Video Questions - SDG

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Video Questions:

1.) What is the target year to reach the SDG’s?

2.)True or False: Covid-19 has helped in achieving the goals?

3.)What did the UN member states make their mission?

4.)Which goal is most directly affected by Covid 19?

5.)In how many countries has Covid 19 interrupted immunisation


6.)What percentage of students worldwide were out of school?

7.)What completion rate did the poorest 20% have?

8.)True or False: Women are facing more of the consequences of

the pandemic than men?

9.)What according to the UN, must be the first priority?

10.) Is there anything else that has happened in the world

recently that could hinder this progress?

Reflection Questions:
1.) What is meant by the term sustainable development?

2.) What does SDG stand for?

3.) State five choices that you as a consumer can make that could contribute to
sustainable development. Give reasons why.

4.) Outline your understanding of the Social Progress Index. Where did you find
Ireland on this scale?

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