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Child labor is a dangerous practice that unfortunately still exists in many parts of the world.

It is
described as the employment of children in any kind of job that robs them of their childhood, their
education, and their chance at a promising future. I addition to violating children’s rights, this harmful
practice also exposes them to physical, emotional, and psychological dangers.

One of the main danger of child labor is the effect it has on children’s physical health. Many
children are forced to work in hazardous conditions, such as factories or mines, where they are exposed
to dangerous chemicals, heavy machinery, and long hours of labor. This can lead to serious injuries,
illnesses, and even death. In addition, child labor often deprives children of proper nutrition, rest, and
medical care, leading to slowed growth, weakened immune systems, and other health issues.

Furthermore, the emotional and mental well-being of children is negatively impacted by child
labor for a long time. Being forced to work at a young age can rob children of their innocence and
childhood, causing them to miss out on crucial developmental milestones. Feelings of low self-worth,
anxiety, depression, and a sense of hopelessness about the future can result from this. Overall, it is
obvious that child labor poses risks, and action must be taken to safeguard children's rights as well as
their safety and wellbeing.

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