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Writing guide

Useful tips

Beginning Say why you are writing. Clearly state the subject or content.
Do not begin by saying who you are.
• Organise all the important Information from the task prompt in a clear and
logical way. You can add some extra ideas of your own.
• Use linking words to connect your complaint with the details.
-1, Say clearly what you expect from the reader of your letter. Do you want your
money back, a new product, ?
Be polite, but your demands should be clear.
• Sign and print your full name.

Applying for a job Pages 91-92

a) E-mails/Letters of application
Example question
You have read the following advertisement from an online job site.

Jobs online 1.1r3 I EzHI

Creative Concepts Ltd. is looking for international young people (aged 16-20) who would like to do
a summer work placement in the field of web design.
To apply, give a full description of yourself and your level of English. Furthermore, explain why you
would be suitable for the job. All e-mails/letters of application should be submitted to:
Creative Concepts Ltd., 62 Denmark Street, London WC5 10B, England
fp Internet 1 4,100% •

You think that you are perfect for the job and decide to write an e-mail/0 fetter of application. In your
e-mail/letter of application, you should:
• describe your personal qualities
• explain whyyou would be suitable for the job
• suggest when you could start.
Write about 200 words.

Useful language

• .Greetings. , • Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms,

Dear Sir/Madam,
Dear Sir or Madam, ...
Reasons for writing I am writing in response to your advertisement
I am writing to apply for the job as/the position of ...
I am writing with regard to your advertisement for the job as
Describing yourself I am generally considered to be
Requesting I wonder if you could teil me
Information Do you think you could let me know ...
Offering further If you require any further information, please contact/do not hesitate to
information/ contact me
job interview I am available for an interview any time/at your convenience
Ending I (would very much) look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully/Yours sincerely,
Attention! BE: CV (= curriculum vitae), AE: resume
Another word for placement is internship.

Useful tips

eginning Say which Job you are applying for and where and when you saw it advertised.
Do not begin by saying who you are.

Body of the letter Organise your application so that you write about each of the areas in the
Use linking words to connect your application with the details.
Say why you think you are suitable.

Ending Say when and how you can be contacted.

Begin and end your 'atter like other formal letters.
Sign and print your full name.

Example answer

Lisa Wagenbrunn
Ferdinand Hanusch-Straße 99a
8010 Graz

Creative Concepts Ltd.

62 Denmark Street
London WC5 10B
25 February 20..

Application for work placement

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing in response to your advertisement which appeared an www.jobsearch.

uk on February 24". I would like to be considered for the work placement in August in
order to gain work experience in the United Kingdom to improve my English.

As you will see from my enclosed CV, I am 16 years old and attend a grammar school
in Graz, Austria. My mother tongue is German, but I have been learning English for
eight years. I have visited Great Britain with my family, and I am currently studying for
the FCE. My aim is to study computer science after finishing my Alevels.

I have always been interested in doing a work placement abroad, and I am particularly
interested in working in London as it is one of the most creative centres for web
design in the world. I am looking forward to gaining practical experience and learning
about the services that your firm offers. I have good computer skills and would be
able to carry out general office duties.

If you require any further information, please da not hesitate to contact me

( If you think that I might fit into your firm, I am available
for an interview at any time and could start at the end of july.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

L,sc wasetn,brumn,

Lisa Wagenbrunn

Enclosed: CV


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