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because gas has the lowest density

it minimizes the loss of heat through vacuum insulation

it prevents particles from escaping through radiation

radiation doesnt need a medium

the temperature reduces. when the stopper is removed the liquid escapes for its intermolecular

bonds in gaseous state where they escape through evaporation to the surrounding the

plate tectonic is the movement of tectonic place while tectonic plates are the big slabs of rock located in the litosphere in the
earth's crust

earthquakes take place close to tectonic plate boundaries

it means that they fit into each other like a jigsaw

they move away from each other, forming a divergent faint margin. they can slide and smash

against each other forming a conservative faint margin and they can move towards each other

forming a destructive plate margin e'g tectonic plates

covalent bonding

hydrogen is a non-metal and in covalent bonding they share electrons because there is no metal to

donate electrons to them making it Cl^-1

it gains an electron

by ionic bond
d b
magnesium improves plant growth and seeding.
diff minerals hv diff functions in a plant

because nitrate is needed to convert glucose to proteins which is needed for plant and root growth

same amplitude

diff frequencies

subject of the earth

the crater made by the asteroid

it gives a clear idea of the asteroid that collides w the earth

it doesnt rlly gv the full impact of the collision

it leads to extinction.

the population of the rabbit is decreasing.

the population of the foxes r decreasing.

she can filter it out

filter it, heat the solution, allow it to evaporate


hydrochloric acid
off off

off off

closed open closed

it is connected parallel to lamp J

top pan scale
mass lost in minutes

1 min 0.8g

2min 1.9g

3min 3.1g

4 min 4.6g

0 min

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