637 Take Home Exam 2

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637 Take Home Exam 2:

Answer the question in section one in a brief (250-500 word) essay. Answer the questions in
section two in a brief (100-250 word) paragraph. Use in-text rough cites (author, year) for your
answers so as to preserve your word count for text. You can place all answers in one document.

Section 1: A reform of Congressional oversight of the IC is being considered. The proposal is to

replace the SSCI, HPSCI, and all other various committees and subcommittees with IC
jurisdiction with a single joint committee. This new committee would consist of both House and
Senate members and staff, empowered with sole IC authorizing and appropriations jurisdiction.
As a senior staffer on one of the extant committees explain potential executive arguments for
and against this reform.

Section 2:
1. You are project lead on a jointly funded (NIP(NGP)/MIP) research and development of a
new sensor. Funding was provided in the Defense Appropriations, and the project was
included in the National Intelligence Authorization Act, for some reason it was deleted
in discussion from the Defense Authorization Act. Do you have a problem? If no, why? If
yes, with whom would you seek to resolve it?
2. You lead a multi-year project exploiting captured material. Funding originally came from
Overseas Contingency Operations supplemental appropriation of “no year money” and
was reported to OMB and Congress as an RDT&E project supporting the development of
new capabilities. Halfway through 3rd quarter, 1st FY, you are informed that Congress
considers the activity mis-categorized and expect its budget authority to be managed as
Operations and Maintenance (O&M), as part of current operations. Do you have a
problem? If no, why? If yes, how can it be resolved?

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