Mohammed Jemal Sultan Aman 2B+G+20 Project Proposal 2

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Mohammediemal Sultan Aman Mixed Use Building-2B+G+20- Project Proposal

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Mohammediemal Sultan Aman Mixed Use Building-2B+G+20- Project Proposal



+251 09 13 63 08 64

This proposal contains confidential information, specifications and knowledge. The information contained in this
document and its associated annexes is the property of Mohammedjemal Sultan Aman. In providing this document,
Mohammedjemal Sultan Aman assumes that the recipient agrees to its being treated as confidential. Any other use,
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Mohammediemal Sultan Aman Mixed Use Building-2B+G+20- Project Proposal

Table of Content

Table of Content ..................................................................................................... II

ABBRIVATIONS .................................................................................................. V
LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................ VI
EXCUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................... VII
1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................ 1
2. OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT ............................................................... 3
2.1. GENERAL OBJECTIVE ......................................................................... 3
2.2. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES ........................................................................ 3
3. PROJECT LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION ................................................ 3
4. PROJECT RATIONAL .................................................................................... 3
5. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PROJECT .............................................................. 5
6. PROJECT LOCATION .................................................................................... 6
7. MARKET STUDY ......................................................................................... 10
7.1. Market Analysis ..................................................................................... 10
7.2. The Demand-Supply Gap ....................................................................... 10
7.3. Current Supply of High rise mixed use building .................................... 11
7.4. Future Market or Demand ...................................................................... 11
7.5. Target customers .................................................................................... 11
7.6. Marketing Promotion and Strategy ........................................................ 12
7.7. Competition ............................................................................................ 12
7.8. The Project Facilities and Services Plan ................................................ 12
8. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ........................................... 14
9. RISK AND ASSUMPTION ........................................................................... 16
10. SWOT ANALYSIS......................................................................................... 17
11. TECHNICAL STUDIES ................................................................................. 19
11.1. Description of the project Service .......................................................... 19
11.2. Land Use Plan .......................................................................... 19
11.2. Construction Work and Technology ...................................................... 20

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Mohammediemal Sultan Aman Mixed Use Building-2B+G+20- Project Proposal

11.2.1. Construction Schedule ............................................................. 20

11.2.2. Architectural Design & Layout .............................................. 20
11.2.3. Structural Design ..................................................................... 20
11.2.4. Reinforced Concrete ................................................................ 20
11.2.5. Foundation Design ................................................................... 20
11.2.6. Construction Plan and Process ............................................... 20
11.3. Utilities................................................................................................... 20
12. ENGINEERING AND CIVIL WORKS ......................................................... 22
12.1. Land, Building, and Civil Works ........................................................... 22
12.2. Manpower and Training Requirement ................................................... 23
12.3. Project Implementation.......................................................................... 24
12.4. Organizational Structure ........................................................................ 25
12.5. Financial Requirement and Analysis ..................................................... 26
12.1. Financial Requirement and Analysis...................................................... 26
12.2. Fixed Investment .................................................................................... 27
13. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS .............................................................................. 31
13.1. Repair and Maintenance Cost ................................................................ 31
13.2. Depreciation and Amortization .............................................................. 31
13.3. Total Revenue ........................................................................................ 31
13.4. Discounted Payback Period ................................................................... 32
13.5. Cash flow ............................................................................................... 32
13.6. Benefit cost ratio .................................................................................... 32
13.7. Internal Rate of Return ........................................................................... 32
13.8. Net present value.................................................................................... 33
14. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .......................................... 34
14.1. CONCLUSION ...................................................................................... 34
14.2. RECOMMENDATIONS ....................................................................... 35
REFERENCE........................................................................................................... I
Annex Cash Flow .................................................................................................. II

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Mohammediemal Sultan Aman Mixed Use Building-2B+G+20- Project Proposal

2B+G+20 Two-Basement Ground plus 20

A.I.B.T Average Income Before Tax
A.R. Average Revenue
BCR Benefit Cost Ratio
MSA Mohammedjemal Sultan Aman
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GYM Gymnasium
IRR Internal Rate of Return
M&E Monitoring and Evaluation
NPV Net Present Value
PBP Pay Back Period
PLC Private Limited Company
SRR Simple Rate of Return
SWOT Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat
UoM Unit of Measurement
VAT Value Added Tax

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Table 1: Executive Summary
Table 2: The Project Facilities and Service Plan
Table 3: SWOT Analysis
Table 4: Land Utilization Plan
Table 5: Land Use Plan
Table 6: Utilities
Table 7: List of Building and Civil Works and Their Costs
Table 8: Manpower Requirement and Annual Labor Cost
Table 9: Project Implementation Schedule

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Mohammed Jemal Sultan Aman Mixed Use Building-2B+G+20- Project Proposal 2016 E.C.

Table-1- Executive Summary
Type of the Project Construction of mixed use building

Project Name Mohammedjemal Sultan Aman Mixed Use Building (MSA Building)
Project Owner Mohammedjemal Sultan Aman
Project Location Country Ethiopia

City Addis Ababa

Sub city Kolfe Keranyo
Woreda 07
Local name Kolfe Keranyo, Wako Guta
Coordinate 8.985685, 38.760307 XQP6+637
Distance from AddisAbaba 15 kilometer

Purpose of Use Mixed Use

Project Building Construction site 1
Building 1

Stories 20
Contractor GC 1
Building height 70 meter above the level ground.
Project Implementation Contractor Design and Build (DB); GC-1
Consultants 1 - Grade 1
Project Capital The total investment cost of the project is estimated $7,500,000.00 (Seven
Million Five Hundred Thousand USD).
Source of Finance A total of $2,250,000.00 (30%) (Two Million Two Hundred Fifty
Thousand USD) is provided by the owner and the remaining
$5,250,000.00 (70%) (FIVE Million Two Hundred Fifty Thousand
Project Period 24 months
Number of working 313 days
days in a year

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Loan repayment 10 years

Manpower A total of 157 employees are required for the program, from these 15 permanent
requirement employees is to be employed and 142 casual (contractual) workers will be
Land The total area of 1,500 m2 of land is required for the project.
Project location City: Addis Ababa; Sub-city: Kolfe Keranyo; Woreda 07; Near Wako Gutu
Main Project Mixed use building, Rental shops, Bank & Insurance, Cafe & restaurant, offices.
Major activities Preparation of architectural, structural, electrical, sanitary and mechanical
of the Project design with detailed working schematic drawings, specifications and bill of
quantities document, preparation of tender document for the project, preparation
of building codes and other related standard documents.
Socio-Economic The socio-economic benefit of the project is also very high. It provides better
benefits mixed use buildings and office location, contribution of modern city construction,
employment opportunities, generation of income and benefits for the local people.
Payback period The building’s total investment cost will be fully recovered at 10.6 year of
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
 +251 09 13 63 08 64
The project is feasible in all dimensions. Financially and technologically viable. Socially and
economically acceptable. Technologically dynamic in its parameter. Hence, the project is worth

Mohammed Jemal Sultan Aman Mixed Use Building-2B+G+20- Project Proposal 2016 E.C.

MohammedJemal Sultan Aman


Mohammed Jemal Sultan Aman Mixed Use Building-2B+G+20- Project Proposal 2016 E.C.

The second most populous country in Africa, Ethiopia, has an estimated population of more than 110
million people and has an annual growth rate of 2.7%. The expected national growth of Ethiopia
by the end of 2023 is 7.5% which is speculated by World Bank. Ethiopia’s growing population
along with speedy urbanization. The country’s urban population is steadily growing by about
4.7% annually with about 21.6% of the population classified as urban in the year 2020.
The up-to-date fast and vigorous economic growth of Ethiopia especially in Addis Ababa
necessitates equivalent growth of building and construction sector. The time variant positive
development of the capital is now brining the construction of modern and aesthetics buildings for
different purpose. The sector should expand rapidly to support the overall economic
development sustainable. In the building sector of the economy, the multi- purpose in the one
becoming rapidly expanding in Addis Ababa since dynamic economic development of urban
economy requires the construction of these buildings in the city to support the growing of
business service sectors like supermarkets, Beauty salon, shops, offices cinemas, Computer
Center, Cafeterias, restaurant, assembly hall, apartments and other activities. In this regard,
mixed used building expands in the all parts of the city. Investment and property development
play an important role in any emerging markets or economies. Property generally comprises
residential houses and mixed use building property (mainly mixed use building) developed for
rental business and sale. The property investment market in Ethiopia remained under developed
for several years. As a consequence, the supply of residential houses and non-residential mixed
use building that can be used for residence, office space, shopping malls and catering services in
the urban centers of the country is disproportionately low to cope with the growing demand in
the country spinning from the average growth in GDP of 6.5% over the last ten years and
population increase. The relatively good performance of the macro-economy (real growth in
GDP, low inflation rate and growth in investment and export sector) has stimulated
unprecedented investment growth in the property sector over the last five years. The growth of
investment in the property market over the last five years in consistent with the global experience
suggesting that investment in the residential and commercial property is greatly influenced by
the performance of the macroeconomic conditions. In general, a stable macroeconomic condition
leads to economic and business growth and develops investors’ confidence. This certainly spurs

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large demand in the property market for office space, shopping malls, catering services,
apartment and residential houses. Following growing demand trends, and with the expectation of
high return on their investment capital, large number of land developers pooled their financial
resources and invested in the property market.

To this effect, the owner of the envisioned mixed use building who has been living for long time
in this city with a name Mohammed Mixed use building, planned to construct the building in
Kolfe Keranyo Sub-city, woreda 4 and undertaken this project study to check the market,
technical and financial feasibility of this project. The promoter is very ambitious and committed
to realize the project. Hence, they expect to get the necessary support from the city
administration to make the project to be operational. Besides, the government policies and
incentives for the private sector investment are very promising that motivates the promoter to
engaged in mixed use building business.

Mohammed Jemal Sultan Aman is a legally registered company established to play its role
to reduce such critical mixed-use building problem in Addis Ababa by providing clean,
comfortable, classic and model mixed use building that will add an aesthetic and multi-
dimensional values to the town and the country at large.

With the vision of curbing the lack of mixed use buildings in Addis Ababa, Mohammed
Jemal Sultan Aman has emerged with mega attentions with the objective that will provide
mixed-use building to distinguished customers.

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The major objective of the project is to filling the demand of mixed use building seekers by
supplying high rise building and to facilitate the growth of service sector.


More specifically, this project is planned;
 To build classic, clean, comfortable high rise mixed use building at Kolfe, Addis Ababa.
 To construct 2B+G+20 story building at Kolfe Keranyo, Addis Ababa,
 To increase economical activities in the town.
 To create beautiful environment in the construction area.
 To create additional job opportunity before, during and after construction.


The project area is located in Addis Ababa city administration, Kolfe Keranyo Subcity Woreda
07, near Wako Gutu School. The geographical coordinate of the project is 8.985685, 38.760307;
XQP6+637. The construction area is 25 kilometer away from the Addis Ababa Bole
International Airport. The proposed project will have a total area of 1,500m2 for designed
project which will, in turn, play a significant role in solving the shortage of high rise mixed use
building houses and creating the mixed use building in the city through creating new market

The proposed project is convincing for the following key reasons:
Curbing the need of mixed use building Houses:
It is well known that the population growth rate of the country is growing at alarming rate that
created imbalance between the size of population who needs mixed use building houses and the
supply of houses at the cities. So that in this project scenario, the city population who needs
mixed use building house are very high so that it is expected that the project curb the need of
mixed use building house at some portion for high profile guests.

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Location Rational:
Mohammed Jemal Sultan Aman high rise mixed use building is located at the heart of
Addis Ababa where 25% of high rise mixed use building found. Most of high rise mixed use
buildings are located within 25 km radius from the Addis Ababa Bole International Airport,
but Mohammed Jemal Sultan Aman mixed use building is located within nearly 25km distance
from the Airport.
Investment Rationale:
The existing promising investment opportunities, the demands of service need along with
relatively sound investment support made by the government in such kinds of feasible projects,
compelled the project promoters to initiate mixed use building house construction project to be
established for residence dwellers to curb their acute social need. Despite the promising business
opportunities of the city, the trend on such kinds of investment found to minimal. The mismatch
between the demand for and supply of such kind of project is easily observed in the city. Thus
the main rationale behind this project is to curb housing problem in the city for high-income
group’s population.
Therefore, the existing shortage or absence in the supply of these houses, along with its
commercial and administrative access, better location and infrastructure access, escalating trend
of urbanization and business activities, thus it is with such reason that this project is identified
and proposed and assumed to be more social and economically viable project.
Attractive Site Components:
The availability of the plot land in center of the city is the major rational of the project. Having
construction site in the center of the town will reduce risk and cost of construction. In addition, it
would be very easy to access basic infrastructures easily. The peace and security of the project
will also be very high.

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The expected out of the project are:
a) Facilitate the economic growth of the city
This project can also play a corner stone for the development of the city by triggering deployment
of capital and investment to the city and improve the wellbeing of community citizens by new
job opportunity creation and new market opportunity attraction and facilitate new investment in
flow create and attract employment opportunity for about many persons in a permanent or
temporary manner such as high-level professionals masons, carpenters, technicians, painters, bar
binders, guards, daily laborers besides small shops, tea rooms and other similar activities are
participated in the designing stages; during the construction works.
b) Opening new market opportunity
The project benefits the city through creating new market opportunity and improves economic
opportunity of the city by hosting more mixed use building houses in one community which in
turn increase economic movement and new market opportunity creation for the city. As the
project is undertaking in the city, it stimulates the economy of the city and projects surrounding
area by creating new market opportunity and job creation.
c) Source of Revenue
The project increase tax revenue of the city by creating various new market opportunity and new
job creation. As public policy of any nation, the government collects different forms of taxes
from different business organizations and individuals. Among different forms of taxes, business
income taxes, payroll income tax and VAT are collected from undertaking business activities.
Therefore, the building will serve as sources of revenue for the city.
d) Employment opportunity
One of the problems that our country faced is unemployment. Therefore, the current objective of
the government is working on tackling the problem of unemployment and fostering the
development process either through creating self-employment or employment in different
organization. Hence, this project will hire a total of 217 individuals at permanent and contractual
basis during and after construction.
e) Sources of social services

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In addition to serving as a source of employment and income for the city, the project renders
social services for different group of people. Hence, it also serves as a source of mental
satisfaction for different users, since, the center encompasses different recreational areas; it will
divert the attention of the users from different evil deeds. It deemed to minimize the demand for
shops and other bundles of services in the area. Moreover, it serves as the pilot experience and
ground for other investor to enter into such kinds of community development.

The project area is located in Addis Ababa city administration, Kolfe Keranyo Sub-city
Woreda 07, near Wako Gutu School. The geographical coordinate of the project is 8.985685,
38.760307; XQP6+637. The geographical coordinate of the project is 8.985685, 38.760307;
XQP6+637. The construction area is 25 kilometer away from the Addis Ababa Bole
International Airport. The proposed project will have a total area of 1,500m2. The project
area is near to the main road which is 10.7 meter from the building. The project area is
surrounded by mixed use buildings, residential houses and small shops.

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MohammedJemal Sultan Aman


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There are a number of factors which affects the demand of standardized mixed use building.
Among these factors, the most important is population growth and the level of income. The
currently increasing number of population in the city due to rural to urban high-rate of
population migration which in turn increase the number of population in the city.
7.1. Market Analysis
There are a number of factors which affects the demand of standardized high rise mixed use
building. Of these factors, the most important to have influence is population growth and the
level of income. The current expanding service sector in Addis Ababa city has been inviting
skilled and unskilled labor forces to the center; in addition, the number of both national and
international offices has been increasing. Above all the increase in the number of population
increases for the provision of different services. Nowadays, most of the private business
organizations need their own small-medium offices in order to give their services and provide
their products, and they prefer the place that found in the center or close to the road. As clearly
indicated in the introductory part of this proposal, Addis Ababa is the dynamically growing
urban center of Ethiopia. Though the market demand gap for high rise mixed use building is not
clearly understand there is wider gap for such demand as many merchants, organizations are
flouring to the city every day.
7.2. The Demand-Supply Gap
There has been a significant growth in the number of local and international trades across the
country. This increase is mainly associated with the stimulation of economic activist and partly
due to an increase in the flow of international and local traders in to the Addis Ababa. Since
Addis Ababa is an important mixed use building in addition there is a significant increase in
business activates and hence increasing the number of traders. Even though there is a lack of
quantitative estimates that depict the actual demand and also the annual growth rate commercial
facilities are scarce in the city. As a result there is a large gap between the developed and that of
the supply for modern Bank and cafeteria accommodation hence this project would not face any
problem of demand scarcity for it mixed use building and it would provide good service to

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7.3. Current Supply of High rise mixed use building

Commercial building/office sector has shown a dynamic change in the past few years. The
reason for this could be rapid economic growth and a supporting public infrastructural
development. Other factors relevant in the specific case of commercial buildings are the large
increases in national and international businesses, particularly firms in the services sector. The
business of multipurpose buildings in Addis Ababa in booming highly due to the recent rapid
growth experienced in Ethiopia. As a result, a good number of local and international
organizational are coming in place. Government offices which used to operate in limited spaces
all over the city are also concentrating on leasing new and modern buildings. Increasing numbers
of international organization which in the past had typically converted residences into office
space are now moving towards renting whole floors or even multiple floors in modern city-center
commercial buildings.
7.4. Future Market or Demand

The demand for office space is a derived demand because firms rent space as an input to the
production of services or goods they provide to businesses and households in the local or
national economy. Following our survey of office space users in several areas are mainly firms
providing banking, offices, cafeteria and restaurants, supermarkets, computer center service.
Future demand for office space is actually driven from growth in number of offices in the city
which in turn is influenced by the macro-economic growth in the country. Assuming that
demand for office space is directly related to the growth in the economy; the forecast for office
space demand is shown in tables below. As shown in the table below, the demand is increasing
7.5. Target customers
The target customers of this envisaged project include:-
1. Very high profile individuals,
2. Investors,
3. Business Community,
4. Business organization,
5. The government offices,
6. Non-governmental organizations,

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7.6. Marketing Promotion and Strategy

In order to penetrate and gain considerable market share, one of the major marketing strategies
for the project is consistently rendering quality service to its tenants. Due emphasis must be
placed on improving quality of service and facilities. The major marketing strategies to promote
the project and gain considerable market share include:
• Advertising through different means focusing on the existing service and facilities
• Promote in association to the key location and nearby business
• Working on sustained promotional work.
• Working on public relations to reach and influence key personas and organization with a
capacity of making decision.
• Keeping the quality of its service/ facilities and consistently improving with changing
• Seasonal discount pricing different others customer centric marketing strategies will be
used by the company.

7.7. Competition
There are different forms of competition that may face the envisaged high rise mixed use
building. These are price and non-price based competition. Moreover, there are different
competitors that will compete with the project either directly or indirectly. But the high rise
mixed use building under discussion has diversified marketing strategies that could enable it
Cope up with the different competitors in the market. Moreover it will frequently conduct
competitors research which focuses on, the strength and the weaknesses, the different
competitors’ strategies, the techniques they use in rendering the service, their customer handling
methods, and others. Generally the project has many other projects all over Addis Ababa villages
which compete with it.

7.8. The Project Facilities and Services Plan

In order to provide mixed use mixed use building building services of a high standard, it has
been planned to construct and develop the infrastructure and facilities that would viable to meet
the requirements of an international standard mixed use building. Accordingly, various buildings
and facilities will be constructed phase by phase starting with the most needed ones that are
essential to commence the operation of its business activities. With the completion of
construction, the building will provide a combined service such as shops, offices, restaurant and

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café service as well as modern mixed use building that primarily serve its dwellers, guests and
major clients.

Table 2: The Project Facilities and Service Plan

Unit Total Number Number Hours

Building Description UoM price square of of Qty per Total
of days month Rooms
in birr meter day
Basement Parking Service Cars 313 50 10 1,565,000.00
Pharmacy, M2
Ground 1000 1200 12 4 14,400,000.00
Banking &
Beauty salon,
1st -2nd Computer M2 950 1200 12 10 13,680,000.00
Cafeteria and
3rd -7th Mixed use M2 850 1200 12 10 12,240,000.00
building houses
Café and
8th-9th Restaurant, M2 700 1200 12 3 10,080,000.00
10th – Mixed use M2 650 1200 12 9,360,000.00
17th building houses
Café and
18th Restaurant, M2 500 1200 12 3 7,200,000.00
19th –
Mixed use M2 450 1200 12 10 6,480,000.00
20 building houses
Total 75,005,000.00

Since the project will be engaged in high rise mixed use building, the main sources of its annual
revenue would be from the rental of building spaces such as houses, shops, offices, and banking,
café and restaurant. Based on the market price of similar high rise mixed use building in the area,
the envisioned buildings set the following fair price (With VAT) for its service, hence when the
building construction fully get operational it is assumed to generate a yearly income of ETB
75,005,000.00 (Seventy Five Million Five Thousand ETB).

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Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a detailed report conducted to prevent environmental

hazards before the construction of a mixed use building project. UNEP defines EIA as the tool
used for the identification of the environmental, social, and economic impacts of a project prior
to decision-making.
Environmental Impact Assessment EIA: refers to the scientific process of examining the
environmental and human consequences, both beneficial and adverse, of a proposed activity or
project, and for incorporating appropriate measures to address them into project design and
EIA is a procedure to identify and evaluate the effects of human activities on the environment. It
is has been taken as a combination of various analytical methods and inter-disciplinary
approaches as appropriate to the problem. EIA involves:
 change of land use which inevitably impacts on the ecology, hydrology and the
socioeconomics of the area including demographic changes;
 infrastructure development that attracts more people, change lifestyles and cultures;
 use of physico-chemical and biological substances in the construction and other
 increased consumption of energy, water, air and other utilities
 increased waste generation; and
 Reduced scope for greenhouse gas emissions as the green spaces (with tree and plant
cover) are replaced by brown or grey earth or concrete structures.
The main objective of Environmental Impact Assessment is to provide information regarding a
new project, program, plan, or policy. EIA presents a technical assessment of the possible
environmental effects of a project in a systematic manner. The report explains the whereabouts
of the project, its environmental impact, the social impact of the project and possible solutions to
mitigate the environmental challenges. Project developers and administrative agencies can use
environmental impact assessment techniques to improve the quality of project plans and

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decision-making by identifying possible impacts in the early stages of development. Service

sector is one of the largest sectors of Ethiopia’s economy and is a big contributor to energy


The project operated by Mohammed Jemal Sultan Aman does not include land
contamination, waste disposal, water pollution, construction of housing societies on agricultural
land, reduction of green spaces, and carbon emissions. The project will not expose any risks
and liabilities associated with a property. The availability of an environmental assessment prior
to the transfer of property identifies no potential problems. Full disclosure of environmental,
health, and safety hazards before buying a property is going to be a critical element of due
diligence requirements in future.
As cost-efficient residential apartment construction technology is employed, wood consumption
is extremely minimized or avoided. The use of wooden formwork has negative effects on the
environment. Moreover, it requires skilled manpower and time to mantle and dismantle the
formwork. The design of the buildings meets the standard code of practice of the country. It’s
fast, economical, and very little formwork is required. The environmental impact assessment
has identified and proposes alternatives and mitigation measures to reduce the environmental
impact of a planned project. The assessment also identified the strong, weak, opportunities and
treats of the project.

As cost-efficient mixed use building construction technology is employed, wood consumption is

extremely minimized or avoided. The use of wooden formwork has negative effects on the
environment. Moreover, it requires skilled manpower and time to mantle and dismantle the
formwork. The design of the buildings meets the standard code of practice of the country. It’s
fast, economical, and very little formwork is required.

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• Assuming that the financial institution shall provide the required loan for the establishment
and running of the project.
• The relevant government policies and regulations will be supportive and conducive to the
implementation of the project.
• There will be sufficient local volunteers to handle some of the duties.
• Smooth partnership with government offices, will facilitate the project implementation.
• Assuming that the management establishes and maintains a close working relationship with
crucial stakeholders and partners.
 Inflation may occur during the project period;
 The government policy may change during the implementation of the project
 In the budget plan an inflation rate of 6.9 % is incorporated;
 If the government policy changes, the project will be reviewed and adjusted accordingly;

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Table-3- SWOT Analysis of the Organization in the provision of shelter
Strength Weakness
 Promote cost-efficient housing  Lack of reputable experience,
construction technology,  Impossibilities of full project financing.
 Empower the people through ownership
of the house,
 Existing own equity,

Opportunity Threat
 Create job opportunities for many people,  Inflation may occur during the project
and micro and small enterprises, which period
operate at a lower overhead.  Vacant land exhausted in the city center
 Relevant government housing policy  Shortage of basic infrastructures for
 High housing demand in the city, large scale housing scheme
 High commitment from the government  Creation of segregated communities in
side, neighborhood,
 High potential to develop the old city  skyrocketing construction costs
 Peoples support to the project

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11.1. Description of the project Service
 The envisioned mixed use building will provide different rental services to the different
customer groups for different purpose. The building will have basement, ground and twenty
seven floors.
 The purpose of the building explained as follows;
 The basement will serve for car parking, generator house and waste management control
system and small ware house for maintenance and repair.
 The ground floor, first floor and second floor are designed for different mixed use buildings
like banks, supermarket, beauty salon(man and women), Computer center, pharmacy,
internet café, boutiques, different shops and other business activities,
 3-7 floors are designed for mixed use building houses/ units.
 8-9 floors are designed for café, restaurant and GYM
 10-17 floors are designed for mixed use building houses/ units.
 18 floors are designed for café, restaurant and GYM
 19- 20 floors are designed for mixed use building houses/ units.
11.2. Land Use Plan
The total land required for the envisioned project is estimated to be 1500m2. The total area for
the construction of the building will be 1200m2, as revealed below.
Table 4: Land Utilization Plan

No Description Land catchment area in m2

Basement Ground 1st – 20th floor
Mixed Use building 2B+G+20
1 Basement 1200
2 Ground 1200
3 1st – 20th floor 1200

The project area is situated at Addis Ababa city that suitable for mixed use building house
construction. It will be fitted with modern security equipment. Trained guards will be hired to
serve in shift.
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11.2. Construction Work and Technology
11.2.1. Construction Schedule
The construction schedule is a critical component of the project's execution plan. It outlines the
timeline for each phase of construction, from site preparation to completion. The estimated
construction duration is subject to adjustments based on factors such as weather conditions,
regulatory approvals, and unforeseen challenges.
11.2.2. Architectural Design & Layout
The architectural design focuses on maximizing functionality, aesthetics, and space utilization. The
layout integrates residential units, commercial spaces, and communal areas, fostering a harmonious
blend of convenience and luxury. Architectural elements prioritize safety, accessibility, and energy
11.2.3. Structural Design
The structural design ensures the building's stability, durability, and compliance with safety
standards. It considers factors such as load-bearing capacity, seismic resilience, and adherence to
local building codes.
11.2.4. Reinforced Concrete
Reinforced concrete is the primary construction material, chosen for its strength and versatility. The
design incorporates reinforced concrete elements to withstand vertical and lateral loads, providing a
robust foundation for the building's structural integrity.
11.2.5. Foundation Design
The foundation design addresses the geological and soil conditions of the project site. It employs
appropriate foundation types, such as pile foundations, to ensure stability and prevent settlement
11.2.6. Construction Plan and Process
The construction plan outlines the step-by-step process from groundbreaking to project completion.
It includes a detailed breakdown of tasks, resource allocation, and quality control measures. Regular
inspections and adherence to safety protocols are integral to the construction process.
11.3. Utilities
Utilities are a crucial aspect of the project, encompassing water supply, electricity, and waste

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management. The building will be connected to municipal water and power supplies, with backup
systems in place to ensure uninterrupted services. Sustainable practices, such as rainwater
harvesting and energy-efficient technologies, will be integrated into the utility infrastructure.
The technical studies provide a comprehensive overview of the construction and service aspects of
the Mohammed Jemal Sultan Aman project. These studies form the foundation for effective project
management, ensuring that the development meets high-quality standards and aligns with the
envisioned objectives.
Table-6- Utilities Use Plan of the Project
No Description Qty Unit Cost Cost (USD)
1 Electricity, KWh 200,000 0.5*20,000 $10,000.00
2 Water Supply 70,000 0.10*70,000 $7,000.00
3 Telephone 10,000.00 $10,000.00
4 Fuel, oil, lubricants 5000 20*5000 $10,000.00
Total $37,000.00

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12.1. Land, Building, and Civil Works
The mixed use building has a total site area of 1,500 m2. The building floor area is 1200m2 and
the remaining 300 m2 is left for other construction. The type of buildings and its corresponding
civil construction cost is given on Table 7.
Table-7- Building and Civil Works Plan of the Project
No Description Total Price
1 Excavation and Earth Work $400,000.00
2 Concrete Work $600,000.00
Sub-total A $1,000,000.00
1 Concrete work $1,300,000.00
2 Block work $400,000.00
3 Roofing $120,000.00
4 Carpentry and joinery $160,000.00
5 Metal work $150,000.00
6 Finishing $200,000.00
7 Painting $50,000.00
8 Electromechanical installation $100,000.00
9 Sanitary Installation $200,000.00
Subtotal B $2,680,000.00
A+ B $3,680,000.00
VAT (15%) $1,120,000.00
Grand Total $4,800,000.00
As shown on Table 8, the total cost of building and civil work is estimated at Birr
$4,800,000.00 (Four Million E i g h t Hundred Thousand U S D only) which is 64% of the
total project cost.
Building Construction: - The construction plan encompasses erecting a 20-story building with
meticulous attention to architectural and structural designs. Materials such as reinforced concrete
will be employed for durability and structural integrity. The construction process will follow a
timeline and undergo rigorous quality control measures.
Civil Works: Civil works involve the establishment of essential infrastructure, including road
connectivity, sewage systems, and utilities. These components are integral to the functionality and
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sustainability of the building.
12.2. Manpower and Training Requirement
12.2.1. Manpower Requirement: The project necessitates a diverse workforce, including skilled
and unskilled labor. Professionals such as architects, engineers, project managers, and construction
workers will contribute to different phases of the project.
Table-8- Manpower Requirement
Monthly salary Annual salary Total
SN Position Qty Qualification
in USD in USD salary in USD
MA in Economics or
1 General Manager 1 $366 $4,392 $105,408
Building MSC in Construction
2 1 $273 $3,276 $78,624
Administration Management
10 + 3 in construction
3 Builder 1 $218 $2,616 $62,784
10+2 in construction
4 Carpenter 1 $218 $2,616 $62,784
5 Electrician 1 Diploma in Electricity $218 $2,616 $62,784

6 Painter 1 Experience on painting $218 $2,616 $62,784

7 Marketer 1 Diploma in marketing $145.50 $1,746 $41,904
8 Accountant 1 Diploma in accounting $163.65 $1,964 $47,131
9 Guards/Security 4 Basic $54.50 $654 $15,696
General Service
10 1 Diploma in Management $181.80 $2,182 $52,358
Diploma in purchasing
11 Purchaser 1 $172.72 $2,073 $49,743
&Sup Mgt.
12 Plumber 1 10+2 in general mechanic $145.50 $1,746 $41,904
13 Cashier 1 10+1 in bookkeeping $100 $1,200 $28,800
14 Cleaner 5 Unskilled $54.50 $654 $15,696
15 Driver 1 10 completed $72.72 $873 $20,943
Total 22 $2,601.89 $31,223 $749,344
Benefit (10%) $260.19 $3122.268 $74,934.432
Grand Total $2,862.08 $34,345.26 $824,286.14

12.2.2. Labor Availability: An assessment of labor availability in the local context will guide the
recruitment process. Collaboration with local labor markets will ensure a skilled and motivated
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workforce, promoting community engagement.
12.3. Project Implementation
Efficient project implementation involves a well-defined plan, resource allocation, and adherence to
timelines. This section outlines the steps from project initiation to completion, emphasizing
milestones and quality benchmarks.
A. The General Manager’s Duties and Responsibilities

• He/she will plan, organize, direct and control the overall activities of the building.
• He/she will devise policies and strategies that will enable the center to be profitable.
• He/she will incorporate modern technological innovation that will facilitate the service delivery of
the building to increase customer’s satisfaction.
• He/she will plan, organize, direct and control the human and non-human resources of the building
so as to achieve the short and long run objectives of the organization.
B. Building Administration Department
The building Administration Department of the multipurpose building has two main sections (HRM
and Finance and General Service section). It has responsible for undertaking the following
• Manage the human resources and control employee’s activity
• Well non-human resources of the project, which include; effective handling of the different
resources of the building, and devise strategies of controlling against fraud and damage.
• Will provide the right material or inventory to the center with right price at the right time.
• Will plan, organize direct and control the financial transaction of the building by using all the
necessary documents.
• Accountant and casher that will collect money from the customers.
• Will develop sound financial control system by developing modern financial control systems.
• Will prepare the annual financial statements and prepare condensed reports for both the General
Manager and other concerned government body.
• Follow the overall status of the business and provide maintenance and repair services
C. The marketing Department
• Will handle the overall marketing activities of the organization which include planning, organizing,

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directing, and controlling.
• Will develop the marketing strategies for future multipurpose building development
• Will develop effective customer handling strategies.
• Execute the promotion methods.
D. Technical and maintenance manager
• will handle the overall physical maintenance and related issues
• will make sure electricity and back up is organized.
• follow up security issues and educate tenants
• works in collaboration with general service to make sure tenants are well served
Table 9: Project Implementation Schedule
No Activities Time
1 Document preparation, license, TIN, feasibility study, February-May 2024
preparation of preliminary design, finalizing building permit
2 Bank Loan Processing June 2024
3 Site Development August 2024
4 Building and construction work October 2024
5 Service Preparation October 2026
6 Service Deliver to Customers November 2026

12.4. Organizational Structure

12.4.1. Organization and Management Organizational Structure:
The organizational structure of the project is designed by including all the necessary personnel
under the right division. At the top of the organizational structure, there will be manager with the
responsibility of supervising the overall activity of the building. Depending up on the nature of
the center and the amount of work to be performs; there exist auxiliary units under the general
manager. Employees under each unit will be supervised by the department head that is
accountable for the general manager. General Manager is appointed by the owners. As clearly
shown in the organizational structure, the center organization has one general manager and three
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Mohammed Jemal Sultan Aman Mixed Use Building-2B+G+20- Project Proposal 2016 E.C.
main sections. Under the general manager there are the, Marketing Department, Maintenance
and Building administration department. A streamlined organizational structure is pivotal for
effective management. The project will have designated roles, from project manager to on-site
supervisors, ensuring clear communication channels and accountability.



Technical and Marketing


Chart 1. Organizational Structure of Mohammed Jemal

Sultan Aman Project
12.5. Financial Requirement and Analysis
A robust financial plan is imperative for the successful realization of the project. This encompasses
an overview of the financial requirements, funding sources, and a comprehensive analysis of the
financial viability. The engineering and civil works section provides an insight into the foundational
aspects of the Mohammed Jemal Sultan Aman project. From land development to financial
analysis, these components are pivotal in ensuring the project's successful execution and long-term
12.1. Financial Requirement and Analysis

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The financial resource is a prime resource for undertaking any activities. Hence for
implementing, this mixed use building requires a total investment cost of the project is estimated to
be $7,500,000 (Seven Million Five Hundred Fifty Thousand USD) will be financed owner’s
equity and Bank loan. Out of this a total of $2,250,000.00 (Two Million Two Hundred Fifty
Thousand USD(30%) will be provided by the owner and the remaining 5,250,000.00 (70%) (
Five Million Two Hundred Fifty Thousand USD will be financed from local banks loan provision.
12.2. Fixed Investment
A. Land, Building & Construction
Table 10: Land, Building & Construction
No Description of Works Total Cost in USD
1 Building Construction $4,800,000.00
2 Site Development $647,000.00
3 Design and Supervision $400,000.00
Total $5,847,000.00

B. Building Machineries and Equipment’s

Table 11: Building Machineries and Equipment’s
No Description Uom Qty Unit Price Total
1 Generator Unit 1 $25,455 $25,455
2 Carpentry tool box Set 1 $1,363.63 $1,363.63
3 Electrician tool box Set 1 $1,272.75 $1,272.75
4 Plumber tool box Set 1 $1,090.91 $1,090.91
5 Security tool and safety equipment Unit 6 $818.18 $4,910
6 Elevator Unit 1 $88,908 $88,908
Total $123,000.00

C. Vehicle
Table 12: Vehicle
No Description UOM Qty. Unit Cost in Total cost in USD
1 Mini-Bus Unit 1 $45,000.00 $45,000.00
2 Pick Up Unit 2 $37,500.00 $75,000.00
Total $120,000.00

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D. Office Equipment’s
Table 13: Office Equipment’s
SN Description UoM Qty Unit price Total price
1 Managerial chairs No 5 $3,500.00 $18,000.00
2 Managerial table No 5 $3,000.00 $15,000.00
3 Office table and chair No 8 $1000.00 $8,000.00
4 Secretarial chair and table No 5 $400.00 $2,000.00
5 Computer, printer, network adaptor, cable, No
photocopier 4 $1,500.00 $6,000.00
6 Shelf No 6 $2,000.00 $12,000.00
7 File cabinet No 8 $720.00 $5760.00
8 Guest chairs No 4 $350.00 $1,400.00
9 TV No 2 $3,500.00 $7,000.00
10 Refrigerator No 2 $1,000.00 $1,000.00
11 phone accessories No 3 $1,000.00 $3,000.00
12 Carpet and curtains LS 8 $2,000.00 $16,000.00
Total $95,000.00
E. Working Capital (Operating Expenses)
Table 14: Working Capital (Operating Expenses)
SN List of Items Total Cost
1 Audit and Legal Fee $20,000.00
2 Stationary Supplies and Stationary Work $25,000.00
3 Promotional Cost and Printing Work $50,000.00
4 Property Insurance $20,000.00
5 Cleaning Supply $10,000.00
6 Uniforms $7,000.00
7 Water Consumption $7,000.00
8 Electricity Consumptions $10,000.00
9 Fuel $10,000.00
10 Telephone And Fax $10,000.00
11 Maintenance Cost $5,000.00

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12 Miscellaneous Cost $15,000.00
Total $189,000.00
F. Pre- Service Expense
Table 15: Pre- Service Expense
Description Cost in USD
Project Proposal $67,000.00
Licensing fee $235,000.00
Total $302,000.00

G. Total Project Cost

Table 16: Total Project Cost
No Description Amount
1 Building construction $4,800,000.00
2 Site development $647,000.00
3 Design and Supervision $400,000.00
4 Building machineries and equipment’s $123,000.00

5 Vehicle $120,000.00
6 Office equipment’s $95,000.00
7 Operating expenses $189,000.00
8 Pre-service expenses $302,000.00
9 Manpower $824,000.00
Total 7,500,000 USD
The total project cost for the construction of the Mohammed Jemal Sultan Aman project is
$7,500,000 (Seven Million Five Hundred Fifty Thousand USD)

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Mohammed Jemal Sultan Aman Mixed Use Building-2B+G+20- Project Proposal 2016 E.C.


The financial analysis of this mixed use building project is based on the data presented in the
previous chapters and the following assumptions:-
Finishing period 2 years
Source of finance 30% equity
Debt finance 70% loan
Bank interest 15.25%
Discount cash flow 10%
Accounts receivable 30 days
Raw material (perishable) 3 days
Raw Material (non perishable) 30 days
Cash in hand 5 days
Accounts payable 30 days
Repair and maintenance 5% of equipment cost
13.1. Repair and Maintenance Cost
The annual repair and maintenance cost of the plant is estimated based on the following rates.
Item Rate
Machinery and equipment 5% Book value cost percentage
Building and civil works 3% Book value cost percentage
Utilities 6% Book value cost percentage

13.2. Depreciation and Amortization

The following depreciation rates are applied to depreciate the assets of the project:
• Buildings and associated Civil works 5%, linear to scrap Value
• Machinery and Equipment’s 10%, linear to scrap Value
13.3. Total Revenue
Based on the projected profit and loss statement, the project will generate a profit throughout its
operation life. Annual net profit after tax increases from Birr 19,997,660 at the beginning of the
project during the last year of operation year. The detail is presented in Annex.

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13.4. Discounted Payback Period

The payback period, also called pay –off period is defined as the period required recovering the
original investment outlay through the accumulated net cash flows earned by the project.
Accordingly, based on the projected cash flow it is estimated that the project’s initial investment
will be fully recovered within 3 year 9 months.

13.5. Cash flow

The projected cash flow of the envisaged project shows that the project would generate positive
net cash flows throughout the operation years. Cumulative cash flow generated by the project
towards the end of the first operation year will amount to Birr 21,256. At the end of the project
life, this amount will rise to Birr 159,705,482.

13.6. Benefit cost ratio

The BCR is defined as the ratio of the sum of the project’s discounted benefits to the sum of its
discounted investment and operating costs. The benefit-cost ratio (BCR) is a profitability
indicator used in cost-benefit analysis to determine the viability of cash flows generated.
When BCR > 1, accept the project
When BCR < 1, reject the project
When BCR = 1, be indifferent

The BCR is defined as (Perceived Value of Benefit )

(Perceived Value of Cost)

BCR is 9 and positive this indicates this project would return 5 birr in benefits for each birr spent.

13.7. Internal Rate of Return

The internal rate of return (IRR) is an indicator of the efficiency or quality of an investment. A
project is a good investment proposition if its IRR is greater than the rate of return that could be
earned by alternate investments or putting the money in a bank account. Accordingly, the IRR of
the project after tax is computed to be 24.09% indicating the viability of the project.

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13.8. Net present value

Net present value (NPV) is defined as the total present (discounted) value of a time series of cash
flows. NPV aggregates cash flows that occur during different periods of time during the life of a
project into a common measuring unit i.e. present value. It is a standard method for using the
time value of money to asses’ long-term projects. NPV is an indicator of how much value an
investment or project adds to the capital invested. In principle a project is accepted if the NPV is
non-negative. Accordingly, the net present value of the project at 10% discount rate is found to
be Birr 199,824,643 which is acceptable.

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The objective of this proposed feasibility study is primarily to facilitate the entrepreneur with the
investment information and provide an overview about project. The proposed feasibility may
form the basis of an important investment decision and in order to serve this objective, the
document covers various aspects of concept development, start-up, production, marketing,
finance and business management. The feasibility is based on the information obtained from
various agricultural sources as well as discussions with businessmen. For financial model, since
the forecast/projections relate to the future periods, actual results are likely to differ because of
the events and circumstances that don’t occur frequently as expected.
Whilst due care and attention has been taken in performing the exercise, no liability can be
inferred for any in-accuracy or omissions reported from the results thereof. It is essential that our
report be read in its entirety with financial model in order to fully comprehend the impact of key
assumptions on the range of values determined. The project is accessible and has the necessary
infrastructure such as road, telephone, water and electric power. The proposed project clearly
identifies all the necessary equipment, inputs, management of the company and the required man
power. The highest authority in the project will be vested in the hand of the owner. He will
control the overall activities of the proposed project. Demand projection divulges that there is
high demand for feed production in the country. Accordingly, the planned project is set to
provide quality products in the area. The proposed project possesses wide range of economic and
social benefits such as increasing the level of investment, tax revenue and employment creation
for both women and youths. It will have also environmental concerns to protect it by planting
trees around its working area and by utilizing environmental friendly raw materials. Generally,
the project is technically feasible, financially and commercially viable as well as socially and
economically acceptable. Hence the project is worth implementing.

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Financial sensitivity analysis shows that the project is highly sensitive to decrease in sales
revenue but relatively less sensitive to increase in raw material and investment costs. Therefore,
it is recommended that the company should give a great attention for the possible reasons for
sales reduction. In this case, different mechanisms should be selected and implemented to
increase sales. In addition to this, the company should decrease its cost that lowers profitability.
The project must utilize modern promotional styles to capture the planned market share. To do
so, it has to design effective strategy to achieve this plan. Although, due care and diligence has
been taken to compile this document, the contained information may vary due to any change in
any of the concerned factors, and the actual results may differ substantially from the presented
information. In this case, any delaying to implement the project creates some problem on its
profitability as there is always change like change in price of services and goods, cost of raw
materials, customers preference and purchasing power etc.….So, it is recommended that
investors should implement the project as soon as possible before any change occurred.

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[1] World Economic Forum (2020). Ethiopia’s unconventional COVID-19 response. (Accessed 11
September 2020).
[2] International Monetary Fund (2020). Sub-Saharan Africa: COVID-19 an Unprecedented
Threat to Development. IMF Regional Economic Outlook, April 2020
=en Pg. 18.

[3] Ethiopia Semonegma (2019). Challenges facing Ethiopia’s construction industry sector. 29
August 2019.
sector/ (Accessed 11 September 2020).

[4] International Monetary Fund (2020). Sub-Saharan Africa: COVID-19 An Unprecedented

Threat to Development. IMF Regional Economic Outlook, April 2020.
en Pg. 19.

[5] Terfa, B.K., Chen, N., Liu, D., Zhang, X., and Niyogi, D. (2019). Urban Expansion in
Ethiopia from 1987 to 2017: Characteristics, Spatial Patterns, and Driving
Forces. Sustainability, 11(10), 2973. Pg. 2.

[6] World Bank (2019). Ethiopia Urban Land Supply and Affordable Housing: Housing Deep
Dive Report.

[7] Korea Development Institute (2018). Enhancing National Housing Development and
Administration (Accessed 27
August 2019). Pg. 30.

[8] AACPPO (2017). Addis Ababa City Structure Plan: Draft final summary report, (2017-2027)

Page I
Annex Cash Flow
Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A. Income

Owners’ equity $2,250,000.00

Bank Income $2,750,000.00 $2,500,000.00

Revenue $120,500.00 $120,500.00 $120,500.00 $120,500.00 $120,500.00

$2,245,000.00 $2,245,000.00 $2,245,000.00 $2,245,000.00
Total Revenue $500,000.00 $1000,000.00 $1000,000.00 $2,245,000.00

B. Cost of land
Development, Site $500,000.00 $500,000.00
Clearing & Fence Work

C. Cost of Building and

$1,680,000.00 $1,000,000.00
civil works
$43,750.00 $43,750.00 $43,750.00 $43,750.00 $43,750.00 $43,750.00 $43,750.00
D. Transport
$49,375.00 $49,375.00 $49,375.00 $49,375.00 $49,375.00 $49,375.00 $49,375.00
E. Operating Expense $49,375.00

F. Salaries and Benefit $50,550.00 $50,550.00 $50,550.00 $50,550.00 $50,550.00 $50,550.00 $50,550.00 $50,550.00

Total Expense $3,500,00.00 $3,500,00.00 $75,675.00 $75,675.00 $75,675.00 $75,675.00 $75,675.00 $75,675.00
Gross Profit -$3,000,000.00 -$2,500,000.00 $824,325.00 $824,325.00 $824,325.00 $824,325.00 $824,325.00 $824,325.00
- $81,351.25 - $81,351.25 - $81,351.25 - $81,351.25 - $81,351.25 - $81,351.25 - $81,351.25
- Income Tax - $81,351.25
Profit After Tax -3,081,35133.75 2,380,676.25 2,050,676.25 7,463,926.25 5,463,926.25 4,463,926.25 5,463,926.25 5,463,926.25
- Bank Interest 0 0 0 5,00,000.00 3,500,000.00 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00
Net Profit -3,081,35133.75 2,380,676.25 2,050,676.25 1,463,926.25 2,963,926.25 2,463,926.25 2,463,926.25 3,463,926.25
BCR -3.09418163 3.624421803 2.142250464 0.023632241 0.023632241 0.023632241 0.023632241 0.023632241
BCR Average = 2.79065184

Page II

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