Printing & Lithography

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Printing Meets Lithography

F E AT U R E by Bruno Michel

ix years ago, our team at IBM set out to find an • Electrophotography creates an image by selectively dis-
alternative to optical lithography by developing a
novel type of lithography that provides high resolution
charging areas of a photoconductor drum to directly
transfer a toner powder.
based on classical flexography print- In addition, ink-jet printing, which does not entail the
ing—the transfer of a pattern from an contact of a stamp with a substrate, has become impor-
Soft approaches elastomeric stamp to a solid substrate tant for pattern generation and replication.
by conformal, or intimate, contact. In a few cases, traditional printing processes have
may challenge Our main effort sought to enhance been used for technological patterning—printed circuit
optical lithographies the accuracy of this printing process boards and integrated-circuit packaging in the electron-
to a precision comparable to that of ics industry, for example. However, tooling and process
optical lithography to create a low- limitations generally have precluded printing structures
cost, large-area, high-resolution patterning process. After smaller than 20 µm in the industry. Thus, most of the
having developed and tested several printing-based alter- high-resolution patterning performed today is done with
native-patterning approaches, we also found that stamps step-and-repeat projection lithography.
are useful in a new form of optical-contact lithography. Printing approaches regained attention in 1993, when
Amit Kumar and George M. Whitesides discovered that a
MAJOR PRINT TECHNIQUES Printing polymer inked with an alkanethiol (a fatty-acid-like mol-
Relief Printing ranks among the most signif- ecule with the acid changed to a reduced sulfur group)
icant technological developments in and brought into contact with a gold-coated surface can
human history, for it created the capabil- form a monolayer of the thiol molecules in the areas of
ity to distribute ideas and ensure their contact. This process, called microcontact printing, is
Adapted with permission from IBM J. Res. Dev. 2001, 45 (5), 697-719

b Intaglio survival over generations. It was original- revolutionar y because it transfers only a molecular
ly developed for the exchange and stor- monolayer of ink to a surface.
age of information adapted to human Conformal contact in high-resolution printing requires
Lithographic vision, which requires pattern and over- macroscopic adaptation to the overall shape of the sub-
and electro-
photographic lay accuracy down to 20 µm for high- strate and microscopic adaptation of a soft polymer layer
(xerographic) quality reproduction. to a rough surface for intimate contact without voids.
All printing processes logically divide The stamps we use consist of a patterned elastomeric
into two steps. The first defines an accu- layer attached to a backplane of thin, bendable metal,
d Screen or rate pattern, and the second brings it glass, or polymer. In this hybrid stamp, the elastomer
close enough to the substrate to execute compensates for local surface roughness amplitudes of
the desired process—ink transfer, chemi- up to 1 µm, whereas the flexibility of the backplane (Fig-
cal reaction, sealing, or optical exposure. ure 3) compensates for the bending of the substrate.
Inkjet Five major printing processes exist
today that entail the contact transfer of Soft lithography
a pattern (Figure 1): Soft lithography is a general term for several alternative
Figure 1. Red areas depict how • Relief printing—a process that trans- techniques to photolithography for fabricating micro- and
fers an image from a raised surface— nanostructures. They rely on the replication of a pat-
ink is accepted on the stamp
includes letterpress and flexography. terned elastomeric stamp made from a master that can be
(blue in a–c) and applied to the • Intaglio printing or gravure is the inked with a monolayer-forming ink. The stamp is then
substrate (white in d and e). inverse of relief printing, where an image used to print a pattern that selectively protects a noble-
is transferred from a sunken surface. metal substrate during a subsequent etch (Figure 2).
Transfer of ink from the stamp
• Lithography uses a chemically pat- Examples of devices made using soft lithography are
to the target substrate via a terned flat surface with areas that accept scarce and include relatively large structures. Among them
rubber plate (offset printing) is ink and areas that repel ink. are arrays of metal oxide on semiconductor field-effect tran-
• Screen or stencil printing transfers an sistors with a gate size of 20 µm, arrays of aluminum–sili-
possible with most of these
image by passing ink through openings con Schottky diodes with 2- to 100-µm gaps, and elec-
five techniques. in a stencil applied to a screen substrate. trodes for organic electronic applications. Compelling

© American Institute of Physics 16 The Industrial Physicist

1 Master


Polymerize, release Master

3 Ink
reasons to switch to this solution
new technique are the abil- Elastomeric

Adapted with permission from IBM J. Res. Dev. 2001, 45 (5), 697-719
stamp 4
ity to process small struc-
tures and to pattern mate- Blow dry
rials that are incompatible Ink pad
5 Print
with resist processes.
The key elements of 6
Gold substrate
soft-lithography technolo- Elastomeric stamp
gies are the master, elas- Release
tomer, stamp, resist-form- Self-assembled
ing ink, inking methods, 7 monolayer
and printing tool.
Both printing and soft Etch
lithography rely on one- Printed and
fold magnification (1×) etched pattern
masks, which makes fab-
ricating a mask or master Printed and etched pattern
more challenging than Figure 2. A prepolymer (2) covering the master (1) is cured by heat or light and demolded to form an
making the 4× to 5×
elastomeric stamp (3), which is inked by immersion (4) or with an ink pad (5) and printed onto the
masks used in projection
lithography. The master substrate (6), forming a self-assembled monolayer, which is transferred into the substrate by a
we use is a structured sili- selective etch. Scanning electron micrographs show the master, image of the stamp, and the printed
con or resist surface with
and etched pattern.
a vertical inverse of the
desired pattern. Stamps are created by pouring liquid higher printing accuracy. Patterning semiconductors
poly(dimethylsiloxane), or PDMS, prepolymers on the requires the use of a sacrificial-gold mask on a standard
master and curing them at temperatures between 20 and resist. Otherwise, the incompatibility of gold with semi-
80 °C for up to 48 hours. The polymeric surface of the conductor processes will allow only specialized niche
stamp is well suited for microcontact printing of alkane- applications for microcontact printing of alkanethiols,
thiols on gold, but other types of inks may require a such as patterning of diffractive optical elements.
chemical treatment of the stamp surface.
Alkanethiols self-assemble on noble-metal surfaces Stamp fabrication
such as gold, silver, and copper to form dense, ordered One of our primary goals was to improve the mini-
monolayers. These monolayers allow control of wettabili- mum achievable feature size, or critical dimension (CD).
ty, adhesion, chemical reactivity, electrical conduction, In the past, the CD of soft lithography was limited by the
and mass transport to the underlying metal. To print thi- choice of commercial siloxane as the stamp material,
ols on metal surfaces, we first ink the stamp by touching which proved to be too soft to define features smaller
it with a soft surface that has been soaked with ink. A than 500 nm. We formulated harder stamp materials with
short contact of the stamp with the metal transfers the sufficient toughness for large-area, high-resolution print-
thiol molecules and forms a patterned monolayer that ing applications that produced feature sizes as small as
acts as a selective mask in a wet-etch process. Microcon- 80 nm. Currently, the smallest size moldable with a high
tact printing can reproduce high-resolution patterns in aspect ratio is 50 nm.
gold, silver, or copper that can be used to carry electrical The most challenging stamp designs are those with a
currents or act as secondary etch masks for certain chem- broad dynamic range of pattern sizes, that is, the ratio of
ical processes and for shallow reactive ion etches. In the smallest printed feature to the largest unprinted area.
recent experiments, we have reproduced 100-nm-wide This is because the smallest feature determines the typical
lines and dots. Applications using nondiffusive inks depth of patterns, which imposes a low aspect ratio on
(macromolecules) or the confinement of light can achieve large recessed zones, which are thus prone to collapse.

17 The Industrial Physicist

Reprinted with permission from Macromolecules 2000, 33, 3042-3049 (American Chemical Society)

a Hard backplane Figure 3. Trilayer stamp shows improved
Soft cushion adaptation to an uneven substrate (a). Trilay-
er stamp with 270-nm features (b). Bilayer
Stiff pattern
stamp with 5-µm features on a 125-mm glass
plate (c). Two-layer thin-film stamp composed
of a 100-µm glass backplane and a 30-µm
10 mm polymer film with 270-nm features.

c d
parallel patterning of the same surface with dif-
ferent proteins.
Transferring chemical reagents from an elas-
tomeric stamp to a substrate can be used to
direct the electroless deposition (ELD) of copper.
This process entails the reduction of a salt from
solution onto a surface using a reducing agent as
the source of electrons. The presence of a cata-
lyst on the surface is necessary to initiate ELD
10 mm 10 mm
before the deposition can proceed in an autocat-
alytic manner. All previous approaches used sol-
Complex masters created in more than one lithography vents that interfere with the chemical and topological
step can be used to create stamps that can handle broader integrity of PDMS stamps. For this reason, we examined
dynamic ranges of patterns but are more expensive. the printing of palladium(II)-based catalytic precursors
The main function of a printing tool is to establish the soluble in solvents that are compatible with high-resolu-
contact and facilitate the release of a stamp from a sub- tion PDMS stamps. For our application, the evaporation of
strate with precise control over the printing time, the a thin layer of titanium onto a substrate, such as a silicon
mechanical forces, and the placement of the stamp on the wafer, proved the best preconditioning method.
substrate. For our tool we used an approach in which a This approach led to copper structures with linewidths
thin-film stamp (Figure 3) is wrapped around a cylinder of 170 nm, for example, when high-resolution stamps
and rolled over the substrate, as in a rotary press. provided the pattern. Copper grains appear to be contin-
This approach uses a thin-film stamp and a 400-mm- uously connected and form the lines with good accuracy.
radius printing cylinder. For printing areas on the order We believe that feature sizes of about 50 nm are achiev-
of 100 × 100 mm, we did not build a full cylinder but able by combining improved stamp fabrication with an
only an arc similar to the rockers of a rocking chair, optimized copper ELD process.
which is mounted on a modified mask aligner. With this PDMS is transparent for wavelengths down to
tool, defect counts are already low enough for printing ~250 nm, and when it makes conformal contact with a
reliable structures such as high-resolution diffractive substrate, the reflection of light at the interface is mini-
optical elements and low-resolution microelectro- mized. Thus, structured PDMS stamps selectively guide
mechanical-system patterns in large numbers. electromagnetic fields through the interfaces in contact.
These so-called light-coupling masks (LCMs), or light
Applications stamps, consist of a transparent backplane and a PDMS
Arrays of surface-bound biomolecules find applica- material with a refractive index matching the resist, and
tions in biosensors, chromatography, and other analyti- in some cases an absorbing layer in recessed zones. They
cal procedures. Among these applications, diagnostic are placed on a resist-covered surface and exposed to
immunoassays and DNA sensing are driving the effort to short-wavelength light. As in other areas of soft lithogra-
miniaturize biological assays and to conduct many assays phy, the mask must have the same feature sizes as the
at once. Our technique significantly improves the extrac- final product. The small protruding features on the
tion of molecules from fluids and places them in arbi- stamp, which are surrounded by air gaps, collimate and
trary patterns on surfaces, which is important to research intensify the incoming light, thus exposing the photore-
and analysis in biotechnology. sist in a patterned fashion.
The main advantage of printing over pipetting, inkjet Simulations and experiments reveal that the LCM
spotting, and pin spotting for making arrays is its capabili- technique is wavelength-dependent but can approach
ty to process large bioactive surfaces in one run. To expand the physical limit of resolution more closely than can
the range of possible applications, we devised schemes for hard-contact lithography. Experiments have shown that

18 The Industrial Physicist

features as small as 120 nm at a pitch of 240 nm can be Further reading
reliably reproduced. The light stamp demonstrates that Bernard, A.; Renault, J.-P.; Michel, B.; Bosshard, H. R.;
there is no strict boundary between printing and optical Delamarche, E. Microcontact Printing of Proteins. Adv.
or X-ray contact lithography—it seems that both Mater. 2001, 12 (14), 1067–1070.
approaches can yield comparable results. Bernard, A.; Michel, B.; Delamarche, E. Micromosaic
Immunoassays. Anal. Chem. 2001, 73 (1), 8–12.
Outlook Bietsch, A.; Michel, B.; Size and grain-boundary effects
Soft lithography makes use of almost all replication of a gold nanowire measured by conducting atomic force
schemes known from classical printing and introduces a microscopy. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2002, 80 (18), 3346–3348.
few novel schemes. We have shown that high accuracy is Geissler, M.; Schmid, H.; Bietsch, A.; Michel, B.; Dela-
achievable with soft lithography, but alignment issues marche, E. Defect-Tolerant and Directional Wet-Etch Sys-
remain a challenge. Adaptive approaches could greatly tems for Using Monolayers as Resists. Langmuir 2002,
relax the demands for long-range accuracy for a slightly 18 (6), 2374–2377.
elastic system that is capable of physically determining Michel, B.; Bernard, A.; Bietsch, A.; Delamarche, E.;
the misalignment by mechanical contact and adapting Geissler, M.; Juncker, D.; Kind, H.; Renault, J.-P.; Rothuizen,
itself accordingly. However, the technical feasibility of H.; Schmid, H.; Schmidt-Winkel, P.; Stutz, R.; Wolf, H.
such concepts has yet to be demonstrated. Printing meets lithograph: Soft approaches to high-resolu-
In the semiconductor industry, optical lithography tion patterning. IBM J. Res. Dev. 2001, 45 (5), 697–719.
approaches have been pursued with much more vigor Schmid, H;. and Michel, B. Siloxane polymers for
than have printing approaches. Therefore, it is no sur- high-resolution, high-accuracy soft lithography, Macro-
prise that they predominate in the crucial patterning mol. 2000, 33 (8), 3042–3049. Ω
steps. The development of soft lithography initially pro-
ceeded rapidly and separately from the printing industry. B I O G R A P H Y
Now, however, it will presumably merge with printing to Bruno Michel leads the microcontact processing project
create a new technology that may challenge optical at IBM’s Zurich Research Laboratory in Rüschlikon,
lithographies in terms of throughput, cost per area, and Switzerland (
high-resolution pattern replication.

19 The Industrial Physicist

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