TMA of TM260 (All Branches)

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TM260: Ethics, Law and the Governance in IT

Tutor-Marked Assignment (TMA) Spring 23/24

Cut-Off Date: Based on the Published Deadline.

Total Marks: 60 marks turned to 15 marks

Warnings and Declaration…………………………………….………………………………......1
Question 1 ……………….…………………………………. ………………………………...…..2
Question 2 ……………….…………………………………. ………………………………...…..2
Question 3 ……………….…………………………………. ………………………………...…..3

Plagiarism Warning:
As per AOU rules and regulations, all students are required to submit their own TMA
work and avoid plagiarism. The AOU has implemented sophisticated techniques for
plagiarism detection. You must provide all references in case you use and quote
another person's work in your TMA. You will be penalized for any act of plagiarism as
per the AOU's rules and regulations.

Declaration of No Plagiarism by Student (to be signed and submitted by student

with TMA work):

I hereby declare that this submitted TMA work is a result of my own efforts and I have
not plagiarized any other person's work. I have provided all references of information
that I have used and quoted in my TMA work.
Name of Student:……………………………..

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Question1: [27marks]
A successful Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack requires the downloading of
software that turns unprotected computers into zombies under the control of the
malicious hacker.

Write a report answers the following questions:

 What is the DDoS? (5 marks)
 Should the owners of the zombie computers be tracked down, identified, and
fined or otherwise punished as a means of encouraging people to better
safeguard their computers? Why or why not? (10 marks)

Also pay attention to the following:

 Add at least one figure. (2 marks)
 Add captions for the figures/tables. (2 marks)
 Write at least two references not including your book or Wikipedia. (2 marks)
 Citation is required for all the references. (1 marks)
 Correct grammar and spelling. (2 marks)
 Use (200-250) words not including references. (2 marks)
 State number of words at the end of the report. (1 mark)
 Plagiarism and late submissions will be penalized according to the deanship regulations.

Question 2: [23 marks]

Write a report answers the following questions:
 How would you distinguish between a hacktivist and a cyberterrorist? (5 marks)
 Should the use of hacktivists by a country against enemy organizations be
considered an act of war? Why or why not? (5 marks)
 How about the use of cyberterrorists? (5 marks)

Also pay attention to the following:

 Write at least two references not including your book or Wikipedia. (2 marks)
 Citation is required for all the references. (1 marks)
 Correct grammar and spelling. (2 marks)
 Use (200-250) words not including references. (2 marks)
 State number of words at the end of the report. (1 mark)
 Plagiarism and late submissions will be penalized according to the deanship regulations.

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Question 3: [10 marks]
Hundreds of a bank’s customers have called the customer service call center to
complain that they are receiving text messages on their phone telling them to access a
website and enter personal information to resolve an issue with their account.
Write at least FIVE actions should the bank take?

End of questions

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