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Three-dimensional evaluation of
dentopalatal changes after rapid
maxillary expansion in growing children
Woowon Jang,a Yoon Jeong Choi,b Jung-Yul Cha,b Yoon Goo Kang,c Euiseong Kim,d and Kyung-Ho Kime
Seoul, South Korea

Introduction: In growing children with transverse malocclusion problems, various types of rapid maxillary ex-
panders (RMEs) have been effectively used in skeletal and dental expansions. We evaluated 3-dimensional
dentopalatal changes in growing children who underwent maxillary expansion using RMEs and bonded
RMEs. Methods: We investigated dentopalatal changes in 20 patients treated with bonded RMEs, 19 with
RMEs, and 38 control patients. Dental plaster models before and after expansion were scanned 3-
dimensionally and superimposed to evaluate transverse expansion, expansion ratio, angular expansion, and
palatal expansion height ratio. Results: Using bonded RMEs, similar anterior and posterior dental expansions
were achieved with an efficiency of 69%-76% (expansion ratio), and palatal soft-tissue expansion occurred more
apically in the posterior area (palatal expansion height ratio, 1.00) than in the anterior area (palatal expansion
height ratio, 0.64). Using RMEs, a larger posterior dental expansion was achieved, with an efficiency of
106%-117% (expansion ratio), than anterior dental expansion (55%-60%), and palatal soft-tissue expansion
occurred more apically in the posterior area (palatal expansion height ratio, 0.99) than anterior area (palatal
expansion height ratio, 0.23). Conclusions: Dental expansions in the anterior and posterior areas were similar
using bonded RMEs, whereas the posterior dental expansions were larger than those of the anterior area using
RMEs. The entire palatal soft-tissue slope expanded in the posterior area, whereas the occlusal part expanded
in the anterior area using RMEs and bonded RMEs. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2024;165:103-13)

fter the report on maxillary expansion by An- dentition, palatal soft tissue, and temporary skeletal
gell,1 the expansion appliance manufactured anchorage devices, to effectively treat transverse
by Haas2 has been used in orthodontics. Maxil- discrepancy and minimize side effects, such as buccal
lary expansion appliances alleviate dental crowding, cor- crown tipping of posterior teeth or buccal alveolar
rect posterior crossbite, and expand maxilla width when bone loss.4,5
narrower than the mandible.3 Since the initial use of In growing children with transverse malocclusion,
maxillary expansion, orthodontists have been investi- various rapid maxillary expanders (RMEs) have been
gating the use of various anchorages, including widely studied and effectively used in both skeletal and
dental expansions. Tooth-borne (Hyrax-type) and
a tissue-borne (Haas-type) appliances have been commonly
Yonsei Twins Orthodontic Dental Clinic, Seoul, South Korea.
Department of Orthodontics, Institute of Craniofacial Deformity, College of used to induce maxillary skeletal and dental expansions.
Dentistry, Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea. Garib et al6 and Weissheimer et al7 reported that Haas-
Department of Orthodontics, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, South Korea.
d type expanders induced larger buccal molar inclination,
Department of Conservative Dentistry and Oral Research Center, College of
Dentistry, Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea. whereas Oliveira et al8 suggested that Haas-type ex-
Department of Orthodontics, Gangnam Severance Dental Hospital, College of panders achieved larger orthopedic expansion of the
Dentistry, Institute of Craniofacial Deformity, Yonsei University, Seoul, South
maxilla. Furthermore, different effects of band type and
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of bonded RMEs have been reported. Kiliç et al9 and Olmez
Potential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported. et al10 demonstrated larger dentoalveolar tipping after us-
Address correspondence to: Kyung-Ho Kim, Department of Orthodontics, Gang-
ing band-type RMEs than that observed after using
nam Severance Hospital, Institute of Craniofacial Deformity, College of Dentistry,
Yonsei University, 211 Eonjuro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-720, South Korea; bonded RMEs. Sarver and Johnston11 showed that the
e-mail, bonded RME reduced the extrusion of posterior teeth.
Submitted, September 2022; revised and accepted, July 2023.
However, Asanza et al12 reported no significant difference
Ó 2023 by the American Association of Orthodontists. All rights reserved. in dental tipping between the 2 RMEs.

104 Jang et al

Changes in the teeth and periodontal tissue during patients (10 males, 9 females; median age 11.63 years)
maxillary expansion have been primarily observed in pre- for the RME group.
vious studies. Furthermore, to evaluate the skeletal A Biederman-type expander was used in the RME
changes of the maxilla, including midpalatal suture group to band the first premolars and molars bilaterally.
opening and morphologic changes of the palatal vault For bonded RME, the same expander type was used with
in growing children, cone-beam computed tomography occlusal bite blocks of 1-3 mm thickness to cover the
(CBCT) is used periodically. bilateral posterior teeth (Fig 1). For both RME and
However, with 3-dimensional (3D) study model scan- bonded RME groups, the patients were instructed to
ning and analysis programs, it is possible to detect turn the expander by one-quarter of a turn per day.
changes in dentition and maxillary skeletal changes. As The expansion was performed until the palatal cusps
tooth movement affects the remodeling of the peri- of the maxillary posterior teeth did not move beyond
odontal tissue, including the alveolar bone, opening the buccal cusps of the mandibular posterior teeth using
the midpalatal suture and subsequent maxillary expan- RMEs. Using bonded RMEs, the expansion continued
sion would alter the shape of the palatal soft tissue. until the entire palatal cusps in the bite-block main-
Recent advances in 3D technologies can provide infor- tained the occlusal contact with the mandibular buccal
mation that could not be observed using previous cusp. The articulating paper was used to check the
methods, such as posteroanterior cephalogram or dental occlusal contact in the bonded RME group.
plaster model analyses. Moreover, 3D model scanning To evaluate chronological changes by normal growth,
has excellent precision and reproducibility13 and pro- we enrolled 2 control groups from the archives of Insti-
vides information on various sections to show the tute of Craniofacial Deformity, College of Dentistry, Yon-
changes, such as remodeling or expansion patterns in sei University based on the same criteria. The control
both the teeth and palatal soft tissue. group had no orthodontic treatment history, and plaster
Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate and compare dental models were collected yearly. Control group 1 (n 5
the dentopalatal expansions of different positions in 3D- 19; 6 boys and 13 girls; median age, 9.0 years) was
scanned dental models using 2 RME types, bonded and selected to match the age of the bonded RME group,
band-type RME, in growing children. whereas control group 2 (n 5 19; 9 boys and 10 girls;
median age, 12.0 years) was selected to match the age
of the RME group. The characteristics of the RME and
MATERIAL AND METHODS control groups are summarized in Table I.
This is a retrospective study conducted after review Impressions were taken as a regular procedure at T1
and approval by Gangnam Severance Hospital Institu- and T2 to evaluate the degree of expansion. The dental
tional Review Board (no. 3-2017-0320). models at T2 were fabricated after the appliance removal
Initially, 146 patients who had visited the Department and 3-6 months of maintenance after the expansion had
of Orthodontics, Gangnam Severance Dental Hospital, been completed. In case of severe gingival swelling at T2,
between 2012 and 2018 and received maxillary expan- the patient was recalled 1 week later to confirm the sub-
sion treatment using either RME (79 patients) or bonded sidence of the swelling and take the impression.
RME (67 patients) were enrolled. RME was selected The dental models at T1 and T2 were scanned using a
because of dental crowding and transverse discrepancy, 3D model scanner (Freedom HD; DOF, Irvine, Calif). The
including posterior crossbite. RME and bonded RME 3D digital models at T1 and T2 were superimposed (Rap-
were allocated according to the eruption state of the idform2006; Inus, Seoul, South Korea) on the basis of
maxillary first premolars. Patients who satisfied the the medial parts of the anterior third palatal rugae and
following conditions were included in the expansion the median raphe, which are known to be stable struc-
groups: (1) availability of dental plaster models before tures (Fig 2).14,15
(T1) and after maxillary expansion (T2), (2) no appliance For measurements, we defined bilateral landmarks on
detachment or breakage during treatment, (3) no defects the digital model at T1 and T2: the cusp tip of the (decid-
or interference from inflammation-related edema with uous) canine (C3R and C3L); the most prominent point of
the measurement of the plaster model, (4) no specific sys- the palatal gingival margin of the (deciduous) canine
temic disease or jaw deformity, (5) no prior experience of (G3R and G3L); mesiopalatal cusp of the first molar (C6R
orthodontic treatment, and (6) no changes in crown and C6L); the point in which the palatal groove of the first
morphology (eg, because of a prosthesis or trauma). molar met the gingival margin (G6R and G6L); and esti-
A total of 39 subjects were finally included in the mated center of resistance of the first molar, which was
RME group: 20 patients (4 males, 16 females; median located 5 mm below the G6 point (P6R and P6L).16-18
age, 8.71 years) for the bonded RME group and 19 The line connecting G6R and G6L was registered as the

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Fig 1. Expansion appliances used in this study: A, Bonded RME; B, RME.

Table I. Demographic features of maxillary expansion and control groups

Variables Bonded RME (n 5 20) Control 1 (n 5 19) P value RME (n 5 19) Control 2 (n 5 19) P value
Sex 0.408 0.746
Male 4 (20.0) 6 (31.6) 10 (52.6) 9 (47.4)
Female 16 (80.0) 13 (68.4) 9 (47.4) 10 (52.6)
Age (y)
T1 8.71 (6.33-10.75) 9.00 (6.00-10.00) 0.718 11.63 (8.92-13.67) 12.00 (10.00-14.00) 0.967
T2 10.09 (7.08-11.66) 10.00 (7.00-11.00) 0.654 12.50 (10.17-14.83) 13.00 (11.00-15.00) 0.901
T2 T1 1.13 (0.25-1.91) 1.00 0.613 1.08 (0.42-1.42) 1.00 0.607
ANB ( )
T1 0.28 ( 2.21 to 5.01) 2.75 (0.70-5.80) \0.001*** 2.28 ( 1.99 to 5.96) 4.20 (1.95-5.98) \0.05*
T2 1.38 ( 2.83 to 3.24) 3.50 (0.90-6.60) \0.001*** 2.72 ( 0.75 to 5.66) 4.48 (1.65-6.29) \0.05*
T2 T1 0.56 ( 3.50 to 3.22) 0.25 ( 2.30 to 3.60) 0.988 0.20 ( 1.61 to 4.86) 0.01 ( 1.36 to 1.60) 0.977
Mp-SN ( )
T1 36.13 (29.10-41.74) 37.50 (30.00-41.70) 0.784 37.33 (31.51-41.47) 35.68 (32.80-39.90) 0.284
T2 37.58 (28.66-41.35) 36.80 (31.00-41.80) 0.791 38.44 (30.72-44.20) 35.98 (31.39-42.60) 0.223
T2 T1 0.14 ( 3.89 to 3.29) 0.20 ( 3.60 to 3.00) 0.355 0.88 ( 2.20 to 2.73) 0.10 ( 2.19 to 2.70) 0.370

Note. Data are presented as n (%) and median (range); Chi-square tests were used to compare gender between groups, whereas Mann-Whitney U
tests were used to compare age, ANB, and Mp-SN between groups.
*P \0.05; ***P \0.001.

x-axis, and the midpoint was defined as (0, 0, 0). The maxillary first molars showed 4.0 mm expansion on the
line connecting (0, 0, 0) with the gingival embrasure cusp tips with 5.0 mm of the appliances, the expansion
between the maxillary central incisors was the y-axis, ratio would be 0.8. To verify the amount of appliance
and the other axis was the z-axis. The plane containing expansion, the numbers of screw turnings were counted
the x- and y-axes were defined as the horizontal by reverse turning the jackscrew after appliance removal.
reference plane, whereas the planes perpendicular to In the anterior and posterior vertical plane before
the horizontal reference plane and including the G3 expansion, the apex of the palatal vault was defined as
and G6 points were defined as the anterior and Aa and Ap, respectively. The angle connecting the bilat-
posterior vertical planes, respectively (Fig 3). eral landmarks (C3, G3, C6, G6, and P6) to the apex of
The transverse expansion was assessed for the canine the palatal vault was measured, and the angular expan-
and first molar by measuring the distance between the sion was defined as the differences between T1 and T2
right and left sides: C3R-C3L, G3R-G3L, C6R-C6L, G6R- for each landmark (Fig 5).
G6L, and P6R-P6L (Fig 4). The palatal expansion height ratio indicates the in-
The expansion ratios were defined as the relative flection point on the palatal soft tissue. On the posterior
amount of transverse expansion of the teeth (C3R-C3L, vertical plane, the outline of the palate was drawn at T1
G3R-G3L, C6R-C6L, and G6R-G6L) and palatal soft tissue and T2 (Fig 6). The intersection points of the 2 outlines
(P6R-P6L) to assume the total expansion amount of the were defined as the posterior palatal expansion points, in
bonded RME or RME appliance as 1. For example, if the which changes in the palatal soft tissue were observed.

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Fig 2. Superimposition of 3D models before (gray) and after (blue) expansion.

Fig 3. Axes (x, y, z) and reference planes.

The same procedure was performed for the anterior ver- height ratio was defined as the perpendicular distance
tical plane, and the intersection point was defined as the to the palatal expansion point divided by the perpendic-
anterior palatal expansion point. ular distance to Aa (or Ap). A positive value indicated the
From the line connecting G3R-G3L (or G6R-G6L), the palatal soft tissue expanded from the palatal expansion
perpendicular distances to the palatal expansion point point to G6, whereas a negative value indicated constric-
and Aa (or Ap) were measured. The palatal expansion tion. An approximation to 1 indicates more expansion of

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Fig 4. Transverse expansion measurements between C3R-C3L, G3R-G3L, C6R-C6L, G6R-G6L, and

the basal bone, whereas an approximation to 0 indicates A single orthodontist (W.W.J.) measured the trans-
more dentoalveolar expansion. verse expansion, expansion ratio, angular expansion,
Transverse expansion, angular expansion, and and palatal expansion height ratio. To account for mea-
palatal expansion height ratio were measured for the surement errors, all the measurements were repeated 2
expansion and control groups at T1 and T2. In the con- weeks later in samples from 10 randomly selected pa-
trol groups, the 2 dental models with a 1-year interval tients. Intraclass correlation coefficients of 0.945-
were used for the measurements. 0.999 were recorded, showing high reliability. In addi-
tion, 10 patients were randomly selected for another
Statistical analysis set of measurements done by another examiner; the
Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests were used to determine interclass correlation coefficients for this set were
the normal distribution of the data, whereas chi- 0.915-0.960, showing high reliability.
square tests were used to compare the sex ratios be- A P \0.05 was considered statistically significant,
tween the expansion and corresponding control and all the data were processed using the SPSS (version
groups. Mann-Whitney U tests were used to compare 23; IBM, Armonk, NY).
age and expansion parameters between the expansion
and corresponding control groups. Friedman and Bon- RESULTS
ferroni post-hoc tests were used to compare the expan- The demographic features of the subjects are shown
sion parameters among different locations in each in Table I. Although there were statistically significant
expansion group. differences in ANB between the expansion and

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Fig 5. Angular expansion measurements between C3R-Aa-C3L, G3R-Aa-G3L, C6R-Ap-C6L, G6R-Ap-

G6L, and P6R-Ap-P6L.

corresponding control groups (P \0.05), sex, age, and Anterior and posterior teeth showed similar degrees of
mandibular plane angle did not show significant differ- transverse expansions (2.37-2.80 mm) and expansion
ences between the groups (P .0.05). ratios (0.69-0.76). The posterior palatal soft tissue
The transverse linear measurements at T1 are shown showed 1.43 mm of transverse expansion and an expan-
in Table II. Both maxillary expansion groups showed sion ratio 0.42. Angular expansions ranged between
narrower width in every location compared with the con- 1.75 and 4.00 , showing no significant differences in
trol groups, although statistically significant differences position (P .0.05). The palatal expansion height ratio
were noted in the anterior and posterior cusp tips, pos- was significantly smaller in the anterior region (0.64)
terior gingival margin, and palatal soft tissue between as compared with that of the posterior region (1.00)
bonded RME and control group 1 (P \0.05). (P \0.001), indicating that expansion of the palatal
Most transverse, angular, and palatal expansion soft tissue occurred in a more occlusal location in the
height ratio values were significantly larger in both anterior region compared with the posterior region
RME and bonded RME groups compared with those in (Table IV).
the corresponding control groups (P \0.05), except In the RME group, the median expansion amount of
the angular expansion in the anterior gingival margin the appliance was 5.20 (2.80-8.00) mm. Larger trans-
and anterior palatal expansion height ratio between verse expansion, expansion ratio, and angular expansion
the RME group and control group 2 (Table III). values were observed at the posterior cusp tip (6.10 mm,
In the bonded RME group, the median expansion 1.17, and 7.63 , respectively) and gingival margin (5.60
amount of the appliance was 3.70 (2.00-6.80) mm. mm, 1.06, 7.19 , respectively) (P \0.001). The palatal

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Fig 6. Measurements of the palatal expansion height ratio showing the posterior vertical plane. The
positive palatal expansion height ratio indicates the palatal soft tissue expanded from the palatal expan-
sion point (red), whereas the negative palatal expansion height ratio indicates the palatal soft tissue
constricted from the palatal expansion point after expansion (yellow).

Table II. Transverse linear measurements of maxillary expansion and control groups before expansion
Transverse linear measurements (mm)

Locations Bonded RME (n 5 20) Control 1 (n 5 19) P value RME (n 5 19) Control 2 (n 5 19) P value
C3 29.22 (24.97-35.71) 32.43 (27.44-35.84) \0.05* 33.87 (29.61-41.08) 35.49 (32.79-39.54) 0.154
G3 23.39 (20.16-29.21) 25.73 (22.49-27.99) 0.055 24.75 (21.62-32.83) 26.75 (23.52-29.85) 0.151
C6 37.25 (32.35-46.91) 41.25 (36.24-44.37) \0.05* 41.09 (32.65-47.00) 43.08 (36.78-45.36) 0.297
G6 30.41 (27.30-38.84) 33.89 (29.40-37.28) \0.05* 33.64 (26.24-39.27) 35.79 (29.86-37.65) 0.354
P6 20.11 (16.94-29.67) 24.78 (18.86-28.50) \0.05* 24.35 (15.99-32.26) 26.77 (21.31-30.81) 0.212

Note. Data are presented as median (range); Mann-Whitney U tests were used for comparison.
C3, Cusp tip of the canine; G3, Most prominent point of the palatal gingival margin of the canine; C6, Mesiopalatal cusp of the first molar; G6,
Point in which the palatal groove of the first molar met the gingival margin; P6, Estimated center of resistance of the first molar, which was located 5
mm below from G6.
*P \0.05.

expansion height ratio was significantly larger in the In the bonded RME group, dental transverse expan-
posterior region (0.99) compared with that of the ante- sion was almost the same at the anterior and posterior
rior region (0.23) (P \0.01) (Table V). cusp tips and gingival margins. The expansion ratio
ranged from 0.69 to 0.76, implying that the dental
DISCUSSION expansion efficiency of the bonded RME is approxi-
In this study, we investigated palatal expansions in mately 70%. In addition, we found that the bonded
patients treated with bonded RME and RME at various RME caused similar expansion of the teeth in the ante-
positions of the crown cusp tip, gingival margin, and rior and posterior regions, suggesting parallel expansion
palatal soft tissue. Compared with control groups, both in the anterior and posterior regions, whereas the
expansion groups showed larger expansions in every angular expansions were increased to a similar degree
variable (transverse expansion, angular expansion, and in every location (from 1.75 to 4.00 ). Summing up
palatal expansion height ratio). The median expansion the results, the maxillary expansion after using the
amount of bonded RME was 3.70 mm, approximately bonded RME could have a pyramidal pattern, starting
70% of RME (5.20 mm). This came from the different from the base of the maxillary bone and moving toward
amounts of crowding or arch shapes (narrow or broad) the dental cusp tips. This is consistent with a report by
between the 2 expansion groups. Wertz et al.19

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics January 2024  Vol 165  Issue 1
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Table III. Comparisons of transverse expansion, angular expansion, and palatal expansion height ratio between
maxillary expansion and control groups
Bonded RME
Locations (n 5 20) Control 1 (n 5 19) P value RME (n 5 19) Control 2 (n 5 19) P value
Transverse expansion (mm)
C3 2.37 (1.62-6.99) 0.58 ( 0.39 to 2.12) \0.001*** 2.70 (0.82-6.35) 0.05 ( 0.50 to 1.20) \0.001***
G3 2.80 (1.26-6.54) 0.70 ( 0.53 to 2.45) \0.001*** 2.45 ( 1.26 to 4.07) 0.14 ( 1.52 to 0.59) \0.001***
C6 2.41 (1.29-6.58) 0.80 (0.15-1.60) \0.001*** 6.10 (2.50-9.53) 0.26 ( 0.64 to 1.63) \0.001***
G6 2.55 (1.43-6.76) 0.55 ( 0.28 to 1.52) \0.001*** 5.60 (2.80-8.60) 0.60 ( 0.64 to 1.83) \0.001***
P6 1.43 (0.17-5.48) 0.29 ( 0.55 to 1.34) \0.001*** 1.85 ( 2.36 to 5.90) 0.17 ( 0.90 to 2.15) \0.001***
Angular expansion ( )
C3 2.35 ( 2.37 to 14.50) 0.53 ( 4.05 to 3.70) \0.05* 2.36 ( 12.67 to 4.84) 2.14 ( 11.53 to 0.39) \0.05*
G3 1.75 ( 2.92 to 17.12) 1.20 ( 5.37 to 0.86) \0.01** 0.67 ( 15.63 to 7.22) 1.81 ( 8.81 to 2.13) 0.110
C6 4.00 (1.12-11.28) 0.55 ( 4.34 to 3.68) \0.001*** 7.63 (1.37-15.95) 1.83 ( 8.68 to 0.90) \0.001***
G6 3.75 ( 4.89 to 10.47) 0.67 ( 3.75 to 1.51) \0.001*** 7.19 (2.55-15.28) 1.44 ( 5.82 to 2.17) \0.001***
P6 3.05 (0.18-10.53) 0.81 ( 0.57 to 2.79) \0.01** 2.48 ( 3.83 to 7.80) 0.35 ( 1.39 to 4.12) \0.01**
Palatal expansion height
Anterior 0.64 (0.08-1.00) 0.34 ( 1.00 to 1.00) \0.01** 0.23 ( 1.00 to 1.00) 0.51 ( 1.00 to 0.49) 0.129
Posterior 1.0. (0.55-1.00) 0.24 ( 1.00 to 1.00) \0.001*** 0.99 ( 0.49 to 1.00) 0.31 ( 1.00 to 1.00) \0.001***

Note. Data are presented as median (range); Mann-Whitney U tests were used for comparison.
C3, Cusp tip of the canine; G3, Most prominent point of the palatal gingival margin of the canine; C6, Mesiopalatal cusp of the first molar; G6,
Point in which the palatal groove of the first molar met the gingival margin; P6, Estimated center of resistance of the first molar, which was located 5
mm below from G6.
*P \0.05; **P \0.01; ***P \0.001.

Table IV. Transverse expansion, expansion ratio, angular expansion, and palatal expansion height ratio in the
bonded RME group
Locations Transverse expansion (mm) Expansion ratio Angular expansion ( ) Palatal expansion height ratio
C3 2.37 (1.62-6.99)ab 0.74 (0.27-1.57)ab 2.35 ( 2.37 to 14.50)
G3 2.80 (1.26-6.54)b 0.76(0.45-1.62)b 1.75 ( 2.92 to 17.12)
C6 2.41 (1.29-6.58)ab 0.75 (0.32-1.27)ab 4.00 (1.12-11.28)
G6 2.55 (1.43-6.76)ab 0.69 (0.48-1.42)ab 3.75 ( 4.89 to 10.47)
P6 1.43 (0.17-5.48)a 0.42 (0.05-1.06)a 3.05 (0.18-10.53)
Anterior 0.64 (0.08-1.00)
Posterior 1.00 (0.55-1.00)
P value \0.05* \0.05* 0.167 \0.001***
Note. Data are presented as median (range); The median expansion amount of bonded RME was 3.70 (2.00-6.80) mm; Friedman tests were used for
comparisons; Medians followed by distinct superscripted letters (a, b) indicate a significant difference in medians within same column as determined
by Bonferroni corrected post-hoc test; a \ b.
C3, Cusp tip of the canine; G3, Most prominent point of the palatal gingival margin of the canine; C6, Mesiopalatal cusp of the first molar; G6,
Point in which the palatal groove of the first molar met the gingival margin; P6, Estimated center of resistance of the first molar, which was located 5
mm below from G6.
*P \0.05; ***P \0.001.

In the RME group, the largest transverse expansion, reported more dental and alveolar bone tipping at the
expansion ratio, and angular expansion were observed first molars using RME as compared with expansion us-
at the posterior cusp tip and gingival margin. The expan- ing a bonded RME, consistent with the results of our
sion ratios were higher than 1 at the posterior cusp tip study.9 However, the expansion ratio in the anterior
and gingival margin, which was considered to be the area was 55%-60%, indicating that more than half of
result of significant buccal crown tipping of the first mo- dental expansion efficiency could be expected while
lars. Therefore, when using an RME for treatment, it is using RME. Previous studies using RME have reported
important to be cautious of periodontal issues, such as that the midpalatal suture would open in a pyramidal
gingival recession at the first molars. Kiliç et al9 per- pattern in an anteroposterior direction, inducing larger
formed rapid expansion using a Hyrax appliance and anterior expansion than posterior teeth.10-12 The lower

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Table V. Transverse expansion, expansion ratio, angular expansion, and palatal expansion height ratio in the RME
Locations Transverse expansion (mm) Expansion ratio Angular expansion ( ) Palatal expansion height ratio
C3 2.70 (0.82-6.35)a 0.60 (0.16-0.84)a 2.36 ( 12.67 to 4.84)a
G3 2.45 ( 1.39 to 4.07)a 0.55 ( 0.28 to 0.76)a 0.67 ( 15.63 to 7.22)a
C6 6.10 (2.50-9.53)b 1.17 (0.66-1.31)b 7.63 (1.37-15.95)b
G6 5.60 (2.80-8.60)b 1.06 (0.60-1.29)b 7.19 (2.55-15.28)b
P6 1.85 ( 2.36 to 5.90)a 0.36 ( 0.41 to 1.13)a 2.48 ( 3.83 to 7.80)a
Anterior 0.23 ( 1.00 to 1.00)
Posterior 0.99 ( 0.49 to 1.00)
P value \0.001*** \0.001*** \0.001*** \0.01**
Note. Data are presented as median (range); The median expansion amount of RME was 5.20 (2.80-8.00) mm; Friedman tests were used for com-
parisons; Medians followed by distinct superscripted letters (a, b) indicate a significant difference in medians within same column as determined by
Bonferroni corrected post-hoc test; a \ b.
C3, Cusp tip of the canine; G3, Most prominent point of the palatal gingival margin of the canine; C6, Mesiopalatal cusp of the first molar; G6,
Point in which the palatal groove of the first molar met the gingival margin; P6, Estimated center of resistance of the first molar, which was located 5
mm below from G6.
**P \ 0.01; ***P \0.001.

expansion ratio of the anterior area in this study might resulting in larger skeletal expansion of the palate. How-
be that we measured the anterior dental expansion on ever, the soft-tissue changes could be affected by the
bilateral canines. The canines were not involved in the skeletal expansion and alveolar bone bending or stretch-
appliances, showing fewer buccal crown tipping and ing of the palatal gingiva. This needs to be confirmed us-
transverse expansion. Adkins et al20 and McNamara ing CBCT to find how each part contributed to the
et al21 used Hyrax and Haas-type RMEs, respectively, changes in palatal soft tissue.
reporting around half of the intercanine width expan- This study has important clinical implications as
sion to intermolar width expansion, consistent with expansion patterns for teeth and palatal soft tissue
our study. were evaluated using 2 maxillary expanders commonly
We measured the expansion ratio to evaluate the ef- used in growing children. Furthermore, we used 3D
ficiency of the 2 maxillary expanders. The bonded RME model scanning and superimposition to examine palatal
showed a consistent ratio of approximately 70% of soft-tissue remodeling patterns, which are difficult to
appliance expansion at the anterior and posterior teeth, analyze using conventional quantitative methods.
whereas the RME showed approximately 60% of appli- Among the various methods for comparing 3D
ance expansion at the anterior teeth and approximately scanned models before and after maxillary expansion,
110% at the posterior teeth. Both maxillary expanders there is a quantitative method for comparing measure-
showed approximately 40% expansion ratios in the pos- ments at each time point and a qualitative method
terior palatal soft tissues, smaller than in the hard tissue. involving superimposing models from each time point
The dense keratinized gingiva might not allow the same based on stable structures. The advantages of the latter
expansion as the hard tissue. superimposition method are that the pattern of changes
The palatal expansion height ratio is a novel concept can be understood by direct observation of each struc-
in this study that quantitatively shows maxillary expan- ture of interest. Furthermore, it is also possible to iden-
sion and growth. We aimed to find the amount of palatal tify structural changes that were not measured.
expansion and vertical positions indicating where the To use the superimposition method in research, it is
maxillary expansion or growth changes were observed. first necessary to assess the reliability of the superimpo-
We interpreted this variable as an indicator of the maxil- sition of models before and after expansion and growth.
lary skeletal expansion ratio. A higher value implies the Although there have been many studies on 3D model su-
palatal vault expanded more from the apical position, perimposition before and after growth or orthodontic
meaning the ratio of skeletal expansion is high. Using treatment, its stability and reliability remain debated.22
bonded RME and RME, the palatal expansion height ra- However, several studies have recently reported that
tio in the posterior area was larger than in the anterior the annual changes in the palate because of growth
area. It could be interpreted that the expansion force are negligible,14,23 and that, in orthodontic treatment
was delivered more efficiently through the larger roots combined with maxillary expansion, taking measure-
of the molars than through those of the anterior teeth, ments after the superimposition of pretreatment and

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics January 2024  Vol 165  Issue 1
112 Jang et al

posttreatment models based on stable structures is a contributed to methodology and software, Jung-Yul
clinically acceptable method.15,24-26 In this study, we Cha contributed to resources and project administration,
measured the mean changes within 1 year, and Yoon Goo Kang contributed to conceptualization and
regarding previous studies that reported there can be supervision, Euiseong Kim contributed to validation
changes around the alveolar bone and the lateral areas and supervision, and Kyung-Ho Kim contributed to vali-
of the rugae when the arch is expanded, we performed dation and supervision.
superimposition on the basis of the median raphe and
the medial parts of the anterior third palatal rugae.14,15 REFERENCES
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American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics January 2024  Vol 165  Issue 1

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