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This primordial atom became the root of God’s physical body, which God took 6 trillion years to

build up - atom by atom, cell by cell. From that first atom 9, 999 others developed. When these
original 10, 000 atoms came together by some ‘Affinit

Muhammad, Wesley. The Book of God . UNKNOWN. Kindle Edition.

Energy’ God became One, which likely means He developed into the first DNA molecule or what
Muhammad calls the ‘atom of life.’155 Once becoming ‘One’ Allah (God) evolved into the ‘Six,’
which is to say He evolved from that first DNA molecule into a living human being, called God’s
‘complete making.’156 The ‘six’ represents God’s complete, though imperfect human form. The
Atom out of which Man was created came from space. It was out in space where He originated.
An Atom of Life was in the darkness of the space and He came out of that Atom...What came out
of space was a Human Being.157 The figures (1) and six (6) are the most outstandingfigures that
we have. One represents the God who created the Heavens and the Earth and the other one
represents the same, the “6”. Why is that? He didn’t stop growing!158 How did the Original Man
Himself become “6” instead of being a “1”…He made Himself revolve and then He caused
whatever comes into the darkness

Muhammad, Wesley. The Book of God . UNKNOWN. Kindle Edition.

to revolve like Himself. That He has done. We can’t help from revolving. We are not a perfect
human being because our form is not perfect.159 The evolution from One to Six took six trillion
years. Even though this form was not perfect, its creation is a marvel. our First Father formed
and designed Himself. Think over a Man being able to design His own form and He had never
seen another Man before He saw Himself. This is a powerful thing.160

Muhammad, Wesley. The Book of God . UNKNOWN. Kindle Edition.

The Secret of the Name YHWH
382Hall,Secret Teachings of All Ages, CXXIV.
The figure produced is not just that of a human body, but of a Black Body. Once a Mason has
earned his 32ndDegree he has the option of joining the Mystic Shrine where he would earn the
honorary 33rd Degree. He then leaves the Square (Bible) and starts to use the Compass (Qur’an).
It is in the Shrine where the secrets of Masonry Masonry are revealed. The Reality of Allah The
Original Man is made fully manifest to those whites who are so privileged to receive the
Honorary Degree. They then begin calling themselves ‘Muslim Sons.’ During initiation into the
Shrine, according to former Shriner Jim Shaw, the Grand Puba says these words to the candidate:
By the assistance of Allah and the Creed of Muhammad; by the legendary sanctity of our
Tabernacle at Mecca, we greet you and in commemoration of the Arabs faith as sincere you will
now be permitted to proceed in therites and ceremonies of the Mystic Shrine.383 After
marching the candidates to a designated area in the temple the gong sounds. The Grand Puba
and the Assistant Reban proclaim: Who is he who has professed to have conversed in person with
the Supreme and maketh himself mightiest of his Muhammad…

Muhammad, Wesley. The Book of God . UNKNOWN. Kindle Edition.

Muhammad, Wesley. The Book of God . UNKNOWN. Kindle Edition.

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