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4th semester, Section-J, IPC MOOT-3

Akhil accused doing LL.M. first year in year 2018 was staying at hostel #5 in Punjab University.
On 13-12-2018 ‘R’ the hostel warden was returning from lunch at about 1:00 PM .he reported to
him that M & N two other inmates of the hostel abused him by using the word ‘Goonda’. On
making an inquiry both M and N replied in the negative. Despite this A repeatedly asserting that
they insulted him. he also informed ‘R’ that on the previous night also there was heated discussion
between Akhil on the one side and M and N on the other side.

Next day P the cook of hostel after finishing the work in the mess was relaxing on the cot at this
point of time he saw Akhil coming towards the door. he was wearing half sleeve t shirt and shorts.
When Akhil was near the door he took out a knife which was hidden in the shorts and stabbed M
on the right side of the chest . on witnessing the incident he was shocked and shouted . on hearing
the shouts of P people came in and apprehended Akhil on the spot and M was taken to the hospital
where succumbed to the injury. After this Doctor Who conducted the post mortem found that
there was no other external injury except one injury caused by the knife. the injury was held to
be capable of causing death.

Argue for Prosecution: 228, 230, 232, 233,

Argue for Ankit: 238, 236, 234, 231,


1. Presentation should be hand written .

2. Prepare your moot diary/Assignment sheets individually. Presentation will be


3. Explain basic law.

4. You can give oral arguments also so prepare legal points Accordingly to
contradict other party.

5. Prepare relevant case law as per your side.

6. Prepare relevant arguments based on facts n interpretation of law.

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