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Drivyaansh Yadav, Hith Jodhavat, Dhruv Shinde
Thakur College of Engineering and Technology

Space debris presents a significant and growing challenge as Earth's orbit becomes
increasingly crowded with satellites and other objects. With the continuous accumulation of
space junk, the risk of collisions and damage to operational satellites is a pressing concern.
Therefore, it is crucial to track and remove space debris to mitigate potential accidents and
safeguard space activities.

Researchers are actively exploring various techniques to eliminate space debris from orbit,
but this task poses considerable challenges. Active Debris Removal (ADR) has emerged as a
critical aspect of space management, aiming to halt the accumulation of hazardous debris.

Numerous concepts and methods have been proposed for safely disposing of space debris,
with a focus on preventing collisions that could lead to the loss of spacecraft. Understanding
the dynamics of space debris is essential for planning spacecraft missions and launch

This paper examines recent technologies and the current state of active space debris
management in Earth's orbits. It highlights the importance of addressing the issue of space
debris, which continues to proliferate at a rate that outpaces natural forces that remove
objects from orbit due to collisions and other factors.

Kosmos 954, a Soviet reconnaissance satellite launched in 1977, experienced a malfunction
that prevented the safe separation of its onboard nuclear reactor. When the satellite re-entered
Earth's atmosphere in 1978, it scattered radioactive debris over northern Canada, including
the Great Slave Lake near Fort Resolution, NWT. This incident led to a significant cleanup
operation called Operation Morning Light.
The satellite was part of the Soviet Union's RORSAT program, which used active radar to
observe ocean traffic, including surface vessels and nuclear submarines. Despite being
powered by a liquid sodium–potassium thermionic converter driven by a nuclear reactor; the
satellite deviated from its orbit shortly after launch.
In January 1978, Kosmos 954 reentered the atmosphere over western Canada, depositing
debris along a 600-kilometer path. The recovery effort, known as Operation Morning Light,
involved a joint Canadian–American team and spanned several months. They recovered
twelve large pieces of the satellite, ten of which were radioactive.

Under the 1972 Space Liability Convention, the Soviet Union was liable for damages caused
by the satellite. The Canadian government billed the USSR over 6 million
Canadian dollars for cleanup expenses, eventually receiving 3 million Canadian dollars in
This incident was not the first failure of a nuclear-powered RORSAT, with similar incidents
occurring in 1973 and 1983. Subsequent satellites were equipped with backup core ejection
mechanisms to prevent similar accidents.
The search for re-entry debris was initially challenging until recalculations based on data
indicating a stratospheric warming event during re-entry helped locate the debris. This
warming was first documented by the US Army Meteorological Rocket Network station near
Fairbanks, Alaska.

What is Space Debris?

Space debris, also known as space junk, refers to defunct human-made objects in Earth's orbit
that no longer serve a useful purpose. This includes abandoned spacecraft, derelict rocket
stages, and fragments from disintegration or collisions. Space debris poses a risk to
operational spacecraft and satellites.
The presence of space debris is often overlooked when launching or operating spacecraft,
creating an external cost on others in the space industry. Numerous spacecraft, both crewed
and uncrewed, have been damaged or destroyed by collisions with space debris.
As of November 2022, there were over 25,000 artificial objects in Earth's orbit, including
over 5,000 operational satellites. However, this figure only includes objects large enough to
be tracked, and there are millions of smaller debris pieces that are not easily monitored.
Collisions with space debris can cause damage to spacecraft, especially to sensitive
components like solar panels and optics.
Below an altitude of 2,000 km, space debris is denser than meteoroids and consists mainly of
dust from rocket motors, paint flakes, and frozen coolant. The International Space Station
(ISS) orbits within this range and is equipped with shielding to protect against small debris
impacts. However, larger debris events, such as the 2007 Chinese antisatellite weapon test
and the 2009 satellite collision, pose a greater risk and require avoidance maneuvers for the

History of Space debris

Space debris has been accumulating in Earth's orbit since the launch of the first artificial
satellite, Sputnik 1, in October 1957. However, even before this milestone, human activities,
such as the Pascal B test in August 1957, may have contributed to the production of ejecta
that became space debris. Additionally, natural ejecta from Earth may have entered orbit over
Following the launch of Sputnik, the North American Aerospace Defense Command
(NORAD) initiated the compilation of a database known as the Space Object Catalog. This
catalog included information on all known rocket launches and objects reaching orbit,
including satellites, protective shields, and upper stages of launch vehicles. NASA later
released modified versions of this database in the form of two-line element sets. Starting in
the early 1980s, these sets were further disseminated through the CelesTrak bulletin board
NORAD trackers responsible for maintaining the database were aware of additional objects
in orbit, many of which resulted from in-orbit explosions. Some of these explosions were
deliberately caused during anti-satellite weapon (ASAT) testing in the 1960s, while others
occurred when rocket stages ruptured their tanks due to leftover propellant expanding. Over
time, more detailed databases and tracking systems were developed, including Gabbard
diagrams, to enhance the modeling of orbital evolution and decay.
In the 1970s, when the NORAD database became publicly available, techniques originally
developed for studying the asteroid belt were adapted for the analysis of known artificial
satellite objects. These methods helped improve understanding and tracking of objects in
Earth's orbit
Time and natural gravitational and atmospheric effects play a role in clearing space debris,
but technological approaches have also been proposed to address the issue, although few have
been put into practice. However, systemic factors such as political, legal, economic, and
cultural considerations have been identified as the primary obstacles to effective space debris
cleanup.One major challenge is the lack of commercial incentive to reduce space debris, as
the costs associated with cleanup are typically not borne by the entities responsible for
producing it. Instead, these costs are shared among all users of the space environment who
benefit from space technology and knowledge.
Efforts to increase incentives for reducing space debris have included suggestions for
companies to recognize the economic benefits of debris reduction beyond what government
mandates require. Additionally, in 1979, NASA established the Orbital Debris Program to
conduct research on mitigation measures for space debris in Earth orbit. However, significant
progress in this area has been limited by the complex interplay of political, legal, and
During the 1980s, NASA and other U.S. entities initiated efforts to curb the proliferation of
space debris. One such measure, implemented by McDonnell Douglas in 1981 for the Delta
launch vehicle, involved moving the booster away from its payload and venting any
remaining propellant in its tanks. This strategy aimed to prevent tank explosions, a significant
source of orbital debris. However, global adoption of such practices was slow, and the issue
persisted, particularly due to frequent Soviet launches.
Subsequent studies by NASA, NORAD, and others sought to deepen understanding of the
orbital environment, leading to adjustments in the estimation of debris quantities. Despite
early estimates pegging the number of objects at around 5,000 in 1981, the deployment of
new detection technologies revealed additional objects. By the late 1990s, it was believed that
most of the approximately 28,000 launched objects had decayed, leaving around 8,500 in
orbit. Subsequent revisions increased this figure, with estimates reaching 13,000 objects by
2005 and 19,000 by 2006, following incidents such as an anti-satellite test and a satellite
collision. By 2011, NASA reported tracking around 22,000 objects.
Predictive models indicated that without new launches, the current debris population would
remain relatively stable until approximately 2055, after which it would increase
independently. Concerns arose regarding the critical density of debris in specific regions of
low Earth orbit (LEO), with warnings of potential cascading collisions.
At the 2009 European Air and Space Conference, Hugh Lewis of the University of
Southampton predicted a significant uptick in the threat posed by space debris over the
coming decades, with more than 13,000 close calls being tracked weekly. A 2011 report by
the U.S. National Research Council underscored the critical level of orbiting space debris,
highlighting the potential for continuous collisions to generate further debris, amplifying the
risk of spacecraft failures. The report called for international regulations to curb debris
proliferation and for research into effective disposal methods.

Causes of Space debris

The causes of space debris are multifaceted and stem from various activities and events in
One primary cause is launch activities, where rockets and launch vehicles deposit discarded
stages, fairings, and adapters into orbit as they propel satellites and payloads into space.
Despite efforts to minimize debris during launch, these discarded components can linger in
orbit, contributing to the accumulation of space debris.
Spacecraft operations contribute significantly to the proliferation of space debris. Satellites
and spacecraft may generate debris during their operational lifespan through routine activities
such as releasing bolts, covers, or antennas.
propulsion systems and other components may expel liquids, gases, or solid particles, further
adding to the debris population. When spacecraft reach the end of their mission life or
experience malfunctions, they may become non-functional debris, perpetuating the issue.
Fragmentation events represent another prominent cause of space debris. These events occur
when existing debris collides with other objects or experiences explosions due to residual
propellants or battery failures. Such incidents can fragment debris into smaller pieces,
creating thousands of new objects in orbit. Fragmentation events pose a significant challenge
as they not only increase the density of debris but also elevate the risk of further collisions,
potentially triggering a cascade effect known as the Kessler syndrome.
Certain countries conduct anti-satellite tests by intentionally destroying satellites using
missiles or other weapons. These tests generate substantial amounts of debris, endangering
operational satellites, spacecraft, and even the International Space Station (ISS). The debris
generated from such tests 0poses a persistent hazard to space missions and necessitates
enhanced efforts to mitigate its impact. deliberate actions such as this, exacerbate the space
debris problem.
Addressing the space debris challenge requires comprehensive strategies and international
cooperation to mitigate risks and ensure the sustainability of space activities.

Iridium 33 and Kosmos 2251
On February 10, 2009, a defunct Russian communications satellite named Cosmos 2251
collided with a functioning commercial communications satellite operated by Iridium
Satellite LLC, a company based in the United States. The collision took place around 800
kilometres (497 miles) above Siberia. As a result of the impact, nearly 2,000 larger
fragments, each at least ten centimetres (4 inches) in diameter, were generated, along with
countless smaller debris pieces.
On February 10, 2009, an inactive Russian communications satellite, designated Cosmos
2251, collided with an active commercial communications satellite operated by U.S.-based
Iridium Satellite LLC.1 The incident occurred approximately 800 kilometres (497 miles)
above Siberia. This collision produced almost 2,000 pieces of debris, measuring at least ten
centimetres (4 inches) in diameter, and many thousands more smaller pieces.
Kosmos 225
On February 10, 2009, an inactive Russian communications satellite, designated Cosmos
2251, collided with an active commercial communications satellite operated by U.S.-based
Iridium Satellite LLC.1 The incident occurred approximately 800 kilometers (497 miles)
above Siberia. This collision produced almost 2,000 pieces of debris, measuring at least ten
centimeters (4 inches) in diameter, and many thousands more smaller pieces.1 in other words
The collision between Iridium 33 and Cosmos 2251 occurred at nearly right angles to each
other, with a relative speed of approximately 10 kilometres per second (22,300 miles per
hour). While the precise details of the collision geometry and point of contact on each
satellite are known, observations from video footage taken of Iridium 33 after the incident
suggest that at least two of the antennas located at the bottom of the spacecraft remained
intact. This observation implies that the collision impacted the top portion of the Iridium
satellite, and a significant portion of the satellite remained relatively intact following the
As of September 3, 2010, the U.S. Space Surveillance Network (SSN) had identified 528
fragments of debris from Iridium 33 and 1,347 fragments from Cosmos 2251 that were larger
than 10 centimeters (4 inches) in size. Out of these totals, 29 pieces of debris from Iridium 33
and 60 pieces from Cosmos 2251 had already decayed from orbit into the Earth’s atmosphere.
According to analyses conducted by both NASA and external experts, it is estimated that
more than half of the debris from Iridium 33 will remain in orbit for at least 100 years.
Similarly, a significant portion of the debris from Cosmos 2251 is projected to remain in orbit
for at least 20 to 30 years.
The breakup of Cosmos 2251 ranks as the second-largest ever recorded in orbit, while the
breakup of Iridium 33 is the fourth largest. These events represent significant instances of
satellite collisions and contribute to the ongoing issue of space debris accumulation in Earth’s

2007 Chinese anti-satellite missile test

On January 11, 2007, China conducted an anti-satellite missile test, targeting the FY-1C, a
weather satellite of the Fengyun series. The FY-1C satellite was positioned in a polar orbit at
an altitude of 865 kilometers (537 miles) and had a mass of 750 kilograms (1,650 lb). The
test involved the deployment of a kinetic kill vehicle, which collided with the satellite at a
speed of 8 kilometers per second (18,000 mph) in a head-on engagement. The kinetic kill
vehicle was launched using a multistage solid-fuel missile, either from the Xichang Satellite
Launch Center or a nearby location.
The test was initially reported by Aviation Week & Space Technology magazine on January
17, 2007, and was later confirmed by a spokesperson from the United States National
Security Council on January 18, 2007. However, the Chinese government did not publicly
acknowledge the test until January 23, 2007, when the Chinese Foreign Ministry issued a
statement confirming its occurrence. China stated that it had formally notified the United
States, Japan, and other countries about the test in advance, although this claim was met with
skepticism by some parties.
The Chinese anti-satellite system, identified as the SC-19 by Lieutenant General Michael
Maples during a Senate Armed Services Committee Hearing, is reportedly based on a
modified DF-21 ballistic missile platform. It features a Kinetic Kill Vehicle (KKV) mounted
on top, designed for intercepting and destroying satellites. The ASAT kill vehicle is equipped
with an imaging infrared seeker for target acquisition and tracking. Additionally, it has been
described as incorporating elements from the HQ-19 missile system, with a KT-1 rocket
booster enhancing its propulsion capabilities.
Funding for the development of the SC-19 system is believed to have been provided, at least
in part, through China's 863 Program, specifically the 863-409 focus area. The 863 Program
is a national high-technology development initiative aimed at advancing key areas of science
and technology in China, including defence-related projects.
The Chinese anti-satellite missile test drew widespread condemnation from various nations,
with many expressing concerns about the implications of weaponizing space. Chinese
Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao sought to downplay fears, stating that there was no
need for other countries to feel threatened by the test. He further emphasized China's
commitment to avoiding any participation in an arms race in outer space.
Prior to the test, China had been vocal in advocating for the banning of space weapons.
However, these efforts faced resistance, particularly from the United States under the
administration of George W. Bush. The U.S. expressed concerns about potential loopholes in
such a treaty, leading to its rejection of the proposal. This difference in stance between China
and the U.S. underscored the ongoing debate surrounding the militarization of space and the
need for international agreements to regulate activities in outer space.
The 2007 Chinese anti-satellite test, employing kinetic kill vehicles, had profound
implications for the proliferation of space debris. It resulted in the creation of the largest
known concentration of space debris in history, with over 3,000 trackable pieces, including
fragments of golf ball size and larger, cataloged immediately after the test. Estimates suggest
that the total number of debris particles generated from the test could be as high as 150,000.
Despite efforts to track and monitor the debris, a significant amount of it remains in orbit
even years after the incident. As of October 2016, over 3,400 pieces of debris had been
detected, with a substantial portion still orbiting the Earth at altitudes above 850 kilometers.
These fragments are expected to persist in orbit for decades, if not centuries, posing a
potential threat to ongoing and future space activities.
The enduring presence of debris from the Chinese test poses a continuous risk to space assets,
including the International Space Station (ISS). In April 2011, debris from the test passed
dangerously close to the ISS, highlighting the immediate and tangible dangers posed by space
debris to manned space missions.
Furthermore, the debris from the 2007 test continues to pose a threat to space operations,
particularly for the ISS. As of April 2019, approximately 3,000 of the 10,000 pieces of space
debris routinely tracked as potential threats to the ISS were traced back to the 2007 satellite
shootdown. This underscores the persistent and long-term consequences of anti-satellite tests
on space debris proliferation and the challenges they present to space exploration and
Kosmos 1408
Kosmos-1408 was a Soviet electronic signals intelligence (ELINT) satellite launched into
low Earth orbit on September 16, 1982, at 14:55 UTC. It replaced its predecessor, Kosmos-
1378, and operated for approximately two years before becoming inactive and remaining in
However, on November 15, 2021, Kosmos-1408 met its demise during a Russian anti-
satellite weapon test. The destruction of the satellite resulted in the creation of space debris
spread across orbits ranging from 300 to 1,100 kilometers (190 to 680 miles) above Earth's
surface. This debris posed a significant threat to space operations, including the risk of
collision with other satellites or the International Space Station (ISS).
In response to the potential danger posed by the debris cloud, the crew of the ISS took
precautionary measures, seeking refuge in their escape capsules during the initial passes of
the debris. The presence of this debris cloud also heightened the future risk of collisions with
the ISS and other operational satellites, underscoring the ongoing challenges and hazards
associated with space debris in Earth's orbit
On November 15, 2021, Russia conducted an anti-satellite weapons test by launching the A-
235 "Nudol" missile from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome, targeting the Kosmos-1408 satellite.
This marked the first successful destruction of a satellite by the A-235 system, despite
Russia's commitment to the Outer Space Treaty, which prohibits certain military activities in
space, except for anti-satellite missiles with conventional warheads.
The destruction of Kosmos-1408 and the subsequent missile debris generated a significant
amount of space debris, posing a direct threat to the International Space Station (ISS). In
response, the ISS crew, consisting of four Americans, two Russians, and one German, took
precautionary measures by donning their spacesuits and sheltering in the crew capsules,
prepared for potential impacts.
The satellite was orbiting approximately 50 kilometers above the ISS's path, with debris
intersecting the station's orbit every 93 minutes. Although the crew only sought shelter during
the second and third passes through the debris field, no evidence suggests that debris collided
with the station. However, the risk of future collisions remained elevated, prompting the ISS
to perform a maneuver in June 2022 to avoid a debris piece.
Ground-based radar tracking identified about 1,500 pieces of debris, with potentially
hundreds of thousands more challenging to track. This incident underscores the growing
concerns surrounding space debris and its impact on space activities and satellite operations,
highlighting the need for international cooperation to address this issue effectively.
The US State Department condemned Russia's actions, accusing them of conducting an anti-
satellite weapon test by targeting Kosmos 1408 with a ground-based missile, describing it as
"dangerous and irresponsible". Sergei Lavrov, the Russian Foreign Minister, countered this
by asserting that there was no threat to the ISS or other peaceful space activities. Similarly,
Sergei Shoigu, the Russian Minister of Defence, admitted to the satellite's destruction as part
of a missile test but downplayed any risk to space activities.
NASA Administrator Bill Nelson strongly criticized Russia's actions, emphasizing the
potential endangerment of not only American and international astronauts aboard the ISS but
also Russian cosmonauts. He condemned the recklessness and danger of these actions,
highlighting the broader implications for space missions, including those involving the
Chinese space station.
Effects And Impacts of Space Debris

Space debris has far-reaching impacts on both the Earth's environment and human activities in space,
leading to various challenges and concerns.
Environmental Impact: When space debris re-enters the Earth's atmosphere, it often burns up,
releasing compositional chemicals into the atmosphere. These chemicals can contribute to ozone
depletion, posing environmental risks. Additionally, the accumulation of space debris in orbit can
potentially lead to collisions with functioning satellites, exacerbating the problem and further increasing
the release of harmful substances into the atmosphere.
Disruption of Services and Applications: The proliferation of space debris poses a significant threat to
services and applications reliant on satellite technology. These include crucial functions such as
navigation systems, communication networks, weather forecasting, and scientific research. Disruption
or degradation of these services can have widespread consequences, affecting various sectors of society,
including transportation, telecommunications, and emergency response.
Light Pollution and Astronomical Observations: Space debris can contribute to light pollution,
particularly through the deployment of mega-constellations by private companies. These constellations
consist of thousands of bright satellites, which can obscure the view of stars and planets, hindering
astronomical observations and discoveries. The proliferation of space debris thus threatens humanity's
ability to explore and understand the universe.
Legal and Ethical Dilemma: The management of space debris raises complex legal and ethical
challenges. There is no clear consensus on the responsibilities for the creation, mitigation, and removal
of debris, as well as the regulation of access to and use of space. This lack of clarity creates uncertainty
and poses obstacles to effective debris mitigation efforts, as well as equitable and sustainable utilization
of space resources.
Addressing these impacts requires collaborative efforts among international stakeholders, as well as the
development of comprehensive policies and strategies to mitigate debris proliferation and ensure the
long-term sustainability of space exploration and utilization.

Sustainable Practises

Similar to sustainability initiatives on Earth, the concept of space sustainability aims to utilize
the space environment to meet current societal needs while ensuring the ability of future
generations to do the same. This focus primarily centres on the space closest to Earth,
particularly Low Earth Orbit (LEO), which sees the highest human activity. Geostationary
Equatorial Orbit (GEO) is also considered due to its significance in Earth-orbiting missions.
The issue of space sustainability has gained prominence in recent years as satellite launches
and space activities have increased. This surge in activity has led to a rise in space debris
orbiting Earth, posing challenges to ongoing space operations and elevating the risk of
potential accidents that could disrupt future space endeavours. Additionally, the impact of
space weather further complicates spacecraft operations and longevity.
Despite established protocols for disposing of spacecraft at the end of their operational life,
adherence to these guidelines is often lacking, contributing to the accumulation of space
debris. Furthermore, the disposal process itself can be time-consuming and resource-
intensive, presenting additional hurdles to achieving sustainable practices in space.
Space sustainability and international security intersect in the realm of space exploration and
utilization. As nations and private entities venture into space for various purposes,
safeguarding critical assets and infrastructure becomes crucial. Space sustainability efforts
aim to establish rules and norms to ensure responsible behaviour and mitigate risks such as
space debris and potential conflicts. However, achieving consensus on these measures poses
challenges, requiring international cooperation and diplomacy. A holistic approach
integrating legal, technical, and diplomatic strategies is essential for ensuring the long-term
sustainability and security of space activities.

Orbital debris
Orbital debris consists of defunct, unmanned objects in space that degrade over time due to
natural events like collisions with micrometeoroids and controlled releases from launch
vehicles. Collisions in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) occur at speeds between 9 and 14 km/s, while
those in Geostationary Orbit (GEO) are slower, typically between 0 and 2.5 km/s. The US
Joint Space Operations Center tracked 21,000 pieces of debris larger than 10 cm in nearby
orbits as of 2012, with 16,000 catalogued. Debris is categorized by size: small (under 10 cm),
medium (larger than 10 cm but not entire spacecraft), and large (entire spacecraft). Tracking
small debris in LEO and small to medium debris in GEO is challenging, but even pieces as
light as ten grams can be monitored. Untraceable debris poses collision risks, contributing to
the Kessler syndrome, where each collision generates more debris, amplifying the risk of
further collisions and potentially rendering space unusable.

End of life protocol

The end-of-life protocol for spacecraft is a critical aspect of space sustainability, aimed at
managing the growing population of objects in Earth's orbit. When a spacecraft reaches the
end of its operational life, it is typically maneuvered into a graveyard orbit, a designated
region in space where it will pose minimal risk to active satellites and other space assets.
Alternatively, some spacecrafts are placed in a low enough orbit where atmospheric drag will
eventually cause them to re-enter Earth's atmosphere and burn up.
However, while around twenty satellites are transferred to the graveyard orbit each year,
there is currently no established process for returning satellites from this orbit back to Earth.
Consequently, spacecraft left in the graveyard orbit may remain there indefinitely,
contributing to the accumulation of space debris over time.
The timeframe for a spacecraft to re-enter Earth's atmosphere via atmospheric drag can vary
significantly, ranging from ten to one hundred years. During this period, the spacecraft
remains in orbit, posing a potential collision risk to other space objects. Therefore, the timely
removal of defunct satellites from operational orbits is essential for preventing overcrowding
and reducing the risk of collisions in near-Earth space.
Overall, the end-of-life protocol plays a crucial role in ensuring the long-term sustainability
of space activities by effectively managing the disposal of spacecraft and minimizing the
environmental impact of space debris accumulation.
Over the past six decades, the utilization of both Low Earth Orbit (LEO) and Geostationary
Earth Orbit (GEO) has experienced an unprecedented surge since the launch of the first
satellite in 1957. This period has witnessedd approximately ten thousand satellite launches,
marking significant milestones in telecommunications, navigation, weather monitoring, and
space exploration. However, despite this remarkable achievement, the landscape of satellite
deployment is rapidly evolving.
Looking ahead, the trajectory of satellite launches is poised for substantial growth in the
coming decade. Companies like SpaceX are at the forefront of this surge, with plans to launch
an additional fifteen thousand satellites into both LEO and GEO orbits. Furthermore, the rise
of microsatellites developed by universities and research organizations has added to the
diversity of space missions, contributing to the overcrowding of near-Earth orbits.
This surge in satellite deployments brings both opportunities and challenges. While it enables
unprecedented access to space-based services and capabilities, it also exacerbates the issue of
space congestion and debris accumulation. The increasing density of satellites in LEO and
GEO orbits elevates the risk of collisions, not only among operational satellites but also with
existing orbital debris.
As a result, there is a growing imperative to implement effective strategies for managing
space traffic and mitigating the risks associated with space debris. This includes enhancing
satellite tracking capabilities, implementing debris mitigation measures, and
developing international cooperation frameworks to ensure the long-term
sustainability of space activities. By addressing these challenges proactively,
stakeholders can harness the full potential of space while safeguarding its
environment for future generations.

Weather above the horizon

Space weather encompasses a range of dynamic phenomena, including solar flares, coronal
mass ejections, and solar wind variations, all of which can impact satellites in orbit around
Earth. These events result from the Sun's activity and can have profound effects on the space
environment and technological infrastructure.
Surface charging, induced by the bombardment of charged particles from the Sun, is a
notable consequence of space weather. When satellites traverse regions of enhanced solar
activity, they can accumulate electrical charges on their surfaces. These charges can lead to
electrostatic discharges, which may damage sensitive electronic components onboard the
satellite. Single Event Upsets (SEUs), caused by the sudden influx of energetic particles, pose
a particular risk, as they can disrupt or alter the state of electronic circuits, potentially causing
Dielectric charging and bulk charging are additional phenomena associated with space
weather. Dielectric charging occurs when insulating materials on the satellite's surface
accumulate charge over time, while bulk charging involves the redistribution of charge within
the spacecraft's structure. Both processes can lead to electrical imbalances and energy
problems, compromising the satellite's operational capabilities.
During solar storms, which are periods of heightened solar activity, the Earth's upper
atmosphere experiences increased density due to the influx of energetic particles. This can
lead to higher drag on satellites in low Earth orbit (LEO), causing them to experience greater
atmospheric resistance and altering their orbital parameters. The resultant changes in altitude
can expose satellites to additional hazards, including increased levels of space debris and
micrometeoroid impacts.
Overall, the complex interplay between space weather and satellite operations underscores
the need for robust risk mitigation strategies and proactive monitoring of solar activity. By
understanding the mechanisms through which space weather affects satellites, space agencies
and satellite operators can develop measures to enhance spacecraft resilience and protect
critical infrastructure from the adverse effects of solar storms and other space weather events.

Regulations in place
Concerns about space contamination have been present since the 1950s, preceding the Outer
Space Treaty. Organizations like the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), the United
Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOUS), and the International
Council for Science (ICSU) initiated efforts to study and address these concerns. These early
initiatives led to the establishment of committees like the Committee on Contamination by
Extraterrestrial Exploration (CETEX) and eventually to the formation of the Committee on
Space Research (COSPAR), which continues to play a crucial role in international space
The Outer Space Treaty, adopted in 1963, laid down fundamental principles for governing
activities in outer space. Article IX of the treaty emphasizes the importance of avoiding
harmful contamination of space and celestial bodies, although it lacks specific definitions of
what constitutes harmful contamination. Other articles stress the peaceful use of space and
the prohibition of territorial claims beyond Earth.
COSPAR's Planetary Protection Policy, based on the principles of Article IX, provides
guidelines for minimizing contamination risks during space exploration missions. While
these guidelines are non-binding, they offer valuable recommendations to safeguard scientific
integrity, exploration endeavours, and the search for extraterrestrial life. Moreover, they
highlight the potential environmental risks posed by cross-contamination from space missions
to Earth's environment.
Overall, the efforts of organizations like COSPAR and the principles outlined in the Outer
Space Treaty underscore the importance of addressing space sustainability and planetary
protection. Collaboration and adherence to best practices are essential for responsible space
exploration and utilization, ensuring the preservation of outer space for future generations.


Space sustainability efforts encompass spacecraft design, policy changes, debris removal, and
restoring semi-functional technologies. Regulations control debris release during operations
and after mission breakups, reducing collision risks. Updated spacecraft designs mitigate
collision dangers. Policy shifts encourage responsible behaviour. Active debris removal
initiatives eliminate defunct satellites and debris fragments. Restoring semi-functional
technologies extends asset lifespans and minimizes debris accumulation. Overall, these
efforts promote responsible space resource use and ensure a secure space environment.
Design Specifications: Designing spacecraft with sustainability in mind involves
implementing features to minimize the creation of space debris during both normal operations
and post-mission scenarios. For instance, spacecraft can be equipped with shielding to protect
against collisions with micrometeoroids or other debris. Moreover, design modifications may
include mechanisms for controlled deorbiting at the end of a satellite's life to facilitate safe
re-entry into Earth's atmosphere.
Policy Changes: Policy initiatives play a crucial role in shaping sustainable practices in
space. Governments and international organizations can enact regulations that require
spacecraft operators to adhere to specific guidelines for debris mitigation, such as limiting
debris release during launches and implementing standardized procedures for end-of-life
disposal. Policy frameworks can also incentivize the development and adoption of
technologies for active debris removal.
Space Debris Removal: Active debris removal (ADR) technologies aim to mitigate the risks
posed by existing space debris by physically removing defunct satellites and debris fragments
from orbit. These technologies encompass various approaches, including:
Directed Energy: Using lasers or other-directed energy beams to vaporize or alter the
trajectory of debris objects.
Momentum Exchange: Deploying robotic spacecraft equipped with nets or tethers to
capture and deorbit debris objects by transferring momentum.
Aerodynamic Drag Augmentation: Attaching drag-enhancing devices or sails to debris
objects to accelerate their atmospheric reentry.
On-Orbit Capture: Employing robotic arms or grappling mechanisms to capture and secure
debris objects for controlled disposal.
Restoration of Semi-Functional Technologies: In some cases, spacecraft that are no longer
operational or classified as debris may still possess salvageable components or valuable
resources. Efforts to restore semi-functional technologies involve assessing the condition of
these spacecraft and identifying opportunities for refurbishment or repurposing. By salvaging
components or conducting repairs, operators can extend the useful life of spacecraft while
reducing the overall accumulation of debris in orbit.
Space Sustainability Rating (SSR): The SSR represents a novel approach to promoting
sustainability within the space industry by incentivizing responsible practices. By
incorporating sustainability criteria into spacecraft design and operations, the SSR
encourages operators to prioritize measures such as debris mitigation, collision avoidance,
and adherence to international standards. The rating system provides a framework for
assessing and benchmarking the sustainability performance of spacecraft missions, thereby
fostering transparency and accountability within the industry.
Overall, sustainability mitigation efforts in space require a multi-faceted approach that
combines technological innovation, regulatory frameworks, and industry collaboration. By
addressing the challenges posed by space debris and promoting responsible space exploration
practices, stakeholders can safeguard the long-term viability of space activities while
minimizing environmental risks and ensuring the sustainability of space operations for future
Our Views and conclusion
Our idea suggests a proactive approach to address the growing issue of space debris by
focusing on the responsible management of large components of satellites and spacecraft.
Traditionally, when satellites reach the end of their operational life or encounter
malfunctions, they become space debris, contributing to the overcrowding of Earth's orbit and
posing risks to active missions.
By designing these satellites and spacecraft with the capability for certain components to
remain operational even after detachment from the main body, we can extend their usefulness
and reduce the number of debris left in orbit. These operational components could include
propulsion systems, power sources, or communication devices, allowing them to be
maneuvered or controlled remotely.
Once these components have fulfilled their purpose or become non-functional, they can be
safely deorbited and returned to Earth. This could involve using propulsion systems to initiate
controlled re-entry trajectories, ensuring that the components burn up upon re-entry or land in
a designated area, minimizing the risk of damage to inhabited areas.
Implementing this strategy would require careful design considerations to ensure the
reliability and safety of the operational components throughout their lifespan. It would also
involve international cooperation and adherence to regulatory frameworks to coordinate the
deorbiting process and minimize the potential for collisions with other objects in space.
Overall, by promoting the reusability and responsible disposal of large satellite components,
this approach aims to mitigate the proliferation of space debris and contribute to the long-
term sustainability of space activities.

We express immense gratitude for the help and direction provided by the faculty members, especially
our group mentor Dr. Sheenu Gupta. It is with her ready guidance that we could complete this paper. We
also want to appreciate the chase the institution and the Department of Humanities and Sciences gave us
to encourage us to write research papers and showcase
our creativity process.

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