Name of Pattern Description Constituents Examples

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 After reading about English patterns in the bibliography:

1) Complete the chart. Provide your own examples.

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file: English_patterns_Surname1_Surname2_Surname3

Name of pattern Description Constituents Examples

a) NP: subject+ VP-be+ NP:
verb: linking
Predicate a) Jane is a teacher.
NP as predicate(Cs)
b) NP: subject+ VP-be+ ADJ: b) Jane is beautiful.
Equational assertion
Adjective as predicate (Cs)
c) Jane is at home. The
c) NP: subject+ VP-be+ Adv: meeting is at 5.
Adverb as predicate
Intransitive assertion NP: subject+ VPi Verb: intransitive It's raining.
a) NP: subject+ VPt: particle+ a) Jane looked up a
Verb: transitive
NP:od response
Transitive assertion Particle: preposition
b) NP:subject+ VPt+ NP:od+ b) Jane looked a
Noun phrase as direct object
particle response up
a) NP:subject+ VPt+ NP.oi+ a) Maria gave Jordan
Verb: transitive
NP:oi a gift.
Noun phrase as direct and
Transitive receiver b) NP: subject+ VPt+ NP:od+ b) Maris gave a gift to
indirect object
assertion ¨TO¨+ NP:oi Jordan.
Preposition TO
c) NP:subject+ VPt+ NP.od + c) They bought a
Preposition FOR
¨FOR¨+ NP:oi dress for me.
Complement assertion a) NP.subject+ VPtc+ Verb: transitive that needs a a) People elected
NP:od+NP:complement complement. Macri president of
b) NP:subject+ VPtc+ NP:od + Noun phrase as direct object Argentina.
ADJ: complement or ADJ Noun phrase as complement b) Mary considers
P:complement Adjective as complement Joan intelligent.
c) NP:subject+ VPtc+ NP:od Adjective phrase as c) The girl asked her
+¨TO¨+ VPnf:complement complement boyfriend to leave.
d) NP.subject+ VPtc+ ING Preposition TO d) Paul avoided going
VPnf: complement Verb phrase non-finite (to to the meeting.
e) NP:subject+ VPtc+ NP:od+ infinitive, -ing, past participle) e) The classroom
VPnf:complement as complement watch the teacher
f) NP:subject+ VPi + VP to Verb phrase –ing form as leave.
infinitive:complement complement f) Paula is coming
g) NP.subject+ VP –be/-say + Verb phrase base form as home to eat.
ADJ+ For NP+ VP ¨to¨ nf complement g) It is not safe (for
complement Verb phrase intransitive us) to stay here.
Vern phrase to infinitive as
Verb phrase with –be or –say
Noun phrase with preposition
Verb phrase non-finite ¨to¨ as

a) There+ VP –be+ Verb phrase –be a) There will be a

NP:indefinite+ ADV Noun phrase indefinite meeting this
Indefinite equational b) There+ VP-be+ Adverb afternoon.
NP.indefinite+ VPnf: Verb phrase infinitive as b) There is a lot to
complement complement take into account.

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