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Electrified Roads and Wireless Charging



Over the past 100 years, we have become increasingly dependent on our cars for meeting life’s
most basic needs. In most of the world, getting to and from work and holidays, bringing food
home from the grocery store, or going to the doctor means using one’s car. This reliance, on the
automobile and on the petroleum-powered internal combustion engine, in particular, Comes with
significant costs. Our dependence on oil makes our overall economy and household Budgets
highly vulnerable to volatile oil prices. The pollutant emissions from our vehicles Contribute to
unhealthy air and global climate change.Vehicles powered by electricity have the potential to
reduce many of these problems. In Most places, electric drive lowers the smog-forming and
global warming pollution associated with vehicle use, and when powered by renewable
resources, electric vehicles can nearly eliminate such pollution from vehicular operation. Electric
vehicles powered by a clean electricity grid offer a key pathway to achieve the greater-than-80-
percent reduction in global warming pollution we need by mid-century to avoid the worst
consequences of climate change. powered by domestically produced electricity, electric vehicles
(evs) could be a significant part of reducing our oil dependence.Electric vehicles (ev) are
propelled by an electric motor that is supplied with power from a rechargeable battery. The
required performance characteristics of an ev must compete with the conventional vehicle;
therefore battery capacity and charging facility should be acceptable in the market. There are
various technologies for the battery charging circuit like on board and off board charging. On
board charging circuit is meant to be a compact system on the vehicle itself which can be
connected to grid during charging but off board charging system is established at the charging
station which provides appropriate form of power to be fed the battery. In recent years because
of many unwanted precautions and massy arrangement of wired Charging, the options of
wireless charging are being investigated. The idea of wireless charging Is to transfer power from
grid to vehicle fully contactless. There are various concepts of contactless energy transfer like
microwave, light, capacitive, inductive, radiative etc. However Inductive power transfer among
them is preferred technology for vehicular application.The electric vehicle (ev) technology
revolution is transforming the automobile industry. The world is making its last transition away

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from fossil fuels and heading towards a more sustainable future. As is well known, burning coal
using hydropower or nuclear power plant to generate energy results in significant greenhouse gas

Electric vehicles (evs) are gaining popularity as a low-carbon transportation choice because of
their favorable environmental impacts, low running costs, and growing model selection. The
electric vehicle industry has been expanding quickly for over a decade, but there is still room for
improvement. However, a complete transition to electric vehicles would need technological
advancements and a considerable expansion of the ev charging infrastructure.

Recently, there have been some innovations in the battery charging management and design of
the electrical vehicles. With these innovation and revolution occurring in the electric vehicle
industry, it is understandable why people are beginning to shift toward an electric vehicle (ev).
These are some of the top ev industry innovation trends of year 2022 that are anticipated to
change the electric vehicle market:


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Smart Charging

The concept behind smart charging is straightforward: unlike conventional (or ‘unintelligent’)
chargers, smart chargers can interact with your car, the grid, and other smart chargers to reduce
energy usage and eventually prices. Drivers, for instance, can better organise their charges while
paying less to do so if they are informed of times when the energy demand nearby is low and so
it is cheaper to charge. Even though the car won’t start charging until the proper time, drivers can
still plug it in to the point as soon as they reach home.

When a smart charger is used to recharge an electric vehicle, the owner plugs in the charging
cable and establishes a communication channel with the vehicle. There is nothing more to do if
the driver and the vehicle are already registered with the smart charging provider.

The intelligent EV charging platform recognises the driver, starts the session with the best
energy utilisation, keeps track of the battery charge in the car, ends the session once the car is
fully charged, and pays the driver in accordance with their pre-agreed conditions.

With the aid of smart energy management, the charging station operator may keep an eye on,
control, and modify energy usage in accordance with operational needs and driver- or operator-
set priorities. According to the needs and restrictions of the EV and the site, the level of power
delivered to chargers and energy usage can be visually shown and adjusted


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Electrified Roads and Wireless Charging

Electrified roads for electric vehicles are divided into three types, based on the
charging methods.

1. Vehicles continuously receive electricity from overhead lines through the pantograph. For
large cars and buses that can access power cables, conductive overhead charging works well.
Create a path so it can be permanently connected to its power source.

2. In Sweden, the first electrified road in the world that allows automobiles and trucks to
recharge their batteries as they travel along has been in operation since 2018. The system
transfers power from two roadside rail tracks using a movable arm that is mounted to the
underside of an automobile or truck.

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3. Similar to how wireless phone chargers operate, inductive charging technology is used for the
wireless charging of vehicles. A single magnetic coil in a charger, which is buried beneath the
road surface, transmits electricity to another magnetic coil or pad installed on the underside of
the automobile.

Background of Inductive Power transfer

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The history of the wireless power transfer began in 1891 when Nikola Tesla invented his famous
Tesla coil or magnifying transmitter. The system contains two loosely coupled and tuned
resonant circuits: a primary and a secondary. The coils were built using large, single-layer
solenoids, which significantly reduces the coil resistance and increases the quality factor. The
primary and secondary coils were tuned using an external capacitor and the parasitic self
capacitance, respectively. Periodic spark gap discharges were used to short out primary resonant
circuit and initiate the power transfer. Even with the significant spark losses, the Tesla coil was
able to transfer power with 85% efficiency. The power transfer is carried out with flux coupling
between two coils therefore it’s also termed as inductive power transfer (IPT). The IPT technique
for wireless power transfer is the most convenient in implementation and suitable approach for
high power. An IPT system is able to work with relatively less voltage and current rated devices
compared to other methods (e.g. capacitive, radiative) for the same amount of power transfer. In
this way the responsible coils (primary and secondary) can carry high power which is required
for the charging EV batteries. More recently applications for IPT have been spread to the
automotive industries where in the push for electrification of personal transportation systems IPT
can offer some highly attractive possibilities. This idea leads to the system where a vehicle can
be charged contactless, convenient, hassle-free, clean and safe.The inductive power transfer
consists of a pair of inductively coupled coils, one is primary coil or transmitting coil another is
secondary or pickup coil. The transmitting coil is fixed and connected to the grid through
required power converters and the pickup captures power inductively and delivers to the battery
load. The main requirement of power supply to feed primary coil is high frequency (in kHz) for
high efficiency in power transfer. In this system the inductive counterpart is pickup or receiving
coil which is placed at the vehicle chassis. During power transfer, both transmitting and pickup
coils are magnetically coupled to each other. The secondary coil is associated with on-board
charging system for the vehicle battery. There is a large air-gap between primary and secondary
coils in such system, so coupling coefficient (k)remains very small. The IPT based contactless
chargers are more easily accessible as the users can get rid of the electric plugs, their
connections, and massy wires. These chargers can be deployed at any of the places where a car
can interact to them and get charged. There are two most possible places a car can collect charge
i.e. parking lot and road. Considering the possibility of presence of the EVs, there can be two
type of wireless charging methods: one is in stationary condition.

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Static Wireless Charging

Static wireless power transfer refers to the power transfer in stationary condition where both the
coupled coils are fixed and aligned to each other. This technique is applicable in many
application like charging of mobile phone, biomedical implants and electric vehicles etc. In case
of vehicles, the WPT setup can be Installed at the parking lots or charging Station where EVs
stay for long and can get Charged. The transmitting coil along with Its power supply
arrangement is installed Under the ground surface and fed by the Grid. The power supply can be
operated Based on the availability or coupling level Of a receiver coil. The receiving coil is
mounted in the chassis of an electric vehicle to capture the power transferred by the inductively
coupled transmitting coil. This coil feed the captured power to the onboard charging circuit
installed in the vehicle. This kind of charging stations are being implemented many places where
a vehicle remains stationary at defined position and WPT coils get coupled. This method
provides nice facility at charging station without any manual connections which is safe and
hassle free in all weather conditions. The mentioned convenience of wireless charging promotes
the use of EVs in market, but static wireless charging also consumes the same charging time the
conventional wired charging does. There are some cars available in the market with the wireless
charging setup, for example Chevrolet Volt, Nissan Leaf and Cadillac ELR. There is also a
partnership between German vehicle manufacturer Daimler AG and telecommunications
chipmaker Qualcomm for developing wireless charging technologies both for in-car applications
as well as for recharging electric vehicles without plugging the car into an electrical outlet.
Another German vehicle and engine manufacturer BMW AG is developing a wireless inductive
charger for its batteries that could be installed in the floor of a garage.

Dynamic Wireless Charging

Wireless charging gives much comfort and flexibility to replace oil fueled transport with the
electric vehicles; but even after the static charging technology, electric vehicles still face some
important difficulties to grow in the market. Along with the charging issues, a considerable
factor which discourages EVs is their battery due to its size, weight and cost. The major
contribution in the price of an electric vehicle is its big size battery which is important and

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essential for the required driving range. Advancements in battery technology helped to reduce
the battery size with better energy density but still it’s affecting EV sell. In order to defeat
conventional vehicles, EVs need to improve its recharging time which should be as convenient
as refueling a car. At the existing EV charging stations the vehicles have to be parked and the
driver has to pass the time being idle. Batter infrastructure and fast charging techniques may help
to address this issue at some extent but difficult to compete the existing refueling system. All the
mentioned hitches can be resolved if it’s possible to acquire charge for the battery wherever the
EV goes. This facility can eliminate the range anxiety which is associated with the small size of
battery. An electric Vehicle most of the time stays in parking Area and moving on the road.
During its Parked, its battery can get charged by Wired or wireless charging being in stationary
condition and propel with the Acquired charge when the vehicle is away. In another scenario
when vehicle is Moving on the road, if battery can be charged simultaneously, there is no reason
of range anxiety. Even in this case the required battery size is also smaller, that is also just for
creating energy reserve and power continuity. The on road charging or in-moving charging is
termed as dynamic wireless charging of future electric vehicles.The inductive power transfer is
the most suitable technique to implement on road charging. For this the required infrastructure is
a special track (i.e. WPT track) where many magnetic coils are placed under the road surface to
generate flux for power transfer. An EV moving on the same track can capture the transmitted
power inductively, using a receiving coil attached under the vehicle chassis. The coils associated
in the WPT track are fed with high frequency supply withdrawn from the power grid. The high
frequency supply is required for the sake of efficiency and power transfer. In this arrangement
vehicle moves on the road and gets power from the road surface to charge its battery. For the
power transfer at high level, the flux density should also be high. This high electromagnetic field
(emf) is not acceptable on the part of the road where vehicle is not available because it’s harmful
for the animals and people walking along the road. Therefore only the part of road track should
transmit high flux where a vehicle is available to receive the flux, rest of the part should have
flux below defined safe limit. This strategy is called segmentation to switch on and switch off a
particular part of the transmitting track. to implement dwpt, few design solutions are proposed by
some researchers across the globe. Those solution can basically be classified in two categories
based on the track design. one is having a track which is built with a single coil spread across a
long distance, therefore this type of track is called stretched coil track. Korea Advanced Institute

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of Science and Technology (KAIST) developed a DWPT system using such track and achieved
significant progress towards technology evolution. This system is robust in design and simple in

construction but constantly energised coil on the road is unfavourable for efficiency and safety
reasons. Another category of DWPT incorporate a track with multiple coils connected in
series/parallel or individually fed. All the track coil can be energised independently based on the
coupling state with a pickup coil. This type of track called segmented coil track or lumped coil
track. DWPT systems using lumped coil track are suggested by some researchers from USA and
New Zealand. This type of system is more complex and costly but it gives flexibility of operating
track partially for safety from EMF.

Objective of the Thesis

Electric vehicle is now well focused emerging technology and future means of transport,
Therefore wireless charging has become quite necessary for EVs while parked as well as
Moving. Considering present need and future aspects, the objective of this research project is to
Contribute in developing a viable concepts of on-road charging which can be accepted world-
Wide. Bearing this in mind, this thesis focusses on the following goals:

1)To understand and carry out a critical review of existing technologies for dynamic Wireless
charging. In this preliminary research the thesis will summarize the work Done by other

2)To understand and analyse different coil structures usable for static and dynamic wireless
power transfer. The appropriate coil design can be chosen based on the power transfer capacity,
size and cost etc.

3) To carry out power and energy analysis for the entire coupled system to understand energy
requirements for a vehicle and scope of optimizing the system. This analysis focusses on the
movement of a vehicle over the WPT track.

4)To investigate the concepts of reflexive segmentation of a WPT track and find the scope of
improvement. In this technique the reactance of a track coil can be compensated using the

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coupled pickup. Therefore the goal is to analyse various compensation topologies and find an
appropriate method to implement the reflexive segmentation.

5) To define the specifications and design the power supply for the WPT track.

6) To develop a prototypal system to experimentally prove the analytical findings obtained by


Main System Requirements

An inductively coupled WPT system is capable of delivering power from a stationary primary
source to a fixed or mobile receiver over a relatively large air gap. This way of power transfer is
similar to the transformer action but the primary and secondary coils are loosely coupled because
of the airgap. The airgap leads the coupling coefficient very low and thus characteristics of these
transformers are very different from conventional transformers. In such situation, a WPT system
needs extra dedicated arrangements to achieve desired power transfer wirelessly with acceptable
efficiency. There are few fundamental and crucial requirements mentioned below to realize an
inductive wireless power transfer system.

1)High Frequency

The power transfer from the primary and secondary coil of a transformer can be achieved
through a narrow air gap at low frequencies of 50 Hz or 60 Hz. This phenomenon has been
called as strongly coupled near-field inductive power transfer. In another case, if the operating
frequency is high enough that the inductive coupling between two circuits can be stronger, due to
the rapid change of the magnetic field, then power transfer across a big airgap is also possible .
As discussed in the previous section, and according to the expression the WPT efficiency for
higher operating frequency gets improved .The analytical expression can also be understood
physically by considering the same voltage and current in the transmitting coil; the induced
voltage and respective current in receiving side will be higher for higher operating frequency
according to . Hence the power transfer is higher for the same input with higher frequency and

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efficiency as well. Therefore this is a main requirement wireless power transfer to keep operating
frequency high; and normally for vehicular application this is kept in kHz.

2)Limit of unwanted EMF

Electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure is a major concern for wireless charging for EVs. EMF
exposure need to be rigorously analyzed to be within acceptable level specified by safety
standards, both under normal conditions as well as unusual conditions such as during abnormal
operation, under vehicle presence of a human, or intended wickedness, etc. . Apparently, the
most hazardous radiation zone is right between the two coils, and secondary hazardous zone is
around the coils (not right over the coils but still under the vehicle). These areas are the most
hazardous zones but it is noted that they are not directly exposed to humans or animals at all
time. After considering these under-vehicle areas, another important hazardous zone in need of
consideration is near the charger (the power supply) and around the vehicle (not under the body),
which exposes to the general public directly. This area along with the two hazardous areas under
the vehicle body needs to be considered during the design cycle

There are two international groups that set standards/guidelines for human exposure to
Electromagnetic field (EMF): one is the International Committee on Electromagnetic Safety
(ICES) under the Institute of Electrical Electronic Engineers (IEEE), and the other one is
International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP).There are different
types of Recommendations given by ICES (IEEE) And ICNIRP both, where the main is
Expressed in terms of basic restrictions (BRs).The ICNIRP has only one general Limit for BR,
but the ICES has multiple Limits for different parts of body tissue such as brain, heart and other
tissues. The ICNIRP-2010 Reference level for general public exposure to time-varying electric
and magnetic fields is 27μTWhich is much lower than the ICES level. To maintain the EMF safe
limit for human exposure in WPT system, there are some Methods identified for EMF
cancellation. This is an idea to cancel or suppress the incident Magnetic field using auxiliary
field. The auxiliary magnetic field can be generated with separate Source or using the same
incident field. Based on the varieties of technique, the EMF Cancellation is basically categorized
in three classes: passive EMF cancellation, active EMF Cancellation and reactive EMF
cancellation. Another important way for EMF safety is track Segmentation which is especially

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implementable for Dynamic WPT system. Since in the Dynamic WPT there is a long track to
provide magnetic flux and its most of the part is open and Unsafe, therefore EMF safety becomes
crucial in such situation

3)Track Segmentation

In dynamic wireless charging application of EVs, a special track is required to be built Under the
road surface. This track can be called WPT track which carries power supply and Generates
magnetic field. During the charging, vehicle pickup/receiving coil interacts with the Track and
extracts the required power transmitted by the track and from the road. If the track Generates
magnetic field and transmits all along the road then it’s inefficient and can be harmful For
humans and animals exist close to the active WPT coil. Being adequate in power transfer For
charging EVs, the flux density needs to be high; subsequently the track may exceed the Safety
limit. To transfer the require power being confined in the safe boundary, the WPT track Must be
operated part wise. In order to attain such operability the track can be divided in several Small
parts or segments to be controlled individually. The transmitting parts of the track should Be
activated when vehicles are on the road but they should be deactivated to prevent humans or
Animals from potentially harmful electromagnetic field (EMF) when no vehicles are there on
The road. Dividing the track into segments and independently turning them on and off according

To vehicle position is called segmentation.

The segmentation of track can be visualized using certain arrangement of switches and Sensors,
so that according to vehicle position track activation process is done. The segmentation Also
helps to reduce electric and magnetic losses in the track and unnecessary heating during Idle

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Vehicle to Grid (V2G) Charging

When electricity is most affordable during the off-peak hours and drivers can utilize this time to
fully recharge their vehicles. When costs are higher, they can sell the same energy back to the
grid. With vehicle-to-grid charging, electric cars become a solution to the problem they create.
Vehicle-to-grid tech is getting a lot of attention for its potential to help balance the grid as we
move towards a more electric world.

With vehicle-to-grid, you may utilize your electric vehicle as a battery pack. One of the first
large-scale household V2G projects in the world, the Powerloop bundle from Octopus Energy, is
now testing this technology. The V2G charger can both export energy to feed back to the grid
and absorb energy to charge devices.

The term “vehicle to grid” (V2G) technology refers to a system that allows for the controlled
flow of electric energy in both directions between a vehicle and an electrical grid by the
aggregator. The V2G approach is an effective tool for grid dependability and cost minimization.

The V2G system necessitates bidirectional active smart charging so that the EV is charged while
also injecting power back into the grid, allowing for greater charging flexibility. To meet a
variety of financial and technological goals, V2G enables EV owners and network providers to
coordinate their charging patterns.

A variety of auxiliary services, including as frequency regulation, reduced transformer loads, and
the elimination of voltage related issues, are intended outcomes. To offer the EV power
flexibility in the energy market, the utilities or aggregator requires a large number of vehicles,
which is why EVs are becoming increasingly popular.

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Why should you care about V2G?

Long story short, V2G helps mitigate climate change by allowing our energy system to balance
more and more renewable energy. However, to succeed in tackling the climate crisis, three things
need to happen in the energy and mobility sectors: Decarbonisation, energy efficiency, and

In the context of energy production, decarbonisation refers to the deployment of renewable

energy sources, such as wind and solar. This introduces the problem of energy storage. While
fossil fuels can be seen as a form of energy storage as they release energy when burned, wind
and solar power function differently.

This energy should be either used when it’s produced or then stored for later usage. As
renewable energy production increasingly makes its way into our energy system, it creates more
volatility and a need for new ways of balancing and storing renewable energy.

Simultaneously, the transportation sector is doing its fair share of carbon reduction. A notable
proof of that is the number of EVs on our roads, which is steadily increasing. In 2022, 14% of all
cars sold were electric, while that number was only 5% in 2020.

EV batteries are by far the most cost-efficient form of energy storage since they require no
additional investments in hardware. With V2G, we can utilise the battery capacity up to 10x

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more efficiently than with regular smart charging. Vehicle-to-grid technology enables us to make
the best use of the existing population of vehicles.

And by 2030, there could be up to 250 million EVs globally. That means that we’ll have around
250 million tiny energy storages on wheels. Research actually shows that by the end of this
decade, EV batteries should be able to meet the demand for short-term energy storage.

Benefits of V2G

V2G directs the charging and discharging of EV batteries based on users’ needs and the grid’s
electricity supply, it allows the electricity grid to optimise the supply of local renewable energy
and reduce infrastructure costs, while the EV owner can enjoy greener, more economical
consumption of electricity and be financially rewarded for serving the electricity grid.

This means V2G comes with the following benefits for the EV owner and the distribution

Supporting electrical grid, reducing concerns for grid overload

Maximise the business case opportunity of your EVs

Cheap and fast energy storage

Making use of existing resources

Reduction of environmental impact

How V2G works

V2G directs the charging and discharging of electric-vehicle batteries in accordance with users’
needs and the grid’s supply of available electricity. When electricity supply exceeds demand
(notably during peak periods of renewable energy production), charging occurs at the maximum
level; however, during peak electricity demand, vehicles can then supply electricity into the grid.

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Applications for V2G

Apart from providing local services at individual levels, when aggregated, EVs can also provide
services to the grid for:

 Voltage regulation

 Frequency regulation

Optimal utilisation of the energy resources (electric cars as battery reserves) will result in
minimum cost of energy consumption for the end users as well as reduced impact on the electric
power grid.

Apart from V2G, it is worthwhile to think about V2X, which can be vehicle-to-grid, vehicle-to-
building, vehicle-to-vehicle, vehicle-to-home. The concept remains the same with different

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Non-Lithium-Ion Battery-Powered Vehicles

Lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery is a cutting-edge battery technology that powers modern EVs.
However, just as the EV sector is developing, so too are the batteries that drive these cars.

While battery firm like Log9 Materials has already created Rapid X batteries that are compatible
with its “Insta Charge” stations, it is thought that Mumbai-based Earth Energy is working on
vehicles powered by graphite batteries. Ee Ve, an electric mobility firm based in Odisha, also
makes use of two under-seat lithium ferrous phosphate (LFP) battery packs.

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Personal Mobility Devices

PMDs, or personal electric mobility devices, are compact, one-person electric automobiles. As a
cost-effective, last-mile mobility option across the nation, these kinds of vehicles such as low-
speed two-wheelers and electric cycles will soon begin to proliferate. Small towns and rural reas
have a large market for PMDs. PMDs provide benefits by increasing people’s mobility and
substituting for automobile travel, but can Create new problems such as congestion and risks to
other nonmotorized facility users (Goodridge, 2003). They are more numerous, diverse, and
powerful. An increasing portion has mechanical Propulsion, and new facility design practices to
accommodate wheelchairs allow PMDs to attain higher Speeds. As a result, the potential for
conflicts among nonmotorized facility users is growing. The Introduction of the Segway and
lobbying by its manufacturer to allow its use on sidewalks has raised Concerns by some
advocacy groups that PMDs will endanger and crowd out other facility users.It is therefore
increasingly important for transport planners and public officials to decide how Nonmotorized
facilities should be managed, including where and when specific modes and activities Should be
allowed, the rules each should follow, and how such rules should be promoted and enforced.

This paper investigates theses issues and identifies principles and strategies suitable for
managing Nonmotorized facilities, particularly with regard to PMDs.

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Build A Native and Inherently Flexible Electric Vehicle

In non-native EVs, the majority of the components, including the powertrain and battery, are
based on their previous Internal Combustion Engines vehicles.In native electric vehicles, the
majority of the entire design is new, requiring higher investment efforts in terms of engineering
man-hours and new tooling costs. All of the Tesla models are examples of how the native EV
platforms have proven useful and flexible in enabling larger battery packs, which correlate to
high range, higher power, or faster charging.In terms of driving range and interior space when
compared to identical base ICE Vehicles, there is a noticeable difference between native and
non-native EVs. Native EVs offer superior battery package optimization and can adopt a basic
structure, allowing them to travel up to 300–400 km on a single charge. Rapid advancements are
being made in the non-native EV to further improve the battery capacities, and vehicle range and
develop better flexible designs.e-Mobility (Electric drive, connectivity, autonomous) are driving
new vehicle architectures Native EV platforms have proven advantageous over non-native
models in multiple ways. Batteries of native electric vehicles require less compromise and allow
greater flexibility.As native EVs have to compromise less, particularly in their architecture and
body in white, they can accommodate a bigger battery pack, which in turn correlates with higher
range. This is evidenced by the fact that native EVs have on average a 25% larger battery pack
volume (relative to body in white volume) compared to non-native EVs. One reason is that the
body structure can be fit around the battery pack and does not have to be integrated in an existing
architecture. This additional freedom in design typically resulting in larger batteries also leads to
other potential advantages such as higher ranges, more power or faster charging.

Powertrain Options: inherent flexibility of native EVs plays an important role in this as well. For
example, battery packs can house a varying number of active cells while keeping the same outer
shape, and variable drivetrain technologies can allow to produce rear-wheel, front-wheel, and all-
wheel drive on a single platform.

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Weight reduction is an important design driver for range

Advanced materials are essential for boosting the fuel economy or range (EV’s) of modern
automobiles while maintaining safety and performance. Because it takes less energy to accelerate
a lighter object than a heavier one, lightweight materials offer great potential for increasing
vehicle efficiency. A 10% reduction in vehicle weight can result in a 6%-8% fuel economy
improvement. Replacing cast iron and traditional steel components with lightweight materials
such as high-strength steel, magnesium (Mg) alloys, aluminium (Al) alloys, carbon fiber, and
polymer composites can directly reduce the weight of a vehicle’s body and chassis by up to 50 %
and therefore reduce a vehicle’s fuel consumption. Yet cost of weight reduction plays important
role – Design-to-cost efforts has already made its way into EVsAdditive Manufacturing will be
one of the key enablers to realize light weighting targets and will be an integral part of the Body
Shop going forward. AM will allow the introduction of new materials that provide superior part
performance characteristics, allow for designers to rethink design without constraints that
traditional manufacturing techniques imposed as well as simplifying assemblies by consolidating

Battery Production – Design for Manufacturing, Production Capacity

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Even though global demand for EV batteries is expected to rise significantly, it will not catch up
to the planned production capacity in the near term and forecasts (BCG) state that by 2021 we
could hit an overcapacity.

Battery producers will counteract the lower prices that result from overcapacity and help the
entire mobility industry realize the potential of EVs. Producers cannot count on superior cell
chemistry to save their economics. To achieve profitability, they need to reduce manufacturing

Because cells represent about 70% of total battery pack costs, cell production is the most
important step of battery production to target in order to reduce the price of battery packs.
Production-related costs (excluding materials) represent 30% to 40% of cell costs.

There are two main ways to reduce cell production costs: using advances in production accuracy
and cell chemistry to increase energy content at the same volume and weight (that is, energy
density) and applying factory-of-the-future concepts (which improve plant structure and
processes and digitize the plant) to reduce manufacturing costs. These approaches can similarly
be applied to module and pack assembly, enabling cost reductions at the overall battery level.

The application of next-generation digital technologies enables battery factories to transition

from the earliest stage of Industry 4.0 maturity (transparency in operational performance) to the
most advanced factory-of-the-future design (fully automated factories). Total battery cell costs
per kWh of capacity can be reduced by up to 20%, above and beyond savings that result from
improvements to production accuracy and chemistry.

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EV Powertrain Integration

EV powertrain integration is still on the rise, with various power electronics components coming
together and being combined into fewer modules. One “mainstream” EV powertrain design,
either for overall architecture or for the design of individual components, has not yet
materialized, as players continue to look for ways to improve design efficiency.

The layout of the electric cables linking the primary EV powertrain parts (that is, battery, e-
motor, power electronics, and thermal-management modules) is a good indication of the
increasing level of integration. Beyond the fact that technology is still developing, the
intrinsically higher level of flexibility of EV powertrains, whose components are typically
smaller, and degrees of freedom based on available space in the underbody and front and rear
compartments are higher than for ICE powertrains, may also help with the variety of powertrain

It is important to note that such freedom in component location also allows for greater flexibility
in the overall characteristics provided, such as choosing to have space for a larger trunk or
providing better driving performance due to a lower center of gravity.

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End-to-end System Workflow for Powertrain Development

The design of electrified powertrains requires a rigorous development approach and advanced
design techniques to efficiently capture the embedded system architecture and associated
mandatory requirements, and to implement various safety-critical software components. Behind
every complex component of an electrified system is a need for a smart and safe software
controller that manages the performance and the safety of the system over the lifetime of the
component and the system.

Ansys solutions for electrification of powertrains provide a complete development flow from the
system level to the software level, including systems simulation, model-based development,
functional safety analysis and embedded software development, to ensure that your powertrain
behaves as expected in compliance with the highest levels of safety standards such as ISO 26262
(up to ASIL D) in automotive. With our automatic code generation capabilities, you can
significantly reduce the time to certification and ensure the appropriate level of performances
and safety.

Significant Challenges Exist to Deliver Future Electrified Powertrain Technology:

 Performance

 Efficiency

 Modularization

 Cost

System Architecture Selection and Functional Safety Analyses

Functional safety is critical to ensure that the complex electronics in today’s vehicles are reliably
delivering consistent performance over time, without system failures.

The traditional approach of using point tools for individual tasks is error-prone and time-
consuming. The combination of Ansys medini analyze and Ansys SCADE provides a

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comprehensive model-based solution for architecture-driven safety analyses that ensure

traceability and consistency all along the system development lifecycle. The benefits include:

Discover and consider safety requirements early in the design process

Keep safety analysis results consistent

Integrate safety processes seamlessly with system and software development

Main Components of an EV Powertrain

An EV powertrain has 60% fewer components than the powertrain of an ICE vehicle. The
components are described below.

Battery Pack-The battery pack is made up of multiple Lithium-ion cells and stores the energy
needed to run the vehicle. Battery packs provide direct current (DC) output.

DC-AC Converter-The DC supplied by battery pack is converted to AC and supplied to the

electric motor. This power transfer is managed by a sophisticated motor control mechanism (also
referred to as Powertrain Electronic Control Unit) that controls the frequency and magnitude of
the voltage supplied to the electric motor in order to manage the speed and acceleration as per
driver’s instructions communicated via acceleration/brakes.

Electric Motor-Converts electrical energy to mechanical energy, that is delivered to the wheels
via single ratio transmission. Many EVs use motor generators that can perform regeneration as

On-board Charger – Converts AC received through charge port to DC and controls the amount
of current flowing into the battery pack Apart from the above core parts, there are multiple
hardware and software components in an EV powertrain. Electronic Control Units (ECUs) are
basically software programs integrated with the powertrain components to help data exchange
and processing, e.g. Powertrain ECU mentioned above. There are several small ECUs in an EV
that perform specific functions. The communication between different ECUs in a vehicle is
commonly carried over CAN protocol. More examples of core ECUs are

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Battery Management System (BMS): A BMS continuously monitors the state of the battery
and is responsible for taking necessary measures in case of a malfunction. BMS performs cell
balancing to deliver maximum efficiency from the battery pack. It is responsible for
communication with other ECUs and sensors, as well as EVSEs to control the charging input,
check the current state of charge and share data about battery specifications.

DC-DC Converter-A battery pack delivers a fixed voltage, but the requirement of different
accessory systems (e.g. wipers, lights, infotainment system, mirror control) in the EV would
vary. The DC-DC converter helps distribute power to different systems by converting the output
power from battery pack to the expected level After conversion, power is delivered to respective
smaller ECUs via wiring harness.

Thermal Management System: Responsible for maintaining optimum operating temperature

range for powertrain components

Body Control Module (BCM): The BCM is responsible for supervising and controlling the
functions of electronic accessories such as power windows, mirrors, security and vehicle access

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Power electronics’ role

The main objective in designing an EV powertrain is efficiency, as higher efficiency leads to

better thermal management and range. Lower efficiency results in higher power loss, causing
extra heating, for which the size of the EV must be increased for heat dissipation. Another
critical parameter for optimizing EV powertrains is power density (the power delivered per
vehicle unit volume).To achieve those two objectives, apart from the powertrain design,
semiconductor-based power electronics switches play a crucial role in improving efficiency and
power density. The exponential demand for EVs is prompting extensive research in power
electronics switches like silicon (Si)-based IGBTs and MOSFETs to improve switching
characteristics for better efficiency.additionally, there has been an increasing interest in using

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silicon carbide (SiC) MOSFETs based on their potential to improve efficiency and reduce the
size of the power converter:

SiC MOSFETs, as wide-bandgap devices, provide many merits that are favorable to the EV
industry. SiC MOSFETs have lower switching and conduction losses than Si IGBTs or
MOSFETs, which are essential to increase the mileage of EVs.

SiC-based switching devices have a higher junction temperature of 175°C, compared with 150°C
for Si-based devices, which makes it possible to design an integrated powertrain with a reduced
cooling requirement.

In addition, the high switching frequency of SiC-based devices minimizes the size of passive
components like the DC-link capacitor, boost inductor and EMI filter. These features of SiC-
based semiconductor devices enable the reduction of the overall size of the powertrain, which
indirectly achieves a much higher power density for an EV.

Apart from better efficiency, semiconductor manufacturers are upgrading silicon packaging
technologies to address various automotive applications like thermal management and improving
the semiconductor packages for challenging power densities.

Irrespective of semiconductor materials like Si or SiC, the IGBT- and MOSFET-based solutions
are evolving for high thermal management to reduce the EV size and cost by reducing the need
for expensive cooling systems. Compact dual-side–cooling 750-V IGBT modules with chip-level
temperature and current-sensor ECUs have started coming up for 400-V traction inverter
applications. Also, MOSFET packages with innovative surface-mount packaging and top-side
cooling provide compact traction inverter packaging, reducing the vehicle’s size.


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In conclusion, these are a few of the trends that are now spreading throughout the EV industry as
major market drivers for EVs including charge point operators, e-Mobility service providers,
utilities, and governments collaborating to increase the adoption of EVs.

Almost every automobile manufacturer in the world is pursuing EV technology, and many other
industries are looking for ways to adapt to the technology for their own products.

By 2035, the biggest automotive markets are likely to be fully electric: providing both a glimpse
of a green future and significant economic opportunity.


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[1] M. Bertoluzzo, G. Buja, and H.K. Dashora, “Design of DWC System Track with Unequal
DD Coil Set,” IEEE Trans. on Transportation Electrification, DOI: 10.1109/TTE.2016.2646740.

[2] M. Bertoluzzo, G. Buja, and H.K. Dashora, “Lumped Track Layout Design for Dynamic
Wireless Charging of Electric Vehicles,” IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 63, No. 10,
pp. 6631-6640, Oct. 2016.

[3] H.K. Dashora, S. Giacomuzzi, M. Bertoluzzo, and G. Buja, “Performance Analysis of

Reflexive Segmentation Topologies in DWC systems”, accepted for IEEE Industrial Electronics
International Conference (IECON), 2016.

[4] H.K. Dashora, M. Bertoluzzo, G. Buja, “Reflexive properties for different pick-up circuit
topologies in a distributed IPT track,” In proc. of IEEE International Conference on Industrial
Informatics (INDIN), 2015, pp. 69-75.

[5] K.N. Mude, H.K. Dashora, M. Bertoluzzo, and G. Buja, “From wired to in-moving charging
of the electric vehicles,” In Proc. of International Conference on Development, Energy,
Environment and Economics, 2014, pp. 33-42.

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