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15th Acc New


Composition Of Nucleus
The radius of nucleus is smaller than the radius of an atom by a factor
OF 104 More than 99.9 % Mass of the atom is concentrated in the

Nucleus .

Nucleons :-) Proton and neutrons which are

in the nuclei of atoms are collectively
known as nucleons •

Atomic Number : →
The number of protons in the nucleus is called the
atomic number of the element •
Gt is denoted by E.

Mass Number : →
The total number OF protons and neutrons present in
nucleus is called the mass number of the element
- .

Gt is denoted by A •

number of protons in an atom = I
→ number of electrons in an atom Z =

→ number of nucleons in an atom A =

→ number of neutrons in an atom = N A -2 =

Nuclear mass :The total mass of the protons and neutrons present in a

nucleus is called the nuclear Mass .

Nuclide A nuclide is a specific nucleus OF an atom characterised by

its atomic number ≥ and mass number A. Gt is
symbolically represented as E-✗ •

✗ = Chemical Symbol of the element .

Atomic Mass Unit :-) The mass of atom is very small, compared to
an a

kilogram . Therefore a different mass unit is

used for expressing atomic masses •
i e atomic mass unite

one atomic mass unit is defined as OF the

actual mass OF carbon 12 atom -

Gt is denoted by amu or only 4 .

I am it =
Mass of one % atom
1 am U = I 992678

✗ 10-26 kg
I 2
I am u = 931 Mex

/ te te →

Isotopes Isobars Iso tones Isomers .

is Isotopes :S are those atoms which have some atomic number but
different atomic masses .

IL : Fyi
g ,
H , ,H3 ,

Cli ) Isobars : those atoms which have

are same atomic mass but
different atomic numbers
e.g Ar g
Ca etc .

,@ µ ↳

Liii) Isotones 8-2 are those atoms which have same number of neutrons in
their nuclei cire same number of neutrons)
" "

g g CL g + N' , go
e. N= A Z -

N = 14-6=8 15-7=8 , I G- 8=8 .

ill Isomers
. : → are the nuclei with same atomic no .
and same mass no .

but existing in different energy state .

Discovery of Neutron
In 1932 James Chadwick Observed that when
alpha particles are bombarded on beryllium
nuclei emission of neutral radiation take place .

This neutral radiation could knock

out protons from light nuclei such as those
of helium , carbon and nitrogen Chadwick .

assumed that the neutral radiation consists of

new type of neutral particles called neutrons .

i' tape

tie →
+ on
(neutron )

The neutrons is not a stable particle .

get spontaneously
decays as follow :


on → ti t
Important properties of neutron
lil Neutron is
an elementary particle present in the nuclei of all elements
except hydrogen .

Neutron has no
charge and its mass
slightly more than that of a

proton .
Mn = I .
00866 am U =
I .
6749×110-27 kg

Iii) A free neutron is unstable Gt .

spontaneously decays into a proton,
electron and an anti neutrino with a Half life of about 1000 s .

In →
it tie + J t Q

in Neutrons being neutral , have low ionising power


④ Being neutral , neutrons are not repelled or attracted by the


nucleus and the electrons of an atom They can easily penetrate



through heavy nuclei and induce nuclear reactions .

Hi) They induce radioactivity in many eldments .

Size of Nucleus LPXQ)

④ An alpha

particle which suffers head on collision, suffering a deflection

of 1800g helps us to find the radius of nucleus by
distance of closest approach .
As the alpha particle
comes to rest at almost on the surface of nucleus ,
so distance of closest approach r, its kinetic

energy converts into electric potential energy .


¥eo2eIfe This approximate
or → an

idea of radius of nucleus

and is found to be order of 1044ns .

Gil volume of the nucleus is directly proportional to the number of nucleons

in it; ie
on the mass number A of the nucleus so .

It R in A Rd ie R =

5M Is
where Ro = lol X 15 called nucleus unit radius .

Density of the nucleus CPXQ)

D= massofnucteus k¥027
or P =
Volume of nucleus 1203
4g It

Note: s -

i) Density . of all the nuclei of all the atoms is same as it is independent

of mass number .

Ceil .
Matter is not distributed uniformly inside the nucleus and density
is maximum nucleus
at centre of .
which reduces towards it edge .

nucleus does not have sharp boundaries .

high density of
The the nucleus (a 1017kg m 3) suggest that nucleus is

highly compact .
CAI 20203
PYQ → The nuclear radius of ight is 3. G Fermi .
find the nuclear radius of
:{ u .

Ab 's "

Piaf ( Aft ) ( Aff)


we know E- Ro i -

Rae -

. ,

Rue = 3.6
( GIF) 3 =
4 8 Fermi

LPXQ) Show that density of nucleus is independent of its mass number Ao

( Delhi 20193
Solution Answer in
= Notes . .

Nuclear force
The force acting
inside the nucleus or
acting between nucleons is
called nuclear force .

Nuclear forces forces in nature

→ are the
strongest .

→ gt is very short range attractive force .

→ gt is non -
central and non -
conservative force .

→ gt is independent of charge .

→ 9 t is too times that of electrostatic force and 1030 times that of gravitational
Force .

according to Yuk wa
the nuclear force acts between the nucleons due to
continuous exchange of meson particles .

# Features of Nuclear Binding force CPYYQ )

N The nuclear force is much stronger than the


coulombs force acting between charges on

the gravitational forces between masses .

The nuclear binding

force has to dominate
over the coulombs repulsive force between

proton inside the nucleus This happens .

only because the nuclear force is much

stronger than the coulombs force The .

gravitational force is much weaker

than even Coulomb force .

Ch The nuclear force between the nucleons falls rapidly to zero as their distance

is more than a few F-em to metres This heads to saturation of forces in a .

medium or a
sized nucleus, which is the reason for the constancy of
the binding energy per nucleon
rough plot of the potential energy between two nucleons as a
function of distance is shown in fig The potential energy is a minimum .

at a distance ro of about 0.8 fm This means that the force is attractive .

for distances larger than 0.8 fm and repulsive if they are separated by
distance less than 0 8 Fm .

G) The nuclear force between neutron neutron neutron and proton-proton

, proton
. -

is approximately the same The nuclear force does not

depend on the electric
charge .

Unlike Coulomb's Law

Newton 's Law of or
gravitation there is no simple
mathematical form of the nuclear force .

:3 Draw a plot of potential energy of a pain of nucleons as a function of
their separation write two important conclusion which you can draw

the nature of nuclear forces . CAI do 153

Solution → Answer in above topic .

Mass -

Energy : Einstein showed that mass is another form of energy ,

say kinetic energy and vice-versa .

i -
e E =
me c
velocity of light in vacuum .

= 3×100 Mls

Numerical ( NCERT solved) :→ Calculate the energy equivalent of

1g of substance .

: 2
E = me m= g =

E =
E= 9X lol -3J Answers .

Mass Defect The of nucleus is the sum of masses of its nucleons

expected mass

proton and neutrons , within it But , it is found that the nest mass of

nucleus is always the sum of masses of its nucleons

less than .

The difference between the sum of the masses of the nucleons constituting a

nucleus and the rest mass of nucleus is known as mass - defect .

Gt is denoted
by AM °

of proton
[Tempt ( A Mp mass of neutron
Mn )
Mn mass

= -

Am =

mµ= rest mass of nucleus .

Nuclear fission
The Process of splitting of a
heavy nucleus into two nuclei of smaller masses with
Liberation of energy is called nuclear fission .

The nuclear fission reaction µ is represented as

int: i'i'Bati:kr

II. → + sin
= .

Nuclear fusion :S When two or more than two

light nuclei fuse together to form heavy
nucleus with liberation of energy , the process
is called Nuclear Fusion o


H t →
2. H t ett Ot 0.42 MeV

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