A Morning in The 1940

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‘Fog in the English channel, continent cut off’

This is a 1940s headline in one of the British

newspaper but I’m not here to talk about the
easter weather that we are interest in, neither I
want to talk about the weather in the 40’s that
probably was worst because climate change,

The headline has often been used as a symbol of

Britain’s individualism and sense of isolation with
regard to continental Europe

Pardon me? The continent cut off from what? Who’s

isolated the continent or the islands? who doesn’t
want to be isolated from the French people? They
have the channel and we have the Pyrenees.
But Is there a reason for brits to think that way? In
the continent, we know classic civilization was born
in Greece, Roman Empire, as the Spanish empire 'on
which the sun never set' bla, bla whatever… many
time has passed. In fact from the XVII the British
supremacy was undisputed only by the French.

The british carry the ‘occidental standards’ and a

kind of what we can call globalization was imported
to North America, Central and South Africa, Asia,
Australia and small colonies worldwide as Gibraltar,
Malta, Cayman Island and Falkland island
They are everywhere and Some examples of the
British influence that consist on:
1. Language: the English is the official language of
over 50 countries.
2. Legal system and parliamentary democracy
3. Culture many things that we receive are just
from the British culture as the literature we all
study Shakespeare because its importance, and
many other artists the rolling stones, the
4. Sports as football
5. Industry and technology as railways and
The attraction is too much for many people
worldwide and makes United Kingdom object of
desire and that’s explain their multicultural
population and that’s probably is the reason of the
egocentrism, protective and patriotic sentiment are
reflect in the headline of the newspaper.
The britt’s put a line of security between them and
the rest of the continental countries, and surely that
sentiment is the cause of Brexit, for example

On the other side of the English Channel isolated

are the rest of European countries, some of us more
English-phobic than others. The feeling is not the
same for everyone Portuguese o Swedish people
than for French or Spanish.
The headline as this are taken as a joke here. First
of all, the headline seems a mistake but in a second
moment we realize that they truly think of it.
Many conflicts have happened during the history of
this countries, this has contributed to the
separation with certain attitudes and perceptions
giving a stormy relationship between them.
In Europe is defended the idea of community,
freedom of trade and the common defense from
exterior threats. What the citizens most realize in
the game of politics is the freedom of movement
taken “away”.
Although for different reasons we Europeans also
feel this superiority towards the English, surely for
different reasons among us.
In spite of the Shakespeare, some countries feel
cultural superiority as France that in addition joins
with Germany the economic power comparable to
the British. We are united by a European patriotism
against the Anglo-Saxon: they are inexpressive, too
much passionate about tea and alcohol,
unbelievably polite and their cuisine is not less
The societies of the countries of the European
Union have a equal classes and are more marked in
the United Kingdom where there is more inequality
and the middle class is not the predominant one
but the working class.

At the end however I think nowadays there are

most the similarities between us and I hope that
geographical separation will be go in together.

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