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Maths Solutions

Exam Training Center Largest Maths Bank in Sri Lanka

Cambridge Lower Secondary Checkpoint


Index No

February 2nd week
45 Minutes
You must answer on the question paper

 Answer all questions.

 Use a black or dark blue pen. You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs.

 Write your name and candidate number in the boxes at the top of the page.

 Write your answer to each question in the space provided.

 Do not use an erasable pen or correction fluid.

 You should show all your working in the booklet.

 You are not allowed to use a calculator.

 The total mark for this paper is 50.

 The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ].

Maths Solutions Exam Training Center Paper No 02

a) A packet of flour weighs 2.5 kilograms. How many grams is this?

.................... [1]

b) If a bag of apples weights 1.8 kilograms and each apple weighs 150 grams, how
many apples are there in the bag?

.................... [2]

a) The length of a table is 1.2 meters. Convert this length to centimeters.

.................... [1]

b) A piece of ribbon measures 85 centimeters. How many meters is this?

.................... [1]

a) The length of a rectangular garden is 5 meters and the width is 3 meters. Calculate
the area of the garden in square meters.

.................... [1]
b) If a square room has a side length of 4.5 meters, what is the area of the room in
square meters?

.................... [2]

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Maths Solutions Exam Training Center Paper No 02

a) A water tank has a capacity of 500 liters. How many milliliters of water does it

.................... [2]

b) A rectangular prism-shaped fish tank measures 30 centimeters in length, 20

centimeters in width, and 25 centimeters in height. What is the volume of the fish
tank in liters?

.................... [2]

a) A package of rice weighs 1.5 kilograms. If each serving of rice is 75 grams, how
many servings can be made from this package?

.................... [2]

b) Mary's garden has a length of 4.5 meters and a width of 3 meters. She wants to
fence the garden with wire. If the wire is sold in rolls of 10 meters each, how many
rolls does she need to buy?

.................... [1]
a) Convert 3.5 liters to milliliters.

.................... [1]

b) Convert 500 grams to kilograms.

.................... [1]

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Maths Solutions Exam Training Center Paper No 02

7 Tom buys a bag of candies weighing 450 grams. He decides to distribute them equally
among his 5 friends. How many grams of candies will each friend get?

.................... [2]

8 The capacity of a jug is 2 liters. If 1 liter of water fills 4 glasses, how many glasses can
be filled from this jug?

.................... [2]

9 Imagine you are planning a picnic and need to buy drinks. A bottle of lemonade holds
1.5 liters, while a bottle of soda holds 2.25 liters. If you have 8 friends coming to the
picnic, how many bottles of each drink will you need to buy to ensure each person gets
at least one glass (assuming a standard glass size of 250 milliliters)?

.................... [2]

10 You're redesigning your bedroom and want to lay down a new carpet. The room
measures 4.2 meters in length and 3.5 meters in width. Carpets are sold by the square
meter. How many square meters of carpet will you need to cover the entire floor?
Round your answer to the nearest square meter.

.................... [2]

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Maths Solutions Exam Training Center Paper No 02

11 You're following a recipe to bake cookies. The recipe calls for 250 grams of flour, 150
grams of sugar, and 200 grams of chocolate chips. If you want to double the recipe to
make more cookies, how many grams of each ingredient will you need?

.................... [2]

12 You're planning a road trip and want to estimate the distance. If you drive at an average
speed of 80 kilometers per hour, how long will it take you to travel 360 kilometers?

.................... [1]

13 You're preparing for a marathon and need to ensure you're drinking enough water. A
standard water bottle holds 500 milliliters. If you aim to drink 2 liters of water per day
for the week leading up to the marathon, how many bottles of water will you need to
consume each day?

.................... [2]

14 You're planting a vegetable garden and need to calculate the area for each type of
vegetable. The rows for carrots need 2 square meters, the rows for tomatoes need 3.5
square meters, and the rows for cucumbers need 4 square meters. If you have an area of
20 square meters dedicated to vegetables, how many rows of each type can you plant?

.................... [2]

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Maths Solutions Exam Training Center Paper No 02

15 You're painting a mural on a wall that measures 5 meters in length and 3 meters in height.
If you want to paint the entire wall with a base coat, and one liter of paint covers 8 square
meters, how many liters of paint will you need?

.................... [2]

16 You're going grocery shopping and want to buy apples. The supermarket sells apples in
bags of 1.5 kilograms each. If you want to buy enough apples to last you for the week
and eat 200 grams of apples each day, how many bags of apples should you buy?

.................... [2]

17 The speed of sound in air is approximately 343 meters per second. If you hear a clap of
thunder 5 seconds after seeing a lightning flash, how far away is the lightning strike in
kilometers? (Assume that light travels instantaneously.)

.................... [2]

18 A cylindrical tank has a radius of 2 meters and a height of 6 meters. Calculate the total
volume of water it can hold in liters. (Use π ≈ 3.14)

.................... [2]

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Maths Solutions Exam Training Center Paper No 02

19 Consider a triangular garden with side lengths of 8 meters, 10 meters, and 12 meters. If
you want to install a fence around the garden, how much fencing material will you need
in total, in meters?

.................... [2]

20 You have a rectangular prism-shaped box with dimensions 30 centimeters by 20

centimeters by 15 centimeters. You want to wrap the box completely with wrapping
paper. If wrapping paper costs $0.05 per square centimeter, how much will it cost to wrap
the box?

.................... [2]

21 A car travels at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour. How many minutes will it take the
car to travel 100 kilometers?

.................... [2]

22 A rectangular fish tank has dimensions of 1.5 meters by 1 meter by 0.75 meters. If the
density of water is 1000 kilograms per cubic meter, what is the total mass of water in the
tank when it is filled to capacity?

.................... [2]

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Maths Solutions Exam Training Center Paper No 02

23 A wire of length 12 meters is cut into pieces, each measuring 0.8 meters. How many
pieces can be cut from the wire?

.................... [1]

24 A bag contains 20 marbles: 5 red, 8 blue, and 7 green. If one marble is drawn at random
from the bag, what is the probability that it is blue, expressed as a fraction?

.................... [1]

End of the Paper

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