underlies our curricular
focus on three academic areas: Marketing, Management Science, and Finance &

2. Application
❍ Deadline: March 18th(Fri)
❍ Required documents: NIIED Application documents package*
* Applicants who pass the final round must submit transcripts and diplomas verified and
certified by the Korean Embassy, where the academic institutions are located. If these
documents are submitted from an Apostille member country, the Apostille verification may
be used.
* In case of English track major(*), official English proficiency score is mandatory to apply.
(TOEFL 530, CBT 197, iBT 71, IELTS 5.5 and TEPS 600.(NEW TEPS 327) or above)

❍ Mailing address
* All the application documents should be submitted by post to:
International Exchange Center
Dongseo university
47 Jurye-ro, Sasang-gu, Busan, 47011, Republic of Korea

3. Important Notes
❍ Applicants who pass the final round must submit transcripts and diplomas
verified and certified by the Korean Embassy, where the academic
institutions are located. If these documents are submitted from an
Apostille member country, the Apostille verification may be used.
❍ TOPIK level 4 is required to graduation requirements
❍ In case of English track majors, official English proficiency score is
mandatory to submit when you enter the degree seeking program. (TOEFL
530, CBT 197, iBT 71, IELTS 5.5 and TEPS 600 (NEW TEPS 327) or

4. Further Notice

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❍ Dormitory fee
* Dorm fee is waived for DSU GKS scholars as the special favor.

5. Contact
- Staff in charge: Junho Han (Mr.)
- Tel.: +82-51-320-2746
- Fax: +82-51-320-2094
- E-mail: junhohan@gdsu.dongseo.ac.kr
- Mailing address: International Exchange Center, Dongseo University,
47 Jurye-ro, Sasang-gu, Busan, 47011, Republic of Korea

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