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DIDÁCTICA Page 3: Oral Communication

MODULE 9-4 Lucas: Hey, Steve! Why the long face?
Page 1 Steve: What? Do I look upset?!
Area: Foreign Language/Lengua Lucas: Well, a little bit.
Steve:Honestly speaking, I had an
Subject: English/Inglés argument with my girlfriend. She said I
don’t care about the environment and stuff
Grade: 9 like that, and that is not true. All she said
was “I bet you wouldn’t do it”.
Lesson Title: Travel Time
Lucas: You wouldn’t do what? What do
Grammar and vocabulary contents: you mean?
● Second conditional Steve: We were talking about the
Community Based Tourism –CBT, that is
● Modals for advice: can and likely to happen in our neighborhood and,
should basically, she said I am not supporting this
● Quantifiers: some/any, how initiative.
much & how many Lucas: Why did she say that?
● Sequencers: next, after that, Steve:That is exactly what I am talking
then and finally about! It is impossible to opt for the CBT
initiative because I am not a professional in
Interdisciplinary: the tourism field and neither are the rest of
 Tourist places the neighbors! Can’t you see my point? So
 Movies she went “What would you do it if we had
 Traffic laws the possibility of opting for the CBT?” and
I said “I wouldn’t support that idea and I
 Countries and cities
wouldn’t do anything because that is not
Values: my field of expertise” and then she got mad
at me.
 Road safety
 Humbleness Lucas: The truth is just because you are not
 Gender equality an expert in the tourism field doesn’t mean
 Digital prevention you can’t get involved in it! Besides I’ve
heard your girlfriend comes from a family
full of tourist guides, so that could have
been the reason why she took it personally.
Steve:I see. What would you do if you were
Page 2: Communication and Cultural in my shoes?
Awareness Lucas: I would support your girlfriend and
Teacher Tip: Warm-up: Brainstorm about I wouldn’t be so pessimistic.
community based tourism types of
activities. Steve:You are right. If people were more
Answers: 2)a. Pululahua is in the crater of optimistic, everything would be much
a volanoe, and has community based better.
Lucas: Now go and talk to your girlfriend.
Other answers will vary
Steve: I will. I hope she will forgive me,
but I wouldn’t bet on it!
Lucas: Don’t speak too soon! I gotta go, Lucas: What did you say to her exactly?
see you tomorrow at the university.
Steve: You know, this and that.
Steve: See you and thanks for your advice
Lucas: You have to be more specific than
Answers: that.
2)a. True; b. True; c. True; d True. Steve: Just kidding!
3)Answers may vary. Lucas: I knew you wouldn’t do it!
Additional ideas: Ask students to act out Steve: Wait! No! I did it, seriously.
the conversation.
Lucas: Then, why don’t you tell me?
Steve: It’s just hard for me to remember
Page 4: Reading
Answers: Box on left-a. False b. False Lucas: Come on!
c. False d. True e. False
Steve:I told her I would opt for the
1 and 2)Answers may vary. homestay option and stuff like that. Since
there is an extra room at home, I thought it
would be a great initiative.
Lucas: Now we´re talking.
Page 5: Writing Answers:
Teacher Tip: Students can work in groups
and share some ideas. 2)a. No, he is not; b. I guess, you know, this
and that, stuff like that; c. He would opt for
Answers:Answers will vary. the homestay option.

Page 6:Language Through the Arts

Page 8
Answers: Answers may vary
Communication and cultural awareness
Additional idea: Visit the web site
Teacher Tip: Look up for information so that
about the airport from their own cities.
students can develop listening skills.
2) a. He forgot his hand-luggage
b. Because he bought a package holiday;
Page 7: Oral Communication
Teacher tip: Role-play similar c. She couldn’t find her boarding card.
conversations Luckily, she remembered she put it on her
Script: pocket;
Lucas: Hey Steve, looking good!
d. The plane didn’t have in-flight
Steve: What’s up, Lucas? entertainment.
Lucas: I guess you and your girlfriend
sorted things out.
Steve: Thanks to your advice.
Page 9:Oral communication
Lucas: I’m glad to hear that. So, tell me, Teacher tip: Ask students to act out the
how did it go? conversation.
Steve:You know, I told her what I would do
Miguel:Hi, Susan. How was your weekend?
to support Community Based Toursim.
Susan: Well, it was OK. I took a weekend Miguel:…..Well, I wanted to travel to
break at Cojimies beach. Santo Domingo in my dad’s car. I took my
driver’s license and all my documents and
Miguel:That’s great! Who did you go with? money.
Susan: I went with my husband and my Susan: Uh-huh.
son. My sister couldn’t come with us.
Miguel: When I was on the road, I saw an
Miguel:Oh, that’s too bad., I know how accident.
much you love spending time with your
sister. Susan:Really? Did an ambulance come to
Susan: Yeah. Anyway. we had kind of a
bad experience there. Miguel:Yeah, but while I was waiting for
the police to open the road, another car
Miguel:Are you serious? What happened? crashed into my car.
Susan:We booked the hotel room online, Susan:What? Did you get hurt?
but when we got there, we didn’t have a
room. The receptionist told us they don’t Miguel:Luckily no because I got out of the
work with a virtual booking platform. We car for a while.
lost money on a fake website.
Miguel:That’s terrible! What did you do?
Miguel:The mechanic is fixing the car, but
Susan:We went to another hotel. It was the driver who crashed it was drunk.
quite small, but we enjoyed the weekend.
How about you? Susan:Oh my god! That is terrible.

Miguel:I had a terrible weekend. Miguel:Yeah, it is. People should be more

careful when driving. A lot of lives are in
Susan:Oh, no! What happened? danger if you drive when you’re drunk.
Miguel:Well…… Susan:You’re right.
Answers: Answers:
2) a.4 b. 2 c.5 d.3 e. 1 or
2) a. False; b. False; c. True; 1-e, 2-b, 3-d, 4-a, 5-c or
d. True; e. True 1. Miguel took all his documents; 2. Miguel
drove his dad’s car; 3. Miguel stopped
3)Reacting to good news- That’s great! because it was a car accident; 4. Miguel got
out of the car. 5. Another car crashed
Reacting to bad news- That’s terrible!
Miguel’s car
3) Really!Did the ambulance come to help?
What? Did you get hurt?
Oh my God! That is terrible.
Page 10: Language through the Arts 4 & 5) Answers will vary
2) a. tourist b.attendant c.passport
d. luggage e.language
Page 12: Reading
3)a. Krakizhia, no b. his country was at Teacher tip: Warm-up: Research items
war and his passport in no longer valid c. you can and can’t carry in your hand-
takes coins left in machines, cleans tables luggage.
People can carry in their hand luggage…
Mini toiletries. A small umbrella. Medicine
with a medical prescription. A personal
Page 11:Oral Communication item like a bag or backpack
People can’t carry in their hand luggage… All You Need is Imagination
Firearms(guns), knives. Liquids or gels
like shampoo, perfume, creams or Page 17:Review
deodorants. A bottle of water. Answers:
1)Vocabulary- a. package holiday b.
luggage c. toiletries d. book
2)Reading/Writing- a. had b. I’d
Page 13: Writing record c. worked d. I’d offer
Answers: Anwers will vary. 3)Grammar: a. Should spend less b. can
take a bus c. should visit… d. can travel
Page 14: Assessment
4)Listening - a.F b. F c. F d.F e. T Page 18: Communication and cultural
5) Sunglasses, camera, passport, bottle of awareness
water, sunscreen Teacher Tip: Warm-up: brainstorm some
Script: ideas about sports tourism.
Valeria: I´m really looking forward to our
trip to the Galapagos, we´ll be there before Answers:
sundown.. 2) a. sport event b. nostalgia sport
c. active sport d. sport event.
David: Me too, I hope we have everything
so we don´t have to buy things there.
Valeria: I´ve got both of our passports in
Page 19: Oral communication
my pocket, they are the most important to
Lauren: Hi, Tamy. Long time no see. How
David: I need to buy some sunscreen and a are you doing?
bottle of water on the way to the airport.
Tamy: I’m great. I just came back from my
Do you have your sunglasses?
gymnastics practice.
Valeria: Yes, but I need to buy a new pair.
Lauren:You were practicing what?
Maybe when we get back.
Tamy: I’m on a gymnastics team. We
David: The camera is charged so the
practice every day.
battery should last the whole week.
Lauren:Wow! That sounds good. You know,
Valeria: What about the boarding passes,
two years ago I went to Cartagena to see
maps and hotel reservations.
an international gymnastics championship.
David: I have all of those documents in my It was amazing.
Tamy: You went where?
Valeria: I think we’re ready. This is going
Lauren:Cartagena. There’s a gymnastics
to be a great trip.
championship every year.
Tamy: How often?
Page 15:Assessment Lauren:Every year. There are teams are
Answers: from all over the world. I think you should
2)Vocabulary a. encourage b. learn participate with your team.
c. teach d. helpful e. kind f. efficient
Tamy: Wow! That would be amazing, but I
don’t how to participate or get money. You
know, it must be expensive.
Page 16:Project
Lauren:Don’t worry. You can do everything the sea. They’re an amazing team, so they
online. Send a video of your team, and you created a whistling system to communicate.
can get some support from a travel agency
or the academy. Page 23: Oral communication
Teacher tip: Role-play similar
Tamy: Who? conversations.
Lauren:A travel agency or a dance Script:
academy. I can help you with that. It’s Tamy: Hi, Lauren. What’s up? I followed
easy… your advice, and I talked to my coach about
the competition you told me about.
Lauren:Amazing! What happened? Tell me.
2). a. what; b. where; c. how often; d. what.
Tamy: First, we need to sign up online. I
3). a. what; b. where; c. how often; mean, we have to send some information
d. how much. about the team, number of participants,
Additional ideas: Brainstorm some ideas nationality, age, you know that kind of
about being at a gymnastics championship. information.
Lauren:Oh, I see. Is it similar information
to a CV?
Tamy: That’s right! A committee is going
Page 20: Reading to evaluate our information. After that, we
Teacher tip: Warm-up: Motivate students have to record a video and send it.
to start an inspiring YouTube channel.
Lauren: The process has changed, so are
Answers: 2) 3, 5, 2, 1, 4 or you going to participate?
1. recorded videos teaching to play a Tamy: Sure. We’re really excited about
musical instrument; 2. talked to people on that. It’d be great if we won the
the streets; 3. made videos about tourist competition. It’s a dream, you know.
places.; 4. gained popularity on the Web; 5.
visited some cities in Ecuador. Lauren:Yeah, of course. I’ve heard that
completing all those forms could be a
headache, so if you need help, I’m the one.
Tamy: Thanks a lot. I really appreciate
Page 21: Language Through the Arts your help; I’m going to contact you later
Teacher tip: Students can get started by this week.
brainstorming some ideas before Lauren:Sounds good to me.
readingthe paragraph itself.
Answers: will vary
2) I mean; you know; so.
3). a. True b. False c. True d. False
e. True.
Page 22: Language through the Arts
Answers: 4). From left to right b,c,d,a or…
2) a. Carmen López is a blind surfer; b. a. Is it similar to a CV?;
She can’t see; c. She studies online at
home, so she doesn’t go to conventional b. A committee is going to evaluate our
schools; d. She usually works out at the information;
gym, but what she enjoys the most is c. Completing those forms is difficult;
training at the beach with her coach, Lucas;
e. Carmen says that Lucas is her eyes to see d. We need to sign up online.
Ciclyst: Exactly.

Page 24: Communication and Cultural Answers:

Awareness 1) a. False b. True c. True d.
Teacher Tip: Talk about the eco-friendly False.
transportation in your town.
2). From left to right :d, c, b, a or... 1.
Answers:Answers may vary Why don’t we grab a city bike for you?; 2.
The traffic is too heavy; 3. I was going
to miss the bus; 4. Are you in a hurry?
3) a. Excuse me? b. It can be used when
Page 25
hear what other people said, or , if you are
Oral communication
talking to someone you do not know.
Teacher tip: Ask students to act out the
conversation. c. & d.) Answers will vary
Tourist: Excuse me, you on the red bike, do
you have the time?
Ciclyst: It’s around nine fifteen. Page 26: Reading
Tourist: Excuse me?
Activity 2): 1. From left to right c,d,b,a a.
Ciclyst: Nine fifteen!
Bike path b. Helmet and kneepadsc.
Tourist: Oh, thank you. Skateboards d. Roller skates.
Ciclyst: You’re welcome. Are you in a
hurry? Are you ok?
Tourist: I’m ok, thanks. I thought I was Page 27: Writing
going to miss the bus that leaves at ten Teacher tip: pair correction.
twenty, but now I get it, my watch isn’t Additional idea: Ask them to brainstorm
working! Luckily, I’ve got some time now. some ideas before writing.
Ciclyst: That is exactly what I was going to Page 28: Language Through the Arts
tell you. Do you like walking? Answers:
Tourist: A lot! 2): Top to bottom d,a,b,e,c or
Ciclyst: I imagined that because of how a. Stephen Hawking created many theories
fast you were walking. You see, in Quito the about space and science;
traffic is very heavy, so a lot of people
prefer walking sometimes. b. This scientist suffered from a serious
Tourist: And since I’m a tourist, I guess the
best way to get to know the city is by c. Hawking could transmit messages with a
walking, right? special machine
Ciclyst: You are absolutely right. d. One of his ideas was about people
Additionally, there are those red bikes you starting a new life in space
can use just in case.
a. People would travel in a space rocket.
Tourist: Oh really? Tell me all about them!
3)Answers may vary.
Ciclyst: Sure. I mean, why don’t we grab a Additional ideas: Look for more ideas
city bike for you? about living in space.
Tourist: They are all red, right?
c. people take seriously the safety and
Page 29: Oral communication cleanliness of the city.
Teacher tip: Ask students to get into
groups and act out the interview. Page 30: Asessment
Script: 4) Listening -a. umbrella b. city of
Interviewer: Welcome to the show! London c. application, online forms d.
Tourist: Thanks!
Interviewer: Looks like you have Script:
something interesting to tell us about your Kathy: Hi Luis, are you all ready for your
visit to St Petersburg. trip to London?

Tourist: I do. Luis: For sure, I even bought a new

umbrella since it will probably rain a lot.
Interviewer: Tell us all about it, please.
Kathy: How are you going to get around
Tourist: The idea of using bikes instead of the city.
vehicles is just fantastic. The air is
different. Luis: On the Underground subway of
course, it’s an icon in the city of London.
Interviewer: Sounds like it’s an eco-
friendly city! Kathy: I hear it´s clean and affordable. Are
you going to complete the paperwork to get
Tourist: It is, indeed. an unlimited tourist ticket?
Interviewer: What else can you tell us? Luis: I have the application for it but I need
to complete an online form also.
Tourist: The garbage is recycled, so almost
nothing gets wasted. Kathy: My dad did all that paperwork when
he went to London about 8 months ago. He
Interviewer: Seems like a pretty good idea
said it was really worth it.
to put it into practice in our city!
Luis: I´m sure it will be a great trip, but
Tourist: Exactly!
there is a lot to do still before I leave.
Interviewer: And I’m sure you are not done
Kathy: Good luck, have a great time.
yet, are you!
Luis: Thanks, I´ll call you when I get back.
Tourist: Well yeah, there’s something else I
want to share with you.
Interviewer: Tell me
Page 31: Assessment
Tourist: Everything I’ve just told you was
possible because there’s a special path for
bikes and local people take seriously the Page 32: Project
safety, order and cleanliness of their city. I Let’s Make a Video
think we should follow their example.
Interviewer: You are absolutely right.
2): a. Looks; b. Sounds; c. Seems.
3) Sample: When paraphrasing something
you heard to confirm your understanding.
4) a. The city is fantastic. The use of bikes
and the clean air. b. garbage is rcycled

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