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Anthropology Companion

Rare Heritages
While many consider beastfolk, Mer, and made. They are often connected to a
humans to exist, there are still others who particular plane of Oblivion and are capable
defy such categorization. Some are of wielding its power to terrify and dominate
summoned from other planes, while others their foes.
live in the wilderness, away from what most
would consider ‘civilization’. This Demon-Knights
unfamiliarity leads to misunderstanding, Dremora are athletic demon-like humanoids
prejudice, and fear. Nevertheless, these
who range in appearance from fully
peoples remain part of the greater story of
grotesque to resembling Dunmer with
Tamriel, and some may even choose to join
horns. Horns within Dremora culture are a
adventuring parties. For fame? For
badge of honor and therefore highly prized.
revenge? For survival? The choice is theirs,
These can range in appearance from short
and yours, to make.
spikes on the frontal lobe to curled ram-like
The playtest material in this article is
intended to showcase the new races and
Kyn are often confused by mortals with
subraces that will be included in an
Xivilai and Xivkyn who share similar
upcoming book. These game mechanics
are in draft form, are usable in your TES 5e
physical features. Xivkyn are a hybridized
games, but are not refined by full game species between Xivilai and the Kyn, and
design and editing. Xivilai are often larger and wear less armor.

Feedback. The best way to give feedback Dremora warriors of higher rank tend to
is to leave comments right here on the wear heavy plate armor riddled with spikes
google doc. Any feedback will remain on and terrifying imagery. Their complexion
this page until they have been reviewed can vary from Dunmer gray to blue, purple,
through the final editing process. Please red, or black and is often tied to their
respect the other commenters and Daedric patron.
reviewers and don’t resolve any comments
unless you had posted in error.
Immortal Servants
The Dremora are found across Oblivion in
the service of the Daedric Princes, most
Dremora (Kyn) commonly Mehrunes Dagon but also Molag
A warlike race of Daedra, the Dremora are Bal. Their culture is largely centered around
warfare. Whenever the two Daedric Princes
loyal beings who take pride in their martial
have invaded Tamriel their ground forces
prowess and position in the societal were made up of various clans. Despite this,
hierarchy. the Dremora see themselves as neither
The Dremora, or ‘Kyn’ as they prefer to be good nor evil beings, merely serving power
itself for its own sake.
called, are not so much born as they are
Good service to their Prince’s aims allows a only during Daedric invasions but when
Dremora to move up in the ranks of their summoned by mortal conjurers for brief
clan, and the Prince can move a Dremora periods of time. A Dremora adventurer
into a different clan at whim. It is a common would adventure to gain power and
goal amongst the Dremora to rise the ranks influence in line with their Prince’s ethos.
of a clan and serve directly under their
Prince. Perhaps a Dremora mage wishes to pilfer
the great libraries of the world in order to
The Hierarchical Kyn gain an advantage against a hated rival, or a
Dremora are defined by their place in a rigid warrior to bring back trophies of their
dishonored foes to prove their worth.
internal caste system, Their service to a
Whatever the case may be, a Dremora will
Prince is eternal and honor-bound, even for rarely wish to remain on Nirn and may rarely
more chaotic or temperamental lords. The wish to follow orders from the unworthy and
following describes the caste system of a weak.
Dremora clan.
Dremora Names
Varlet. The lowest dregs, servants to higher Dremora tend to have both first names with
castes. only the most distinguished using the
Churl. Untrained and disorganized, cruel to Daedric version of their clan name as a
all. surname. Their names are harsh, and are
similar to Orsimer or Dunmer names.
Caitiff. Zealous shock troops, unreliable yet
eager to prove themselves. Male Names: Gatanas, Krazzt, Velehk,
Lansh, Xar, Uldun, Drozu, Uldun, Zexxil.
Kynval. Distinguished, disciplined, have
proven themselves in battle. Female Names: Akata, Gadrah, Zyr, Angata,
Urata, Ulz, Foshaz, Belofasa, Doshian.
Kynreeve. Administrators of a clan,
administer rewards and punish the lower Dremora Ancestral Traits
castes. Your Dremora character has a variety of
natural abilities common with all other
Kynmarcher. Lowest caste referred to as
‘Lord’, commands outposts and citadels.
Creature Type. You are a fiend (daedra).
Markynaz. The ‘Grand Duke’, forms a council
Age. Dremora are immortal beings, they are
amongst other clan members of this caste
born as adults and never age, they can’t die
known as a Markyn.
from natural causes and they return to
Valkynaz. Part of the personal guard of a Oblivion if they are killed.
Daedric Prince, a council known as the Size. Dremora are roughly the height of
Valkyn, and rarely encountered on Tamriel. humans, being between 5 and 7 feet tall,
and have strong, athletic builds. Your size is
Intercessors of Oblivion Medium.
Dremora are well known for being the
go-betweens between Nirn and Oblivion not Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Void-Born. You weren’t born under the stars,
instead you were born in the infinite
Padomaic seas of Oblivion, giving you the Moonshadow Azura Force
following benefits and restrictions.
Myriad Sanguine Thunder
● You don’t pick a birthsign. Realms of
● You are immune to disease Revelry
● You don't need to eat, drink or sleep,
The Pits Peryite Poison
and magic can't put you to sleep.
● When you take a long rest, you must Quagmire Vaermina Psychic
spend at least six hours in an
inactive, motionless state, rather The Scuttling Namira Force
than sleeping. In this state, you Void
appear inert, but it doesn't render The Shivering Sheogorath Psychic
you unconscious, and you can see Isles
and hear as normal.
The Spiral Mephala Acid
Daedric Origin. Your soul is connected to a Skein
realm of Oblivion. Choose a realm from the
list below, The damage type associated with
each realm of Oblivion is used by other Tempered by Oblivion. You have resistance
features. to the damage type associated with your
daedric origin.
Realm of Daedric Damage
Brave. You have advantage on saving
Oblivion Prince Type
throws against being frightened.
Apocrypha Hermaeus Necrotic
Wrath of Oblivion. Once per turn, when you
hit a creature with an attack, you can deal
Ashpit Malacath Fire additional damage equal to your level, of the
damage type associated with your daedric
Attribution’s Boethiah Fire origin. Additionally, the target must make a
Personality saving throw (DC 8 + your
Coldharbour Molag Bal Cold proficiency bonus + your Intelligence,
Willpower, or Personality modifier) or
Colored Meridia Radiant become frightened of you until the end of
Rooms your next turn.
Deadlands Mehrunes Fire You can use this feature a number of times
Dagon equal to your proficiency bonus, and you
Evergloam Nocturnal Necrotic regain all expended uses when you finish a
long rest.
Fields of Clavicus Acid
Dremora War Magic. Once you reach 3rd
Regret Vile
level, you can cast the bound weapon spell
Hunting Hircine Poison with this trait, without a material
component. Once you cast this spell with Clan Spellcaster
this trait, you can't cast that spell with it You come from a clan that highly values the
again until you finish a long rest. You can vast potential of magic. Some examples
also cast this spell using any magicka include the mages of the Bloodwraith Clan,
points you have. who perform arena combat in the name of
Intelligence, Willpower, or Personality is your Boethiah; and the Bloodruin Clan, who’s
spellcasting attribute for these spells when mages are extremely powerful servants of
you cast them with this trait (choose when Mehrunes Dagon.
you select this ancestry). Magic Weaver. You know one cantrip from
the sorcerer spell list. Once you reach 3rd
Dremora Cultural Traits level, you can cast the Lesser Ward spell
Dremora society is clan-based and focused once as a 1st-level spell, and regain the
on oaths and loyalty towards their clan and ability to do so after you finish a long rest.
the princes they serve. You have the
Intelligence, Willpower or Personality is your
following cultural traits.
spellcasting attribute for these spells
Terrifying Aura. You gain proficiency in the (choose when you select this culture).
intimidation skill.
Daedric Scholar. You have advantage on all
Subculture. Dremora groups are divided in Arcana rolls concerning daedric magic or
three categories: Clan Warriors, Clan artifacts.
Spellcasters and the Outcasts outside of the
clans. Dremora Outcast
A dremora who has no clan is considered
Clan Warrior the lowest of the low among their kind. They
You come from a clan that highly values have either been exiled from their clan,
martial prowess. Some examples include deemed unworthy of serving a Daedric
the Bladebearer Clan, an independent clan Prince, or never joined a clan in the first
of warriors; and the Firescourge Clan that place. Some of these outcasts have formed
act as foot-soldiers for Mehrunes Dagon. their own clan, and are known as The
Saving Face. You cannot afford to show
weakness on the battlefield in front of Fiercely Independent. When on your own, a
others. If you miss with an attack roll or fail well-placed strike is the difference between
a saving throw, you can gain a bonus to the life and death. When you make an attack roll
roll equal to the number of allies you can against a creature when none of your allies
see within 30 feet of you (maximum bonus that aren’t incapacitated are within 5 feet of
of +3). Once you use this trait, you can't use it, you can double your proficiency bonus for
it again until you finish a short or long rest. the attack immediately after seeing the
number on the d20. If the attack hits, the
Powerful Build. You count as one size larger
target has disadvantage on opportunity
when determining your carrying capacity
attacks made against you until the start of
and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
your next turn. Once you use this trait, you
can't use it again until you finish a short or Dwemer ruins, creating makeshift weapons
long rest. and armor made from the material.
Cutthroat. Without a clan, one must learn to
hold their own. You have proficiency in one
Tribal Living
of the following skills of your choice: Goblins live in small tribes led by a warlord
Stealth, Deception, Survival and Perception. who is the strongest goblin or a shaman
who is a religious leader and usually the
Goblin smartest member of a tribe, whose death is
known to turn a tribe docile.
Living in caves, ruins and sewers, Goblins
are a primitive humanoid race that are found Some goblins worship the Blue God,
throughout Tamriel in small clan-based typically represented through idols of
societies. They are known as hostile Malacath painted blue, while others worship
creatures who attack travelers and farmers, Muluk, who is related to Mauloch, an aspect
but Goblins are capable of living alongside of Malacath. Like all Goblin-ken, they are
other races. believed to be Malacath’s chosen people.

Varied Forms Goblins usually eat any food they find, some
Ranging from being shorter than a Bosmer raising rats for meat, others farming
to being taller than an Altmer, with some mushrooms in caves, others farm kwama
having horns and hunchbacks, and divided and spiders, others fish, while others simply
in multiple subraces, Goblins are a highly scavenge from the more advanced races of
diverse race. Tamriel. Rieklings enjoy “dizzydrinks”, or
alcoholic drinks.
While all goblins share some traits, like their
elven-like ears and canine teeth, they are Goblins tend to tame animals, specially
divided in 3 major subraces, the common Durzogs who they train for war and to
goblins that inhabit most of Nirn have green harvest their hides, Rieklings tame Tusked
skin, the Rieklings that inhabit Solstheim Bristlebacks as warmounts.
have light blue skin and tend to have a
Rieklings form strange attachments to the
shorter stature than other goblins, and the
relics they scavenge from other races and
magically gifted Riekr that inhabit Wrothgar
perform ritualistic “Godspeak” ceremonies,
have skin that ranges from white to purple.
usually using “redgrass”.
Their clothing is as varied as their physical
Riekr society expects each member to pull
forms are, some wear simple clothes made
their own weight, with magically gifted Riekr
out of pelts, bones and durzog hide, others
having to pass an initiation ritual to be able
use more complex armor, some dating back
to rejoin their tribe. Riekr tend to have
to the First Era, either passed down from
practices that are seen as disgusting by
previous generations, found on ancient ruins
other races, such as eating meat, vomiting
or crafted themselves.
and then trading it with fellow tribesmen to
Some Goblin tribes progressed into a basic eat each other’s vomit, bathing in filth and
metal age by using metal scraps from eating their young.
History of Enslavement Female Names: Nix, Delk, Vils, Jurta, Biags,
Goblins have been the victims of slavery Bruiminqee, Gnittanx, Nittonx, Friogmog,
many times, Altmer used them mostly for Treluss, Slap.
menial tasks, such as mucking out dung
pits and cleaning floors, and were Goblin Ancestral Traits
Your Goblin character has certain
traditionally used to supplement Altmer
characteristics as a result of its goblin-ken
armies. House Dres used Goblin slaves as
heritage. You have the following ancestral
workers in their mines by using their tribe’s
totem to control them.
Creature Type. You are a Humanoid. You are
Goblins require to be educated and “tamed”
also considered a goblin-ken for any
before they can be used as slaves, but they
prerequisite or effect that requires you to be
are highly valued in areas where their
a goblin-ken.
slavery isn’t banned.
Age. Goblins reach adulthood at age 12 and
Unexpected Adventurers live up to 60 years, but because of their war
While the Goblins are known as dangerous, based society they rarely live longer than 20
nasty creatures, they are fully capable to years.
work alongside other races, sometimes they
can work for other races for their own Size. Goblins can range in height from three
benefit or out of respect, as many value feet to over eight feet. However, most of
strength and skill. them stand between three to five feet tall.
You are Medium or Small. You choose the
Other Goblins may decide to go out on size when you select this ancestry, the size
adventures outside of their tribes for more you choose determines some of your
personal reasons, sometimes just to acquire features.
riches and trinkets, other times to protect
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
their kind from slavers, and other times
simply for the sake of adventure. Darkvision. You can see in dim light within
60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in
Goblin Names darkness as if it were dim light. You can't
Goblins have guttural names with sharp discern color in darkness, only shades of
sounds, sometimes made of only a single gray.
syllable, but some do have longer names,
Fury of Muluk (Small only). When you
being typically hard to pronounce for other
damage a creature with an attack or a spell
races. Goblins do not have surnames or
and the creature's size is larger than yours,
clan names, but some do use titles to
you can cause the attack or spell to deal
denote accomplishments..
extra damage to the creature. The extra
Male Names: Cuig, Wrorx, Tat, Wrerk, Hect, damage equals to your level plus your
Xozmets, Briznyq, Squish, Gnog, Ciagz. proficiency bonus. Once you use this trait,
you can't use it again until you finish a short
or long rest.
Goblin Nimbleness (Small only). You can Cold Born. Living in the harsh environment
move through the space of any creature that of Solstheim has given you resistance to
is of a size larger than yours. cold damage.

Wrath of the Blue God (Medium only). When

you damage a creature with an attack or a
The white-skinned Riekr are naturally
spell and the creature's hit points are below
magically gifted, they live in Wrothgar in
half, you can cause the attack or spell to
societies seen as particularly disgusting by
deal extra damage to the creature. The extra
other races.
damage equals to your level plus your
proficiency bonus. Once you use this trait, Riekr Magic. You know the ray of frost
you can't use it again until you finish a short cantrip. You can also cast the fog cloud
or long rest. spell with this trait. Once you cast this spell
with this trait, you can't cast that spell with it
Opportunistic (Medium only). When you again until you finish a long rest. You can
score a critical hit against a creature, you also cast this spell using any magicka
can move half your movement speed away points you have.
from that creature without provoking
Intelligence, Willpower, or Personality is your
opportunity attacks. You must end your turn
spellcasting attribute for these spells when
further away from the creature than where
you cast them with this trait (choose when
you started.
you select this ancestry).
Subancestries. There’s 3 main subraces of
Goblins inhabiting Nirn: Common Goblin, Goblin Cultural Traits
Rieklings and Riekr Goblins value resourcefulness and might .
You have the following cultural traits.
Common Goblin Durzog Tamer. You have proficiency in the
The green-skinned Goblins live across the Animal Handling skill.
continent and are the most numerous
species of goblin-ken. Unclean Living. You have advantage in
saving throws against disease.
Aggressive. As a bonus action, you can
move up to your movement speed toward a Cunning Scavenger. As part of a short rest,
hostile creature you can see or hear. You you can harvest bone and hide from a slain
must end this move closer to the enemy beast, dragon, monstrosity, or plant creature
than you started. of size small or larger to create one of the
following items: a club, a dagger, leather
Rieklings armor, traveler’s clothes, a two-person tent,
The blue-skinned Rieklings live mostly in a backpack, or a totem, amulet or wand. To
Solstheim, they tend to have squatter bodies use this trait, you need a blade, such as a
than their brethren and ride Bristlebacks as dagger, or appropriate artisan's tools, such
warmounts. as leatherworker's tools.
Resourceful. You are proficient with sometimes fight the dominant male to the
improvised weapons. death to become the leaders of the clan.

Shaman Totem. You can use trinkets as if Heirs to the Empire

they were spellcasting focus for any class.
While no surviving records prove their origin,
scholars believe that Minotaurs come from
Minotaur the union of the Slave Queen Alessia and the
Large and powerful, the Minotaurs, Demigod Morihaus-Breath-of-kyne, which gave
sometimes called man-bulls or bull-men, are birth to Belharza the Man-Bull, the first
minotaur and second ruler of the Empire.
a species of beastfolk that hails from
Cyrodiil. Once they were a symbol of the Minotaurs began appearing around the time
Alessian Empire, but now they are seen as of Empress Alessia’s reign, during this time,
mere savage monsters, living in ancient they had intelligence and culture similar to
ruins and attacking travelers on sight. other races, and were extremely loyal to the
The Bull-Men
Despite their loyalty, Minotaurs were always
Minotaurs have the body of a man and the
distrusted because of their strength and
head of a bull, their bodies are tall and
appearance, and with the rise of the Alessian
broad, and are covered in thick gray, brown
Order, they were driven into the forests and
or red fur and hide, they have large curved
treated as simple beasts like trolls or goblins.
horns that are capable of piercing through
Their culture was destroyed and they lost their
the strongest armor. intellect with the passage of time.
While some Minotaurs choose to go Now they are hunted down as trophies and
completely naked, or only wearing a simple rounded up to fight in the imperial arena,
loincloth, they are capable of wearing and roaming the wilderness of Cyrodiil like beasts,
making intricate armor and weapons. Some with their noble lineage long forgotten.
choose to wear nose-rings similar to the
ones put on bulls. However, while they are known as monsters,
Minotaurs are fully capable of working
Ancestral Guardians alongside other races, with their raw strength,
magical resistance and powerful horns
Minotaurs tend to congregate around
making them capable allies.
ancient ruins of the Alessian Empire,
guarding these areas instinctively, and
Minotaur Names
attacking travelers who intrude in their
Minotaurs have tough, guttural names,
some being Imperial in origin, they don’t
While mostly male, female Minotaurs do have surnames or clan names, instead
exist, Minotaurs live in clans led by the having a title that denotes physical
strongest and largest male, who has characteristics or feats.
breeding rights with all females of
reproductive age. Younger males
Male Names: Raasen, Nernth, Hantarion, Powerful Build. You count as one size larger
Kahlnart, Dimius, Kistrurd, Narrus, Kranrak, when determining your carrying capacity
Galrus, Rakdiar, Cresek. and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.

Female Names: Mouna, Nuodera, Raastrin, Heir of Alessia. As an action, you can
Weolin, Hadrie, Tefora, Rasassia, Keszu, unleash a bellowing cry that reverberates
Eleuthia. with such a force that it casts your foes
aside. All creatures of your choice within 15
Titles: Stormfury, Stonehoof, Redeye, feet of you must make a Strength saving
Ebonyhorn, Bloodhorn, Ironhide, The throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 1d6
Bloodied, The Fearless, The Wrathful. thunder damage, is pushed 10 feet away
from you and is knocked prone. On a
Minotaur Ancestral Traits successful save, it takes half as much
Your Minotaur character has certain damage and is not pushed or knocked
characteristics in common with other prone. The difficulty class of this save is
Minotaurs. You have the following ancestral equal to 8 + your Endurance modifier + your
traits proficiency bonus. On a successful save, it
takes half as much damage.
Creature Type. You are a monstrosity.
This damage increases by 1d6 when you
Age. Minotaurs live as long as humans, reach 5th level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and
however, because of their living conditions 17th level (4d6). Once you use this feature
they rarely live longer than 40 years. you can’t use it again until you finish a long
Size. Minotaurs average over 7 feet in rest.
height, and they have strong, stocky builds.
Your size is Medium. Minotaur Cultural Traits
Minotaur culture values raw strength and
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
reverence for the past. You have the
Horns. Your horns are natural melee following cultural traits.
weapons, which you can use to make
Minotaur Weapon Training. You are
unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you
proficient in Blunt and Axe Weapons
deal piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your
Strength modifier, instead of the Imposing Presence. You have proficiency in
bludgeoning damage normal for an one of the following skills of your choice:
unarmed strike. Intimidation or Persuasion.
Charge. If you move at least 20 feet straight
Ancestral Recall. You can perfectly recall
toward a target and then hit it with a melee
any path you have traveled. Additionally, you
weapon attack on the same turn, you can
have advantage on any Willpower or
immediately follow that attack with a bonus
Intelligence check related to finding ancient
action, making one attack against the target
Imperial ruins or knowledge about the
with your horns.
Alessian Empire.
Brave. You have advantage on saving
throws against being frightened.

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