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0857-3998-0899 | |

Ds.Kampungbaru, Dsn. Takat RT/RW 09/08, Kec. Tanjunganom, Kab. Nganjuk, East Java
An experiences Electrical and Instrument Technician field who seek for new opportunities and
experiences with a demonstrated history of working in engineering procurement construction (EPC)
company. Love to follow the advancement of technology, connecting with people, and also learning
new things, opportunities and experiences.

Work Experiences
PT. Wifgasindo Dinamika Instrument Engineering – Tuban, Jawa Timur, Indonesia Oct 2023 – Feb 2024
 Project TPPI Revamp Paraxylene 780.000 MTPA – Tuban, Jawa Timur

PT. Wifgasindo Dinamika Instrument Engineering – Kalimantan Selatan, Indonesia Mar 2022 - Sep 2023
 Project CFSPP 2x100MW Asam-asam Kalselteng 2

PT. WifgasindoDinamika Instrument Engineering - Natuna, Indonesia Sep 2021 - Dec 2021
 Project Fire and Gas Direction System Controller and Detector Supply Upgrade Star
Energy KF Platform Natuna Offshore

PT. Syamsir KaryaPertama - Indramayu, Indonesia Oct 2020 - Aug 2021

 Project Akasia Bagus PT. Pertamina EP

PT. Asahi Kokusai Techneion Indonesia - Cilegon, Indonesia Oct 2019 - May 2020
Electrical & Instrument
 Project Butene-1/MMTBE

PT. WifgasindoDinamika Instrument Engineering - Batang, Indonesia Jan 2019 - Oct 2019
 Project Central Java Coal Fired Power Plant 2x1000MW Batang, Jateng

PT. Asahi Kokusai Techneion Indonesia - Jakarta, Indonesia Feb 2018 - Dec 2018
Electrical & Instrument
 Project Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) Jakarta CP 107

PT. Kontrol Power Utama - Cilegon, Indonesia Sep 2017 - Dec 2017
 Project Synthetic Rubber Indonesia – U3 Plant Project Cilegon

PT. WifgasindoDinamika Instrument Engineering Jul 2016 - Mar 2017

TanjungBalai Karimun, Kepri ,Indonesia
 Project Jangkrik – Eni Bakau Saipem. Karimun Branch Yard – TanjungBalai Karimun,

PT. WifgasindoDinamika Instrument Engineering - Bojononegoro, Indonesia Aug 2015 - Jun 2016
 Project Banyuurip EPC 1 Bojonegoro – East Java

PT. WifgasindoDinamika Instrument Engineering - Bojononegoro, Indonesia Mar 2014 - Aug 2015
 Project Banyuurip EPC 1 Bojonegoro – East Java
Education Level
SMU Negeri 1 Kertosono - Nganjuk ,Indonesia Jul 2000 – Aug 2003
High Schools in

Skills, Achievements & Other Experience

 Soft Skills (2023): ■ Willingness to Learn ■ Leadership ■ Collaboration ■ Communication ■ Negotiation ■ Critical Thinking
■ Analytical Thinking ■ Creative Thinking ■ Conflict Management
 Hard Skills (2023): ■ Electrical Troubleshoot, and Wiring ■ Maintenance Electrical ■ Instrument Wireline Check, Instrument
Troubleshoot, Instrument Function Test. ■ Basic Mechanic ■ Basic Welding ■ Measurement Tools ■ Pneumatic
 LANGUAGE-SKILLS (2023): ■ Indonesian (Native Proficiency) ■ English (Professional Working Proficiency)

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