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B737 Communications

1. Communications
2. VHF
3. HF
4. ACP
7. Flight Interphone
8. Cabin Interphone
9. Service Interphone
10. PA
11. CVR

There are internal communications with inter-phone and PA systems, ground
communications via the Service Inter-phone, and external communications via
the VHF and HF radios.

Additionally, there is ACARS and SELCAL systems installed for communication

with ground stations.

There are several places for the various communication systems. The controls
and indications include:

Radio Tuning Panels on centre pedestal

Audio Control Panels
Call system panel
Cockpit voice recorder
There are PTTs on the control wheels, the ACP, the Glare shield MIC switch,
and the hand microphones.

Every radio can be controlled via each radio tuning panel.

VHF radios
There are three independent VHF radios. They are connected to LRU1 and
LRU2, respectively, while the third VHF radio is solely for ACARS. There are 3
VHF antennas, two located on the lower fuselage, while the third is on the
upper fusealge.

Each radio panel has an Offside Tuning light which illuminates when the
radio normally associated with this panel is being tuned any another radio
not normally associated with it. The panels also include a "TEST" button that
can be used to switch automatic gain control, as well as an AM mode that
also sets Upper Side Band mode for the selected HF radio

HF Radio
The B737 has a single HF communication antenna, located on the leading
edge of the vertical stabiliser. When tuning an HF frequency, a tone will be
heard for a maximum of 7 seconds. Should the system fail to tune the tone
will last 7 to 15 seconds.

Audio Control Panel

Each individual headset volume and general speaker volume is controlled by
the receiver switches on the ACP.

Additionally, altitude alert, GPWS, TCAS, and windshear alerts are all heard
through both speaker and headsets at a preset volume. These cannot be
controlled or turned off.

There is an ACP for CA, FO, and observer station. Each ACP controls an
independent crew station audio system and allows the crew member to select
the desired radios, nav aids, inter phones, and PA system for monitoring and

Each panel has:

Used to select one radio or system for transmission
Receiver switches
Can be rotated to adjust volume or to allow any combination of
systems to be monitored.
SELCAL lights that illuminate on the appropriate radio
A PTT which has both a RADIO position and an INT (interphone) position,
which keys either oxygen mask or boom mic
Ground Crew Light
Cabin Call Light
ALT-NORM switch
Filter switch:
V - only voice transmission can be heard
R - only station identifiers can be heard
B - both can be heard simultaneously

ALT Audio Operation

Audio systems can be switched to a degraded mode by placing the ALT-NORM
switch to ALT.

In this mode, the ACP at that station is inoperative and the crewmember can
only communicate on one radio. Additionally, receiver switches are not
functional and the radio can only be heard through the headset at a preset
volume - much like the EMER switch on the Saab 340 ACP.

On ALT mode, each position is bound as follows:

Observer - VHF1

Other items are also unavailable in ALT mode:

Handheld mic
PA system via ACP

ACARS reports will usually include performance data, flight status and
position reports, out, off, on, in times, and maintenance items.

The ACARS management unit is installed in the E&E compartment. The ACARS
MU receives uplink data and controls the transmission of downlink data to
and from the VHF transciever. It can be accessed via either CDU.

The "menu" key on the CDU allows access to the ACARS system. From the
"MENU" page you can access the FMC, ACARS, or DFDAU (Digital Flight Data
Acquisition Unit).

To make the system active on the CDU, push the LSK adjacent to the system
prompt (DLK). If ACARS is in control of the CDU, the MSG annunciation comes
on when the CDU receives a message, which is shown on the scratch pad
(bottom left of CDU).

Controlled-Pilot Data Link Communications is a means of communication
between ATC and pilots. The following can be accessed from the ATC INDEX

Emergency report
ATC request
ATC report
When can we expect
Verify report

The ATC LOGON/STATUS and ATC LOG prompts allow initiating an ATC
connection and viewing stored messages, respectively.

When an ATC message is received, the following indications are shown:

EICAS ATC message displays

ATC message on CDU
Audible hi/lo chime

Flight interphone
The interphone system is designed to provide private comms between flight
deck crew members without intrusion from the service interphone system.
This system can also be used by ground crew using a jack at the external
power receptacle.

There are two methods to use the interphone:

Selecting the INT on the ACP

Pressing INT on the control wheel PTT

To initiate a call to ground crew press the GRD CALL switch. This sounds a
horn in the nose wheel alerting ground personnel that you are calling.
Likewise, on the external power jack ground crew can call the flight deck by
pressing a PILOT CALL button, which illuminates the INT light on the ACP and
chimes a high tone.

Cabin interphone System

This system allows communication between CCMs and the flight deck, or
between various CCM stations. The system includes:

Two cabin attendant handsets

Attendant call lights

To call the CCM stations from the flight deck, push the ATTEND button 2
times. The call is inhibited if the CCM handheld is being used.

Calls to the flight deck can be made from handhelds at the forward or the aft
CCM stations by pressing "2" twice. This will illuminate the Cabin Call light,
and will remain so until the call is answered or cancelled.

To call the other attentand station, press 5.

Service Interphone
All external interphone jacks can be connected to the flight deck interphone
system by placeing the SERVICE INTERPHONE switch to ON. The OFF position
deactivates the microphone at external jacks (except the jack marked FLIGHT
on the APU Ground Control Panel.)

PA System
The PA system allows CCMs using handhelds and flight deck members using
any micriphone to make announcements to the cabin. The system is
prioritized, and higher level priorities will override lower ones.

PA Priorities:

1. Flight Deck Announcements

2. Flight Attendant Announcements
3. Pre-Recorded announcements
4. In flight entertainment system

To address pax from flight deck, select PA on the ACP then use the PTT switch

From CCM, push 8 to connect the handheld to the PA system, and the PTT to
make the announcement. The RESET button disconnects the handset from the
PA or cancels calls.

The CVR uses four independent channcels to record flight deck audio for 120

The channels record different areas:

1. Flight Deck area conversations using the area micriphone

2. The other channels record individual ACP audio and transmissions for the
pilots and observers ??->If ACP is on ALT, does CVR still work?

The CVR panel has the microphone, an ERASE switch, a TEST switch, a status
light, and a jack that can be used to monitor transmission during playback or
during tests

Where is the Audio Control Panel?::Aft Overhead

How is ACARS accessed?::Via the Control Display Units (FMC)

How many VHF radios are on board?::3. Two are connected to LRU 1 and 2,
the third is for ACARS.
Where are the VHF antennas located?::VHF1 on upper fuselage, VHF 2 on rear
lower fuselage, VHF 3 on forward lower fuselage.
Where is the HF antenna located?::On the leading edge of the vertical stab.

How do you know the HF radio is tuned?::A tone will last between 7 and 15

What alerts can be heard through speakers and headsets?::APA, GPWS, TCAS,

How do you use the inter-phone with the oxygen mask on?::On the ACP use
the PTT set to INT.

What are the V, B, R options on the ACP?::Voice only, Radio station identifier
only, Both.
What does ALT mode on the ACP do?::By-passes the relevant ACP and
connects single radio directly to crew member.

Which systems are unavailable with the ACP in ALT?::Handheld mic, PA

system via ACP, GPWS, APA, Windshear.

Where is the ACARS management unit installed?::In the E&E compartment.

How do you access ACARS on the CDU?::Using the keys, select DLK, then

What are the indications that an ATC message is received on CPDLC?::EICAS

ATC message, ATC message on CDU, hi/lo chime.
How do you call a CCM station?::Push the ATTEND button two times.
How do you call the flight deck from a CCM station?::Push "2" twice.
How many CVR channels are there?::4 - > One for each ACP, and one area

What is indicated by an illuminated offside tuning lighit?::The radio normally

associated with this panel is being tuned by another radio.
What communication stations can be connected through the flight interphone
system?::Ground crew at nose gear station and all flight deck positions.

When the SERVICE INTERPHONE switch is ON, additional comms jacks are
available for use by ground personnel.::True.
What switch would you use to alert ground personnel you would like to talk
to them?::GRD CALL switch on the Overhead Panel.

Using the ACP, how many MIC transmissions can be made at one time?::One.

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