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Caribbean Secondary Examination Council (CSEC)

Principles of Business
School Based Assessment (SBA)
The Factors Causing The Sales of Tastee Patties Jamaica
Limited To Be High

Candidates’ Names : Comar Campbell, Maleke Campbell, Cameron Christian, Lenworth

Chung and Adian Reid
Candidates’ #s :
Name of School : Calabar High School
Center #: 100013
Territory : Jamaica W.I.
Name of Teacher : Miss Sharon Sinclair
Date of Submission :
Table of Contents
Items Pages

Introduction 1

Topic, Objectives 2

Background 3

Methodology 4-5

Presentation and Analysis of Data 6- 8

Findings/Interpretations of the data collected 9

Conclusion 10

Recommendations 11

References/Bibliography 12

Appendices 13 - 15

This project is about a group of researchers wanting to know the factors causing the sales of

Tastee Patties Jamaica Limited to be high. All Businesses' main goal is to increase their profit,

and one of the ways to increase their profit is to ensure their sales are always limited to high.

Therefore this project provides a meticulous investigation into if these factors are rational.


An investigation on the factors causing the sales of Tastee Patties Jamaica Limited to be high.


The aims of this research are:

1. To determine the products that cause sales to be high (best selling products).

2. To find out whether customer service impacts the sales of the patties and to what extent.

3. To determine whether time management affects the high sales and to what extent.


Tastee Patties Jamaica Limited is a Jamaican company that started in 1966. The company has

been one of, if not the most preferred, patty companies in Jamaica. Tastee Patties has managed

to stay consistent with the production of its patties since its inception to now. Over the years, the

business has grown to sell patties and cocoa bread but has added chicken, sandwiches, Jamaican-

style cooked meals, breakfast and lunches, and a line of pastries. Today the company has evolved

from being a regular quick-service restaurant to multiple locations island-wide.

The researchers were interested in this topic because they frequently visited the Tastee Patties

restaurant after school. The researchers were intrigued by the company's longevity and still

managed to keep their sales high. Therefore, this research was undertaken to answer the

researchers' curious concerns about the factors causing the company’s sales to increase


The others will benefit from the research by informing people, such as small businesses and the

competitors of Tastee Patties, about what they ought to do to maintain constantly high sales

levels. The research will also benefit the customers in gaining more insight into how their

favourite patty company can do so well over the years. This research will help the researchers by

allowing them to get a grade one (1) in any business subject they’re doing. Also, giving them

insight into how businesses should be run, therefore prepping them for the future.


The data collection instrument used to conduct this research will consist of two primary

sources: a questionnaire and an interview. A primary source involves first-hand information

about an event/discovery or provides new information. A questionnaire is a research instrument

containing questions that aim to collect data from the respondents. The questionnaire featured 15

closed-ended questions and open-ended questions that were thoroughly answered. The customer

of the company answered the questionnaires. The questionnaire was used because of its ability to

collect information over a short period accurately. The questionnaires were sent to thirty-five

(35) customers of different age groups to gather the information quickly and get different


An interview is a procedure of face-to-face communication where the person being interviewed

is questioned. The interview was directed toward employees working at the company for at least

five years or more. This would provide accurate information based on their experiences working

at the company for that long. This interview took place on each employee's break on Fridays and

Thursdays, lasting no more than twenty (27) minutes.

The data the researchers gathered was very rational for answering the researchers' questions.

The researchers chose certain days to go to the Tastee Patties located at Portmore mall and asked

the customers who came “if they were regulars ?” Persons who said they came three (3) or more

days a week were chosen because those regulars would provide more accurate information than a

customer who wasn’t regular. Then each regular customer email was written down on paper to

send the online questionnaire, which was less time-consuming; this saved money, preventing the

researchers from printing papers and keeping the respondents incognito.

For the interview, one of the researchers asked to speak to the manager the same day the emails

were collected for the questionnaire. Then the manager was asked by one of the researchers “if

he knew when the employees who have been working at the restaurant for over three years break

would take place on monday and friday.” Two researchers went each day and interviewed the

employees, some questions were answered and the questions that required private information

about the company being told weren't answered by some of the employees.

The following limitations were faced for the interview and questionnaire :

1. Time consumption due to having to wait for the right number of persons to respond to the

questionnaire and having to make a schedule for the interviews to take place.

2. Inaccurate information due to the respondents avoiding some of the questions leaving the

researchers, not able to get the best and most


,'lp answers.

Presentation and Analysis of Data

This section shows the regular customer answers to the online questionnaires sent to their emails.
These answers will be presented as different graphs in the form of percentage and explained

Fig 1. Pie Chart showing the number of respondents who have visited Tastee Patties .

The pie chart above shows that 100% of the respondents to the questionnaire have visited Tastee.

Fig 2. Pie chart showing what the respondents rate meals served at Tastee.

The pie chart shows that 45.5% of the respondents think that meals served at Tastee are good,
36.4% think that meals are great and that 18.2% think the meals are fair.

Fig 3.Bar graph showing if the respondents disagree or agree on if the prices of the patties are
too high

13 (36.4%)

13 (36.4%)

6 (18.5%)

3 (9.1%)

0 3 6 9 13
The Number of Respondents

This Bar graph shows that 36.4% of the respondents agree that the prices of the patties are high,
the other 36.4% strongly agree, 18.5% disagree and 9.1% strongly disagree.

Figure 4. Bar graph showing the respondents opinion on all of the company’s products prices.


45.5% 45.5%
3 9.1%

This bar graph shows that 45.5% of the respondents say that the products of Tastee are
expensive, while 9.1% of the respondents think that they are cheap and the other 45.5% of
respondents think that the products are all affordable.

Figure 5. Table showing the suggestion of decreased prices for some products at Tastee

Products Suggested Prices # of Percentage

$ Respondents %
Beef Patty $150 6 18.2 %

Cheese Patty $200 7 27.3 %

Cooked Food $550 13 36.4%

Donuts $40 3 9.1%

This table shows that 36.4% of the respondents think that all of Tastee cooked food prices should
be reduced to $550, 27.3% of the respondents think that cheese patty prices should be reduced to
$200, 18.2% of the respondent think that beef patty prices should be $150 and the other 9.1%
think that donut prices should be $40.

Figure 6. Table showing respondents spending at Tastee Patties.

Amount of Money Reason as to why Number of Percentage %
Spent at Tastee. Respondents

Below $599 Some of the products 7 21.7%

are affordable

$600 - $1599 The combo deals 10 27.3%

$1600 - $1999 The customer service 13 36.4%

Over $2000 The products are great 5 14.6%

This table shows that 14.6% of the respondents spend over $2000 at Tastee because the products
are great, 27.3% of the respondents spend between $600 and $1599 because of the combo deals
available at Tastee, 21.7% of the respondents spend below $599 because some of the products
available at Tastee are in their price range and 36.4% of the respondents spend between $1600 -
$1999 because of the great customer they received.

Findings/Interpretations of the data collected

An analysis of the responses from the interview questions and the questionnaire indicates that
there are three reasons why the sales are always limited to being high. The three reasons are the
prices, the customer service and the products. However these are also the three reasons why the
sales will stop being high and become low at some points. For example, from the responses
given it seems that 91% of the respondents think the prices contributed a lot to the sales, but
45.5% of the respondents' customers think the prices of the products are too expensive.
Therefore the customer will eventually stop buying because there might be another restaurant
that sells patties for much cheaper than them, resulting in decreased sales.

The customer service provided at Tastee Patties is seen to be good based on the response from
both the employees on how they were trained to treat customers and the customer service on
which the consumers receive. Therefore their customer service will always keep their sales high
because there is no fault with it. Another factor that determines Tastee Patties sales being high is
their products, Figure 2 shows this where 45.5% of the respondents think that the products
served at Tastee are good, while 36.4% think they are great. This is where Tastee will always
stand out from the rest because their products are good and great.

The model age group of the respondents to the questionnaire is 12 - 18 and the median of the
respondents age is 15 (42.8%). The mean number of those who went to Tastee to buy specific
things, but ended up buying more is 45.5%.


The researchers have come to a conclusion that there are four factors that limit Tastee Patties to
always being high. These factors are the products, the prices, time management and their
customer service. The products that the customers like the most are the ones that are the most
expensive, which will have both a negative and positive effect on the business. The positive
being customers buying more than one of the products or of the same product, which will
increase the sales. The negative being, customers will either choose products that are cheaper or
go to another restaurant where it is, which will cause low sales.

The current plans that Taste Patties have put in place to make sure their sales are always high, is
working and will most likely continue work in the future.


The researcher would like for Tastee Patties to implement these recommendations, sometime in
the future. The following recommendations are :

1. To conduct a survey and find out what prices of certain products do the regular customers,
would like to see it lowered.

2. Creating more combo deals, to make the customers believe that they are actually buying
products for a cheaper price.

3. The Tastee Patties employees should learn how to persuade customers into buying certain
products that increase the sales making it high.


Hamil, S., and Robinson, K. Principle of Business for CSEC (2013), Carlong Publishers.

Background (28/12./2022) :


This is a copy of the questionnaire and the interview questions that were answered by customers
and employees of the company.


Dear customers of Tastee Patties, this is a questionnaire conducted to find out the factors
causing the sales of Tastee Patties Jamaica Limited to be high. The questionnaire is to help the
researchers of Calabar High School, with their school based assessment (SBA).. Your identity
will not be required for this questionnaire, therefore you can express yourself as freely and
truthfully as possible. Use an ‘x’ where needed. An example of what is required of you, Sex ?
Male (x) Female ( ).

1. Sex ?
Male ( ) Female ( )

2. Age group ?
14 - 19 ( ) 20 - 29 ( ) 30 - 39 ( )
40 - 49 ( ) 50 - 59 ( ) 60 & over ( )

3. Have you ever been to Tastee ?

I have ( ) I have never ( )

4. How often do you visit Tastee ?

Very often ( ) Rarely ( )

5. Do you agree or disagree that Tastee is one of the best patty companies to ever exist ?
Agree ( ) Strongly agree ( ) Disagree ( ) Strongly disagree ( )

6. Rate the meals served at Tastee ?

Terrible ( ) Fair ( ) Good ( ) Great ( )

7. What are your thoughts on the prices of the company’s products ?

They are expensive ( ) They are cheap ( ) All of it is affordable ( ) other :

8. The prices of the patties are high.

Agree ( ) Strongly agree ( ) Disagree ( ) Strongly disagree ( )

9. How much money do you spend at Tastee on a product regularly ?
Below $599 ( ) $600 - $1,599 ( ) $1,600 - 1,999 ( ) Over $2,000 ( )

10. Why do you decide to spend the amount of money you do on buying Tastee Patties’
products ?
State :

11. Which product of Tastee you would love to see the price decrease for?
State :

12. What price would you suggest that the item you named in # 11 above go for?

13. Rate the customer service given at Tastee.

Terrible ( ) Fair ( ) Good ( ) Great ( )

14. Have you ever gone to Tastee to buy specific things, but end up buying more things than
you expected ?
Yes ( ) No ( )

15. This happened because of the customer service I received.

Agree ( ) Strongly agree ( )
Disagree ( ) Strongly disagree ( )

16. How would you rate the pace at which the workers move on the job ?
Slow ( ) Fast ( ) In-between ( )

Interview Questions

1. Is Tastee Pattie's sales always limited to being high ?

Yes ( )
No ( )

2. The meals served at Tastee Patties limits the sales to always be high.
Agree ( ) Strongly agree ( ) Disagree ( ) Strongly disagree ( )

3. Why do you agree or disagree with answer you chose in #2 ?

State : m

4. Rate your customer service ?

Terrible ( ) Fair ( ) Good ( ) Great ( )

5. Is customer service the reason why the sales are always limited to being high ?
Agree ( ) Strongly agree ( ) Disagree ( ) Strongly disagree ( )

6. Reason for the answers you gave in questions #4 and #5 ?

State : m

7. Opinions on the prices of the products at Tastee Patties ?

Its affordable ( ) They’re expensive ( ) They’re cheap ( )

8. Are the prices the reason why the sales are limited to being high ?
Agree ( ) Strongly agree ( ) Disagree ( ) Strongly disagree ( )

9. Reason for the answers you gave in questions #7 and #8 ?

State : m

10. Rate your time management ?

Terrible ( ) Fair ( ) Good ( ) Great ( )

11. How long does it take you to deal with a customer in any situation ?
1 - 20 mins ( ) 21 - 30 mins ( ) 31 - 40 mins ( )

12. Reasons for the answers given #10 and #11 ?

State :


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