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Intelligence Support
for Military Operations
By M A R K U S V. G A R L A U S K A S

Refueling U–2,
Iraqi Freedom.

1st Combat Camera Squadron (Matthew Hannen)

oint operations will demand an capabilities could compromise the abil-
unprecedented level of intelli- ity of the joint force to successfully con-
gence support in the future. Like duct a full range of operations.
other aspects of jointness, this Statements by various proponents
asset will not only require improvement of intelligence support have created
but transformation. Moreover, it will re- great expectations. The Quadrennial
quire more than keeping ahead of po- Defense Review (QDR) identified ex-
tential enemies. If the obstructive pat- ploiting intelligence advantages as one
terns found in the system are not of the four pillars of military transfor-
overcome, the gap between needs and mation. Senior leaders and defense
specialists anticipate that commanders
will be able to receive markedly faster
Markus V. Garlauskas is an intelligence specialist with the Department of the and more detailed intelligence on a sit-
Army assigned to Combined Forces Command/U.S. Forces Korea. uation, which is known as information

102 JFQ / Winter 2002–03

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Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18

“[A support] system designed by intel-

ligence experts, rather than military
operators, would most likely be based
on the information that can be pro-
vided, and it could be ignorant of what
information is actually needed for op-
erational decisionmaking.”2
Since the Cold War, commands
have sought intelligence from outside
their organizations to an unprece-
dented degree. Intelligence staffs on
the tactical level derive limited benefit
from intelligence that originates in
higher headquarters because senior-
level staffs increasingly turn to agen-
cies on the national level to meet the
demands of their commanders.

DOD (Ken Hammond )

This change was accelerated by
the Persian Gulf War. The massive re-
CIA headquarters,
quirements of the air campaign led
Langley, Virginia.
U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM)
to depend on the national agencies for
an unparalleled level of support. Na-
tional agencies offered considerable in-
superiority. Joint Vision 2020 states that made, but time is running out. Trans- telligence resources, but the results
information superiority is fundamental formation is continuing, and expecta- were less than satisfactory. That experi-
to achieving the necessary capabilities. tions for support are increasing daily. ence may have led the services to in-
Thus it is vital to examine the chal- vest more in intelligence capabilities,
lenges to making that vision a reality. The Military Role but budget constraints produced the
The Armed Forces must assume a Some regard transforming intelli- opposite result.
central role in transforming intelli- gence as synonymous with military As the Cold War ended, national
gence. An increased reliance on na- transformation, with the same dynam- intelligence agencies demonstrated
tional intelligence agencies has denied ics, goals, and characteristics. Because their capability and willingness to in-
control to commanders and limited of this mistaken belief, many propo- crease the emphasis on support to mil-
input by fielded forces. Those leaders nents of military transformation ex- itary operations as they sought post-
pect the intelligence com- Soviet missions to protect budgets.
a heavy reliance on national agency munity to lead the way in Military leaders were meanwhile look-
the evolution of intelli- ing for ways to cut spending in order
support will hamper the command gence support. As Admiral to minimize the impact on force struc-
and control of supported commanders William Owens, USN ture and combat power. Expecting in-
(Ret.), a former Vice Chair- creased support from the intelligence
man, viewed the situation, community to mitigate any shortfalls,
responsible for transformation must “The U.S. intelligence community the services drastically cut intelligence
establish realistic expectations for fu- must either seek to lead and promote assets. The intelligence community,
ture support based on the resources the on-going transformation of the with the support of the President,
provided. In the past, military expec- military or bear much of the responsi- made supporting military operations
tations have been exaggerated given bility for a U.S. failure to seize the op- its top priority in response.
the means at hand, setting the stage portunities provided by our lead in Despite budgetary benefits, this
for failure. Moreover, transformation military technologies.”1 arrangement will present problems for
must create an anticipatory support This approach must change or the the joint force if it continues. First,
system, which is prepared both geo- Armed Forces may be left without in- painful resource conflicts between com-
graphically and functionally for vari- telligence support to meet their needs. manders and other national intelli-
ous missions. Intelligence often does National intelligence agencies—which gence customers are becoming in-
not adequately support military opera- are neither commands nor part of the evitable. Second, a heavy reliance on
tions other than war or deployments military intelligence apparatus—have national agency support will hamper
to unexpected environments. Finally, various customers, interests, and prior- the command and control of supported
institutional inertia must be over- ities beyond direct support to joint op-
come. The necessary changes can be erations. In addition, as the National
Reconnaissance Office has reported,

Winter 2002–03 / JFQ 103


Fleet Combat Camera Group, Atlantic (Michael W. Pendergrass)

Counterair briefing
aboard USS Harry
S. Truman.

commanders, who cannot normally di- support to force protection for U.S. resources must be quickly pulled away
rectly task most national resources. units deployed overseas will increas- from other tasks.
More generally, overreliance on na- ingly take a back seat to warning of ter- Even if conflicting requirements
tional agencies will limit the desire and rorist attacks at home. A moderately in- only rarely lead to unexpected drops in
ability of the military to shape the re- creased top line in the intelligence national agency support, a similar
sponse to increased intelligence sup- budget will do little to offset resource problem arises from the inability of
port needs. conflicts generated by realignment. commanders to fully control that sup-
The impact of these issues was As the new priorities come into port. According to joint doctrine, com-
minimized when the military was the play, commanders will find that they manders are expected to coordinate
unrivaled number one customer of the actually exercise very limited control and control support. While national
national intelligence agencies. However, over national intelligence support. In agencies are central to the intelligence
those days are now numbered if not the past, unified commanders have effort, it is difficult to achieve such
over. As far back as 1996, the IC21 con- been able to use voluminous and insis- control in practice. During the air cam-
gressional study concluded that a heavy tent submissions of intelligence require- paign in Yugoslavia, the Supreme
emphasis on support for military opera- ments and requests to national agencies Allied Commander Europe, General
tions was crowding out other intelli- to exercise de facto control over na- Wesley Clark, USA, exercised no con-
gence customers. With the global war tional assets. Commanders may find trol over organizations that recom-
on terrorism, many of those customers that the information which is expected mended targets for the Allied Force.
now have increased priority. National is unavailable because applicable na- When the Chinese embassy in Belgrade
agencies will be expected to support law tional resources have been devoted to was attacked, Clark had to deal with
enforcement agencies and coalition other strategic priorities on short no- the consequences. If a joint force com-
partners hunting terrorists as well as tice. Unlike the military, the national mander does not control the conduct
enemy units. Similarly, national-level intelligence agencies do not have signif- of intelligence support, how can he
icant uncommitted resources for crises,
so when a new requirement emerges,

104 JFQ / Winter 2002–03


control operations? Obviously this World War II. The military opinion of decade after the adoption of AirLand

issue must be addressed and better intelligence improved rapidly after Battle before assets such as the joint
arrangements must be worked out Pearl Harbor. The postwar lifting of se- surveillance target attack radar system
even if military dependence on na- crecy brought some intelligence coups (JSTARS) aircraft made it possible to
tional agency support is reduced. to light, including the breaking of monitor movements deep behind
Transformation leaders cannot enemy codes. Decisive victories at Mid- enemy lines in near-real time. But im-
expect exponential increases in re- way, the Battle of the Atlantic against provements in technical collection did
sponsive and effective intelligence German U-boats, the invasion of Sicily, not solve every problem, as Desert
support while leaving it solely to the and even the Normandy landing were Storm showed.
national intelligence community. If attributed to superior intelligence. The comments of senior leaders
the joint force of the future needs When military doctrine was re- during the Gulf War illustrated the
more operational intelligence support, vised in the 1950s, this optimistic view level of expectations. General Norman
it must be paid for out of service budg- of intelligence would be apparent. Pen- Schwarzkopf, USA, and General Charles
ets. More capable military intelligence tomic doctrine envisioned battlegroups Horner, USAF, admitted that success
organizations must be equal partners dispersed to minimize their vulnerabil- would not have been possible without
with national agencies, enabling them ity to nuclear strikes, with the gaps unprecedented intelligence support.
covered by improved sur- But in virtually the next breath they
joint forces will be expected to select, veillance and intelligence said that expectations were not met in
directing long-range fire- key areas. Horner, who directed air op-
spot, identify, track, and strike targets power. Meanwhile, doc- erations, lambasted poor intelligence
that will achieve decisive effects trine shifted from retalia- support for targeting. Similarly,
tion against cities to rapid Schwarzkopf testified before Congress
to better represent their interests in strikes against hard-to-find targets, in- that the BDA system was abysmal.
transforming intelligence community cluding delivery systems. Desert Storm revealed that effec-
capabilities. This may lead the Armed At the time new doctrine was tively tracking key mobile targets, a
Forces to exercise more control over adopted, U.S. intelligence could not major component of AirLand Battle,
some national resources as necessary. meet targeting support requirements. A was a remote goal. After launching
Military leaders must show that they massive improvement program di- hundreds of missions against mobile
are equal to this challenge by paying rected by President Dwight Eisenhower Scud launchers, it is still impossible to
careful attention to the intelligence as- led to revolutionary overhead cameras, confirm if any were destroyed. Years
pects of transformation. new platforms, and more photo- later, during the NATO bombing of
interpreters—but only partially solved Kosovo, U.S. forces still did not receive
Expectations the problem. U-2 aircraft and the support to consistently identify and
Intelligence failures draw popular Corona satellite provided some ability strike mobile targets from the air,
attention. What goes unsaid, however, to find and track strategic targets inside while indications from Afghanistan
is that flawed expectations can lead to the Soviet Union; however, no assets are that the problem has yet to be
failure. If expectations are unclear, or were deployed to meet the tactical tar- fully resolved.
unachievable based on available re- geting needs of Pentomic doctrine be- High expectations for intelligence
sources, military transformation will fore it was abandoned years later. to support targeting and BDA has con-
not achieve its promise, which proba- Such problems were often re- tinued with the focus on precision en-
bly will be proven on the battlefield. peated, most notably in developing gagement in Joint Vision 2020. Joint
Identifying such a setback as an intel- AirLand Battle doctrine, which re- forces of the future will be expected to
ligence failure would be small consola- quired quickly finding and selecting select, spot, identify, track, and strike
tion. To avert this situation, military targets deep in enemy territory in rap- targets that will achieve decisive ef-
leaders must exert a leading role in idly changing situations. AirLand Bat- fects, assess the results, and then
setting expectations for their intelli- tle anticipated strikes on mobile high quickly reacquire and reengage surviv-
gence support. payoff targets such as command and ing targets as necessary. Further, the
History has provided transforma- control vehicles. Moreover, it expected joint force is expected to accomplish
tion leaders with ample warning. Each highly accurate bomb damage assess- these tasks with overwhelming speed
successive iteration of U.S. warfighting ment (BDA) to allow rapid reengage- and throughout a full range of military
doctrine since World War II has held ment of surviving targets without operations—while minimizing collat-
out higher expectations which were wasting deep strike capabilities. eral damage and fratricide.
not fully met. With the heavy reliance The intelligence capabilities re- The main condition to achieving
current transformation efforts place on quired were not in place, and unlike in this vision of precision engagement is
intelligence, the emerging generation the 1950s there was no crash program intelligence. The Armed Forces have
of doctrine could be the worst example to develop them. It was almost a developed and proven the capability to
of this pattern yet. strike targets rapidly, once identified.
The roots of excessive confidence However, experience with precision
in intelligence support are found in strikes in the Persian Gulf, Kosovo, and

Winter 2002–03 / JFQ 105


inventory. It is impossible to ade-


quately cover every location where

forces may be deployed. Therefore, in-
creasing coverage in a crisis leads to
sacrificing attention elsewhere and pos-
sibly missing warnings of other crises.
As with platforms, there are fewer
people to go around than before budg-
etary cuts began. More importantly,
analysts are not universally inter-
changeable between regions and spe-

1st Combat Camera Squadron (John Houghton)

cialties. Specialized expertise on de-
ployment areas or the surrounding
regions is vital for good collection and
analysis. This knowledge has normally
been in short supply when unexpected
events cause forces to be deployed be-
UAV operator stations
cause most intelligence personnel have
inside tactical control
been trained and conditioned to deal
with just a few longstanding threats.
When North Korea invaded the
South in 1950, the U.S. intelligence
system was unprepared to meet the
Afghanistan have demonstrated that Anticipatory Support human requirements for operations on
the joint force can hit targets more The Armed Forces have made the peninsula because it had been fo-
consistently and quickly than it can great strides in the physical ability to cused on Europe. A study of lessons
identify and select targets. Poor BDA rapidly project power over vast dis- learned during the Korean War re-
has also meant that no one knows tances as well as deploy and sustain vealed a critical shortage of trained lin-
what was really accomplished in a forces in areas with little preexisting guists in the Army.3 The National Secu-
given strike for months if ever. In infrastructure. They have made far less rity Agency (NSA), which provides
short, doctrine is ahead of intelligence progress toward rapidly meeting intel- signal intelligence to the military, had
support again. ligence support needs for operations in only one analyst tasked to cover Ko-
It will require tempered expecta- all but the highest priority locations rean message traffic and only one
tions and increased capabilities to and missions. To address this problem, trained Korean linguist at the outbreak
bring the two factors into closer align- the Armed Forces must build a system of the conflict.
ment. If the military allocates suffi- that anticipates and prepares for, not Forty years later, little had
cient resources and attention, intelli- reacts to, the challenges of an increas- changed. When Iraq invaded Kuwait
gence capabilities may be able to ingly diverse threat. in 1990, DIA had only one analyst as-
realize the expectations of Joint Vision Since World War II, U.S. forces signed to Iraq fulltime. When forces
2020 by the appointed year. However, have been frequently deployed to were deployed to Somalia the follow-
in the intervening years, doctrine must places regarded as low intelligence pri- ing year, CIA had to send case officers
reflect—and commanders must esti- orities until the outbreak of a crisis, who did not speak the language and
mate—goals for intelligence support. which has meant that intelligence or- had little knowledge of Somali history
Transformation leaders must also ganizations were unprepared to pro- or the clans which ran the country.
be specific in communicating their vi- vide support. Similarly, the intelligence Military intelligence units were so
sion of the future. This will mean as- support system has had problems short of trained personnel that they re-
sessing intelligence support needs for meeting the unique demands of mis- lied on Somali civilians as interpreters,
various contingencies in doctrinal sions other than the full-scale tradi- some of whose backgrounds tainted
terms rather than in terms of the tech- tional warfare for which it was de- the resulting intelligence.
nological capabilities available for ex- signed. These shortcomings have Even after troops are deployed
ploitation. Without precise guidance become obvious in non-war military and an area becomes an intelligence
on future needs, the national intelli- operations in various parts of the priority, experience demonstrates that
gence agencies will choose to build ca- world since the Cold War. it can take a long time to overcome a
pabilities based on their priorities, Both the breadth and flexibility of lack of advance preparation. Intelli-
while military organizations will not be U.S. intelligence is currently limited. gence organizations will quickly assign
able to optimize structures, doctrines, The increasing cost of collection plat- collectors and analysts, but recruiting
and training programs to best accom- forms results in fewer entering the and training area experts and linguists
plish their missions. can require years, and building an ef-
fective human intelligence (HUMINT)

106 JFQ / Winter 2002–03


network calls for patience and persist- recruiting and training area specialists budgets. Similarly, the defense estab-

ence. Cultivating, placing, and evaluat- and better monitoring lower-priority lishment has a strong tendency to
ing the reliability of human sources is areas may provide substantially im- equate fielding advanced technology
best done over a long period. Rushing proved support when the time comes with transformation. As a result, intel-
the process to support operations to deploy on short notice. By careful ligence transformation has focused
which are underway can compromise analysis, areas that may become crisis largely on using new technologies to
effectiveness, as became clear in Soma- spots can be identified to receive gather and distribute a flood of raw in-
lia. Among other issues, HUMINT sup- greater attention with enough lead formation, which the United States al-
port for Task Force Ranger led to hit- time to put the groundwork in place. ready does fairly well.
ting the wrong targets several times, There will be resistance to this Leaders insist that the intelligence
including a pro-U.N. Somali general. anticipatory approach. It would take focus is moving toward more person-
Reliance on HUMINT in Somalia resources from other concerns and nel and analysis, but technology and
training from conventional warfight-
also illustrated that various types of op- collection still receive most of the
erations call for different requirements ing support. In addition, most of the funds—along with the power and pres-
and present unique challenges. Such assets would come from the military. tige. Of nine programs cited as key
missions can be best addressed with The national agencies are focused on transformation initiatives by the Trans-
methods, structures, and equipment current requirements and cannot ded- formation Study Report in 2001, only
optimized for the task at hand. For ex- icate more than a token effort to areas the Army distributed common ground
ample, requirements in Somalia could that might only potentially be critical system was not a technical sensor or
only be effectively met by human to military customers. platform. Designed to improve intelli-
agents, leading the U.S. military to de- Despite the expense, if a predic- gence processing, analysis, and dissem-
pend on comparatively weak HUMINT tive approach is not pursued, joint ination, this system was only assigned
forces will find it difficult to achieve
capabilities. In other situations, such as as a C list priority.4
large-scale conventional wars, elec- information superiority in the future. When combined with the tradi-
tronic sensors might be more useful. Local and regional threats have a sig- tionally secondary status of intelligence
nificant home ground in the military, this bias can have dam-
intelligence transformation has focused advantage that has his- aging effects on transformation. One
torically overcome the has been the funding and attention de-
largely on using new technologies to U.S. intelligence advan- voted to enhancing sensor-to-shooter
gather and distribute raw information tages alluded to in the links, such as connecting fighter pilots
QDR report. Transfor- with real-time imagery from platforms.
mation leaders cannot This approach to the transformation of
The full spectrum dominance in- afford to concede information superi- the targeting process wastes limited re-
voked by JV 2020 means the intelli- ority to an enemy at the outbreak of a sources and is partially driven by the
gence system must be able to support crisis because of reluctance to pay the desire of shooters to limit reliance on
any type of operations on short notice. costs of better preparing for a wide va- intelligence personnel.
But the system is trained and organ- riety of contingencies. Shooters already have sensors,
ized today to support large-scale con- and providing more raw unanalyzed
ventional warfare and can only be Overcoming Inertia sensor data will solve few of their prob-
temporarily or marginally modified to In meeting these challenges, lems. Linking warfighters directly to
support other missions. The Armed transformation leaders will encounter additional sensor information means
Forces are beginning to make signifi- cultural, budgetary, and organizational little without the analytical capability
cant changes, such as the increased inertia. Many patterns must be to accurately determine what the sen-
HUMINT capabilities of the Stryker changed to achieve transformational sors are actually looking at. Trained
brigade combat team within the Army. advances in intelligence support of imagery analysts who had ample time
Further progress will require broader military operations. Some have already were deceived in Iraq, Kosovo, and
training and more flexible organiza- been considered, while others may Afghanistan, and shooters under im-
tions, as well as units that can support only have a minimal impact on trans- mediate threat will be far less effective
particular missions and be ready for at- formation. Yet two problems require analysts. Worse, the transmission of all
tachment to deploying forces. special attention: the preference for this data will place huge and unneces-
Moreover, the joint force must lay high-tech collection and communica- sary demands on overburdened com-
the intelligence groundwork for sup- tion over other forms of intelligence munications networks, not to mention
porting operations in areas that may and the relatively low priority intelli- the attention of the shooter.
not be priorities today. In many places gence is assigned within the military. It would be more useful to focus
where the military will be deployed, It has long been part of the intelli- technological resources on helping
and some where they are currently de- gence culture to prize collection over those personnel who now see sensor
ployed, there are insufficient HUMINT analysis, and technical means of col-
and other specific resources. A rela- lection in particular have dominated
tively small long-term investment in

Winter 2002–03 / JFQ 107


all raw intelligence and finished prod-


ucts. Once the obstacles to sharing

among agencies are overcome, this
shared knowledge would help resolve
many problems inherent in intera-
gency cooperation without sacrificing
organizational independence. Military
intelligence could get increased value
from national agency resources with-
out contesting control. Analysts could
continue to provide analysis tailored
for their organizations but without
having access to only part of the infor-

1st Combat Camera Squadron (Reynaldo Ramon)

mation collected on the subject.

Transformation will be a difficult

process unless the Armed Forces accept
intelligence as an equal partner of
other aspects of joint operations. Dur-
Analyst checking ing successful military transforma-
U–2 images. tions, new relationships are formed
among the various arms of each serv-
ice. The current situation is no excep-
tion. A sustained effort will be required
to substantially increase the level of at-
data to identify targets more accu- while it is clear that intelligence organ- tention and resources that intelligence
rately. Substantially more effective au- izations lack the manpower to thor- receives within the military. If intelli-
tomatic target recognition software oughly examine even a small fraction gence support is becoming more vital,
and hardware would enhance data ex- of the information currently collected. it must assume an increased priority
ploitation from existing sensors and A more appropriate approach would across the defense establishment. The
platforms, improving intelligence ap- redirect resources to building a system challenge can be met—and intelli-
plication across the board. At the same that more efficiently uses the collec- gence can fulfill its promise as the
time, more effort should be devoted to tion capacity. That would focus tasking foundation of military success. JFQ
improving analyst-shooter links for more tightly on areas likely to contain
warfighters to get valuable finished in- vital pieces of information, improve NOTES
telligence more quickly. processing to speed their identifica- 1 William Owens, “Intelligence in the
Even when technology connects tion, and provide the analytical re- 21st Century,” American Intelligence Journal,
shooters with virtual or human im- sources to interpret what they mean vol. 19, nos. 1 and 2 (Spring 1999), p. 15.
agery analysts to help identify targets more reliably and completely. That 2 Thomas Behling and Kenneth Mc-

in real time, sensor-to-shooter links do would provide better intelligence with- Gruther, “Planning Satellite Support to Mili-
not resolve the targeting support prob- out increasing the amount of informa- tary Operations,” Studies in Intelligence
lem. Effective targeting in an age of tion collected. (Winter 1998–99) n.p.,
precision warfare is more complicated Technology may find its optimum csi/studies/winter98-99/art10.html.
3 8th U.S. Army Military History Section,
than simply finding things that belong contribution in streamlining the labor-
Intelligence and Counterintelligence Problems
to an enemy and designating them for intensive task of information process-
During the Korea Conflict, reprint of 1954 re-
attack. U.S. precision strike capabilities ing. Deploying improved automatic port (Washington: U.S. Army Center for
are finite and must be directed at the target recognition, electronic language Military History, 2002), p. 1.
most important targets to be decisive. translation, virtual collaboration, and 4 Jim McCarthy, Transformation Study Re-

As Joint Vision 2020 states, “success de- data mining technologies would yield port: Transforming Military Operational Capa-
pends on in-depth analysis to identify savings in manpower and time and re- bilities (Washington: Government Printing
and locate critical nodes and targets.” sult in greater effectiveness. Ultimately, Office, 2001), p. 57.
Improvements in processing, the processing, analysis, production,
analysis, and tasking—not more raw and storage of intelligence can and
data—are the keys to achieving trans- should be far more automated.
formational improvements in intelli- The final transformational step
gence. Billions of dollars are to be would be creating a common intelli-
spent on more unmanned aerial vehi- gence knowledge base to allow ana-
cles, satellites, and advanced sensors, lysts from different organizations to se-
curely, quickly, and efficiently access

108 JFQ / Winter 2002–03

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