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#NewMR 2015

8 Steps To Help You Corporate Sponsors

Embrace The Future

Ray Poynter

#NewMR 2015
November 2015 Supporters
Schlesinger Associates
Keen as Mustard
8 Steps To Help You Embrace The Future
Ray Poynter, UK, November 2015
The 8 Steps
1. Staying up-to-date
2. Developing new skills
3. Building a profile/CV
4. Developing a hinterland
5. Change your job every 18-24 months
6. Be a beQer presenter/storyteller
7. Improve your business skills/knowledge
8. Build a network

8 Steps To Help You Embrace The Future

Ray Poynter, UK, November 2015
1 – Staying up-to-date
Pick one key source and treat everything else as
Possibles include:
– NewMR (deep but narrow)
– GreenBookBlog (deep and wide – but lots)
– RBDR – Bob Lederer (shallow but audio)
– Quirks (deep and wide – but lots)
– MrWeb or ResearchLive (Shallow and Wide)
– TwiQer with #NewMR or #MRX
8 Steps To Help You Embrace The Future
Ray Poynter, UK, November 2015
2 – Developing new skills
Learn one new skill each year
– Infographics – Project planning/cosbng/managing
– Online focus groups – Internabonal research
– Moderabng online discussions/ – Semiobcs
– Ethnography
– Designing mobile surveys
– Text Analybcs
– MaxDiff or Segmentabon or
Conjoint Analysis – SPSS/R/SAS etc
– Social media & business – Neuroscience
– Social media research – Biometrics
– B2B – Salesforce
– Advanced Excel – Copywribng

8 Steps To Help You Embrace The Future

Ray Poynter, UK, November 2015
3 – Build a profile/CV
• Social Media Profile – (as per Sue York)
• Volunteer for internal projects
• Spend bme talking to clients and colleagues (especially from other offices)
• Write/produce things
• Add your name to things you write/produce
• Forward praise you receive to relevant others
• Thank people (only when genuine)
• Speak at events, ask quesbons at events

8 Steps To Help You Embrace The Future

Ray Poynter, UK, November 2015
4 – Developing a hinterland
Good journalists, leaders, polibcians and researchers have
interests that stretch beyond their day job
Develop your other interests and then link them to your work
– The people you meet playing football, what does that teach you
about different people?
– When you travel in Asia, what does it teach you about
addibonal perspecbves?
– What anecdotes does learning the ukulele provide you with?

Your future does not depend on you dropping your other

interests, it depends on you harnessing your other interests.

8 Steps To Help You Embrace The Future

Ray Poynter, UK, November 2015
5 – Change your job every 18-24 months

This does NOT mean you have to change

employer – it can be your role (but not just your

8 Steps To Help You Embrace The Future

Ray Poynter, UK, November 2015
6 – Be a beQer presenter/storyteller
Everybody can and should present beQer
– Present more oken
– Get feedback (1 keep, 1 change)
– Courses & books
– Watch videos of other presenters – discuss with
others what works and what doesn’t

8 Steps To Help You Embrace The Future

Ray Poynter, UK, November 2015
7 – Improve your business skills/knowledge

Main cribcism from clients/business people

– How do your clients make their money?
– What are their key business problems?
– What are the parameters of their opbons?
– Who are their compebtors and what are their
relabve compebbve strategies and advantages

8 Steps To Help You Embrace The Future

Ray Poynter, UK, November 2015
8 – Build a network
Life is a people business
– Stay in touch with ex-colleagues and ex-clients
– Whenever possible collaborate – even if you could have
done it on your own
– Offer advice and help
– Use social media to stay in touch and to offer support
– Ask for help
– Seek out new and interesbng people

Networking does not mean talking and drinking with your friends, it
mostly means mee9ng and talking with new people.
8 Steps To Help You Embrace The Future
Ray Poynter, UK, November 2015
Thank You!

Learn more by following me on TwiQer


Tip 8: borrow good ideas – HT @1Sue3

8 Steps To Help You Embrace The Future
Ray Poynter, UK, November 2015
#NewMR 2015

Q&A Corporate Sponsors

Ray Poynter Sue York #NewMR 2015

The Future Place @1sue3 Supporters
Schlesinger Associates
Keen as Mustard
8 Steps To Help You Embrace The Future
Ray Poynter, UK, November 2015

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