Chemical Formulas and Naming - Questions 2

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Mrs. Brannon Name ____________
Physical Science Due:
Chemical Formulas & Naming –questions

Write the correct formula for the following compounds.

Elements that are combined Oxidation Numbers Empirical Formula
Example: +1 -1
sodium and chloride Na Cl NaCl
Lithium and fluorine
Lithium and Nitrogen
Potassium and sulfur
Beryllium and fluorine
Magnesium and oxygen
Magnesium and phosphorus
Calcium and silicon
Barium and fluorine
Barium and nitrogen
Titanium (III) and oxygen
Vanadium (IV) and oxygen
Silver and nitrogen
(silver’s only ON is +1) 12.
Chromium (VI) and
phosphorus 13.
Copper (I) and oxygen
Nickel and oxygen
(nickel’s only ON is +2) 15.
(For transition metals (ON can vary), find the ON of the nonmetal and then you can
determine the ON of the metal. For example, in Fe2O3 – since the ON of oxygen is -2
the ON of iron must be +3 in this compound to balance the formula. Thus the name
should be iron (III) oxide. The roman numeral in ( ) is the ON of the metal.
Remember only use roman numeral for transition metals.)

Give the name for each of the following ionic compounds. (no prefixes for ionic)
Chemical Formula Chemical Name
Example: NaCl Sodium chloride
Li2S 16.
Li3N 17.
BeF2 18.
NaI 19.
Cu2O3 20.
CrO 21.
AuBr3 22.

Give the name for each of the following covalent compounds. (use prefixes for covalent)
Chemical Formula Chemical Name
Example: CO2 Carbon dioxide
BCl3 23.
SiS2 24.
CF4 25.
N2S5 26.

27. Look at the ingredients of items in your medicine cabinet and kitchen. List some of
the compounds you find that use the naming system we learned in class. (minimum 3

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