How To Deal With A Short Story

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Analyzing a short story

Despite the fact that they’re relatively short and simple, there’s still a lot to discover with an in-depth
analysis of a short story. Start by trying to summarize what the story is about, then look more closely at
aspects of the story such as context, setting, plot, characterization, themes, and style. Tie it all together
with a thoughtful critique and summary of what you think the author was trying to accomplish.

Part 1

Putting the Story in Context

Gather basic information about the story. Summarizing the story will help you organize your
thoughts and ensure that you have a basic understanding of the story.[1] Start your analysis by
writing down:
• The title of the story.
• The author’s name.
• The date of publication.
• Where the story was originally published (e.g., in an anthology or a literary magazine).
• For example, “I am analyzing ‘Jeeves Takes Charge’ by P. G. Wodehouse, originally
published in the November 18, 1916 edition of The Saturday Evening Post.”

Identify the major characters. Most short stories are character-driven. Take a few moments to
determine who the major characters are in your story, and write them down. For example, in
“Jeeves Takes Charge,” the major characters are:
• A young English aristocrat, Bertie Wooster.
• Bertie’s valet (personal attendant), Jeeves.
• Bertie’s fiancée, Florence Craye.
• Bertie’s uncle Willoughby.
• Florence’s teenaged brother Edwin.
Give a brief outline of the plot. Once you’ve written down the basic details, write a paragraph
or a couple sentences summarizing what the story is about. It doesn’t need to cover all the plot
points—just try to boil it down to the absolute basics.[2]
• For example, “‘Jeeves Takes Charge’ is about an airheaded young aristocrat (Bertie
Wooster) who tries to sabotage the publication of his uncle’s scandalous memoirs in
order to please his fiancée. Meanwhile, Bertie’s valet, Jeeves, is scheming to break up
Bertie’s engagement.”

Research the author’s personal and literary background. Understanding the context of a
short story can give you a lot of insight into why the story was written the way it was. Learning
about who the author was and what conventions they were familiar with is a major part of
putting any story in context. Knowing something about the author’s experiences and
viewpoints, as well as any literary or philosophical school they were a part of, can shed light on
why they chose to use certain themes, plot points, and character types.[3]
• For example, P. G. Wodehouse was a Classically educated author who grew up in late
Victorian and Edwardian England. During the 1910s, he lived and worked in New York
as an author, lyricist, and playwright. His stories combine references to classic Western
literature with references to contemporary British and American pop culture.
Learn about the time and place when/where the story was written. In addition to learning
about the author’s background, knowing the general historical and geographical context of the
story can help you understand it better. Even if the story is set in a different time and place from
when/where it was written, the story’s context will inevitably influence the themes, language,
tone, and viewpoints presented in the story.[4]
• Take note of any major social and political issues of the time period, and any popular
artistic movements. Major cultural and political shifts are often reflected in short stories,
whether purposefully or in a more subtle context.
• For example, “Jeeves Takes Charge” is set in an English country estate in the 1910s, but
it was published in America during the early years of WWI (before America’s
involvement in the war). It plays on humorous American stereotypes of the English
aristocracy while avoiding references to contemporary historical events.

Determine the intended audience. A story’s intended audience will affect the choices the
author makes in presenting the story. For example, a story written for children will probably
have a different tone, themes, and vocabulary level from a story aimed at adults. As you analyze
the story, consider for whom the author was writing.
• If you’re not sure about the intended audience, the publication venue can give you some
• For example, “Jeeves Takes Charge” was published in The Saturday Evening Post, a
weekly entertainment magazine for American adults. The story was designed to appeal
to an adult, middle class American audience.
Identify the physical setting. The setting of a story provides atmosphere and helps the action
feel more grounded and real. It can also play a significant role in how the plot of the story plays
out. Try to identify where, specifically, the story is set, and think about how the author creates
the setting. Ask yourself what the setting might mean for the story’s characters and readers,
whether it motivates the characters in any way, or what symbolic meaning it might carry.[5]
• For example, most of “Jeeves Takes Charge” is set at Easeby Hall, a fictional country
estate in Shropshire, England. Wodehouse does not describe the setting in great detail,
but creates an impression by offering minor details in passing (e.g., Bertie hides behind a
suit of armor in his uncle’s library while waiting to steal the manuscript).
Look at the historical setting. The time when a story is set can also be very significant. While
the author may not specify exactly when the story is taking place, you can usually get a good
idea by looking at clues like the language that the characters use, references to historical events
or popular culture, and even descriptions of costume and technology.
• For example, “Jeeves Takes Charge” is set in the summer, “about half a dozen years
ago.” If we assume this means 6 years before the story was published, then it is set in
• There are also other clues to the general time setting, like references to telegraphs and
Bertie’s use of period-specific slang (like “rummy” meaning “strange,” or “a frost”
meaning “a failure”).
• Some stories may have historical settings that are changed or interrupted in the narrative
structure. In these instances, look at what effect the fractured or non-linear setting might
Assess how the setting affects the story. One way to approach this is to think about how the
story might be different if it were in a different setting. Would the tone of the story feel the
same? Would the events and themes of the story fit in another setting? How are the characters
and their beliefs and actions influenced by their historical, cultural, and geographical context?
• For example, if “Jeeves Takes Charge” took place in 2018, how likely would it be that a
young man like Bertie would employ a personal attendant like Jeeves? How would
Bertie steal his uncle’s manuscript in an age when most documents are written and sent
Part 2

Evaluating Plot and Characterization

List the most important event(s) in the plot. The plot is the sequence of related events that
make up a story.[7] Because of their limited length, most short story plots focus on a relatively
small number of important events. In order to understand the short story’s plot, start by making
a list of the major events covered by the plot. For example, in “Jeeves Takes Charge,” the major
plot points are:
• Bertie’s fiancée, Florence, asks Bertie to steal and destroy the manuscript of his uncle’s
memoirs because she is worried it will cause a scandal.
• Bertie steals the manuscript, but Florence's brother catches him in the act and tells the
• Jeeves takes the manuscript before Bertie's uncle can find it. Bertie thinks Jeeves is
keeping the manuscript safe, but he has actually sent it on to the publisher.
• Florence breaks off the engagement when she finds out the memoirs have been
published. Bertie is angry at first, but Jeeves convinces him that he would have been
unhappy married to Florence.

Identify the main conflict. Most plots revolve around a major conflict. Conflict in a story is a
dramatic struggle between 2 opposing forces. This could take the form of a dispute between 2
characters (external conflict), or a struggle between opposing desires within a single character
(internal conflict).[8] A short story may have multiple conflicts, but there is usually 1 primary
conflict that defines the story.
• In “Jeeves Takes Charge,” the major conflict is between Bertie and Jeeves. The 2
characters engage in a power struggle that starts out small (e.g., disagreements over what
Bertie should wear) and comes to a head when Jeeves breaks up Bertie’s engagement to
Look for exposition. Many plots incorporate exposition, or background information that helps
set the scene and allows the reader to more easily understand what is happening. While
exposition may be scattered throughout the story, the bulk of it is likely to appear at the
beginning, before the “rising action” that begins the main part of the story.[9]
• For example, at the beginning of “Jeeves Takes Charge,” Bertie’s narration starts with a
brief explanation of his relationship with Jeeves. This sets the stage for the rest of the
Divide the plot into its main parts. Traditional plots can be divided into a clear beginning,
middle, and end, also known as “rising action,” “climax,” and “falling action.” Keep in mind,
though, that these 3 parts may not be balanced, especially in a short story, where the text might
be mostly rising action. Short stories often end on their climaxes, giving readers a sudden
insight. [10] A more traditional structure, as seen in “Jeeves Takes Charge,” might be divided up
as follows:
• Rising action: Bertie visits his uncle, hires Jeeves, and steals his uncle’s manuscript.
• Climax: Jeeves intercepts the manuscript and secretly sends it to the publisher, causing
Florence to break the engagement.
• Falling action: Bertie is ready to fire Jeeves, but Jeeves convinces him that Florence was
not a good match for him.
Pinpoint the resolution. While not all plots have a clear resolution, this is a common element
of many short stories. The resolution may be a brief explanation of what happened after the
main events of the story, or it may tie up any loose ends left over after the “falling action.”[11]
A resolution may also tie back into the beginning of the story in some way.
• For example, in “Jeeves Takes Charge,” the conflict is resolved when Bertie decides that
he trusts Jeeves’s judgment—not just in the matter the engagement, but in all of his
personal affairs. This ties in with the opening paragraph, where Bertie explains that he
has come to rely on Jeeves’s wisdom.
Analyze the structure of the plot. Once you’ve identified the major plot points, consider how
the plot is structured. Is it presented in chronological order, or does it jump around in time?
Does the story begin before the main action starts, or does it open in the middle of the action (in
media res)? Is it left open-ended, or is there a tidy resolution to the story? Then, think about
why the author structured their plot that way, and what effect or meaning could be derived from
the structure.
• For example, “Jeeves Takes Charge” has a straightforward, linear plot that moves from 1
event to the next in chronological order.
Evaluate the point of view of the story. Point of view is an important aspect of a story, since it
provides the lens through which you interpret the events, characters, and themes of the story.
While examining point of view, always ask yourself why the author made certain choices, and
how they’re significant. You could even imagine what the story would be like with a different
point of view, and what effect that would have on your reading experience. When reading the
story, consider:
• From whose point of view is the story told? Is it one of the characters in the story, or an
unnamed observer?
• Is the story narrated in the first person (the narrator refers to themselves as “I” and
“me”) or third person?
• Does the narrator present a clear, straightforward account of the events of the story, or do
they misunderstand what’s happening or deliberately mislead the reader (an unreliable
• Is the narrator’s perspective limited, or do they understand everything that is happening
in the story?

Identify the major characters’ defining traits. The characters are the lifeblood of most short
stories. The plot develops from their actions. As you read the story, think about what defines
each of the characters for you, and why you think the author gave them these traits. Character
traits could include things like:[12]
• Physical appearance (e.g., height, hair color, attractiveness, style of dress).
• Personality traits (such as kindness, creativity, cowardice, sense of humor).
• Speaking style (slangy, formal, terse, poetic).
• Other traits, such as age, profession, or social status.

Determine what role each character plays in the story. Each character should play some part
in moving the story along. You might define their role in terms of how they relate to other
characters, or how their actions set the events of the plot in motion.[13] For example:
• Bertie Wooster is the protagonist and narrator of “Jeeves Takes Charge.” He is a comedic
figure rather than a classic literary hero, and he consistently fails to accomplish his goals
throughout the story. He is a stereotype designed to appeal to American audiences of the

Assess the motivations of each character. For the characters’ actions in a story to make sense,
they must have clearly defined motivations. Motivations determine the way a character thinks,
acts, and speaks. Sometimes, these motivations are explicitly spelled out. In other cases, they
may be hidden between the lines. Think about why each character behaves as they do, and what
they are trying to accomplish.
• For example, in “Jeeves Takes Charge,” Jeeves tells Bertie that he sabotaged the
engagement because he thinks Bertie would be unhappy married to Florence. He also
hints indirectly at a more self-serving motivation—he worked for Florence’s family in
the past, and doesn’t want to have to work for her again.
Examine how the characters change during the story, if at all. In some short stories, the
characters experience some type of development as the plot progresses, such as discovering
something new about themselves or undergoing a change in their beliefs or attitudes. However,
many other short stories show their characters remaining the same, with the author simply
providing a picture of the character rather than showing their full development, which is more
common in novels.
• For example, at the beginning of “Jeeves Takes Charge,” Bertie views Jeeves as a
competent servant, but resists Jeeves’s efforts to advise and guide him. After realizing on
reflection that he agrees with Jeeves about Florence, Bertie decides that he is better off
with Jeeves “doing the thinking for me.”
• When looking at character development, consider not only the nature of the change, but
how and why the change occurs. If you don’t think the characters have changed or
developed, think about why that might be as well.
Part 3

Exploring Themes, Tone, and Style

Determine what the major themes are in the story. Themes are the major ideas that the
author attempts to convey or reflect on in the story through the events of the plot or the actions
of the characters. Themes might include things like moral or ethical issues or ideas relating to
society or human nature. Themes in a short story may be obvious or subtle, and a story may deal
with multiple themes.[15]
• For example, a major theme in “Jeeves Takes Charge” is the nature of power and
authority in a master-servant relationship. Bertie is Jeeves’s employer, but Jeeves has the
upper hand in the relationship because of his intelligence and relatively forceful
Examine the story for references and allusions. References and allusions help create
powerful associations by linking events, characters, or objects in the story to other works or
ideas that are familiar to the reader. References may be explicit (e.g., “As Shakespeare
said . . .”) or more indirect (e.g., the story might make an allusion to Dickens’s A Christmas
Carol by having a character say “Bah, humbug!”).
• For example, “Jeeves Takes Charge” contains a reference to Thomas Hood’s ballad, The
Dream of Eugene Aram (1831), in the form of a misremembered quote by Bertie. The
ballad deals with the theme of murder, to which Bertie compares his crime of stealing
and destroying his uncle’s manuscript.

Identify symbolism and imagery. Many authors use symbolism and imagery to convey ideas.
Symbolism involves using a physical object or even a person to represent an abstract idea (e.g.,
a white rose symbolizing purity or innocence). Imagery refers to using words to create a mental
picture, which may be literal or metaphorical.
• For example, at the end of “Jeeves Takes Charge,” Bertie tells Jeeves that he can get rid
of a checked suit that Jeeves dislikes. Jeeves remarks that he has already gotten rid of it.
The suit is symbolic of Bertie’s agency—when he gives up the suit, he also hands over
control of his life to Jeeves (who was really already in charge).
Check for other literary devices. A story may also use a variety of other literary devices to
convey its major themes and ideas. Consider whether the story you are analyzing uses devices
such as:[17]
• Foreshadowing, in which clues are given early in the story that suggest later plot
• Irony, in which there is a discrepancy between what a character says and what they
actually mean, or between what they intend to achieve and what they actually
• Allegory, in which the events, characters, or setting of the story are meant to reflect
some more general truth or idea.

Assess the tone of the story. Tone refers to the attitude that the author expresses toward the
story and its characters. Tone is expressed through a variety of means, including word choices,
imagery, point-of-view, and content. As you read, think about the tone that the author is trying
to convey.
• The tone of “Jeeves Takes Charge” is light and humorous. Wodehouse (the author) views
the events of the story as trivial and silly. He highlights the humor of the characters and
situations by using heightened, dramatic language and imagery.
• For example, while trying to decide how to dispose of his uncle’s manuscript, Bertie
compares himself to a murderer trying to hide a body.
Define the mood of the story. Mood refers to the feelings that the story invokes in you, the
reader. The mood of the story is largely determined by the tone of the piece, but it can also be
created by the setting, themes, and language of the story. Think about how the story made you
feel as you read it. Did you laugh? Did you feel sad, upset, or disgusted at any point?

Look at the style of the story. Style refers largely to the way the author uses language. For
example, a story might be written in a style that is slangy and informal or flowery and poetic. It
might be wordy or concise. Style can affect the tone and mood of the story, and can play a part
in how you perceive the characters and plot.[20]
• In “Jeeves Takes Charge,” Wodehouse combines formal, poetic Edwardian language
with contemporary slang to create a unique, humorous style.
• For example: “The sun was sinking over the hills and the gnats were fooling about all
over the place, and everything smelled rather topping—what with the falling dew, and so
on . . .”
Part 4

Writing Up Your Analysis

Start with a thesis statement. This is a brief summary of the main argument you will be
making about the story. Write a sentence or 2 clearly explaining what your essay will be about.
Place this statement at the end of a brief introductory paragraph, which might include basic
information about the story and/or a summary of the nature of the assignment.
• For example, “‘Jeeves Takes Charge,’ by P. G. Wodehouse, is one of the earliest short
stories to feature Bertie Wooster and his valet, Jeeves, who would eventually become
iconic figures in the canon of comedic English literature. This story utilizes humor and
dramatic irony to explore themes of agency, authority, and the nature of interpersonal
• The form and content of the thesis may depend on the assignment. For example, if you
are supposed to answer a specific question about the story, make sure your thesis
addresses that question.
Describe your overall impressions of the story. Once you’ve analyzed the component parts of
the story, you may have a stronger impression of what it is about and how you feel about it.
Briefly reflect on the story, and consider what aspects of it left the greatest impression on you.
For example:
• Which turns of phrase or word choices stood out to you the most?
• Which character(s) did you like the best or least, and why?
• Which moment in the plot made the greatest impression on you? Were you surprised by
anything that happened?
• How do you feel about the story? Do you like it or dislike it? Did you feel like you
learned something from it, or did it evoke any particularly strong feelings in you?
Discuss whether you feel the story is successful. Think about the story critically. There are a
lot of different criteria that you might use to decide whether the story is good or effective. For
example, you might ask yourself:
• Did this story evoke the kinds of emotions that the author intended? Why or why not?
• Is the style distinctive and interesting?
• Did the story feel original?
• Were the characters and plot sufficiently developed? Did the characters’ actions make

Support your arguments with evidence. If you make an argument about the story, it’s
important to back it up with specific examples. You could draw evidence from within the story
itself (e.g., you could quote or paraphrase a passage that supports your point) or from the
external context of the story (such as information about the author or parallels from
contemporary literature).
• If you wished to argue that Wodehouse drew intentional parallels between Jeeves and
Florence in “Jeeves Takes Charge,” you could support this by quoting passages that
highlight these parallels.
• For example, "Bertie says of Jeeves early on that '. . . unless I was jolly careful and
nipped this lad in the bud, he would be starting to boss me. He had the aspect of a
distinctly resolute blighter.' Later, he agrees with Jeeves’s assessment that Florence 'is of
a highly determined and arbitrary temperament, quite opposed to your own.'”

Summarize your interpretation of what the author was trying to say. A basic summary of
your interpretation of the story is a good way to round out your analysis. Consider what the
story was about beyond the basic plot. Think about how the author used setting, plot, language,
tone, symbolism, allusions, and other literary devices to convey the major themes or ideas of the
story. How did these elements combine to create the meaning in the story?[24]
• For example, you might say, “‘Jeeves Takes Charge’ is a story about a young man
struggling to maintain his agency and autonomy as he becomes caught up in parallel
conflicts with 2 other major players in his life: his fiancée and his valet. In the end,
Bertie decides that Florence is too controlling and manipulative. Ironically, he ultimately
embraces those same qualities in Jeeves.”

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