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Tell us about yourself:

Answer: "Hello, my name is Bryan Fernando Casanova Reyes. I am a passionate software

programmer with experience in HTML and CSS. I graduated from COLEGIO COMFIAR with a strong
background in COMPUTATION. I am excited about the opportunity to apply my skills and
contribute to the success of the future

What motivates you?

Answer: "What truly motivates me is the possibility of making a significant difference in the world
through technology. I believe well-designed software can improve people's lives and solve
important problems. Additionally, my family is a constant source of motivation; I want to ensure
providing them with a solid and comfortable future."

What are your hobbies?

Answer: "In my free time, I enjoy exploring new technologies and engaging in personal projects. I
also like to stay active, whether it's playing sports or going hiking. The variety in my activities helps
me maintain a healthy balance between my professional and personal life."

What are your future plans if you get this job?

Answer: "If I have the opportunity to work here, my goal is to contribute to the development of
innovative and high-quality solutions. I want to learn and grow professionally by collaborating with
a talented team. I am also excited about the possibility of contributing to the company's ongoing

What are your future goals or what are your career goals?

Answer: "Long-term, I see myself taking on leadership roles in significant projects. My goal is to
continue learning and improving my technical and leadership skills. Additionally, I would like to
contribute to advancing the industry and serve as inspiration for other young professionals."

What do you see as a major success in your life?

Answer: "I consider my major success so far to be completing tecnic of software development in
my last job, where I led the development of my project life. This experience taught me the
importance of collaboration and effective problem-solving."
Why did you leave your last job?

Answer: "I decided to seek new opportunities because I felt I had reached a point in my career
where I needed more significant challenges. I am excited about the opportunity to apply my skills
and contribute to innovative projects here."

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Answer: "In five years, I envision myself playing a key role in important company projects and
leading talented teams. I am also committed to my continuous development and exploring new
technologies to remain relevant in a dynamic environment."

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