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A-Choose the correct answer:

1-I will ( travel – traveled _ travels ) to Makkah .

2-If you heat the water to 100ْC, it (boil – boils boiling)

3- How will he ( gets – getting -get) to work?

4- If it’s hot and humid, I don’t ( feel – feels – felt ) very active.

B- Do as shown between brackets:

1-They will go to the bark. (Make a Yes/No question)

2- Will they travel next summer ?. (answer)

Yes, ………….. No,…………..

3- Ahmad will play football. (Give the negative)


C-Use information Questions (How – Where -What)

1- ………………….will you go ? I'll go to Jordan.
2- …………………..will you go ? Maybe I'll drive .

A- Choose:
1- Don't forget your sunglasses. It's very ……………………….
a- cloudy b- rainy c- sunny d- windy
2- It will be ............... this afternoon. You should bring your umbrella.
a- Sunny b- rainy c- cloudy

B- find the odd words.

1- dry hot ball

2- winter August summer

3-forecast warm humid

C- Write each word under its picture:

Sunny - Depressed - Snowy - Energetic - Windy - Spring -
/ / / / /

1- C……ol { v- o – r }2-Win….er { q- t – x } 3-fro…..en { c- z – n }

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