Aberdeen City History

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[1]: https://en.wikipedia.

org/wiki/History_of_Aberdeen ""
[2]: https://www.britannica.com/place/Aberdeen-Scotland ""
[3]: https://www.britannica.com/summary/Aberdeen-Scotland ""
[4]: https://www.scotlandinfo.eu/aberdeen-city/ ""
[5]: https://www.aberdeenwa.gov/257/History ""

The history of the City of Aberdeen is rich and spans several millennia. Here's a
brief overview:

**Pre-1136**: The area of Aberdeen has been inhabited since the Stone Age, with
hunter-gatherers settling around the mouths of the River Dee and River Don around
6000 BC¹[1]. The Beaker People, known for their mysterious stone circles, arrived
around 2000 BC from the Rhine lands¹[1].

**Roman Era**: The Romans arrived in Aberdeenshire in the first century AD, and in
84 AD, Agricola, the Roman governor of Britannia, defeated the Picts in the Battle
of Mons Graupius¹[1].

**Christianity**: After the Romans left, the natives began converting to

Christianity. Old Aberdeen's first church was built around 580, and St. Machar's
Cathedral, named after St. Machar who was sent to convert the Picts, became the
seat of the bishopric of Aberdeen¹[1].

**1136 to the 18th Century**: King David I began the development of New Aberdeen
north of the River Dee in 1136. The city received its oldest surviving charter
around 1179 from King William the Lion, granting trade privileges to the
burgesses¹[1]. The Great Charter of Robert the Bruce in 1319 granted Aberdeen
property ownership and financial independence, rewarding the citizens for their
support during his outlawry and battles¹[1].

**Modern History**: Aberdeen's economy has traditionally been based on fishing,

textiles, shipbuilding, and papermaking. Today, it is a bustling seaport and the
center of the North Sea oil industry, with a diversified economy that includes
electronics design and renewable energy resources²[2].

Aberdeen's history is marked by its resilience and adaptability, from its early
days as a settlement of two separate burghs to its current status as a modern city
with a global reach.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 24/04/2024

(1) History of Aberdeen - Wikipedia.
(2) Aberdeen | Scotland, History, Map, & Population | Britannica.
(3) Aberdeen and its history | Britannica.
(4) Aberdeen City - Scotland Info Guide. https://www.scotlandinfo.eu/aberdeen-
(5) History | Aberdeen, WA. https://www.aberdeenwa.gov/257/History.

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