Direct Indirect Objects

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Rewrite the following sentences changing the

order of the object pronouns

1. Let me make some tea for

you .

2. Would you get me a glass

of wine?

3. I've bought a gift for you.

4. Could you send me the


5. Read the email to me, will

6. He teaches adults

7. Leave me some oranges.

8. I took the report to Mr


9. Show Grandpa your


10. I gave my wife some


II. Do the quiz about Direct and Indirect Objects.

1. The indirect object is something or someone who receives

A) the direct object B)the main verb

2. "Sue passed Ann the ball." The direct object is

A) Ann B) the ball

3. "Kelly sent her friend an email." The indirect object is

A) an email B) her friend

4. The indirect object is always between the verb and

A) the direct object B) the subject

5. If the indirect object is a noun phrase, it will contain

A) one word B) one or more words

6. "She taught all her kids English." The indirect object is

A) all her kids B) kids

7. An indirect object can be rephrased and repositioned as part of

A) a noun phrase B) a prepositional phrase

8. "She taught English to all her kids." The prepositional phrase is

A) to all her kids B) taught English to

9. To find the indirect object, ask yourself who or what received

A) the direct object B) the subject

10. If you replace the indirect object "our friends" with a pronoun, it must

A) they B) them

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