Giant Bloodline4

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Giant in the Midst

Giant Bloodline Beginning at 18th level, your ancestry is more than your
Your innate magic comes from the giant blood in your history, it's also your present and your future. As an action,
bloodline. Instead of this ancestry manifesting as the brute you can spend 3 sorcery points to draw on the power of your
strength your kin values above all, you inherited an affinity for bloodline. When you do, your size doubles in all dimensions,
magic. While some among your kind might consider this a and your weight is multiplied by eight. This growth increases
flaw, you've found ways to gain an edge in combat by your size by one category - from Medium to Large, for
combining your magic with physical strength. example. If there isn't enough room for you to double your
size, you attain the maximum possible size in the space
Restriction: Goliaths, orcs and half- available. In addition, your reach increases by 5 feet, you have
orcs only advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws,
Only goliaths, orcs and half-orcs can choose the Giant origin. and when you hit with a melee spell attack, it deals one
Your DM can lift this restriction to better suit the additional die of damage. This effect ends after 1 minute or if
campaign. you are knocked unconscious.
Giant Origin Spells
Sorcerer Level Spell Credits
1st inflict wounds Created by redditor groggen2
Thanks to everyone on the Discord of Many
3rd enlarge/reduce Things who helped me along the way.
5th vampiric touch Template provided by The Homebrewery
Art by Kerem Beyit
7th stoneskin Homebrewery version can be found here
9th conjure volley This is version 1.2 (2017-06-12)
11th investiture of stone

Unflinching Defense
Your heritage and upbringing have not only instilled in you a
desire for close quarters combat, but also taught you the
means to survive it. You gain proficiency with light and
medium armor.
The Lethal Touch
Starting at 1st level, your body is a conduit of harmful and
dazzling magical energy. Sorcerer spells that require a
ranged spell attack can instead be cast as a melee spell attack
with a range of Touch, and when you make a melee spell
attack, you can choose to use your Strength modifier for the
attack roll.
Additionally, when you hit with a melee spell attack with a
range of Touch, add your Strength modifier to the damage
roll once.
Might & Magic
At 6th level, you can use your might to keep your foes close,
and your magic to punish them for it. When you make a
melee spell attack, you can use a bonus action to attempt to
grapple the target, and you have advantage on melee spell
attacks against targets you are grappling.
Vital Vigor
Also at 6th level, your magic sustains you. As a bonus action,
you can expend a spell slot to gain an amount of temporary
hit points equal to five times the spell slot's level. While you
have temporary hit points, you shed dim light of a hue of your
choice in a 5-foot radius.
Beacon of War
Starting at 14th level, the magical energy overflows your
corporeal boundaries, becoming a tangible layer of
protection. While you're shedding light from your Vital Vigor
feature, you have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing damage from nonmagical weapons.

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