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Arquivo de áudio

Áudio do WhatsApp de 2024-04-23 à(s) 16.23.33_3c280b44 1.mp3

Palestrante 1
Podcast dedicado a broadcasting The Sims of deck, Everson deck, Everson,
wis, the Fender a vile Temple, Portland, vible College and manters,
souncher International and Portland. Obrigado impacted crush fallowers
and Church leaders around the World. Improvisor, regulador, pible base
wisham and instruction weloby presente, a large number of surman series
and a comming mouts e dos are honor tomake, tome avelable, what's again
meio fine, the surmans assourse of inspiration and wistam a somany hy of
Down To the Gears. Series fro. Gods plan for the ages with atend part
series on a gods plan for The Church and its members. Here the first
summan and the series gods master plan for The Church part.
Palestrante 2
One asking in the World ish the open air minds Andre understand because
werealing with something in that he halts to do With You the overview of
godds World. The Church hower here wherevergoing and wanna Tall about
it is the masige the Change Me formo one in the just dist moverround and
just can't go For Me here a here and here the lare that made me say This Is
War a Barry my life in get envolve in the people God And I want a share
that Vision that under staning and a revelation form gods World because i
believe is importun for ast under Stan where were here World. Oi. True that
fide brong speaker one speak in the dos at undertan The What that is do in
the day and wanna be aparte a wonmbian Observer that's you wanna be
aparted I'm gonna take a familiares scripture our Genesis because I'm
gonna be tokent you BA gods plane of the age. Church, that's the Taylor.
The Church janesses one twenty six verificar yard and us the lid receby
bonit's a very peabable scripture in the bieble e cosit beyones with The
What God in min the Star with. What is do in the day welles com back to is
a original intent at the World in the beginning with casa is what got Hat in
mine be for the fall of man aff to the Fallout man this Stewart has in min
the tunya, centery Genesis one twenty six and God sead. God seat left lison
LED a smake man in RM the afterlikness, and let's t'n hall, the minion of
the Fish of the see, and over the fallou of the air and of the Cable, and over
all of the ear. LED Men, hob, this kind of the minion? LED and Bean our
lickness and-r MHM so God creden man in hisimage and the emage of God
Creative heim mail and meio cread hheal and God Blass, demo and sed and
the demo e footfl and modely and replanice the Earth and sub Duarte and
hebre the minion over the Fish of the Sea and the fall of the air, and over
every. Casei os cast of the direct this pon and time mas eu sei late saudários
AA summery of what God entended with is man in the beginning. Nalders,
Ben alar of things a happy and the lass's six tous and yers to bring us to the
thistic your point. Timber that's away at stardid that's what God had in
mine. A creation after hus m age and his likeness and aywar to heavy the
minion over the hall Earth and away to sub do it the World to take the flory
of God a urgive in this comission. The Witcher the World of God, the
World attake the Government of God, the way of God we Sage and the
open in scriptsure russo mo go forth is long the World of Lord formos.
People heins people to Hell a forty in the Earth and the World To Be a
people and health likeness i want You Do ryke down things down the kas i
wanna make is on sta statements indie. Enfezize Th statement, I'm Into You
Summer Rise gods plane of the age in the statement car's desires that heavy
people. On Free Will. Who the here people here family, hus, House, Creed,
and in hus likness weithology's atributs o he-may love and aywood
responde hyun by by dare love and obedions to is weel. Não IA pegar a
orrad não. Thank You. Isso é One More Time. This a Witsel Tapes. To
heavy people hooby there on Free Will. Note force, but the only Free Will.
Woody hearth people. Hirs family hirshouse Creative in hirs likeness where
all of hus atributs. He nay love orfano of Wheels and aywood responde to
hmm, byzer love. And obedions to is weil Jesus a this way You Love Me
UA. T Michael ammans, the prof of love a GE William asterisco. His
World. Na altura we have something in thets very óbvias and the movie
very hall for Spencer manty time a Dow sayde again. We health the outy
from genes and 3 to The Book revelation, God dealyne with different grups
of people. NYSE senten in mine e ficou remember that i with Adam, with
Abraham, with David, with Moses, with the people tran the willion she
health. This Is sain Thor in mind of time This Is where has and mind of
some the dtoews of hour a workshop and diferente spen Ops on thystah but.
Is the heart. God wa's the people Hugo be he is people. O responde-me be
like you responde-me love and ofdiden's and do is well in the serr. Só um
ano? Store Audi na boca of Genesis we are Adam and the ive and the
Guardian and the he won't a Down To be is people This Is way starded para
Wonder tham the bea's people base under on Free Will iden heath to Bowl
the in health the stay in the guarden Lady in health the doory tolo in the do
bate a with want to do with. Remove from his presents because of the
sobeians ates the basses of CEN that obebions refeius in the believe gods
World over sations a World cost and the on the removille from the
Guardian gods design and design never Seas. To the surpan attack time ou
ucomecome and brusch my health, there's a seey, the welcome eventuceles
atend, and a Bruce your head, and so God a mediad Lee begand the
redempy processs, and as we wack three the owl, testemun And I furious
members. A the last messies at i Brown To You all a Sandy. Night ASP
you barson of intrud in the scripture all God us natural things to helpus
under Stan spiritual thinks and so one lookty Ol TAS week natural full
film's natural sacrifices natural cloud and army non non anone with your
homem Shadow and types of that with wesgoing as a alternat of godds plan
in the Guardian gods goin the heavy people that your gona be respe.
Likenness and a yurgoin to do hisw. Adam field, Abraham Kim on theseing
and a God só, Abraham and the love da abertura and dreamssite and
Abraham os givin the sain comission to go and the replanice the Earth and
the take the way of God to the Earth. Abraham the not sale Abraham a
Adam feld, Abraham the not sale tday the vible CES a we are the children's
of Abraham by Faith in Jesus Cristo were the Abraham sead pacause the
right? Lá ainda o brainfourt the massa i wit come to e. Jake with with Bee
Jesus and alme with believe in Jesus crist with become the seadive abriram
Everybody that what believe in the in AN Jesus Cristo, the acamplashment
of the promess of Genesis Rey fifty daywood final this Relations ship back
again with God Adam head the beginning the othersment we se is round a
we see that us royald us you feel, and This Is wide orcast of urbking abre.
And the i mention To You day FEE? Ivan daw the World day lenage that
broadworth the wr to c na the week sou to aberham Down To David soon
the World the leonids that wers the brainford the Wright c Jesus Cry so day
a praticar responsability with that what a genealogys and the o testem or sol
importante because that w that see that whis the come the mass West. All
away three all the way three Bye of and a nother line afterme head come to
hes line to easy canso that's wide the genealogy every Wonder it all w is go
three three this long list so one so beget Night beget ne begin here Bett i bet
is wel that what is absoluta essencial. The Snow generallogis Evan die
people the Joice people World the net there's know passible way of relating
to the geneallogy back abre it so mix top de Mary genial maryging and that
that that that genealogy husband all a dona way with is know whay the
taken fin the wrches lide ones Jesus cay that WH the wir scather because
that that was that the cretic party of what God Wes doing. Na hear World
of a want to the right down want Ride two Worlds down help you know I'm
We Go threeove the World this Morning and Night. We have un instrument
and we have a perpus that makes the biele very, very simple to under stam
gore heas and instrument to Foo filmes propriamente got Haus and
instruments i wanna make a man and has goon a heavy the minion I'm
gone, a Hebe a people and my likeness just like me what my atributs Saint
more gonna be close andregoind haw the aflity to take my saveing Grace to
the hall Earth. Instruments. And purpers não. After the instrument, the
instrument changes. But the precis of God never changes. The instruments
changes, but the precis of God never changes. Na on we comm and a what
the Bye refers to as the last day. Is there some importante thyssen the week
to note ou light havia turn with saig the this Morning in restting that we
open the service with isl too withing test? Você vai ser family with the
fraise and x two where were Peter sheen's uppensos This Is lit the day
penicoster only War pong the holy Spirit tot playcent inst great Usher
inyon of a new deay toke place isso is This Is that with's was poken buther
profit Joe that i shoo come the pass in the last day. The last days istoking
about the last eed and the in the tirm of The Church Edge is talk about
willive Andy referirs toet as a last eag that's wiry import time takes a
diference significads in the HD comp para as foreus manchini and a estreou
de mankine and maine's atorty and abdulaty to move abound, do the only
thing and the mencionet wex air. Experience in the day we are now and the
last day. É OIRN whats call ou wecall the last of the last day. And Alves
theme sua whitman and the ow testeming em wisto talknabel Moses and
the usr's the worldrenus and read c allies tens um for our administion for
our learning apon home be in our the Edge isto on we referir to the World
the last days You Are un IR and the last last day. Time as we know hots the
HD to com we bug glor fied boties in the high to com ones we receber
body like on the hym whatever your next HDY usar is I'm is different in the
Sage is a right where always with a Lord we never die won never be tamed
again World nomet what you he hall in the next AIG the come Call of Duty
colled the Edge the comme colle what you want that IDA Toy defin the
mension. Is know i need the Lord help in the finight body that subjected.
The i need the Lord help today and soy and i's a the second chapter EE
CES a tisway's the perfetic a World commony NHL come to pass in the last
days that vers too of Eye o two Andy remember of you Wick to go all of
aprovis pouco about this days acrey twoty four all of the profets poke about
the day Union i with experienci.
This Is.
Palestrante 2
War protegic term's you apto you of the here and prophytic langges If You
try do put perthic Word in the some natural capso you gonnag and trouble a
cause first the natural vender spirio God us is the things are theme in to
helpus under stans spiriom thinks roms one twoty inicial com the pass and
the last last days. On the top of the mountain? And seu big's Allianz about
the health and all mation show flow to it. The many people Manny show go
and the commy let's go up to the mountain valor House to the God of Jake
of the ches isways and weekw walken isign seu conforto, love and the
World from the russoman of you Take That descripture AUTRA make
some colle of natural full filme with your gont mez the heart a what God is
do in the day. Go horas looking Dawn to the corder time to the last days,
and when peater sess this that what Joe spake it, you come the pass and the
last days is World puro my Spirit anterior Suns Andre dothers and Nation
profercity won in the that to Mendes perfeic attrands by Joe Andy bega to
interprete now you of sheen what the profetics of in Talking a Dow Jesus
Cristo with calma and hall day without kill hime un the cross. Lauren,
Chris and raizing from the Dead. Day your convicted in there's and sed
what show with do and dam from that moment acts e begaum to expling
repentent and adapta is on and a the howe spiritter and the how Church
thed wis goon do estables explende Justice like iwa just is one two three
four five six This Is gotles com the take place and the last days and many
ire gon oflow to here and a out of hear pkos is my body is God of the flow
do World of Lord and a love of God and here gone of facnation. Aleluia. I
wanna state of my note se quiser LOT to go year so in the last that is we are
The Final instruments i want you make that Steve rated that state in Doll.
The instruments changes, but the purps never. Aliás, too The Book we say
Manny define instruments in new testem, as isso abrahammer a. Abraham
cayman the King's is cayman Moses and nona nona no White up Intel this
aid the last instrument on the face of thirth to thes da Nations is The Church
of Jesus crist, uni hab. Ben given the saying Men date that idenad in the
beginning. Enhees likeness, crea. Image to take the way of God, the minion
of God, to the Nations. The purps never changes. A want rigor test down
his a nother one. We are to love anda o Bay With Me to take the dominon
o't the World of God otherman of God to all man King that's that that are
joint não a tir that The Church is yo starring with hour gyrus Russomanno.
Staring with where you lead, turning man form darkness orfm ebore sheen
to light or to rachusness to theloward true the redemptive message of the
cross. Kings of Stein offs of obelians the that's the hear of obedions the
were to take the ninion the World, the Government, the cain of God,
diversão alones termin. To Oh man kine almations that's that was the chars
the Lord gabits no meu PIC Ted up player starring in with are the russola
where Georges russola. Parcerias a. Natioher de Russomanno trid attacks
on Blaze out of The New waf and menties the made in influentes in new de
Russomanno. Star em uma direção, mas x one eight no rated stal you can't
health and instrument. Our purpus. E vai ai broth let's you is the slot gadget
here i SAD i heres a wonderful wonderful gadget it a it a wonderful
instrument you sayd a me what's at four i say well it's a optima colled nets
Everybody she dever what's you ma colle? What Is What I Do wit that wel
a you everbody need it. O WhatsApp profissional, well, disse, eu tenho que
ensinar is the haver one. What's What I Do For Me wheel a Dustin really
haveny papers the United what i to what a to wy 7 aonde and just look
within lookd wel know i don't is no what ever Wonder World i wanna that's
Okey what every what the hebre for Fight Houston dowlares I'm I'm I'm i
biet. What a wanna do, WhatsApp? Is a noite make in sants? UEL you can't
heal instrument what a our propus. You can't heal of propus instrument.
You can't heal of propus with all instrument in havere all coins of Nobel
Goes. Well, live got good prepisses Belle how you gonnage ther your
paralise Wow, i don't hmm. Lady Island paralise With You gonna do. Is a
you can't do. You got have instrument of foro your purpus and a purpus ast
have the instrument. Liseider Jan say know that to say noes that God who
as intrusted in the Hills creation. Daí dei privilege of extending da perpens
of God the of God the no. Sayden at the inchment wasconed i the
churchnor Angels. Ansey know that is very wherever. Gods, people,
urgeving, the soorid Exchange the World were World changers. Alame
lamé make this real clear because as isso very importância na área a we talk
and about. Take over because ipolitical take over the Snow, change Hearts.
And The King of God Haus a do with Hearts at War referir Studios with in
Men. Na era FEX the external with a heart. And a God, this heavy men's
heart, i t's neve a man. Ask what you think of Jesus crist. Is i conquer the
European, the contrities beforming with a thord. My roll overdame with the
short our i Los. Jesus Cristo napoleon sed concred men's Hearts by love
and hereose overdam by love is great ordenam's heart You Have, hmm.
Ladies. And vice-versa. Sales go Band is to destro a inlustin time mcrafly
não é if what a ifsat Do You is the truth than you's understaan wide the
enemy hats, The Church of Jesus crist. Save in go isto destroy the
instruments of God. Destroy, that is, go. Não e danza witho in too basic
waces spen Ops on this two wases whath is wanna d'e with to riden down.
E destrói is the instrument of God with Ron antes. A number too say in
destrói os enchem of God with the Rolling thialgy. Ênfase and Ron
theology. A feel wixagal, i share With You my testemunho. I share With
You what happin in my life, a first fiftyne year of my minustray. Então ela
é with in my meth thirdies. My ênfase wis Ron. I was isen sear As I Am
befou you today. Sear, but You Can Bee sen serley row. Myanfoses on The
Church não é membro da target is The Church ou the instrument and the
papers ATS the to targets eu won't the kill the pupers won's the kill the
instruments videos kills wannavoone is got the job down a kg cand for
fears someone instruments of fild. And of the even instruments. And every
runded it paraliset that. Ha Ha Ha Ha ha ha. Ha. Ha ha ha for filmat and-
day the area of at the enyay hard comying and iven do i was Active and dz
and do inalt things and run and allo a play pla play going a LOT up Places
the enemy cany and with with a Ron enfes. O asant a Reader call, but was
just the Wong enfreces and a Fey your members that a Ron enfes i did
under Stan the local Church i did understad the importantes of the base
mije russolam iden under Stan and the importance of been comedy Toy
group people to get the job down ifo iwas the instruments by myself i thort
i was the apassol provet paster Teacher evangelis with All Night the Spirit.
E casa estes Anne with my concert i that way my actions 3 IA no interesse
and bnbal what and Andrey bodybut Jesus the force iwers cansaram The
Church wis Dead in the hopless and love that in drive up and the Bloom
and away and of dally falou drive bones and INI gon a lay ou what a
bungee a drive bones and drive up its Men Jesus and off I'm gon a Do That
do my thing I'm a preacher man Avenged se i can go out in do MIO think
and theings. Happy internat in rock for The Best in one's overwhat a opção
happy's in the sumote. An i want that way for fiftyne year tenho as an
avanges and five is a patroa of The Church. Cycle in, people Wonder, and
what's in the World is raw the rough ênfase. Antew One Day Dolores e
look it my World, son, and you make the ênfaseis World makeom an we
major on the major in up the miners and You Get your actgether for may.
And so i look at the World of God in the this age and the last this, And I fel
out a holy Spirit. Playst the major na identify closet equal batt the major
ênfase of the scriptures on the Geographic allocation of The Church and
sed. There's World amorkan The Gathering, the gather of the people of God
and the Geographic ocorreria that's World counts For You doel together in
Unity it zero that i comman blassie un you duel there in Unity it zare dare.
World Bey light. World or to my trabalhos or to my Greg croissads iwas
looking For Life And I was insere gotces you go and maked work War
your life. Yan envolve with at the people of got in a comedy way where a
here, the after day, week at the week, mantevet manter and all show you
my Gloria. E casar sim entre of the scripts I'm into say and at the Simon i
don't want cheth here me especialmente firevisity i need sayed next a your
come the boyble Temple because that's not what I'm sayon OME sayon a
uni The Final were God as put you and get envolve enstader. Your life
begand the floresch and your give comport and that House, and in that hels
beganz to fact virgem russola and dirsamaria and and the regions round
abound in final the otherw Sports of the Earth can be touch by a singlecher.
Potencial of every single individual local congregation agen touch the
World of the canj Get Together. I wanna go. My definition of a local
Church, Nine percent of the. The Holly spirits poker of The Church, spock
of it. ENA Geographic call sents The Church and o The Church at desce
lan Nike a the churchild rome the churchild at do russoman The Church
and the House of sown some the Churchill The Church stair head not speak
of it in a universal centes i know some of you Hearts me say that so
manytimes that you say with con a Madame is 9 because i is the real kee
the Getty your life in gere. É neve, é? Particular point das Mini ever
everything all time Saint on minit your is gods instrumental local Church or
is a just the universal Church não we know the universal Church with is
made up a believers leve in and Dead o put Faith em Jesus Cristo and I'm
includs e o testemunho satisfat dearn captivity and tal the week to the
Pretty no christer and enche o as we hearth and Paradise as wears last week
week. Inclusive botty FM the beginning to the enax universal. Everybody
dos under. World the recovery temporaraly Bud a blood, the Boss and gods
and Theo Jesus blood, westphal or some christone Everybody body ros
under the blood under the type in the full filme to Jesus the party universal
Church. Someone one what sed the may? On You Get to heaven, diar's go
in the beat, two sections in heven. Your gonna health the jue section and
the gentil section. A Nevada is Mary to the juro in Jesus is Mary to the
gentil. SAD. As One di one love on Father, one bad teus a one Spirit senset
sclarity and sed and over profit's look for to that day one that grade event
with take place a look forber toet. Lembraice é Raul ênfase and roll feio. O
paralise the instrument. A propus of God. Will be like a bala-hip and botle.
Going away, all my what a Beautiful belutti, a Bowl, perps. Sexta-feira fast
geitt you Pence goon here go. Six temos dribelly bibliokly a dennise The
Church of Jesus, Chris Number One a group auvy pentent. TAP times
believers. Under the World chip up Jesus. Together en a Geographic
ollocation a demofield location. This Is one the holi. Spears uses the local
Church. The Church apps on the Churchill soon. So he wit Talking about
ay group of repentans obviamente a n't gonbe on. Repentent Jen ofy with
Chris under hisloarchup a repente bapties believers under the loar. A Jesus
Cristo. En a geographical location al give the scripties we don't have time
do local POT math. Versus fifty one Talks about The Church is the first
enfes of The Church. The heas is I'm wanna Bill my Church. Disciplina.
Disciplinabet e Talks abet the forty upt e Talks about a binding ilusion of
that is gon a place in The Church and comes down even too or three gether
to gether and minei na alla people Take That as Anywhere is a Church on a
Bass with this heavy Church? No, that's NAT. A way a Church is made up
in the studenity scripts a Wood the Night that Kinect com cervewual
cristians. Two ver shirty ay two, two fôlety two with is the first visible
expression of the spiritual House. The Edge in the philo'ship the Teacher
comunion da meracles of the Unity and and The Power relies picasse of the
number two. This Is the sex. Double COL, definitions of a local Church,
Umberto. Under the aforety. Ministry give and by Chris. Under the forty of
and somedy two, the fivefall ministery girl and by Jesus crist. Invasions, a
four chapter, it speaks incaged No Where the five ministre was. It speaks
invisiions a Fort chapter about Jesus. Crise give in GIFs. The Jesus crise
gave to The Church, soma passos, some profit somepastery, some teachers,
some evangelis. ****-** of The Church for the work of the ministroy The
Reason God as given of the atharty of the fiful. Minustrial of the churchis
the bring The Church the maturie. That's the only reason for the othership.
Orth here is placement whary here because we have all the ansers. A we RS
spiril Parents with beyr jobs the brainfourt maturidady and the body this me
pudesse abuve you make is more import na new are the simply is aew e ay
girls that Paulo Jesus Cristo is give in to the Churchill shirtin ver seventh
Teles a sobe and that health the roll overs for day mus give in account for
your soul. A Nice Susan that sain chapter e browser team that we are to fall
of the Dee how to the World of goden To You the wase of God and a we
are the solute deme we are the reverence democra própria respector and
obaydem first destelon eins five twelve speak in the churchild tazzyle a
Nike is inverso twild e sove You Are to hileley as team demo that a over
you and the Lord. I dona believe a local Church as a locu Church in last
The Story givin by Jesus crist is dare to Do That particular erie a
responsability bring in the charge to matuty t's the World a God number
three. Disciplina in life by the World of God. Essas Churchill, discipline in
life para World of God Mathew fifty in again Word se as of Brothers
takend and a falt is the beconded of you won't turn from eu sen to a three
you to a go to myp World still no responde than tela to The Church. What
is Obi s Lee down responsabil posions in denif Wars responde as TVX
communicated disse center publicit and no longa fellowship that's part of a
true Church. Tia Cesar Anne sucesso family health, a disciplina da uebe
exurity one un rollin as takes place TAS number three. Number four, the
are un, the Chris da head and House Men of the. The. We are here, the s
Morning is a. We are gether on the Christ. The apalpace private passion
teachers Vangelis weregether under cryst fastions one two States a Jesus
crys is the head of the. Church. And the he is covering The Church. What is
body soregether the slowling is on the Christ. Everything we do wonther
you thing a Fighter i'na we wanna, we wanna Gloria Fidel, we wanna et a
Fidel Lord, we wanna the solt in we what order in the House of a loward
that here we be honred here we ou beg glory vive hatha desire number five.
Trair. The New Union. Allen, instruction and a World of God. Miss sayed
again where a wide a corporate gether arena local Church, wel the fit man
is é urged for the purpus of workship. Cren, comnion and instruction, the
Pretty of the World of godley. Is the brilhos to maturity as Law as wireless
tolo-hip With You? Arcelor ships, e, um, workship and imprair and in
community. That's God World. World to the Hole Spirit to the girl of Spirit
e speaks to us so one wee come to The Church service like this three two
way communication Snow all one whath the here nets importância we pray
whey worship and but at the comunion table smoor And I trustsu hearthim
speak Ty Yo Yo yo heart as the songs of Award cain na holi Spirit OA
speaking Jesus woissine in the Churchill this Morning to what? Maria Bill
and wy don't here the holy Spirit speaking to verso you maysade that this
more i know theaters and away i know heis isen nada olá I'm a voice of a
loword the smone long vriting World a God under his inspiration and noite
Jesus is speak in to i. Aí o alby SAP but the World, the World ATS to again
verse forty two all be things the clearly state The End The Final one is in is
a the six one for feeling Chris command this isay Church This Is Ingrid
thysenna Church is only things wedd for feeling Chris come and to extende
the World the minion Kingdom of God. World wide. O brain man, the
Christ. Were after Hearts. We are after Hearts. We are To Be withiness.
Leve in lifestyle, witness the man everywhere, twenty four, vers four team
and gaspel unionária instrument este beats in the Wall, the World. Asa e
wi-finess events with truth and DND anchi come Matthew twoony eight
two e Nine e tol the he is people and that mandat stilbert storing wy back in
Genesis one twenty six go out in the over the World and take the gossipel
of The King of God, the ruen Government of God, the loar of Jesus, the
massid of The King Jesus as keing has King of Take It to the hour. Annie's
bapties Bella atesis state by is obrientes shelby sayd believe shelby down
and teats theme to observe all things what's sowever life commenage you
that's that's a greed comission. Assegree condition. Ron enfes Down Under
Stan what i's AD you and thing Goes Andy Wars e a dusten really Matter
what your do and where a gown just arma Cristian And I this go al so saeed
the Night on the round NIT is travel here the i never roots down in the
World is on movie all the time that is no Merck in The King of God n las
let's God is give me move a minister I'm i with be in Aline of the minastre
to go ou searches y apossos and profissionais et cetera. Bigod sets e plances
because he ha some great and mind in. Somebody's igual AIDS to the have
to much for filme every never Down To much t's speak now Brother the
chird i This This never Down To much tysed Men i City you Ben all over
the World i sed the relies t the World of God of your heart nother this hells
is all of the World missionaris in opportunities hundred and hundred of
leaders come to this House the beised. I'm the wony tem. Cidades. Sain
drive the take you away from the Vision a we trig's connaget self a
glorified a Bart wheel lore IM do wing knoy know? Lamia, a seguir this
question, Ah, Pretty you respect. I hear comments like Brother back is a
premier pasters if yow, I'm Into You, I'm I'm my headtional. O problema é
Ásia. Desse question What You Are every won a view today 7 well World
you gon levi's one eworth dos standup bypasster with gone go Bye
Everybody and stany ou by MA lussenso. Oi, Canaã, primeiro paster, what
Palestrante 2
Ele será big billying. The World, the people i can keep by the Wall of the. I
have I'm know of strike what's sowever WhatsApp the body I Don't Care
ow telled I Am care how Gift I Am I we are working the gather the way the
Word Jesus in sei design won Irene.
Palestrante 2
Então olha sonder stand-up will discar the senhor the prettyers e ai lother
like that i wanted final the Churchill in the God road yeah yeah gods great
design esse take a body of your people and just litttory expors do Jerusalém
and the saméria and the other mods force the heart to the bodybut every
Everybody a singna be awland the big machine and someone ter vindo
supply suply line somed. Somed do diss and that i with heal this man
download in lesion the Heroes. Nem wireless in the Sade?
Palestrante 1
Palestrante 2
Ron feio. Marc seven. Verse thirteen. Making the World of God of Nuno
affc. Throw your TRE edititions What You Are the liverd and Manny side
slide thames, Do You? Live Red Dead many years a got. Just Thammy. A
seca da. Hour of the World of God hearth World pass away for one jet
título a feeling a World of God in et a vible cess we can't paralise the
World agod by the traditions of man nighan a yoga gonna stop gods purps
but's four is gods Peppers beanful feeling your life is a ZIP that what is
sain. Ron ph the allege well paralise what God wonch to do. Teres all is
import nan, i know the Elder SA obere witness, because We Go To You.
Alar, the taffa defende a controversionar areous of Doctor, and We Go and
reexame iremen continue what i'ms bled and what and teaching because is
soasie distin of for love bit. Anachika like you al on a Train track of get of
just the lotlo bet you got a go hore the tracks go incidel's about heron a
cannave no man where at the Guido here o we back here you Dove i'll just
the World bet from the Pearl World of God in governo tradition in air jus
just the low traditional concep sounds God of the feld good love God the IT
in code harmonise veremos coeson of life by. The World of guiar with
where acompance the perpers of God is no long affice you render in
afective the World of God to the traditions of man ensow we have the
exame lame Talking about the fundomenos even untoken abbot the proctics
White with do what do wonderful with Bill a House of God is it in the
World of God? Orçamen will Financial compromising and compromys and
wheel everbot is do one it And I don't vergont get en downess World is cara
slave it reallow betting and in don't don't expect World a God the Bee free
strong because If You Do You i don't. Five keep. Pevora pode não more
than what i World kitchen won that i wanna heavy good time and forget the
problems in and the mop on Sunday more make on feel happy and
gimbleson guspon and Santo home no Bee back next and previe preview
Star pudding responsability in commetment and fife. And say War layar
life. Paster naked, a compromisso in gospel. Don don't get to core noite
after hobby all the Bird Jesus Clint a so with abod batt Theissen. New make
the World of God of Mano aff. Rowling, ênfase and Ron feiology. Onde,
há 1 ano, onde, just Cave cupim more statemans and numa Peck up
Tonight. N Tchan. Barry moes and Bee lidles and the grades, the Dire of
the lowchers and its funcion, and the life of a believer is not of God but the
satanic en origin. Não isso a Wood, a apologia Eni teach. Let remoose
littles degrade. Love you of a local Church anith anits funcion and a live of
a believer is nother of God and is satanic. Init origin maybe sincer. Iron
need Church i don't reveny open i não everything all problem's everwre go
the this nothing but problem splits. Isto é o gods instrument and the last
days in that's wy believe so stronglin restauration God is gon' the Hebe a
Church. The full phillies will and is purpsa because we are the last
instruments. Secondstatement we mas view The Church form gods view
uma see The Church from gods view in order to heavy Faith initullulness.
As a instrument of Garden, the Earth Worldwide asvary. E kazakhmys set
With You to the day é One By One uke Wake acrosteris platform em ukd
tell me of incidents of Hardy can't problems and the Pretty r and offshoot
the secretary one dide disse and the that split and weeked set here and
Moon and growne and grombal and groy abbou what's happen in Churchill
i beni and the in my path And I don't wanna envolviment other inject on a
people and with for Jesus the come With You sake the Enem as Brother To
You and pute. Mine fica assim Knowles the define part of the instrument of
God your gonna be April full film of the propersip God in loter got wanna
go to the envolved and in the way God your Bee envolved Everybody is
importância in The King of God someth you Eve a job a funcionar a
Weather your na frontelin na middle's Beck of the supplyland or your na
hospital United a what are You Are. Everybody haha e playce to to
funciona funcionando fufil the extending of the propus of God and the
Earth today, Everybody. And a vieview down us the insttement you 9
bioffective. Is The Church we mas vire The Church FM godsview i this
radio God view ireve what is get i't you come the passambel last This Is the
mouden of Word Shell estables in the TAP the mountain Stan chelby
isolden and the Hills and all Nation show fore isso pass You Can Cade
away down in rock me. To the House of the God of Jake up and hewlett
This Is way and the World Walking is pass and Awards ein jogou foto
alway and a World of alwor are jeruston i. CI go a doen its I Don't Care
about Hell demo. Advantest be for thesis come this Worlds I'm with. Eles
ganharam home Jesus meme a that's script your x tree Nine theme is go
Jesus in the havels and all at the profit's pouca all Los great days of
restiration orful field and Anna larg con accoup And One this to with freets
and the o all of the World. Danny vocal? I'm say that. Chassi a that it. Saiu
con under Stan. Não é suicida. The Churchill. A what's a us? The propus of
evangelism. Isto é Bill da House, the body, the instrument of God.
Influence in are society. The minion and King of godal aventure even affect
a does and a sorryty. E assim sait Knowles, the inphones of The King of
God is not con a spread in the russellum people are all divide the nobody's
won's, the Stan, the gather and BA body. Evangelis and the os is body
evangelism is no just overw that's ay obes primeiro e pups of evangel's get
people, not the God, Hell and God. The King of Chris layard and become
come party instruments the grows and Gross and the influence extens ouvin
to the community and finally dos andhority saye Weber a lison Weber
leission and the Water sain the this tipo a coming United this tipo a speak
in sointing the we can't Andy more.
Palestrante 2
Laura net of taking over politicley por isso a net ofenc Onyx society and
talth in no longa cand ignor because are heart iven chain aremind
advenchage are vocese's are speaking sont encontrare to the World system
negalison is happying is happying. Aizenha sixty tlesassed vers three, The
King of the brightness of i Rising. Rison Shine Church by life is come. The
glory of Lord is apon The Darkness and grow starkness so cover the Earth
of the glory. Shoy of becin, the pond b and a forrade so come to the
brigitness of Dying the influencers there the penetration is there. Somos a
hundred in two, verse thirteen. Talks sobre a day that God is gon's a favor
Zion time I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm a common this a here in some a untover stir
team CES na hidden sophear andos day's the namable are and the Kings of
the Earth ther gon't a Fear the glory of gods wen won the lore we a Bill of
Zion. O releven and the ay God on's a House of God the beild up and every
community. Então it becomes an influencers in facture again in the
communities wirts its To Be lifted up and TB strog exposto a speak and to
the to the heart of the hassos. The day. We here the enemy what is
propaganda separation of Churchill state like bellevent from God. De de
skate isto be affected by The Power guiar and instrument's goon of the
staties the people of God Talking about as ice a publicle take over Price,
the Churchill Rising solvin and lide indown the community and Toy no
longar can ignod that happning Church sapning. Saink in Blind theology.
Take away are Vision.
Palestrante 2
Make instrument of God. Weekend the preposs of God, the we Willy have
no Horizon, the Bear a that, and the God of heaven. Soweto around with
with other choven with thosgit's up tâmbicas i don't get a do this in identiy
as medidas that it a Nature let missing more off And I with because we're
know perpus. Nem no treat me like the show Night than here long and may
Nei promoted Damien this On and On, and I'm with the distrib nunsents.
Under standing, that's what happens. Ones your see what's your envolve in
your in the begins pain going nothing Raider in the face a this Earth is
happy. Jesus Cristo Worldwide ID menina look two strong your dispoint
maybe a low spa and brincolding and the low tarder and torning and the
problems her and derrubether something happning and weekouabellide we
aresey FM gods view The Church glory woodstander feat claes.
Palestrante 2
A message under stany with on under stanty togotherther gonna do wel tot
o undertanity gother World a do well poga no cristia Everybody
everybody's core envolve is a. The day most of you yoongar people don't
remember the day of worldwar two on a Nation us United the day Wear so
divide is a Nation we can't get a gree on. We can't on the contra, we can a
gree on comny. We can't Greg everything. No Wonder are contrit is
corrupted. More ordary severd whats condutor nan a raw? AT Churchill de
Jesus Cristo. We got a reason to lear we got a reason to exence Wear going
somewhere, Andrew Night on a feio Jesus is gonna walk with the head The
Church, who you by? Heart intrair. Lord Jesus. Brothers to the hour. E
believe I'm it's are Destiny that as a Church eu won't wacken esse. Ash eu
anda implenda Vision of under staning. A wiffted's out of ar onde
perstional problems da bnvold what you canceder importante. Can't help
the remember butter gym durkens massage? We eu get envolve with what
you say is importante care within que is importante. Weil, sick first, the
percuss of God, the kein of God in your rigesness. Isso é de albi sains?
Houses in lands and jobs marrag alverth thingster eu SAD the disp atitude
because you take care avar interesse I'm With You take care your interesse.
Lords a Churchill seniors poukesment for this body. I again repent, Lord,
for a carolis arget in coltin tributáries. Jesus for face a over things a where
the sofull isto. Independent within's adcineuboards. Things a take place. So
inssignifican temperatura the call of Christ? Correntes access a Churchill
unifire Spirit ódio, puzzle, face a the surrs for a purps. E por esse enarge
russoman for purpuce. Lorde. Ore sorry of ivet come upto where you
wanna's the come up were were dedicade in yoursal of the foolfield the
precis of God and Earth the day for Mary Russel to the more s party of the.
Jesus. Jesus helpes a Church, the growth strong and strongger helpus te
sido the Setin in darkness, devastated by Sam, the need the light we Bear
help auster, richoud, soym, begether and become party. Onde a great
movement of the Spirit of God. We pray for the. The confusion of this
hour, the attacks of Hell other raging the day to the media, the destroy that's
are a good because of the stakes made. Lord mader Bean of Salton light a 9
riges people.
Palestrante 1
Palestrante 2
O Finder place in pear the ueze up a standard against the Evil one in brinde
a not the Hearts of darkness, the air speaking evel. Church we can't
penetrada actgether we can't in Florence and less we are United so youite is
The Church or of the Bean. Hear the s Morning. The heart on a United
because i don't know you with is the only United force madacome to know
you is Lawrence save you today penetray to this World weprete This Is
Morning thosed seden darkness made a Sea great light made AC hope
made ACAGCGS is the ancer. Iá a seguir, a name of jesez and Everybody
SAD. Ei, man, go blash you?
Palestrante 1
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podcast with your Friends o shretor Reed the show notes blood the findown
how You Can Keep Up of the podcast find and purtus on the maningbooks
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share the next in the series of surmans. Thank You for jointings.

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