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Direction (Q.1-2): Read the following information carefully and answer the given questions:

B is father of W and T. R is son of W. R is the only brother of C. M is mother of C. M is daughter-in-law of Z.

Z has only daughter and only one son.

1. Which of the following is definitely true based upon the given relationships?

1) None of the given options is definitely true. 2) W is son-in-law of Z. 3) W has only one daughter.

4) T is aunt of C. 5) T is married of M.

2. Which of the following is/are required to establish that C is daughter of M?

1) No extra information is required as the relation can be established from the given information.

2) T is unmarried. 3) Z is mother of T.

4)M has only one son. 5) R is grandson of B.

Direction (Q.3-7): study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

A family consists of seven members J, L,W,Q,S,U and X.U is married to W, who is not mother of L. S is brother of U, who is
mother of L. X is daughter of W, who is father-in-law of Q. J is son of Q who is not a male.

3. How is J related to X?

1) Grandfather 2) Father 3) Grandmother 4) Either1) or3) 5) None of these

4. How is Q related to L?

1) Wife 2) Husband 3) Sister 4) Can’t be determined 5) None of these

5. How many couples are there in the family?

1) One 2) Two 3) Three 4) Either 1) or 3) 5) None of these

6. How is L related to S?

1) Niece 2) Son 3) Daughter 4) Nephew 5) None of these

7. How is Q related to X?

1) sister 2) Sister-in law 3) Brother-in-law 4) Can’t be determined 5) NOT

Directions (Q.8-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

K is mother of H, who is only son of G. F is married to M, who has only one child D. G is father of E and F. J and

H are married couple.

8. How is E Related to K?
1) Daughter-in-law 2) Son 3) Nephew 4) Daughter 5) None of these

9. How is M related to G?

1) Son 2) SON-in-law 3) Daughter 4) Niece

10. How is J related to D?

1) Aunt 2) Mother 3) Father 4) Daughter 5) None of these

Direction (Q. 11 – 13): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:-

R is brother of S. Q is son of V and husband of P. U is married to T Who is mother of S and has only one son. K, who is
father-in-low of M, is uncle of U. W is mother-in-low of T. V is sister of U. M is husband of N. X is father-in-law of T.

11. How many male members are there?

1) Four 2) Five 3) Three 4) None 5) More than Five

12. How is K related to V?

1) Uncle 2) Father 3) Brother 4) Can’t be determined 5) None of these

13. How is W related to S?

1) Grandson 2) Granddaughter 3) Grandmother 4) Grandfather 5) None of these

Direction (Q. 14 – 16): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:-

T is sister of R. V is son of R. S is Daughter of T. Q has only one son and one daughter. Q is father of S. R is married to P,
who is son of X. T is mother of Y. W is mother-in-low of R.

14. How is T related to P?

1) Sister 2) Father 3) sister-in-low 4) Can’t be determined 5) None of these

15. How is X related to V?

1) Grandmother 2) Grandfather 3) Father 4) Son 5) None of these

16. How many female members are there in the family?

1) Five 2) Two 3) Three 4) Four 5) None of these

Direction (Q. 17 – 18): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:-

There are six members in a family – A, B, C, D, E and F. E daughter of D but D is not father of E. B is brother of D. A is sister
of E. C is son of F, who is a male. There is only one married couple in the family and the family consists of only two

17. How is B related to F?

a. Father-in-law b. Brother-in-law c. Sister d. Brother e. NOT

18. How many male members are there in the family?

a. None b. One c. Two d. Three e. NOT

Direction (Q. 19 – 21): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:-
Q is married to V. P is daughter of V. N is son of E. G is mother-in-law of E. V is brother of G. S is son of R, who is married
to G.

19. How is S related to N?

a. Sister b. Father c. Mother d. Grandfather e. NOT

20. How is P related to G?

a. Nephew b. Aunt c. Niece d. Father e. NOT

21. What is the relation between V and R?

a. Brother b. Sister-in-law c. Sister d. Brother-in-law e. NOT

Direction (Q. 22 – 24): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:-

S is granddaughter of G, who is mother of R. J is sister of T and sister-in-law of R. D is brother of S and grandson of Q.

22. How is G related to Q?

a. Wife b. Daughter c. Daughter-in-law d. Husband e. NOT

23. How is T related to S?

a. Mother b. Father c. Father-in-law d. Brother e. NOT

24. How many male members are there in the family?

a. Two b. Three c. Four d. Can’t be determined e. NOT

25. If ‘P + Q’ means ‘P is mother of Q’, ‘P × Q’ means ‘P is the father of Q’, P – Q means ‘P is brother of Q’ and ‘P
÷ Q’ means ‘Q is wife of P’, then which of the following means ‘ G is paternal uncle of S’?
a. G – M ÷ T + S b. G – M + S c. T × G – Q + S d. S + M ÷ N – G e. NOT

Direction (26-28): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

A is the son of B. C, B’s sister has a son D and a daughter E. F is the maternal uncle of D.

26. How A is related to D?

a. Cousin b. Daughter c. Uncle d. Wife e. NOT
27. How is E related to F?
a. Sister b. Daughter c. Niece d. Wife e. NOT
28. How many nephews does F have?
a. Nil b. One c. Two d. Three e. NOT

29.Pointing to a man in a photograph,mrs. Leesha said,’ his mother’s only daughter is my mother’. How is Lessha
related to that man?

1)nephew 2) sister 3) wife 4) niece 5) granddaughter

30. Mr.’X’ shows three photographs to Mr Y. pointing towards photograph 1, he says, “That person in
photograph 1 is my uncle, who says ‘uncle’ to the person in photograph 2, and the person in photograph 3 is
called ‘uncle’ by the person in photograph 2. “ how is Mr. ‘X’ related to the person in photograph 2?
a) grandson b) granddaughter c) great-grandson d) either 1 or 2 e) n.o.t

31. A man pointing to a photograph says, “The man is my nephew’s maternal grandfather.” How is the person in
the photograph related to his brother who has no other sibling?

a) brother-in-law b) father c) father-in-law d) can’t say e) n.o.t

32. pointing to A and B, C says, “Both are the children of the only son of my grandfather.” If A says, “I have as
many brothers and a sister as C has.” Then how is B related D, who is a member of C’s family?

a) can’t say b) brother c) sister d) either brother or sister e) n.o.t

33. Pointing to a man in the photograph, another man says, “He is the father of the husband of the only
daughter of my grandfather’s only son.” How is the man in the photograph related to the man(who speaks)?

a) grandfather b) uncle c) brother-in-law d) father e) n.o.t

34. Pointing to a girl, Mr Raju said, “This girl is the daughter of the husband of the mother of my brother-in-law.”
Who is Raju to the girl?

a) husband b) brother-in-law c) father –in-law d) either husband or brother-in-law e)n.o.t

35. If Raju is the son of the wife of the son of the father of Amrendra’s father, how is Raju related to Amrendra if
Raju’s grandfather has no granddaughter?

a) brother b) cousin c) either 1 of 2 d) can’t say e) n.o.t

36. Point to a woman in a photograph, a man says, “She is the mother-in-law of the husband of the only
granddaughter of my own mother-in-law.” How is the woman related to the man?

a) daughter b) wife c) sister-in-law d) niece e) daughter –in-law

37. Two persons were quarrelling over their relationship with a man in a photo. One was saying that the man
was his grandfather, and another was also saying the same. but they were not brothers. What was the
relationship between them?

a) brother and sister b) one of them was lying c) cousins d) data inadequate e) n.o.t

38. X’s mother is the mother-in-law of the father of Z. Z is the brother of Y while X is the father of M. How is X
related to z?

1) Paternal uncle 2) Maternal uncle 3) Cousin 4) Grandfather 5) Brother-in-law

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