Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) in Ready-To-Feed Milk-Based Infant Formula

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50.1.05 (2) Intermediate standard solutions.—Pipet 1.

00 mL each stock
AOAC Official Method 992.26 standard solution into separate 200 mL volumetric flasks. Dilute to
Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) volume with hexane. Mix well. Label as intermediate standards 1, 2,
in Ready-To-Feed Milk-Based Infant Formula and 3.
Liquid Chromatographic Method (3) Working standard solutions.—Pipet 25.0, 15.0, and 7.0 mL
First Action 1992
intermediate standard solutions 1, 2, and 3, respectively, into
Final Action 1995
separate 100 mL volumetric flasks, labeled I, II, and III, respectively
Codex–AOAC Method* (ca 10, 6, and 3 IU/mL). Dilute to volume with hexane and mix well.
(Ap pli ca ble to ready-to-feed milk-based in fant for mu las (e) Compressed nitrogen.
containing 488–533 IU/L vitamin D3.)
D. Saponification and Extraction of Test Portion
A. Principle
Test portion is saponified and ether extracted. Extract is injected Preheat water bath to 75°C. Accurately weigh amount of infant
for cleanup on silica liquid chromatographic (LC) column. Eluent formula equivalent to ca 12 IU vitamin D3 to nearest mg and
fraction containing vitamin D3 is collected and quantified by LC on transfer test portion to centrifuge tube. Add 15 mL reagent
silica column with ultraviolet (UV) detection at 254 nm. alcohol and ca 400 mg ascorbic acid to each tube. Cap tubes and
shake vigorously 5 s. Add 7.5 g KOH pellets to each tube, cap
B. Apparatus tightly, and shake vig orously ca 20 s to dissolve pellets. Loosen
(a) LC system for cleanup.—With constant-flow pump capable caps to vent pressure and place tubes in bath. After 30 min,
of 3000 psi and maintaining 2 mL/min eluant flow rate; 30 ´ 4.6 mm remove tubes from bath and bring rapidly to room temperature in
id guard column with amino packing (Brownlee Spheri-5 Amino, cold tap water bath.
Rainin, Woburn, MA, USA, is suitable); 250 ´ 4.6 mm id Transfer tube con tents to 500 mL separatory funnel, rinsing
normal-phase cleanup column packed with silica (Whatman tube once with 5 mL reagent al cohol and adding rinse to funnel.
Partisil-5 PAC is suitable); UV detector, sensitivity 0.1 AUFS, Add 130 mL ethyl ether to funnel, stopper tightly, and shake
254 nm filter; injector with 320–370 mL loop volume; chart recorder, vigorously 30 s. Add 130 mL petroleum ether to funnel, stopper
speed 0.5 cm/min; mobile phase, hexane–amyl alcohol (99.2 + 0.8). tightly, and shake vig orously 30 s. Let lay ers separate ³2 min.
(b) LC system for quantitation.—Dual-piston pump with Drain and discard all but ca 1 mL brown aqueous layer. Leave any
3000 psi and maintaining 3 mL/min eluant flow rate; 150 ´ 4.6 mm emulsion layer in funnel. Add 50 mL H2O to funnel, stopper
id normal-phase analytical column packed with 3 mm silica (Apex I, tightly, and shake vig orously 15 s. Vent, let lay ers separate, and
Jones Chromatography, Lakewood, CO, USA, is suitable); UV drain off all but ca 1 mL aqueous layer, leav ing any emulsion
detector, sensitivity ca 0.003 AUFS, 254 nm filter; valve injector layer in funnel. Wash ether ex tract with another 50 mL H2O and
with 250 mL loop volume; chart recorder, speed 0.5 cm/min; mobile drain as before. Add 15 mL reagent al cohol and 50 mL H2O and
phase, hexane–amyl alcohol (99.85 + 0.15). shake vigorously 15 s. Drain all of aqueous layer plus ca 1 mL
(c) Timing device.—For collecting eluent fractions from LC ether layer. Discard all aqueous layers. Transfer ether layer into
cleanup system. labeled 500 mL boiling flask. Close stopcock immediately after
(d) Water bath.—Maintaining 75° ± 2.0°C. all ether layer has been drained to prevent any water on funnel
walls from transferring to boiling flask.
(e) Boiling flask.—Glass, 500 mL, flat bottomed, with 20/40
ground glass joint. Connect boiling flask to rotary evaporator and evaporate
(f) Separatory funnels.—500 mL, with Teflon stopcocks. contents (50°C maximum) to dryness. Remove flask
(g) Rotary evaporator.—500 mL capacity, minimum. immediately, add 50 mL acetone, and evaporate contents to
(h) Filters.—Disposable cellulose filter, 0.45 mm. dry ness again. Immediately remove flask, dissolve dried extract
by swirling with 10 mL ethyl ether, and care fully trans fer
C. Reagents reconstituted extract to clean centrifuge tube. Rinse boiling flask
(a) Solvents (v/v).—(1) Reagent alcohol.—5% 2-propanol, with two 10 mL portions ether and add rinses to tube. Immerse
95% spe cially de na tured al co hol (for mula 3A). (2) Ethyl end of tube in warm (50°C max i mum) wa ter bath and evap o rate
ether.—98% minimum purity, anhydrous. (3) Petroleum ether. (4) to dry ness un der nitrogen. If water droplets remain in tube, add
Amyl al co hol.—n-Pen ta nol, 99% min i mum pu rity. (5) few mL acetone and evaporate to dry ness under nitrogen again.
Hexane.—n-Hexane, 85–100% purity, LC grade. (6) Acetone.—LC Tightly cap tube containing dried ex tract.
(b) Potassium hydroxide. E. System Suitability Test for Cleanup Chromatographic
(c) Ascorbic acid. System
(d) Vitamin D3 standard solutions.—(Note: Protect vitamin D Equilibrate LC cleanup system with mobile phase, B(a), at
solutions from exposure to white light; wrap flasks with aluminum 2 mL/min flow rate until baseline stabilizes. Inject intermediate
foil and store at 4°C. Prepare complete fresh set of standards every standard solution into LC system to obtain reproducible retention
7 days.) time (±15 s) for vitamin D3 peak, eluting within 14–18 min. Based
(1) Stock standard solutions.—Accurately weigh ca 10 mg on vitamin D peak, efficiency, N, of guard and cleanup col umns
vitamin D3, USP reference standard, to nearest 0.1 mg, into each of 3 together is typically 5000–7000 theoretical plates, 4000 minimum.
labeled 50 mL volumetric flasks. Dissolve and dilute to volume with Reinject intermediate standard solution after every 4 test solution
hexane. Mix well. Label as stock standards 1, 2, and 3. injections to update vitamin D3 retention time.


F. LC Cleanup of Test Solution W std ´ K ´ D
Cstd =
Referring to chromatogram of intermediate standard solution, 10000
determine time vitamin D3 peak reaches UV detector and set timing
device to collect fractions from 30 s before to 30 s after peak where Wstd = mg vitamin D3 used for stock standard solution; K =
reaches detector. 40 000 IU/mg (weight conversion factor for vitamin D3); D =
Pipet 1.00 mL hexane into tube containing dried extract, D, cap di lu tion fac tor for work ing stan dard solu tions (25/100 for
tube, and mix 5 s on Vortex mixer. Use clean, dry 1 mL glass syringe standard I, 15/100 for standard II, and 7/100 for standard III); and
to withdraw hexane solution from tube, invert syringe, and expel air. 10 000 = combined dilution factor for dry vitamin D stock (Wstd to
If solution appears cloudy or contains precipitate, clarify solution 50 mL) and intermediate (1 mL stock to 200 mL) standard
using disposable filter, B(h). solutions.
Fill LC injection loop, inject solution, and start timing device, Ob tain le ast-squares re gres sion of peak height s vs
col lect ing vi ta min D 3 -con tain ing frac tion in vial. Cap vial con cen tra tion for work ing stan dard so lu tion in jec tions
immediately. brack et ing each test so lu tion group (8 max i mum) from
Rinse syringe with acetone and dry thoroughly before next test quan ti ta tive LC anal y ses. Determination co effi cient, r, for
solution injection. After collecting fraction and before next re gres sion anal y sis is typ i cally ³0.995.
injection, elute remaining peaks at 4 mL/min flow rate. When
Calculate vitamin D3 concentration, C, (IU/L) for test solution
baseline stabilizes, adjust flow rate to 2 mL/min, and wait until
from peak heights and regression line as follows:
baseline again stabilizes before next injection.
Evaporate each collected fraction to dryness under nitrogen, with C s ln ´ 100
. ´ 0.97 ´ 1000
warm water bath (50°C maximum) as before. Unevaporated amyl C=
VL ´ 0.86 ´ VP
alcohol remaining in fraction may result in excessively broad
vitamin D3 peak during quantitative LC. Cap vial immediately and
C s ln ´ 1130
perform quantitative analysis as soon as possible. Vials may be C=
stored 24 h, at 4°C, protected from white light. Bring vials to room VL ´ VP
temperature before opening.
where Csln = concentration (IU/mL) vitamin D3 in injected test
G. System Suitability for Quantitative LC
so lu tion; 1.00 = mL re con sti tuted test so lu tion be fore
Equilibrate quantitative LC system with mobile phase, B(b), at quantitative LC; 0.97 = mL of reconstituted extract, corrected for
3 mL/min flow rate until baseline stabilizes. Short-term noise evaporation in 50 mL tube; 1000 = mL to L conversion factor;
should be less than 1% full scale. Inject work ing stan dard V L = mL con tained in cleanup in jec tion loop, mea sured by
solution I until replicate peak heights agree ±2%. Adjust injection weighing loop filled with H2O of known density; 0.86 = fraction
volume and/or detector at ten u a tion un til stan dard so lu tion I of vi ta min D 3 not con verted to previtamin D dur ing
peak height is 50–80% full scale. Vitamin D3 retention time saponification; VP = mL product saponified.
should be within 14–18 min.
References: JAOAC 68, 177(1985).
H. Quantitative LC Determination J. AOAC Int. 76, 1042(1993).
Reconstitute dried test extract in 1.00 mL hexane as described in
CAS-67-97-0 (cholecalciferol, vitamin D3)
F. Inject working standard solutions I, II, and III prior to injection
of every 8 test solutions. Revised: March 1996
I. Calculations
* Adopted as a Codex Reference Method (Type II) for liquid
Calculate vitamin D3 concentration, Cstd (IU/mL) for working chromatography of vitamin D (D3, milk-based infant formula) in special
standard solutions I, II, and III as follows: foods.


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