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Subject and object pronouns

Em inglês temos dos tipos básicos de pronome:

1. SUBJECT PRONOUNS – Estão sempre antes do verbo, pois funcionam como sujeito. São eles: I,
you, he, she, it, we, you e they.

2. OBJECT PRONOUNS – Estão sempre depois do verbo, pois funcionam como objeto. São eles: me,
you, him, her, it, us, you e they.

Veja o que eles significam:

1. Complete the chart with the missing pronouns (YOU, HER, HIM, THEM, IT, US). Use capital letters:


I …………… ME ………………………………

…………… YOU ………………………………..

HE ………….. .................................

SHE ……………. ................................

............ IT …………………………………

WE ……….. ....................................
YOU …………. YOU ………………………………….

THEY …………. …………………………………

2-Circle the pronoun in each sentence. On the line in front of each sentence, write “S” if the
pronoun is a subject pronoun or “O” if the pronoun is an object pronoun.
_____________1. Mary gave me the letter.
_____________2. You can sit down by the fire.
_____________3. They are going to watch a movie at the new theater.
_____________4. Peter and Cindy can go with us tomorrow.
_____________5. We have been friends for many years.
_____________6. It is inside the pocket of the black backpack.
_____________7. The librarian gave me the library book.
_____________8. Jenny’s mother brought her a sandwich for lunch.
_____________9. She played with the new puppy all day.
____________10. You went to the party on Saturday night.
____________11. Sylvia will give you the book next week.
____________12. Park the bicycles in the rack and leave the keys for us.
____________13. He called the store, but everyone was on a lunch break.
____________14. Scott’s dad gave us a ride to the baseball game.
____________15. I usually study for a few hours the night before a test.
____________16. Jerry and Mark went to the school play with them on Monday.
____________17. Send me a copy of the report in the mail.
____________18. He never said goodbye before going on the month-long trip.
____________19. We ate dinner at a nice restaurant before returning home.
____________20. Aunt Marie baked him a delicious chocolate cake.
3. Complete with a suitable OBJECT PRONOUN and match with the pictures.

a) Hey! There's a new e-mail. Read to me, please!

b) The little girl is very happy. Her mum gave a lovely present this morning.

c) My father loves Greek monuments. He wants to go to Greece and visit all of .

d) The runners are very tired. We'll give some water.

e) That's a very difficult game. I don't know how to play . Can you show ?

f) Patrick is still in class. The teacher asked to stay for ten minutes.
4. Complete with an OBJECT PRONOUN:

a) Where's Sam? David is with

b) Have you seen Alice? Yes, I saw in the park yesterday afternoon.

c) Can you ask Costin if he wants to come to the supermarket with ? I don't want to go alone.

d) Would you like to play with ? We need another player.

e) I think this activity is very difficult. I don't understand !

f) Robert and Theodore are speaking in class. Can you tell to be quiet?

g) Our teacher is so nice! We'll give a birthday present.

h) I love Peter and he loves . We're so happy together!

i) Lucas works in a bank. I see every morning when he goes to work.

j) Pat and Tom live in Oxford. We never see .

k) Anna studies in Rome. We telephone every week.

5. Answer the questions using a SUBJECT and an OBJECT pronoun:

a) Does Peter like Italian food? Yes, loves .

b) Do you listen to American pop songs? No, don't like .

c) Are those flowers for you? No, aren't for .

d) Did I give you the keys? Yes, gave to me.

e) Does Anne love Peter? Yes, loves .

6- Leia o texto e sublinhe todos os SUBJECT PRONOUN e circule os OBJECT PRONOUNS:

Dear Agatha
I don’t know what’s wrong with me. You see, I love my girlfriend Josy. I always give her a present. I always
get the best seats for us when we go to concerts. Her parents are nice people and I like them very much. I
feel they like me too. I think her father likes soccer, so I invite him for a match every now and then. Her
mother is like a mother to me. I give her a flower every Saturday. The problem is Josy. Now she’s telling
me she doesn’t love me anymore. She says she likes a rock band drummer. I don’t understand her.
What’s wrong with me?

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