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Consumer Behavior Question Bank for 2024

1. Disappointment following a purchase is called:
A. Post-purchase annoyance
B. Post-purchase dissonance
C. Post-purchase consonance
D. None of the above
2. The individual responsible for the flow of information is called:
A. The gatekeeper
B. The initiator
C. The decider
D. None of the above
The last stage of consumer decision making process is
A. Problem recognition
B. Post purchase evaluation
C. Evaluation of alternatives
D. None of the above
4. __________ are factors that have been shown to affect consumer behavior.
A. Brand name, quality, newness, and complexity
B. Advertising, marketing, product, and price
C. Outlets, strategies, concept, and brand name
D. Quality, advertising, product positioning, and strategy
5. The reason that higher prices may not affect consumer buying is _______________.
A. Most consumers prefer brand names which have higher prices
B. 70% of the total population looks for quality services and is willing to pay higher
C. Consumers believe that higher prices indicate higher quality or prestige
D. Most consumers feel that the price is actually affordable
6. In studying consumer behavior, it is often useful to categorize people on the basis of some
similarity. Descriptions such as age, gender, income, or occupation are called:
A. demographics
B. psychographics
C. personal profiles
D. physiognomies
7. What is the first stage of the consumer decision process?
A. information search
B. problem recognition
C. alternative evaluation
D. purchase
8. Needs of customers are triggered by
A. internal stimuli
B. external stimuli
C. both a and b
D. none of above
9. A need that is aroused up to sufficient level is called
A. want
B. motive or drive
C. Both a and b
D. none of above
10. Maslow's hierarchy of needs, food, water, sleep, and clothing are considered _____ motives.
A. Safety
B. self-actualization
C. Physiological
D. Belongingness
11. According to Freud, which of the following is our conscious self?
A. The id
B. The superego
C. The ego
D. None of the above
12. Which of the following will influence an individual's perceptions?
A. Previous experiences.
B. Individual needs.
C. Sensory limitations.
D. All of the above.
13. Ourselves as others see us is called:
A. The real self
B. The ideal self
C. The looking-glass self
D. None of the above
14. All of the following factors would be listed as social factors that influence consumer
behavior EXCEPT:
A. Roles and status
B. Family.
C. Occupation.
D. Reference groups
15. Basic needs such as hunger and thirst are called:
A. Safety needs.
B. Psychological needs.
C. Social needs.
D. Physiological needs.
16. If a consumer has discomfort caused by post purchase conflict, the consumer is
A. Subliminal persuasion.
B. Cognitive dissonance.
C. Stimulus ambiguity.
D. Confirmation.
17. Ads affecting consumers subconscious minds are classified as
A. Online Advertising
B. Subliminal Advertising
C. Luminal Advertising
D. Both B and C
18. Tendency to which experiences of potential customers fits with innovation is called
A. Relative Advantage
B. Divisibility
C. Communicability
D. Compatibility
19. Cultural factors must include
A. Beliefs and Attitudes
B. Social Class
C. Occupation
D. Roles and Status
20. What is at the highest level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?
A. Esteem Needs
B. Self-Actualization Needs
C. Social Needs
D. Safety Needs
21. Insistent demands for products is called:
A. Pester power
B. Irritation power
C. Child pressure
D. Peer pressure
22. Those who seek out new intellectual experiences are called:
A. Cognitive innovators
B. Sensory innovators
C. Attitudinal innovators
D. Intelligent
23. Upper Americans prioritize spending on _______________.
A. Technology related products, and gifts
B. Pubs and discos
C. Gambling events
D. Travel, club memberships, and prestigious schools for children.
24. What is the middle class concerned about?
A. European travel and club memberships for tennis, golf, and swimming
B. Prestigious schooling facility for their children
C. Fashion and buying what experts in the media recommend
D. Buying only “value for money” products
25. The psychological factors influencing consumer behavior are;
A. Motivation, Perception, Learning, Beliefs and Attitudes
B. Culture, Subculture, Social Class
C. Reference Groups, Family, Roles and Status
D. All of The Above
26. Well-known brand 'Apple' is related to brand personality trait of
A. Ruggedness
B. Competence
C. Sophistication
D. Excitement
27. In 'adoption process for new products’, customer seek information in the
A. Awareness Stage
B. Interest Stage
C. Evaluation and Trial Stage
D. All Of Above
28. The core of the “new marketing model” consists of:
A. Four P’s—product, place, price, and promotion.
B. Customer profiles.
C. Online marketing channels.
D. Customer relationships.
29. Dunn and Bradstreet is the world's largest research organization that specializes in
information management and marketing intelligence. Which is one of its largest subsidiaries
that are focused upon the retail industry?
A. Nielsen.
B. Info Act Workstation.
C. Home scan.
D. Key Account Scan track.
30. By ______________________ we mean we mean that the consumer stops purchasing or
using the product.
A. Bandwagon Effects
B. Consumption Paradigms
C. Multi-Step Media Flow
D. Discontinuance
31. stages in adoption process' involves
A. Awareness
B. Interest
C. Evaluation and Trial
D. All Of Above
32. If customer 's expectations and products performance matches, customer is
A. Satisfied
B. Dissatisfied
C. Delighted
D. None Of Above
33. Adopter group who is suspicious of change is classified as
A. Late Majority
B. Early Majority
C. Laggard
D. Early Adopter
34. Hedonic consumption is about:
A. Hair Care Products
B. Emotional Impact of Purchases
C. Fantastic Images
D. Hysterical Imagery
35. Behavioral economics is a rejection of which classical theory?
A. Economics
B. Psychology
C. Consumption
D. Sociology
36. Long-run consumer behavior in the context of both low and high involvement decision
making is positively influenced by:
A. Image
B. Quality
C. Price
D. Information
37. What does OSL stand for?
A. Over Stimulation Line
B. Optimum Stimulation Level
C. Outside Sensory Level
D. None of the above
38. Which of the following in NOT a category of pre-purchase expectation?
A. Equitable performance
B. Expected performance
C. Expected performance
D. None of the above
39. What does OEM stand for?
A. Organization for Energy Markets
B. Overseas Equipment Markets
C. Original Equipment Manufacturer
D. None of the above
40. Which one is not a base for market segmentation?
A. Demographic
B. Geographic
C. Mass marketing
D. None of the above
41. “We guarantee every product we sell. “This appeals to_______ motive.
A. Curiosity
B. Variety
C. Quality
D. Comfort
42. Social Class is an element of ______ factor.
A. Social
B. Cultural
C. Personal
D. Economic
43. Which of the following is not an emotional motive.
A. Vanity
B. Social acceptance
C. Curiosity
D. Variety
44. Which of the following is a dimension of credence qualities.
A. Competence
B. Communication
C. Tangibility
D. Responsiveness
45. A person who purchases a product or a service either for his own consumption or for others
is known as_________.
A. Buyer
B. Customer
C. Consumer
D. None of these
46. Which of the following statements about utility is correct?
A. One of the main characteristics of utility is that it is a relative concept
B. One of the main characteristics of utility is that it is a subjective concept
C. One of the main characteristics of utility is that it is a psychological phenomenon
D. All of the above
47. When the performance of a product or service exceeds the expectation, the customer is.
A. Happy
B. Satisfied
C. Delighted
D. None of the above

Long Answer Questions: (5 Marks Each)

1. State the need to study the buyer behavior for the marketers

2. Evaluate the scope of Consumer Behavior

3. What is perception? How is this concept useful to marketers?

4. What is customer involvement in purchase? Explain with examples?

5. How attitude contributes in CBB studies? Is it easy to bring an attitudinal

change amongst the target audience?

6. Explain the VAL`s framework?

7. What is Strategic Sweet Spot? How can marketers benefit from the same?

8. Marketing tools like PESTLE analysis, help to strengthen the CBB studies?


9. What are motives? How do they affect CBB?

10.Prepare a questionnaire to find out the factors considered by consumers

while buying a baby soap?

11.Prepare a questionnaire to find out the factors considered by consumers

while buying a shaving cream?

12.Prepare a questionnaire to find out the factors considered by consumers

while buying a cell phone?

13.Prepare a questionnaire to find out about the customer satisfaction for a


14.Prepare a questionnaire to find out about the customer satisfaction for a Car

Wash service?

15.What factors will influence the customer for a purchase of a digital watch?

16.Suggest brand building activities for the launch of a Pets Spa in Pune?
17.Prepare a questionnaire to find out the factors considered by consumers

while buying a brand new sofa set?

18.What are reference groups? Which ones marketers will consider for opening

a bank branch in rural India?

19.What is the difference between rural and urban buyer behavior?

20.What factors will a customer consider before buying an Insurance policy for

the family?

21.What factors will a customer consider before buying a Children Higher

Education Policy?

22.How does STPD analysis strengthen the CBB study? Give examples?

23.Advertising affects the sales of a product. Analyze?

24.What role is played by after sales service in CBB study? Give examples?

25.Highlight the role of CBB in marketing strategy?

26.What are the difficulties faced by Marketers in understanding the CBB of

rural customers?

27.State the marketing tools used by marketers to find out about the

competition scenario in the market?

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