Eviews VAR Stata

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Notes on VAR model

Foundation Economics (The University of the South Pacific)

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Notes on VAR and VECM model

Estimating VAR model

 Autoregressive: presence of lagged values of the dependent variable on the right hand side of
the equation.
 Vector: system contains a vector of two or more variables.
 Var model is constructed only if the variables are integrated of order one. That is, stationary
after first difference.
 If variables are cointegrated, construct both short run (VAR) and long-run (VEC) models.
 If variables are not cointegrated, construct only the short-run (VAR) model.
 All the variables in a VAR system are endogenous; there are no exogenous variables.
 The stochastic error terms are often called impulses, or innovatives or shocks
 The VAR model is estimated by OLS.

Decide on the maximum log length, k (an empirical issue)

 Too many lags: lose degrees of freedom, statistically insignificant coefficient and
 Too few lags: specification errors
 Choose optimal lags using the information criteria: AIC, SC, HQIC

Interpretation of the short-run coefficient is as in any other linear model; they are ceteris-paribus effects
and inference can be based on the usual OLS standard errors and test statistics

Lnyt     ik11 ln yt i   kj 11 ln kt  j   mk 11 fdirt m  1t

Lnkt     ik11 ln yt i   kj 11 ln kt  j   mk 11 fdirt m  2t

Lnfdirt     ik11 ln yt i   kj 11 ln kt  j   mk 11 fdirt m  3t


The depedent variable is a function of its lagged values and the lagged values of other variables in the

All variables have qual lags

VAR must be specified in levels, hence VAR in difference is a mis-speficiation!

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Some reasons for estimating VAR model

 Because there is no cointegration among the variables in the system

 To establish casual relationships
 To stimulate shocks to the system and trace out the effects of shocks on the endogenous
 For forecasting (decomposing shocks to the var system)

Estimating using stata

Step 1: specify the model

Step 2: Time set the application (syntax: tsset)

Step 3: perform stationary test: series must be integrated of order one and not I(2)

Step 4: determine the oprtimal lag length (k) for the model (syntax: varsoc)

Step 5: estimate the VAR model (syntax: var)

Step 6: Perform the diagnostic test (syntax: varlmax, varnorm; varstable)

(autocorreklation, normality, stability)

Example from lab

Step 1 to 3 is performed in previous lab

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Step 4:

varsoc lny lnk , maxlag(8)

varsoc lny lnk , maxlag(8)

Selection-order criteria

Sample: 1991 - 2012 Number of obs = 22


|lag | LL LR df p FPE AIC HQIC SBIC |


| 0 | 15.408 .001013 -1.21891 -1.19555 -1.11972 |

| 1 | 141.342 251.87 4 0.000 1.6e-08 -12.3038 -12.2337 -12.0062 |

| 2 | 153.203 23.723 4 0.000 7.7e-09 -13.0185 -12.9016 -12.5225 |

| 3 | 161.824 17.241 4 0.002 5.2e-09* -13.4385 -13.275 -12.7442* |

| 4 | 164.89 6.1335 4 0.189 6.0e-09 -13.3537 -13.1434 -12.461 |

| 5 | 168.097 6.4132 4 0.170 7.1e-09 -13.2815 -13.0245 -12.1905 |

| 6 | 173.733 11.272 4 0.024 7.2e-09 -13.4303 -13.1265 -12.1408 |

| 7 | 174.425 1.3849 4 0.847 1.2e-08 -13.1296 -12.7791 -11.6418 |

| 8 | 190.374 31.898* 4 0.000 6.4e-09 -14.2158* -13.8186* -12.5297 |


Endogenous: lny lnk

Exogenous: _cons

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var lny lnk , lag(1/3)

Vector autoregression

Sample: 1986 - 2012 Number of obs = 27

Log likelihood = 181.327 AIC = -12.39459

FPE = 1.45e-08 HQIC = -12.1948

Det(Sigma_ml) = 5.03e-09 SBIC = -11.72268

Equation Parms RMSE R-sq chi2 P>chi2


lny 7 .019328 0.9994 44138.21 0.0000

lnk 7 .00745 0.9999 231799.3 0.0000



| Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


lny |

lny |

L1. | 1.461864 .2391533 6.11 0.000 .9931324 1.930596

L2. | -.9120347 .3403357 -2.68 0.007 -1.57908 -.244989

L3. | .4094963 .1903268 2.15 0.031 .0364625 .78253

lnk |

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L1. | 1.151222 .6345558 1.81 0.070 -.0924847 2.394928

L2. | -1.66769 .9658909 -1.73 0.084 -3.560802 .2254211

L3. | .5393039 .579346 0.93 0.352 -.5961933 1.674801

_cons | .1307536 .1261795 1.04 0.300 -.1165538 .378061


lnk |

lny |

L1. | .1717751 .0921758 1.86 0.062 -.0088863 .3524364

L2. | -.0503229 .1311741 -0.38 0.701 -.3074195 .2067737

L3. | -.0180925 .0733569 -0.25 0.805 -.1618693 .1256843

lnk |

L1. | 1.611699 .2445742 6.59 0.000 1.132343 2.091056

L2. | -1.302807 .3722793 -3.50 0.000 -2.032461 -.5731533

L3. | .6194492 .2232949 2.77 0.006 .1817993 1.057099

_cons | -.0767703 .0486329 -1.58 0.114 -.1720889 .0185483


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Autocorrelation test

varlmar, mlag(3)

Lagrange-multiplier test


| lag | chi2 df Prob > chi2 |


| 1 | 4.1027 4 0.39228 |

| 2 | 3.1431 4 0.53418 |

| 3 | 1.3461 4 0.85351 |


H0: no autocorrelation at lag order

We cannot reject H0

Normality test

varnorm, jbera

Jarque-Bera test


| Equation | chi2 df Prob > chi2 |


| lny | 3.603 2 0.16506 |

| lnk | 1.080 2 0.58276 |

| ALL | 4.683 4 0.32142 |


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Stability test


Eigenvalue stability condition


| Eigenvalue | Modulus |


| .9743759 + .00647285i | .974397 |

| .9743759 - .00647285i | .974397 |

| .4669608 + .557771i | .727434 |

| .4669608 - .557771i | .727434 |

| .09544506 + .7177743i | .724092 |

| .09544506 - .7177743i | .724092 |


All the eigenvalues lie inside the unit circle.

VAR satisfies stability condition.

VECM model

Specifying VECR model

Lnyt     ik111 ln yt i   kj 111 ln kt  j   mk 111fdirt m  1ECTt 1  1t

Lnyt     ik111 ln kt i   kj 111 ln kt  j   mk 111fdirt m  2 ECTt 1  2t

Lnyt     ik111fdirt i   kj 111 ln kt  j   mk 111fdirt m  3 ECTt 1  3t

k-1 : lag length reduced by 1

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i ,  j , m = short-run dynamic coefficient of the model’s adjustment long-run equilibrium

 i = speed of adjustment parameter with negative sign

ECTt-1= the error correction term is the lagged value of the residuals obtained from the cointegrating
regression of the dependent variable on the regressions. Contains long-run information derived from
the long run cointegrating relationship.

Uit = residual (error term)

Basic steps in stata

Step 1: Specify the model

Step 2: Prepare stata

Step3: stationary test

Step 4: Determine optimal lag length (p) for the model

Step5: Perform Johansen cointegration test with (p) lags

Step 6: no cointegration, estimate the unrestricted VAR model

Step 7: with cointegration, specify the VECM with (P) lags but the model is estimated with (p-1) lags

Step 8: perform some diagnostic test

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Statistics…multivariate time series…cointegrating rank of a VECM

List all the variable lny first followed by others

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vecrank lny lnk, trend(constant) lags(3)

Johansen tests for cointegration

Trend: constant Number of obs = 27

Sample: 1986 - 2012 Lags = 3



maximum trace critical

rank parms LL eigenvalue statistic value

0 10 170.07089 . 22.5122 15.41

1 13 181.28294 0.56418 0.0881* 3.76

2 14 181.327 0.00326

Because there is cointegration move to step 7

Statistics…multivariate time series…vector error correction model

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vec lny lnk, trend(constant) lags(3)

Vector error-correction model

Sample: 1986 - 2012 Number of obs = 27

AIC = -12.4654

Log likelihood = 181.2829 HQIC = -12.27988

Det(Sigma_ml) = 5.05e-09 SBIC = -11.84148

Equation Parms RMSE R-sq chi2 P>chi2


D_lny 6 .018893 0.9640 561.9516 0.0000

D_lnk 6 .007278 0.9932 3076.858 0.0000



| Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


D_lny |

_ce1 |

L1. | -.0456805 .0865745 -0.53 0.598 -.2153633 .1240024

lny |

LD. | .5114853 .238614 2.14 0.032 .0438104 .9791603

L2D. | -.4147788 .2152039 -1.93 0.054 -.8365707 .0070131

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lnk |

LD. | 1.100494 .6825257 1.61 0.107 -.237232 2.43822

L2D. | -.5438264 .6577488 -0.83 0.408 -1.83299 .7453376

_cons | .0519746 .0167944 3.09 0.002 .0190582 .0848909


D_lnk |

_ce1 |

L1. | .101788 .0333499 3.05 0.002 .0364234 .1671527

lny |

LD. | .0712242 .0919181 0.77 0.438 -.108932 .2513803

L2D. | .0164342 .0829001 0.20 0.843 -.146047 .1789154

lnk |

LD. | .6746017 .2629202 2.57 0.010 .1592876 1.189916

L2D. | -.620869 .2533757 -2.45 0.014 -1.117476 -.1242616

_cons | .0233252 .0064695 3.61 0.000 .0106453 .0360051


Cointegrating equations

Equation Parms chi2 P>chi2

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_ce1 1 292.7353 0.0000


Identification: beta is exactly identified

Johansen normalization restriction imposed


beta | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


_ce1 |

lny | 1 . . . . .

lnk | -.6787939 .0396735 -17.11 0.000 -.7565525 -.6010353

_cons | -1.0749 . . . . .

Main output

Johansen normalization restriction imposed

beta | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


_ce1 |

lny | 1 . . . . .

lnk | -.6787939 .0396735 -17.11 0.000 -.7565525 -.6010353

_cons | -1.0749 . . . . .

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Lny is position as the dependent variable

The signs of the coefficient are reversed in the long run

Interpretation: In the longrun lnk has a positive impact on GDP.

ECTt 1  { yt 1  j X t 1  m Rt 1} , the cointegrating equation and long-run model

ECTt 1  {1.00ln y  0.678ln kt 1 1.0749}

yt     ik11i yt 1   ik11 iX t  j   mk 11Rt m   ECTt 1  ut

Lny as the target variable

 ln y  0.05  0.5 ln yt 1  0.41 ln yt 2  1.1 ln kt 1  0.5 ln kt 2  0.045ECTt 1  ut

The adjustment term is (0.045), suggesting that previous year’s errors (or deviation from long run
equilibrium) are corrected for with the current year at a convergence speed of 4.5%. However ECTt-1 is


Statistics…multivariate time series…Vec/VAR diagnostic

Autocorrelation, since we using three lag, maximum order of autocorrelation will be 3

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