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JOURNAL GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF INDIA, GPR Investigation of Mining Induced Subsidence and its Effects on Surface Structures: A Case Study of Srinagar City, J&K, India, NW Himalayas Bikram Singh Bali*. Ahsan Afzal Wani, Gulam Rasool Bhat and Sareer Ahmad Mir Department of Eanh Sciences, University of Kashmir, Srinagar Jammu and Kashmir, Inia Ema: baligeot@ gnaicom ABSTRACT. ‘The subsidence reported from the Rainawar,4kms north west of Lal Chowk (The city centre of Srinagar) in 1999-2000 was mainly ‘estrited 1 Surateng (which in local language means a mound of ash) locality of the area. Rainawari, km north west of Srinagar invariably witnessed land subsidence for the past several Ascades and in this process most ofthe structures in the area suffered massivedamageineluding collapse, sags,sinkingof Moors, temporal and spatial evolution of cracks, saying, sink holes, colloquially numerous structures started sinking and tilting and najor potholes appeared on roadways, thus ereting panic in the inhabitants ofthe area. The surface change phenomena in the present study isstretly restricted toasmall area, where extensive “underground mining related to pottery industry has a history of Ihundreds of years. In this context, sx ground penetrating radar profiles have been acquired from two main sites namely JLNM hospital and Surteng locality of Rainawari using 200, $00 MHz shielded and 100 MHz rough terrain antennas. In order to Investigate the shallow sub-surface, possible lacations of sink holes, Jnematies of the subsidence phenomena, spatial-temporal evolution of ink holes, effects of subsidence on surface structures, to locate underground caves and cavities, seismie liquefaction features, geometry and trends in near surface tectonie deformation, cotechnical characterization and sels resilience ofthe surface tures, the subsurface imaging was aequited using GPR. “Major sub-surface observations made were underground cavities, ‘oon and pillar mining structures and voids. In addition to the sub-surface structures caused by the miaingin the historical pas, the surface deformations were observed in the form of cracks developed inthe construction. INTRODUCTION Underground enning activites, often case horizontal and vertical ground movements or gradual carving which may result in ground subsidence (Eray etal. 2012), Besides subsidence movements can trigger horizontal and vertical displacements ofthe geological strata, ‘inking of formation, slope changes, bending underground racking, collapse and tilting of surface structures which canbe fatal (Andress, etal, 2019: Akcin, eta, 2006), However the terms grenally sed to describe the mavements of a buildinglstracture relative to the surrounding ground and the damage that may be eaused by such movements. The mining subsidence effets usally appear a surface round settlement, farm land deformation and damage to civil engincering structures. such as reining walls, roadways, reinforced ‘sometete, andespeilly masonry stature (Era eta, 2012: Kratsch, 1983: Kuscu, 1991), Inadition wo this, subsidence disturbs the natural balance ofthe surface and underground water resources, and natural one-r62274 1. ASV 1.00 © GEOL. SOC. INDIA | ‘and man-made surface deinage systems. Tn Rainawal area Srinagar city, sallow underground mining related to potery industry has been caried out for hundreds of yeas (Lawrence, 1895). With the passage of time various cavities and voids dug by the poters collapsed and _rauslly tured ito present day sinkholes. Sinkhole subsidence an be defined as movement of the ground surface as a result of readjustment of the overburden due to collapse or failure of, ‘underground mine workings allvium pillars i present cas, asthe room and pillar technique of underground mining has been employed) Sinkhole subsidence fs common in arcas overiying shallow rom and pillar mines. Sinkholes ozeur From the collapse ofthe mine ro into 8 mine opening. resulting in caving in ofthe overying stata and an sbrupt depression in ground surfs ‘Geophysical methods, in particular, GPR and geodetic techniques, have been extensively used to investigate the mining subsidence and damage wo infrastructure (AL-fares etal. 2002; Chamberlain, 2000 CCoskun, 2012: Bers eal. 2001). GPR data ean provide the eitical information onthe temporal development the subsidence phenome (Seviletal, 2017), precise location ofthe houndares ofthe sinkholes (Zarroca ota, 2016) and provide information on strctural and stratigraphic features associated with sink holes (Rodriguez et al 2014). Therefore. inthe present study ground penetrating radar (GPR) surveys ave been carried out to study the structural and engincering aspects of mining subsidence and snk holes suchas exact location of| the boundaries of snk holes, subsidence mechanisms involved inthe development of sinkholes, Kinematics of the subsidence phenomena geometry and pattem of deformation structures associated with sink holes, various cavities, sags, paleo collapses, groundwater able and seismic Hiquefation The GPR data were aoquired with GPR MALA PRO V EX (Sweden made) by using 100, 250 and $00 MHZ antennas configuration avin sites namely 3LNM Hospital and Surteng laity fn Rainasar area (Fi. 1) Geological the tidy area consists of « 1300 m thick Havio- local and lacustrine deposits of PlioPliestocene age above the basement that is highly vulnerable to earthquakes and related ‘Phenomena such as seismic liquefaction, andsids, lateral spreads ‘vial flooding ete. (Bilham and Bali, 2013: Schifman et al 2013: Kundu, etal 2014: Bali tal, 2016: Wani and Bali 2017: Bali and ‘Wani, 2020) Inthe past illenim, the Kashmir valley has witnessed several catastrophic carthguskes: in 1955 (M74), 1985 (Mw 6.) and 2005 (Mw 7.6) (Ahmad et al, 2009: Bilham eta, 2010). The geotechnical aspects/properties of the sub-surface formation of| Srinagar district and their relationship with geology and hydrology (groundwater conditions) suggest that most pars ofthe Srinagar city are highly suscepiblew seismie liquefaction during moderate (Mw 6) to high magnitude earthquakes (Bhat etal, 2016; Wani et al, 2019), DoE 10 107A 12584091-1756 Fig. SRIM DEM image shows the locaton of GPR survey along with Feld photographs STUDY SITE AND HISTORY OF MINING IN THE RAINAWARI Rainawvari-Shm northwest Lal Chowk the cy center Srinagar City tes between N-34°5'52°NT4°49°17°E and ie 1585 m aml The Reinawari aca is one of the most densely populated area of Srinagar ety bounded by Jhelum river towards west and Dal Lake toward east. The topography ofthe area is relatively flat and basin type and major portions of the aca lie inthe close vicinity of Dal [Lake and the sub-surface lithology mainly comprises sand-sit and lay In Rainawari area of Srinagar city the main occupation of people was to make earthen pots and other pottery items (Javed, 2013). Rinawari was avery important centre of pottery making in Srinagar city of Kashmir valley (Walter Lawrence. 1885) andearhenvare from this area assent to various parts ofthe city and rural areas. Dal Lake and iver Jhelum formed the main aera sytem for wansportation The carthen ware was transporte from anearby tbutary of Dal Lake and the quay is sill known as Kealyar meaning Pater (Kral) quay (yar) Potery industry inthe area was at ts peak til the end of 19* century but continuous mining ofthe raw” material (clay) from the ‘rea crated many troughs and depressions inthe area Lawrence, 1895; Nerve, 1913). These depressions andlow lands Were later used for the culivation of vegetables and are known as “Aram varees” in local language. However realising that the mining of ela his resulted into conversion of table land into lage troughs and depression, the then Dogra Ruler Maharaja Partap Singh banned ll types of clay ining activities in the area (Lawrence. 1895: Nerve, 1913: Seth 1987). This along with common use of metal and allo utensil lead wo industry inthe area The ban on open mining of clay lef the potter of the area with only one option and that was transportation of clay from other areas but the transportation of ry material was very costly option and itincreased the eos of Finished carthenveare many folds than the pottery made anywhere else inthe valley. Since the ban on open mining was very strictly adhered to and ny infringement invited severe punishment, in order to survive and also to avoid goting noticed the miners resorted to anther method of ‘mining known as oom and pillar mining (“gout mining in local language). GPR measurements were undertaken to map some ofthe ‘underground mining rebated strutures. M subsidence effects on Surface structures ‘Construction of masonry buildings ha been widely practiced in Srinagar city including Rainawari area for residentil purposes and people prefer masonry buildings ever tall or high rise buildings. However some very large conte strctures have also come up in last three decades in the area that house various departments of the hospital Despite knowing that residential areas located over former mining site and several structure have already collapsed, people in large umber sl vein this rea. In Rains and neat settlements the structures have suffered damage and this damage ranges fom ‘coamedc functional to structural changes (Fig. 3) As some structures have developed eracks i plaster and dry wall, categorized as cosmetic damages. Many other structures have developed crooked doorways and window frames, jamming of doors and windows. sloping and tuneven floors, categorized as fu structures have, however, sfered massive damages which inches appearance of cracks in each face ofthe building such as supporting ‘walls, corners, overhangs and footings ee, tional damages, Most of the these are known as JOURGEOL,SOCINDIA.VOL97.sULY 2001 structural damages. Some cracks were small hatline near window panes to very wie upto 4-5 mm andthe most common cracks observed ‘a the diagonal to stepped eracks running up or dowm a wall and follow a ine of mortar to create sep lke patern and some racks 0 through the bricks rather than following mortar to form a diagonal crack (Fig 3b & e). Some cracks were observed running from top 0 bottom ina dre or less stag line, clased asa vertical erack (Fig 3 a& g), Some eracks follow side to side and the mort joins, These ae classed as horizontal cracks (Fig. 3 d). Acconding tothe locals some conerete structures including one inthe premises of JLLNM hospital few yard aay from the sight of preset subsidence) had to be demolished two decades back aster walls and pln ad developed ‘wide cracks. Besides cracks some ofthe structures have suffered sinking of floors, sags and setlement of basement floors that results in separation of basement concrete lor frm partion wall impacting the ability ofthe building (Fig. 31). One ofthe main ssuos elated 19 subsidence reported in Rainawari are is thing of buildings aed several houses in the stea were abandoned at these ste experiencing quite sharp iting (Fig 3.0, METHODOLOGY The GPR measurem sequited with MALA PRO EX (Sweden made) by using 00,250 and 500 MHZ antenna configuration ‘na distance mode, total of six profiles were obtained at two sites with dee profiles at JLNM hospital and three profiles at Surteng locality. The first two profiles at JLNM hospital were acquted with 250 MHZ shielded antenna and third profile was abtained with 100 [MHZantenn, whereas two profiles at Strteng locality long the street were taken with 250 MHZ. shilded antenna and lst profile was ‘seuired with 100 MHZ antenna respectively. Dat collected with 100 [MIIZ gave greater depth penctation, but dat collected with 250 and ‘500 MHZ antenna hs lesser depth of penetration but higher resolution (Malik, tal, 2007 Balaji etal 2010). GPR data wor sstematial procested in Rad explorer 1.4 before inteprtaton by following Foutines/processing steps, such as trace ei, spatial interpolation, time zero conection, background removal, topographic comecton, 2 JOUR GEOL.SOCINDIA, VOL.97 JULY 2 2 Location map of two sites investigated using GPR. Satelite picture from Google Earth D spatial filtering. amplitude correction. predective deconvolution bandpass filtering and depth conversion model (Malik etal. 2007 Xavier et al. 2011; Robinson et al. 2013: Dobrin and Savit, 1988; Neal, 2008 and Joe! ax Smith, 1991) [RESULTS AND INTERPRETATION To elucidate the possible location of sink holes and cavities, subsidence impacts on sub-surface lithology and sirvtures, seismic liquefaction and tectonic deformation, two sites were selected for round penetrating radar (GPR) surveys awabaral Nera Memorial hospital ULNMH) premises and at Surteng colony. Apart from historical evidences f subsidence rom the sites and also observations ‘made during fie surveys on surface structures, no sub-surface information was available t pinpoint the exact and precise location ofthe sink holes, subsidence features and their kinematic styles. Ln this content, GPR surveys are uit useful to provide the high resoltion {maging ofthe sink holes in shallow stratigraphy which were not evident from surface manifestation and thus allowing comprehensive characterization of snk holes and their spatial and sptil-emporal ite 1: JLNM Hospital Rainawart “The GPR profiles at ste |JLNMH Rainawari (Fig? & 4a) were scqired sing 200 MHZ. antenna inthe courtyard of the Hospital striking -NW-SE direction, 205 m in length which yilded a well resolvable penetration depth of 5m. The GPR ress represent room pill type stuctures at neae surface (~3 m depth), consisting ‘eri of voids bounded Separated by sil pillars tht pose a peat threat of seismic Higuefaction and erosion owing to shallow groundwater {able inthe area at 3-4 m. The soil pillars inthe GPR profile were ‘marked between 915m $470 m, 82:89 m, 109-113 m, 121-135 m fand at 170-183 m horizontal distance marked by solid vertical Black lines ig 3). The sil pila re separated by voids and ae saturated tase. thin black dashed line atthe hase ofthe images shows water table depth of the site. Most of the soil pillars at bare are eroded and ‘weak, which ae clearly expressed by discontinuities. offset, warped 13 Fig. 3 (a) Deformed wall including an upright wide tension crack at Suteng locality indicating thatthe foundation of tis building is dropping (6) Front view of the wal showing a large diagonal eck developed in the wall visible on both sides an extend upto the window frame. (6) A colloquial masonry stractre experiencing displacement and ting quite sharp duc to impact ofthe subsidence () A horizontal crack Aisplacing the wall andthe window pane e) Froat wall shows a wide crak that appear downwards from window frame and shows displacement ofthe upper column with respect othe ower one, (f) Sinking ofthe lor ne ()A vertical cick running downward from the window and tapers tthe foundation level, inclined election wunations in the georadarrfeetions. The stronger tnd cohctent reverheations founda the tp of the image inthe form fred and black reflectors mark the concrete pavement inthe courtyard of the hospital. GPR profile 2 JLNMH (Fig) was taken atthe backyard of the hospital and is 105 m long and 4m deep. Similar room and pilltr (ype of srictures were observed up to 4 m depth characterized by eylinde shaped soil pillars separsted by cavitiew ‘voids. The sol pillars were marked inthe GPR profile between 25-40 1, 30-58 m, 60-70:m and a 859m horizontal distance marked by black vertical ines and arrows, The voidvrooms are saturated cre. sometimes with dissolved sol pillars and are wider than soil pillars. ‘Thin dashed linea the bottom ofthe profile elects the groundwater table which coincides withthe profile big sutured voi is observed between 0-25 m horizontal distance maker suggesting thatthe sol the enrance ofa masonry srcture due impact ofthe subsidence pillar is either completely eroded or collapsed ais replaced by aig cavity. The coherent reverberations up to 2m a the top ofthe profile ‘mark the concrete hed (DPC) ofthe newly constructed structure atthe backyard ofthe hospital ‘GPR profile3JLNMH was quired with 100 MHZ rough train ‘antenna along the gentle slope tapering off towards hospital quarters relatively flavsubsided surfce (Fig. 4c), The profiles 105 m long that yields a penetration depth of 6m. Cindteal soil pillars were observed marked between 25-40 m, 40-50 and 35-85 m horizontal tistance marker separated by strated voids. The eavitiedvoids are ‘tured at base and black dashed line atthe base ofthe profile reflects the water table of the area and is at 6m depth. Aig void is ‘observed, marked between 0-25 m horizontal distance marker reflects tithe the soil pillar has been completely eroded and dissolved and JOURGEOL,SOCINDIA.VOL97.sULY 2001 ® Protas sun © rrote sun Trace nme) Fig. Inerpeted JLNMH GPR image profile I acquired using 200 MHZ antenna configuration in the courtyard ofthe hospital showing land subsidence and sink holes (b) GPR profile 2 JLNMH taken atthe backyard ofthe hospital using 200 MHZ. antenna configuration. (c) GPR profile 3LNMH acquired with 200 MHZ tapering off hospital quarters illustrating room and pillar structures and subsidence inthe shallow Stratigraphy of 4-6 m depth, JOUR GEOL.SOCANDIA, VOL.97.IULY 2021 ss iterlinked wo cavities. The ol pillar re of varied height rom 4-6 1 and are pail eed and dissolved at base, A network of wos ‘and si ills were observed almost in all GPR profiles suggesting that this area was probably used for extraction of sil by room and pillar typeof mining methods and most ofthe void are saturated at the base, Survey Site: Surteng Locality ‘A otal of thee profiles were acquired at Surteng locality slong the roadways to delineate the subsurface goometry and pater of sink holes and dormaton sutures that accommodate the lindsubsidence the area, The GPR profile 4 was taken along the sret st Surtng locality with 250 MHZ antenna ands 220 m long witha penetration depth of $6 m (Fig. Sa). The profile illusrates lateral changes in reflection eometry and pater x consistent with asymmetries! pill structures separated by intervening voids and cavities expressed between 2 mo 200 m as reflections with clear reflection termination sind displacements. An ach top void expressed between 75 m0 95 ‘distance marker that extends upto the near surface and shows upd termination, Several diagonal and vertical wide cracks ate expressed between 8 m to 180 m as inclined radar reflections and difeetion hyperbola tha offset georadae reflections, Well defined sharp vertical teuneations and offsets are expressed (15 m, 70 m, 150 m) from the base pto2 madepth aan inclined to dven warping radar reflections ‘within uppee2 m depth elect foundering and sinking ofthe formation {8 the atch top void has almost approach tothe near surface that could fesults in the sudden collapse snk Hole formation in the near future atthe site. The GPR profile was taken with 250 MHZ antenna long the roadway at Surteng locality is 170 m long striking NW with a penetration depth of 6 m (Fig. 5b). The profile Musas upwarping snd down warping in the georadar reflections upto 25 mdepthberween 5 mo 150 m and sever inclined wide cracks expressed a inclined and disconnected georadar reflections or hyperbolas between 2 19 165 m distance marker. Very sharp abrupt vertical teminations expresses difraction hyperbols from hase to 25 m depth between mio 170 mreflect il pillars bounded by voids and cavities marked with hick vertical blak ines The soil pillars and voids te symmetrical inpottern and geometry an are expressed at equal intervals wth almost 201m wide soil pillars separated by 15 m voids, The higher amplitude and stronger reflotions athe hase ofthe voids between O-15 my, 500 (65 m and 140-160 m suggest the presence of wate. The GPR profile 6 was acquired with 100 MZ shield ante striking E-W is 120 m Jong that yielded penetration depth of 15 m (Fig. § ©). The profile demonstrates a sink hole expressed as anomalous inclined and isconnected down warping radar reflections interspersed with on lp and verical lector geometries between 2m to 100m distance marker fiom the 5 m to 10 m depth. The disconnected and offet radar reflections showing an overall syncline geometry suggest internal foundering of the layers and downward movement ofthe strata and extends up tothe base ofthe image. The deepest part ofthe snk hole is expressed between 10 mt 50 m as hyperboas with clear down warping geometry bounded by sharp lateral offset and inclined Fefletions that forms the collapse stuctue and truncating upper soil ‘over almost up tothe surface. The sink hoe is overlain by discondant reflections snd the outward margins ofthe sink hole is expressed coherent inclined dissuped reflectors and discrete breaks. The upper 1 fom the top eflects various vertical and diagonal racks expressed 2s diffaction and offset hyperbols. Very stonger coherent radar refletons from the hase up 06.5 m represent ground water table aad {is marked with thin lack dashed lin. DISCUSSION Land level changes or surface change phenomena have been & problem for many regions ofthe worldand have attracted the attention 156 of researchers due to the recognition that ground motion severely fost the masonry strictures, Said tal (2009), Donnelly ct al (2001): Merad etal. 2004: Wang etal. 2008), and Steehi a. 2009) {investigated mining sbsidenee-induced damages in buildngsintheit ‘esearch in various regions around slob. Gaya etal. (2010) reported round subsidence triggered hy the collapse of abandoned underground ‘mining operations that ld to damage to bildings and he study also included temporal and spatial evolution ofthe cracks inventoried in buildings, The researchers concluded, from SAR images. that lnderground mining galleries cause surface subsidence which can cause damage o sutures (Porski and Jura 2003: Kutogl etal. 2008). ‘Similarly several researchers determined mining subsidence effects sing InSAR techniques in Zonguldak-Kozlu hard coal basin, They plotted ground deformation the SAR images (Kutogh etl. 208 Deguchi etal 2007; Akcinetal, 2006) Deguchi etal. (2007) computed ‘mining induced surface displacements using InSAR technique. Also ‘Akcin ct al, (2006) compared the deformations obtained from the TSAR technique with the ones based on GPS observations and determined the correlation coctitcient as 0.789 between InSAR and GGPS methods. Mancini etal. 2009) examined salt mining-induced ‘round subsidence effects on buildings in the city of Tuzla, Bosnia snd Herzegovina. In thee stud. the analysis of high-resolution satelite ‘dats showed he collapse or demolition of approximately 835 buildings the most damaged area. Wu etal. (2009) submited a study of the indvences of mining subsidence on the eco-Iogicallenvironment. Their study discussed public infrastructure nthe area ofthe Haolaigow lon (Ore Mine where serious mine subsidence accuted in 2007, and the study estimated the maximum surface subsidence amount Subsidence generally occurs in thre main diferent environments (@) geologically. soluble rock formations (gypsum. limestone, dolomite and rock sal) tha difer from unconsolidated depesit of ancent snk holes filled with unconsolidated deposits (b) Young unconsolidated deposits in premature basins with high porosity in alluvial fan ‘environments, lacustrine or marine envionments. e) Urban suburbs having very high density of tll buildings, masonry structures, population et. Various natural or artieial fietors that may induce Subsidence which case damage to masonry buildings from settlement ‘on the eanh's surface ae as follows (a) subsidence by faulting o seismic excitations. (b) subsidence by isostatic rebound. (e) subsidence due to theamal contraction of| lithosphere. (4) subsidence induced by water table management oF ‘round water level changes. (e) subsidence caused by extraction of ‘1s. (subsidence by collapse (a) The ambient ste inthe earth can be accommodted either by seological faulting inthe crust by ductile Flow in the hoter and ‘uid mane, Oveurence of faults results nto absolute subsidence in ‘he hanging wall of nonnal faults and in reverse (hes fault relative subsidence may'be measured in the Foot wall. In cae of faulting the subsidence is enormous, and follows a particular trend (along the Alircetion ofthe fault) in a large area. However in Rainawari area the subsidence is restricted 1 avery small rea and it doesnot follow particular trend. (b) The crust floats buoyantly in the plastic fsthenosphere witha ratio of mass below the surface in proportion t9 itsowndensity If massis added to the eras (e.g. trough deposition), crus is thought to subside miniseulely to compensate ad msitain ‘isostatic balance, Thin this case alo the subsidence i spread over 4 large area, In Rainawari area the subsidence has occurred comparatively in miniseule are. (c) Suetching of lithosphere. probably due to slab pull causes thinning of lithosphere and sing of fasthenospher into the space thats created, This cases heating ofthe ‘overlying erst and mantle and thermal expansion ofthese materials (Overtime heat is lost through radiation from the earth’ surface and the thermal gradient relaxes. Once temperatures fal the lithosphere will contrat causing subsidence at the surface. This phenomenon is JOURGEOL,SOCINDIA.VOL97.sULY 2001 ® pre ane Fig (A) Radargram scquited using 250 MHZ antenna configuration along the set at Suratng locality. Roof and pillar stuetures and subsidence features in the shallow stratigraphy of 446 m depth (B) GPR profile S acquired with 250 MHZ antenna configurstion along the roadway at Sursteng locality, (6) GPR profil 6 acquired with 100 MHZ represe sink hole and land subsidence Features, not possible in ease of Rainawri subsidence, No such phenomenon has been reported fom anywhere in the Kashmir valley. (€) This phenomenon is posible in coastal and delta plains, where due to Arainage and resulting eration of sil oxidation of ongane components such s peat takes ea sabsidence in Kashmir. his proces leads t signifies en reported from any whe ‘The valley being basin ofl (6) No gas reserves have trne sediments, some small patches fof methane are found here and there. (f) Subsidence by collapse commonly oocurs over man made voids such as twones. wells and ‘covered quarries. Iisalso frequent inkarterrins, where dissolution JOUR GEOL.SOCANDIA, VOL.97.IULY 2021 of imestone by uid flow in subsurface causes the eration of voids ‘The subsidence in Rainavari area isa mining type subsidence Mining subsidence canbe defined as movement ofthe ground surface ssaresul of readjustment ofthe overburden duet collapse or fue underground as overlying shallow room and pillar mines. Sinkholes occur fom the collapse ofthe mine roof into a mine opening resulting in caving of the overlying strata and an abrupt depression in ground surface. The gout” mining whichis knowa geologically a oom and pilla mining involved making ofa small shaft inthe ground, the shaf usually used in workings. Mining subsidence iseommon in ‘ob inlined and only 10-15 meters deep. The miners would go 10- 1 Smeters deep into the ground and mine out the rooms of lay leaving bbhind in place a segular pattern of pillars. This ining involved ony local crude knowledge and didnot follow the geologieal and mining principles at al, The basic mining principle which sto be adhered to incase of room and pillar mining is thatthe amount of cover (verbead burden) shouldbe about 100 meters hut inno ease it should be Tess than 50 meters. Homever overhead burden in case of Rainawati area room and pillar mines was less than 20 meters. As a reslt of feadjustment ofthe overburden due to fullureof underground pillas, thistype of subsidence has taken place ‘The GPR results at JLNM Hospital and Surteng locality in Rainawari area clearly demonstrate network of voids, cavities, sink holes, cracks and coresponding sil plas. earler used for extraction of soil through “gout” mining methods and provide abundant information on sink holes. soil displacements and temporal development of subsidence phenomena that accommodates land subsidence or ereep processes at shallow depths inthe area. The evidence of subsidence during field Campaign was clearly observed from land level changes to structural changes inthe buildings and note in high resolution GPR images. The obtained GPR results also ‘early show thatthe Rainawari area is highly susceptible to seismic liguefation also owing to shallow groundwater ble (~ 3 m) and presence of ine sedimentary strata of ela, sa nd sit. To guide the future excavations, recurrence, acceleration or deceleration of the tivity and temporal development of subsidence phenomena, our ‘shallow geophysical investigations provide a great deal of information ‘on key aspect for risk management and harard assessment CONCLUSION “The present paper reports the ground penetrating rar (GPR) survey results using 100, 50:500 MHz antennas a two potential sites ‘namely Jawaharlal Ney Memorial Hospital JLNMH Rainawar and Surteng locality, to characterize the trends and patterns of shallow ‘atgraphie disturbances associate with ming subsidence and creep processes, kinematis tension ssuring, ground water able and sesmic fesillene of various structures on the surface. Our GPR prospecting sing high resolution antenna configuration were able to successfully ‘map a network of room and pillar strctures. underground fissures snd avis and sink holes responsible for diferent land subidence and crep process inthe area. The obained results indicate that GPR ‘data can contribute ciel information to sink hols, characterization ofthe processes associated with mining subsidence where no surficial evidences exis. A series of differential settlements witnessed land level ‘changes and sinking of buildings by readjustment ofthe overburden Ave to collapse or failure of underground saturated cavities! voids. Several strictures in the are collapsed. ited and have developed ‘minor to major racks in the supporting walls plinth te Fuber the old and new concrete stuctres lack present earthuake resistant ‘cases, although with age the stength of the ol sractures as decreased manifold because ofthe decaying construction materia, the need ofthe hour is to renovate these ildings a son as possible The GPR profiles at Rainawar clearly delineate a sallow water able ‘of 3.5m depth that poses serious tsk for seismic iquefsetion, The saturated voids and sink holes at shallow depth can easily erumble buildings and other structures during moderate (© Mw 6) to high ‘magnitude earthquakes or even by the shaking caused by the heavy ‘vehicular movement onthe busy rad i the area and could lead 108 ister infu, The mos recent developments inthe fed of seismic hazard assessment should be incorporated inthe construction of new structures to redoee future risk References Aken H, Depuce., Kutgla SH. 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