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Youth Survey

Your voice matters! We’re interested to know what today’s teens think about the
world, so thanks for taking time to share your opinions with us.

Before we get started, we would like to assure you of the privacy of your
responses. Your opinions are really valuable to us and we want you to feel free to
answer honestly. At no point will we ask you for your name or contact

Let's get started!

[DEMOGRAPHICS] – these bracketed headers/comments are not included in the survey

How old are you?*

( ) 13
( ) 14
( ) 15
( ) 16
( ) 17
( ) 18
( ) 19

What is your sex?*

( ) Female
( ) Male
What is your present religion, if any?*

( ) Buddhism
( ) Christianity
( ) Hinduism
( ) Judaism
( ) Islam
( ) Other religion: _________________________________________________*
( ) I am agnostic
( ) I am an atheist
( ) None of the above

Are you Catholic, Jehovah’s Witness, Mormon, or Seventh Day Adventist?*

( ) No
( ) Catholic
( ) Jehovah's Witness
( ) Mormon
( ) Seventh Day Adventist

Now we have some simple statements for you to read. Tell us how often you think
this about yourself!
[The following 6 items are the Hope Scale and can generate a Hope Score]

I think I am doing pretty well.*

( ) None of the time

( ) A little of the time
( ) Some of the time
( ) A lot of the time
( ) Most of the time
( ) All of the time

I can think of many ways to get the things in life that are most important to me.*

( ) None of the time

( ) A little of the time
( ) Some of the time
( ) A lot of the time
( ) Most of the time
( ) All of the time

I am doing just as well as other kids my age.*

( ) None of the time

( ) A little of the time
( ) Some of the time
( ) A lot of the time
( ) Most of the time
( ) All of the time
When I have a problem, I can come up with lots of ways to solve it.*

( ) None of the time

( ) A little of the time
( ) Some of the time
( ) A lot of the time
( ) Most of the time
( ) All of the time

I think the things I have done in the past will help me in the future.*

( ) None of the time

( ) A little of the time
( ) Some of the time
( ) A lot of the time
( ) Most of the time
( ) All of the time

Even when others want to quit, I know that I can find ways to solve the problem.*

( ) None of the time

( ) A little of the time
( ) Some of the time
( ) A lot of the time
( ) Most of the time
( ) All of the time

Thanks! We’re starting to get to know you better. Next, we have some questions
about how you use technology and social media.

During a typical day, how many hours do you spend online? (include ALL


During a typical day, approximately how much time do you spend online
talking, messaging or video chatting?*

( ) I do not typically do this.

( ) Less than 30 minutes per day.
( ) 30 minutes to one hour per day.
( ) More than an hour each day. Please enter the number of hours:

During a typical day, approximately how much time do you watch online videos or movies
(YouTube, Netflix, etc.)?*

( ) I do not typically do this.

( ) Less than 30 minutes per day.
( ) 30 minutes to one hour per day.
( ) More than an hour each day. Please enter the number of hours:

During a typical day, approximately how much time do you use social media?*

( ) I do not typically do this.

( ) Less than 30 minutes per day.
( ) 30 minutes to one hour per day.
( ) More than an hour each day. Please enter the number of hours:
During a typical day, approximately how much time do you spend gaming (Playstation,
Xbox, computer, smartphone, etc.)?*

( ) I do not typically do this.

( ) Less than 30 minutes per day.
( ) 30 minutes to one hour per day.
( ) More than an hour each day. Please enter the number of hours:

I use social media primarily to… (pick up to 2)*

[ ] Help me stay informed

[ ] Follow celebrities or brands I care about
[ ] Connect with my friends and family
[ ] Find funny or entertaining content
[ ] Let the world know more about me

Social media helps me feel satisfied with my life.*

( ) Strongly disagree ( ) Disagree ( ) Agree ( ) Strongly agree

Social media makes me feel sad, anxious, or depressed.*

( ) Often
( ) Sometimes
( ) Rarely or never

Thank you for sharing with us!

Next, we have a few questions about things that are important to you, like your
family and your future. Let us know if you agree or disagree with the following


Overall, my family experience has been good.*

( ) Strongly disagree ( ) Disagree ( ) Agree ( ) Strongly agree

I have close friends who know me well.*

( ) Strongly disagree ( ) Disagree ( ) Agree ( ) Strongly agree

My faith beliefs or spiritual journey are an important part of my identity.*

( ) Strongly disagree ( ) Disagree ( ) Agree ( ) Strongly agree

It is important to me to be a unique individual and stand out from those around me.*

( ) Strongly disagree ( ) Disagree ( ) Agree ( ) Strongly agree


Education is the primary thing that will guarantee me a better future.*

( ) Strongly disagree ( ) Disagree ( ) Neutral ( ) Agree ( ) Strongly agree

What would stop you from going to university? (pick up to 2)*

[ ] Costs too much

[ ] Not enough time
[ ] I would not meet the college requirements
[ ] I don’t know what I would study
[ ] I cannot get to a university in person or participate online
[ ] I have another plan that does not require university
[ ] None of these - I am going to university

I believe that I will have a future career opportunity.*

( ) Yes
( ) No

I would like to start a business or own my own company in the future.*

( ) Yes
( ) No

The most important thing in my future career is:*

( ) How much it pays

( ) What I do is respected
( ) That I will be helping others
( ) That I enjoy what I do for work
( ) That I find what jobs are available
( ) None of the above

[ATTENTION CHECK QUESTION – if they answer wrong, they are excluded from sample. Be
sure to inform the panel survey company of this]

Could you please take 1 quick moment to show us that you're reading each question? To
do so, please select 'Strongly Agree' below.*
( ) Strongly Disagree ( ) Disagree ( ) Neutral ( ) Agree ( ) Strongly Agree

You’re doing great! Next we want to get your personal opinion on a few
interesting topics.


Should marriage be a lifelong commitment?*

( ) Yes
( ) No
( ) Maybe

Should marriage be exclusively between a man and a woman?*

( ) Yes
( ) No
( ) Maybe

Do you believe it is okay to have sex before marriage?*

( ) Yes
( ) No
( ) Maybe

What do you think gender is primarily based on?*

( ) The sex a person was born as

( ) What a person feels like
( ) A person’s desires or sexual attraction
( ) The way society sees a person
( ) I am confused by this question

Is it okay for someone to change their body to become a different gender?*

( ) Yes
( ) No
( ) Maybe
( ) I don't understand this question

Thanks for sharing your views.

Now we would like to know where you go for information or guidance in life.


Where do you go most often for information or guidance about the meaning of life? Select
only one.*

( ) Family members
( ) Friends/Peers
( ) Teachers/Counselors
( ) Religious leaders or religious texts
( ) Social media or other online sources (YouTube, websites, etc.)
( ) Books, magazines, television, radio, or newspaper

Where do you go most often for information or guidance about what is right and wrong?
Select only one.*

( ) Family members
( ) Friends/Peers
( ) Teachers/Counselors
( ) Religious leaders or religious texts
( ) Social media or other online sources (YouTube, websites, etc.)
( ) Books, magazines, television, radio, or newspaper

Where do you go most often for information or guidance about gender, sexuality, or other
sexual issues? Select only one.*

( ) Family members
( ) Friends/Peers
( ) Teachers/Counselors
( ) Religious leaders or religious texts
( ) Social media or other online sources (YouTube, websites, etc.)
( ) Books, magazines, television, radio, or newspaper

I talk to my parents/guardians about issues that really matter to me.*

( ) Often
( ) Sometimes
( ) Rarely or never

What is most likely to change your mind about a religious belief?*

( ) A conversation with my parents

( ) A conversation with friends
( ) My own investigation online or in books
( ) Teachings from religious leaders
( ) Personal experiences such as receiving an answer to prayer

Great job! That was very helpful.

The next section is very important. It will help us understand the things that you
and other teens might be struggling with. Remember, your responses are


In the past three months, did you experience:


( ) Yes
( ) No


( ) Yes
( ) No

High anxiety?*

( ) Yes
( ) No

Gender identity confusion?*

( ) Yes
( ) No

In the past three months, have you:

Felt you would be most yourself if you were a different gender?*

( ) Yes
( ) No

Felt sexually attracted to someone of the same gender?*

( ) Yes
( ) No

Been bullied by someone online?*

( ) Yes
( ) No

Been hurtful to someone online?*

( ) Yes
( ) No

You’re doing great! There are just a few more questions before we go on to the
next section.

In the past three months, have you:

Had enough alcohol to be drunk?*

( ) Yes
( ) No
Used drugs other than those required for medical reasons?*

( ) Yes
( ) No

Looked at pornographic material?*

( ) Yes
( ) No

Had suicidal thoughts?*

( ) Yes
( ) No

Attempted suicide?*

( ) Yes
( ) No

Been sexually active?*

( ) Yes
( ) No

You made it through! Thanks for letting us ask you such personal questions.
Your responses will help us understand teens better so we can figure out ways to

Next, we want to know what you think about religion.


How often do you attend religious services?*

( ) Never
( ) Several times a year
( ) Monthly
( ) Weekly
( ) Daily

How often do you read the Bible, Quran or other religious scriptures on your own?*

( ) Never
( ) Several times a year
( ) Monthly
( ) Weekly
( ) Daily

How often do you pray?*

( ) Never
( ) Several times a year
( ) Monthly
( ) Weekly
( ) Daily

How often do you talk about religious or spiritual things with people who do not share your

( ) Never
( ) Several times a year
( ) Monthly
( ) Weekly
( ) Daily


Which of the following descriptions comes closest to your view of God?*

( ) I believe in cosmic forces like good and evil but not in a personal God.
( ) God exists and I can have a personal relationship with him.
( ) God is an outdated idea that can be harmful.
( ) I really do not ever think about God.

Which statement most closely reflects your view of the Bible?*

( ) The Bible is an ancient text that creates more problems than it solves.
( ) I never really think about the Bible.
( ) The Bible has value as an important text but is not the Word of God.
( ) The Bible is the Word of God.

Which statement most closely reflects your view of Jesus?*

( ) I never think about Jesus.

( ) Jesus is worth studying as a teacher or sage.
( ) Jesus is an ancient myth that may be harmful.
( ) Jesus is the son of God.

You’re almost done! This is our last section of questions.

Next, tell us whether you agree or disagree with the following statements.
All religions teach equally valid truths.*

( ) Disagree
( ) Agree

I have a responsibility to tell other people about my faith or religious beliefs.*

( ) Disagree
( ) Agree

Most Christians I know are kind and caring.*

( ) Disagree
( ) Agree
( ) I don't know any Christians

I would be open to attending a Christian church service if someone invited me.*

( ) Disagree
( ) Agree
( ) I'm not sure
( ) I already attend church

[The following section of items are asked only of those who said their religion = Christian]

Do you have a pastor or teacher specifically for teens or young adults at your church?*

( ) Yes
( ) No
( ) I am not sure
( ) I do not attend church

At least one adult at my church who is not a member of my family is helping me grow

( ) Yes
( ) No
( ) I do not attend church

Do you talk about life issues and concerns with a spiritual leader at your church?*

( ) Yes
( ) No
( ) I do not attend church

Did a church’s ministry to children play an important role in your spiritual growth?*

( ) Yes
( ) No
( ) I did not attend children's ministry

Forgiveness of sins is only possible through faith in Jesus Christ.*

( ) Strongly disagree ( ) Disagree ( ) Agree ( ) Strongly agree

At what age did you make your most important commitment to Jesus Christ?
Please enter a number. If you have not made a commitment to Jesus, please enter

You made it! Before you go, just confirm a few things for us.

Who do you live with?*

( ) One parent (could be a step-parent)

( ) Two parents (could include step-parents)
( ) Other family members
( ) None of the above

Are you married?*

( ) Yes
( ) No

Where do you live?*

( ) Rural area (less than 2,500 people)

( ) Semi-urban area (at least 2,500 and less than 50,000 people)
( ) Urban area (50,000 or more people)

Thank You!

Thank you for taking our survey. Your response is very important to us.

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