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Model Form -3-Affidavit in support of Your Complaint


IN RE: COMPLAINT NO.............................. OF 20


(Your Na me) Complai na nt

(Na me). Opposite party


Affida vit of…………………….

Shri ............................................................... S/o. Shri.

a ge d ............................................ years, resi de nt of...

(1) Tha t I a m c ompl a i na nt i n t he a bove c a s e, t hor ou ghl y c o n ve r sa nt wit h t he f act s a nd

cir c umst a nce s of t he pre se nt ca se a nd a m c o m pe t e nt t o s we a r t hi s a f f i da vi t .
(2) T ha t t he f a c t s c ont a i ne d i n m y a c c o m pa n yi ng c o m pl a i nt , t he conte nts of whic h ha ve not
bee n re peate d herei n f or t he sa ke of bre vit y ma y be rea d a s an i nte gral part of t his affi da vit
and are t r ue a nd c or r e c t t o my kn o wl e dge .


Ve rific atio n:
I, the above named deponent do hereby solemnly verify that the contents of my above affidavit are true
and correct to my knowledge, no part of it is false and nothing material has been concealed therein.
Verified this of ............................. 20..................
at ...........


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