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as Zap eS PIM GMI ola Gleiel 1V Claalgal Sued Ub For Preparatory Year 3 Galas il all adel O24 ceili! csuatly dll Jacl! re Sere 1@ i (A} Language Functions Ahmed and Omar are talking about deforestation. Ahmed _: Hello, Omar. What are you doing now? Omar —:I'mreading about @ Ahmed :@ . ww? Omar _ : Deforestation means that there are fewer trees in rainforests. Ahmed _: Is It dangerous for the environment? Omar :@.... . It damages the natural habitat of many animals. Ahmed _: How terrible! Scientists should solve this problem. (B) Reading comprehension e Read and complete the text with words from the following list:} (2m /%m each) believed - million - wonders - believes - Desert Egypt has some wonders. The great Sand Sea is one of these O .. . This is a part of the Western @ and here you can find lots of big sand mountains and some unusual glass. It is © ... that the glass is more than 29 @ .. ... years old. © Read the following, then answer the question: (5m/1meach) Your goal is something that you want to do. First, you should decide what that goal is. Do you want to pass an exam? Do you want to be a doctor? Do you want to be wealthy? Think about what you want and decide on your goal. You should write your goal on a piece of paper. Put your goal poster on your wall and look at it every day. Then, decide what you have to do to achieve your goal. Some people never reach their goal because they think it is impossible. You should think positively. Don't think "the exam is difficult and | will probably fail." People who think negatively seldom reach their goals, so be positive! A. Answer the following questions: 1. According to the passage, what is your goal? 2. Why do some people never reach their goal? 3. Where do you have to put your goal poster? W Revision B. Choose the correct word from a, b, ¢ or d: 4. People who think . . seldom reach their goals. a) negatively b) positively ¢) actively d) bravely 5. The synonym of the word "wealthy" is .. a) interested b) successful poor a) rich (C) Vocabulary and structures (2) choose the correct word from a, b, ¢ or d: (4m/1meach) 1. What do I need .. . from the shops, mum? a) buy b) to buy ¢) buying d) bought 2... .. your glass, paper and plastic products to conserve energy. a) Burn b) Recycle ¢) Throw d) Charge 3. They have been... .. for three hours now. a) study b) studies ¢) studied d) studying 4. There are amazing of dinosaurs in the Science Museum. a) products b) fossils ©) pipes d) lighthouses (D.complete the sentences with the correct form of the word(s) in brackets: (3m/1meach) 1. What would you do if you 2. 1 didn't go out until | 3. Amr told me that he (be) rich? (finish) my homework. (travel) abroad the next week. (D) Wi (Write a paragraph of SIX sentences on: (3 marks ) "Protecting our planet" 2° Term Five Isis 1G 38) (A} Language Functions (CD supply the missing parts in the following dialogue: (3m/1meach) Ola : Have you ever read about Safia El Mohandes? Aya Ola Aya Ola 78... seseeseeee Aya : She was called "The mother of all broadcasters" (B) Reading comprehension (read and complete the text with words from the following list:] (2m /m cach) must - environment - renewable - mustn't - fossil We should do our best to keep the environment clean. We O . cut down trees because they absorb carbon dioxide. Also, we mustn't burn @ .... fuels to avoid climate change. That's why we should use © energy such as solar energy and wind power. So, we will be able to live ina safe ° (©) Read the following, then answer the questions: (Sm/1meach) Seagrass is found in the sea along the coasts of many countries. It is food for many sea animals, including turtles. Baby fish and sea animals live in seagrass because it is a safe place. Seagrass helps the sea to stay healthy and it can help stop climate change. This is because seagrass absorbs 10% of the ocean's carbon dioxide every year. Seagrass absorbs carbon dioxide 35 times faster than rainforests. That's why seagrass can help stop climate change. About 90 % of all seagrass has disappeared from the UK's coast in the last 100 years. However, there is an environmental project in the UK that is growing new seagrass. A. Answer the following questions: 1. Where is seagrass found? 2. Why do baby fish live in seagrass? 3. How much carbon dioxide does seagrass absorb? W Revision B. Choose the correct word from a, b, ¢ or d: 4. Seagrass is. the sea. a) dangerous to b) good for ) bad for d) harmful to 5. Rainforests absorb carbon dioxide ... seagrass. a) faster than b) as fast as ©) fastest d) slower than (C) Vocabulary and structures 6 ‘Choose the correct word from a, b, ¢ or d: (4m/1meach) 1. When | was ill last week, I... ... to hospital. a) took b) taken ©) was taken d) was taking 2. If had more time, | .. read more books. a) would b) wi ¢) had d) was 3. The antonym of "Kind" takes the prefix oe a) im- b) un- ¢) in- d) ab- 4. The ........... helps us to see very distant objects well. a) thermometer b) telescope ¢) mirror d) microscope K-} complete the sentences with the correct form of the word(s) in brackets: (3m/1meach) .. (wasting) water, but now we try to save water. (do) her homework for two hours. She hasn't finished yet. .. (told) that the building was on fire. 1. We used to .. 2. Heba. 3. A witness (D) Writing 6 Write a paragraph of SIX sentences on: (3 marks) "Your personal goals and ambitions" rive Sore (Qs) (A} Language Functions (D Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue: (3m/1meach) Hany: Hello! Ali, is this mobile new? Ali : Hello! Hani. O Hany :@ ve Ali : My father bought it for me. Hany :© Ali : Because | have passed all my exams. (B) Reading comprehension (Read and complete the text with words from the following list:} (2mm each) language - has - have - online - articles I studied English and media at university. | work as an editor. | work for an English O .. Website. Nowadays, more people read news @ we ... llike this job. Lots of different journalists send me their © .. oe and!@...... to decide which ones are the most important. It's one of th most interesting jobs. (©) Read the following, then answer the questions: (5m/1meach) Farouk Shousha is a well-known radio presenter and a famous poet. He was born in Damietta in 1936. He went to a nearby elementary school. He went to the local library at a very early age, and was able to read many books in the Arabic language. Later on, he went to Cairo university and graduated from the faculty of Dar AL-ulum in 1956. Shousha presented many programmes. He always talked about the beauty of the Arabic language and its rich literature. For this reason, he was called the guardian of the Arabic language. He won the Nile prize for literature in 2016. A. Answer the following questions: 1, What did Shousha always talk about? 2. Where did he go at a very early age? 3. Which faculty did he graduate from? W Revision B. Choose the correct word from a, b, ¢ or d: 4. Shousha was born in the . century. a.19% b. 20 ¢. 13% d. 16% 5. He was called the ............ of the Arabic language a. gardener b. greener ¢. guardian d. grade {C) Vocabulary and structures (Z}) choose the correct word from a, b, ¢ or d: (4m/1meach) 1. We enjo ... our rubbish, it's fun and it helps the environment. a. to recycle b. recycling ¢. have recycled d. being recycled 2. | think that the internet is a... .. of modern technology. a. wonder b. wander ¢. wined d. waved 3. Factorie: ... a lot of pollution. They should reduce it. a. introduce b. influence ¢. inform d. produce 4. | didn't have lunch . [had returned home. a. before b. after «. until d. as soon as CG Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word(s) in brackets: (3m/1meach) 1. My house 2. If it is hot tomorrow, we 3. In the past, people .. (is) built in around 2000. .... (would) go to the beach. . (use) to get paper bags at supermarkets. (D) Writing 6 Write a paragraph of SIX sentences on: (3 marks) “Why are trees important?" rive Sore 1G) 2-325) | (A} Language Functions Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue: (3m/1meach) Assistant : Can |help you? Hany Yes, 10.0.0... please. Assistant : I've different styles of suits. @ Hany :I'd like the blue one. Assistant : What do you think of this suit? Hany : Yes, | like it. © Assistant : 2000 pounds. It's imported from France. Hany : Ok. Here you are. (B) Reading comprehension (read and complete the text with words from the following list:] (2mm each) absorb - made - take - planet - makes. Life is not possible without plants. Plants are the beauty of our © They are useful gifts of nature. When a plant grows, it @ .. . around it cleaner and beautiful. Plants produce oxygen and ° carbon dioxide. It is a fact that people, who live near plants, are healthier and happier. We should 9 .... .. care of plants. (©) Read the following, then answer the questions: (Sm/1meach) One day, two friends were travelling through a forest on foot when a bear ran after them. One of them rushed to the nearest tree and climbed it as fast as he could. He forgot his friend. He thought only of himself. His friend threw himself to the ground and pretended that he was dead. When the bear came close to him, he lay very still and didn't move. The bear smelt him and touched his ear, and then it went away. The boy who was under the tree called the friend who was still in the tree "It's all right now, the bear had gone." The frightened friend asked, "What did the bear tell you when it put its nose close to your ear?" His friend laughed and said, "/t told me to look for another friend because a friend who runs away when there is danger is not a real friend”. . the area A. Answer the following questions: 1. What happened when the friends were walking? W Revision 2. When did the other friend leave the tree? 3. Who is the real friend according to the passage? B. Choose the correct word: 4. A friend who ... others in time of danger is a bad one. a. helps b. hits c. leaves d. disturbs 5. The underlined word "still" means ..... . a. asleep b. alive ¢. moving d. without moving {C) Vocabulary and structures (Z} choose the correct word from a, b, ¢ or d: (4m/1meach) 1, Hundreds of fossils of ancient whales a. find b. found d. were found 2. Siwa is a famous a. hill ¢. lake d. valley 3. The suffix ..... turns the word "introduce" to noun. a. -able b. -ment «. -tion d. -ence 4. If there .. more mangrove trees, there would be fewer floods. a. was b. is «are d. were (©) complete the sentences with the correct form of the word(s) in brackets: (3m/1meach) ... (was) heard the news. eee .. (answers) it. (pollute) the environment. (D) writing © Write a paragraph of SIX sentences on: (3 marks) "A visit to a natural place" 1. He didn't telephone me until he ..... 2. If he read the questions well, he 3. We must avoid ...... 2° Term 1) we. yal a (A} Language Functions (CD supply the missing parts in the following dialogue: (3m/1meach) Yousef : Hello, Manar. What are you doing? Manar : Hello, Yousef. O Yousef : 1 know you enjoy reading English books. @ ... Manar :| bought it yesterday. Yousef : ©... a Manar : Yes, of course. You can borrow (B) Reading comprehension (read and complete the text with words from the following list:} (2m /m each) newspaper - doing - space - do - hospitals In the next twenty years, life will be different. The way we study and work will change. Normal people will be able to go into @ ... .. to visit other planets like the moon. Robots will @ ............... most of the jobs. They will write © .. ..... articles, drive cars and fly planes. Robots will replace human doctors in @ ...... (©) Read the following, then answer the questions: (Sm/1meach) Alarge factory in Denmark has an inexpensive way of producing renewable energy. It burns rubbish. If the factory did not burn the rubbish, it would go to the landfill sites. By burning the rubbish, the factory produces enough electricity for 150,000 homes. If the factory burned fossil fuels to make this electricity, it would produce harmful gases. There is a garden on the roof of the factory. The plants there absorb some of the air pollution that comes from the factory. You can also slide down he roof, isn't that amazing? A. Answer the following questions: 1. What does the factory produce? 2. Where is the garden? 3. What would happen if they didn't burn the rubbish? W Revision B. Choose the correct word from a, b, ¢ 4, The plants there absorb some of the air ...... that comes from the factory. a. population b. pollution ¢. energy d. electricity 5. By burning the rubbish, the factory produces enough electricity for ....... thousand homes. a. 50 b. 150 ¢. 150,000 d. 1500 G5 ‘Choose the correct word from a, b, ¢ or d: (4m/1meach) 1. They .... areport about animals and plants that are in danger. a. discovered b. published ¢. produced d. built 2. If We wee plastic rubbish, we will pollute the air. a. burned b. burns ¢. will burn d. burn 3. The wind turbines energy for the community. a. find b. produce «. help d. go 4. | didn't send the report until | ... . a. had revised b. revises ¢. revising d. revise (Dcomplete the sentences with the correct form of the word(s) in brackets: (3m/1meach) .. (have) better roads. (tidy) his room before he started studying. .. (gone) to help the disabled at weekends. 1. We could get to the coast quicker if they ........ 2. Ramy 3. When I'm older, I'm (0) Writing 6 Write a paragraph of SIX sentences on: (3 marks) "Visiting the coast" 11 ve Borer (CD supply the missing parts in the following dialogue: (3m/1meach) — ~_ (A} Language Functions Ramy and Yasser are talking about deforestation. Ramy_: Hello, Yasser What are you doing now? Yasser :1am reading about @ .. Ramy :® Yasser : Deforestation means that there are fewer trees in rainforests. Ramy _ : Is it dangerous for the environment? Yasser :®... ... . It damages the natural habitat of many animals. Ramy_ : How terrible! Scientists should solve this problem. (B) Reading comprehension (Read and complete the text with words from the followi lists) (2m /%m each) above - satellites - under- space - land Farouk El-Baz is one of the most important O sw Scientists in the world. In 1969, he helped to plan where Apollo 11 should @ . onthe moon. He also used @ ............... to find rivers that were @ ... the sand. This work has helped Egypt to find underground water. © Read the following, then answer the questions: (5m/1meach) | work for an English language news website. | started at a newspaper, but | think more people read news online now, so | prefer this job. Lots of different journalists send me their articles, and | have to decide which ones are the most important. | look at two or three different websites that I trust to do this. Before the article goes on the website, | also have to check the facts that are in it. These will be the first ones that our readers will see. Then | check the writing. Sometimes, there are spelling mistakes or the language is not very easy to understand. It is my job to make the article as easy to understand as possible. Finally, | have to choose photographs to go with the article. Sometimes a photographer sends these, but usually we get them from other websites | studied English and media at university. First, | wanted to be a journalist, but then | decided that | preferred this job. It is very interesting because | can look at so many people's articles W Revision A. Answer the following questions: 1. What does the writer work for? 2. What did the writer study at university? 3. What does the underlined word "ones" refer to? B. Choose the correct word: 4. The writer of the article is a/aN .......0. a. camera operator b. editor c. web designer d. photographer 5. Which of the following does the writer not need to check? a. spelling b. facts c. writing d. the journalist's Arabic (2) choose the correct word from a, b, ¢ or d: (4m/1meach) 1. The fossils were .. . well for further study. This means they were kept for a long time. a. discovered b. preserved . sold d. chosen 2. You should avoid ... on that wall because it is dangerous. a. to sit b. si ¢. sitting d. sat 3. If we... .. more time, we would visit our cousins in the village. a. had b. have ¢. having d. has 4.To . is to send a programme or some information by radio or TV. a. retire b. present ¢. award d. broadcast K} complete the sentences with the correct form of the word(s) in brackets: (3m/1meach) 1. Sally ... (told) Samira, "I will go to Cairo tomorrow." 2. She came late, so she .. (punish). 3. He used to waste water, but now he see (NOt). (D) Writing ( Write a paragraph of SIX sentences on: (3 marks) “How to protect our planet" 2° Term 13 ve Borer (supply the missing parts in the following dialogue: (3m/1meach) Nader and Hassan are talking about their dream jobs. Nader — : Hi, Hassan. What is your dream job? Hassan: I'd like to become a robotic engineer. (OG (A} Language Functions Nader :@.... eee seo? Hassan: Because it is my father's job. What about you? Nader :@ oe Hassan :1 think it is easy to work in a hospital. Nader :6............. (B) Reading comprehension (read and complete the text with words from the following list:} (2mm cach) compe ion - saved - engineering - match - researcher - save Egypt's Ayman Ragab, a space science @ .. .. currently located in Finland, graduated with honors from the faculty of @ ..... . at Aswan University. He worked as a teaching assistant at the same university until 2019. He entered NASA's 6 ... .. and came second. He has recently found ways to @... . energy when there is little gravity. © Read the following, then answer the questions: (5m/1meach) Alarge factory in Denmark has an inexpensive way of producing renewable energy. It burns rubbish. If the factory didn't burn rubbish, it would go to the landfill sites. By burning the rubbish, the factory produces enough electricity for 150,000 homes. If the factory burned fossil fuel to make the electricity, it would produce a lot more greenhouse gases. There is a garden on the roof of the factory. The plants there absorb some of the air pollution that comes from the factory. You can also ski down the roof! Isn't it amazing? A. Answer the following questions: 1. What does the factory produce? 2. What would happen if they didn't burn the rubbish? 3. What do the plants on the roof do? 14 W Revision B. Choose the correct word from a, b, cor d: 4, The underlined "It" refers to . . a. Denmark b. the factory ¢. the electricity d. the garden 5. The word absorb means . a. take out b. take ¢. take down d. take notes 1. A... iS a series of contests in some sports or games. a. towel b. tower ¢. tournament d. tour 2. | remember ............ to school early when | was a student. a. to go b. going to ¢. going d. went 3. Before |............ to the radio, Ali had done his homework. a. listen b. listened ¢. listening d. had listened 4. . means certainly, without any doubt. a. Definitely b. Likely ¢. Probably d. Slightly 6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word(s) in brackets: (3m/1meach) . (is) a theatre. (build) thousands of years ago. .. (didn't watch) the film the day 1. That old building used to 2. The Pyramids ..... 3. Shereen said that she . before. (0) Writing (write a paragraph of SIX sentences on: (3 marks) “How to protect our environment" 2° Term 15 Mona is going to give a speech to her classmates about recycling. Dina: Hello, Mona. You look worried. Why? Mona :O Dina :@ . . Mona_: Because recycling is very important for the environment. Dina 70 - - Mona_ :I'd like to start by saying everyone in our class has a role. (B) Reading comprehension © Read and complete the text with words from the following list:] | (2m /%m each) newspaper - doing - space - do - hospitals - rivers In the next twenty years, life will be different. The way we study and work will change. Normal people will be able to go into O .. to visit other planets like the moon. Robots will @ ...... .. Most of the jobs. They will write © ... articles, drive cars and fly planes. Robots will replace human doctors in @ (read the following, then answer the questions: (5m/1meach) Mrs. Suzan went shopping with her son. They were looking for a present for Mr. Smith's birthday. He will be fifty years old. Mrs. Suzan is five years younger than her husband. She wanted to buy him a new camera and Tom, their son, wanted to buy him a sweater. They drove to the department store on the city center. Mrs. Suzan and Tom took the stairs up to the Men's clothing department on the second floor. Tom bought a nice sweater for 250 pounds. Then, they went up to the electrical department on the third floor to buy the camera. Mrs. Suzan bought a digital camera for 750 pounds, then they took the elevator down. On their way home, they stopped to buy a nice cake for the party. Mr. Smith was very pleased with the presents and they had a nice party. A. Answer the follo' ues! 1. How much money did Tom and his mother pay for the presents? W Revision 2. How old is Mrs. Suzan? 3. Why did Mrs. Suzan and her son buy the sweater and the camera? B. Choose the correct wor: 4. They bought a on their way home. a. sweater b. camera cake di. shirt 5. They went to the department store bi a. bus b. metro ta (D> choose the correct word from a, b, ¢ or d: (4m/1meach) . is the place where the rubbish is kept. d. cor I site b) deforestation ¢) recycle d) airport . if he read the e-mail. a) replies b) will reply ©) replied d) would reply 3. A/An .. is a person who travels into space. a) officer b) astronaut ©) astronomer d) pilot 4. The manager said that he... ... the clients the day after. a) meet b) would meet ¢) met d) will meet © Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word(s) in brackets: (3m/1meach) 1. As a popular game, football . .. (play) by millions of people every day. 2. We should avoid .. 3. In the future, more people (eat) unhealthy food. (learn) online. (0) Writing © Write a paragraph of SIX sentences on: (3 marks) “How to keep the environment clean" 2° Term 17 1@ esas] (A} Language Functions (CD supply the missing parts in the following di : (3m/1meach) Malak is talking with Hania about a tongue-twister. Hania : The sentence in this poem is a tongue-twister. Malak : I'm Sorry, but I'm not sure | understand what you mean by that. Hania : | mean that it O to say. Malak : Could you @ .. an example? Hania : Yes, I'll read it, she sells sea shells on the sea shore. Malak : Well, do you mean the letter in the words are all the same? Hania : They aren't all the same, but they are hard @ .... (8) Reading comprehension (Read and complete the text with words from the following list:] (2mm each) will - renewable - fuels - won't - recycle - cut We should do our best to keep the environment clean. We mustn't O we .. down trees because they absorb carbon dioxide. Also, we mustn't burn fossil @ ............... to avoid climate change. That's why we should use © we .. energy such as solar energy and wind power. So, we @ .. be able to live in a safe environment. © Read the following, then answer the questions: (5m/1meach) Yesterday, my mother wanted to visit my aunt who lives in Damietta. She asked us over lunch, who would like to go with her. We all were busy, so no one answered quickly. She was angry, but she didn't say so. That was clear when she didn't have dinner with us. | tried to make her happy by telling her some good jokes, still she was angry. My elder sister said, "Mom, /'li go with you tomorrow". Then she smiled and, began preparing her bag. Suddenly, the doorbell rang, | opened it and then we all started laughing. Here was my aunt: she came to visit my mother. A. Answer the following questions: 1. What did the mother want to do? 2. How many of the family wanted to go with her? W Revision 3. When did the mother laugh? Choo: correct word from a, b, ¢ or d: 4. The mother asked to visit her at lunch. a- father b- aunt ¢- uncle d- sister 5. They all when they saw the visitor. a- cried b-ran c- laughed d- walked (2) choose the correct word from a, b, ¢ or d: (4m/1meach) 1. If |had more time, I ........... more books. a- had b- have ¢- would read d- read 2. Thousands of fish . .... from the Mediterranean Sea every day. a- are catch b- caught ¢ were caught d- are caught 3. The ............ i a force which attracts things or people to the centre of the Earth. a- space b- gravity ¢- satellite d- jet 4A .. is a person who has seen an accident, crime etc. a- ess b- hairdresser « maid d- judge (complete the sentences with the correct form of the word(s) in brackets: (3m/1meach) 1. Do you enjoy ...... (play) the piano? 2.1 didn't send the report until | .. .. (revised) it. 3. Samir.. .. (said) me that he would travel to London the following week, (0) Writing (© Write a paragraph of SIX sentences on: (3 marks ) Renewable Energy’ 19 Five Isis WC) vised 9B) (A} Language Functions (CD supply the missing parts in the following dialogue: (3m/1meach) Nora: Have you heard of Wadi Al Hitan? Sara :0 . . Many ancient fossils are found there. Nora :@ - a? Sara: in the Fayoum Depression. Nora: Do you think it is a good place to visit. Sara :@... (8) Reading comprehension © Read and complete the text with words from the following list:} | (2m /%m each) didn't - everywhere - send - take - make - had The mobile phone is one of the most important modern inventions. It has photos many advantages as you can use it O .. and you can @ ... with it. You can also ® ... ... and receive emails by it. People @ used the telephone for a long time before the mobile was invented. (read the following, then answer the questions: (5m/1meach) Safia el Mohandes was the first female voice on the radio. She was born in 1922 in Cairo. Her father encouraged her to read Arabic books and novels. She graduated from the faculty of Arts in 1945. Safia joined the Egyptian radio in 1947. She presented programmes for women and for children. Her most famous programmes was “housewives”. She was called the mother of all broadcasters as she was very kind and helpful to all radio broadcasters. A. Answer the following questions: 1. What was Safia El Mohandes? 2. When did Safia join the radio? 3. Why was Safia called the mother of all broadcasters? 20 W Revision B. Choose the correct word: 4. Safia Presented programmes for the wee family. a- Egypt b- Egyptian ¢- American d- British 5. Safia was born in ... : a- 1947 b- 1945 c- 1922 d- 1955 (> choose the correct word from a, b, ¢ or d: (4m/1meach) 1. Climate change . by greenhouse gases. a- cause is caused ¢- causes d- are caused 2. "Pollute" becomes noun by adding . a- -ment b- -sion ¢ ion d- -ence 3. Ayman said just now that he ..... . in Qalyoub. a- lives b- lived «live d- living 4. . means unable to understand something clearly. a- Awake b- Clever ¢- Confused d- Clear (Dcomplete the sentences with the correct form of the word(s) in brackets: (3m/1meach) (studies) well, he would pass the exam. . (be) to Aswan? .... (finish) my work. 5. | didn't go to the cinema until | (D) Writing 6 Write a paragraph of SIX sentences on: (3 marks) " Climate change " 2° Term 21 eve Ber GY pos) fit (A} Language Functions (3m/1meach) Ramy and Nader are talking about Nader's journey to Luxor Ramy_: Where did you go last winter? Nader :1 went to Luxor. Ramy _ : Luxor! O.. Nader : By train. Ramy :@.. Nader :1 went with my family. Ramy : © ww. a Nader :!sawa lot of temples and statues. They are amazing. Ramy_: How long did you stay in Luxor ? Nader : For a week and | wish to visit it agai (B) Reading comprehension ‘eo Read and complete the text with words from the following list:} (2m /%m each) since - passing - jobs - pass - science - factories If you are good at maths and O . then you'd like to go to a technology school. You also need to @ ... a test to get into a technical school. Students who are successful often workin ©................ and business to get experience. They can easily find @ .... . there when they leave school. © Read the following, then answer the questions: (5m/1meach) We were having lunch. The food smelled good and tasted fantastic. There were also sweets to eat in the end. My four-year old sister was sitting next to mum. Mum wanted to help her but she wanted to depend on herself. Suddenly, a small cat came into the room. We didn't know how it came in. It jumped up into the table near my sister who was frightened and dropped the jug of water. The jug broke and the water ran and wet our clothes. But the cat didn't care. It strangely took part in the meal. Mum stood up and gave it some food to eat. Then, the cat went away and we put our things right. A. Answer the following questions: 1. What was the meal like? W Revision 2. Where did the little girl sit? 3. Why did the mother sit her daughter in this place? B. Choose the correct word from a, b, ¢ or d: 4. The underlined pronoun "herself" refers to the . a. meat b. cat ¢. mother d. little sister 5. The writer's sister was ...........- a. three b. four ¢. five d. six (> choose the correct word from a, b, ¢ or d: (4m/1meach) 1. The long threads are made into ... on looms. a. fabric b. ink ¢. waste d. rubbish 2. A sss. is Someone who reads the news on television or radio. a. photographer b. tourist ¢. sailor d. newsreader 3. My brother didn't leave the room... he had turned off the light. b. before ¢. until d. then me that he had bought a new laptop. b. said ¢. tell d. told (complete the sentences with the correct form of the word(s) in brackets: (3m/1meach) 1. If the train is late, | .. 2. That lake . 3. Emad ..... (phone) you. .. (form) hundreds of years ago by a volcano. (not use) to play football when he was young. (0) Writing (write a paragraph of SIX sentences on: (3 marks ) Solar energy 2° Term 23 tne Bere GY nis) (A} Language Functions Youssef and Ali are talking about reading. Youssef: Hello, All. What are you doing? Ali : Hello, Youssef. O ... Youssef: I know you enjoy reading English stories. @ . Ali : | bought it yesterday. Youssef: © ... eee Ali : Yes, of course. You can borrow it. Youssef: Thanks a lot. Ali : You're welcome. (B) Reading comprehension © Read and complete the text with words from the following list:] | (2m /%m each) jacket - start - could - can - energy - way Last year, my father took me out on his boat. | had to wear a safe life O and he told me that | @ .. . walk slowly around the boat but | couldn't run. We sailed along © . , and after three hours, | wasn't able to see the beach only the sea. Then, the engine stopped! We tried to O it, but we couldn't. © Read the following, then answer the questions: (5m/1meach) Many people are interested in learning English. It is known that it is a very important language as it is spoken all over the world. It isn't difficult to learn English. You will use it even when you join the university, but unless you use English, you will forget it. The English language gives us the chance to read English books and many wonderful stories. Speaking English fluently will help you when you travel to foreign countries to be able to communicate with people there. It is also difficult to use the internet without knowing much about English. It's better for all of us to learn and improve it well. A. Answer the following questions: 1. What is the main idea of the passage? 2. What will happen if you don't use English? 3. Why do we use English when we travel to foreign countries? B. Choose the correct word: 4. Itis . to learn English. a. difficult b. easy ¢. useless d. bad 5. The underlined word "it" refers to the .. . a. internet b. a story c. the university d. English (2) choose the correct word from a, b, ¢ or d: (5m/1meach) 1, Our school ... in around 1990. a. build is built ¢. was built d. built 2. That road ........... Means turn right. a, transport b. sign «. service d. truck 3. Our... .. system includes the sun and eight planets. a. solar b. rainy «. cloudy d. model 4. If | had more time, | more. a. read b. would read ¢. reading d. will read K} complete the sentences with the correct form of the word(s) in brackets: (3m/1meach) (sit) on that wall because it is dangerous. . (leave) the place earlier. 1. You should avoid .. 2. He didn't see me because | 3. Heba .. ( have) a wooden hairbrush , but now she has got one. (D) Writing (write a paragraph of SIX sentences on: (3 marks) “Your dream job" 2° Term 25 (A} Language Functions (CD supply the missing parts in the following dialogue: (3m/1meach) Omar :O Adel: Yes, I did. Omar _ : What did you see? the national park yesterday? Adel 310. .. birds and animals. Omar :6... . to clean the park? Adel _ : Volunteers helped to clean it. (B) Reading comprehension (2) Read and complete the text with words from the following list:} (2m /%m each) on - succeed - feelings - with - flowers - weather It is true that the presents that we give others are a good thing. They show our love for some dear people. They show our warm @ .. towards our friends and relatives. We usually offer presents @ birthdays. When some of our friends © . . in an exam we also offer them presents. When someone of our friends is ill in a hospital, we visit them and offer them colorful @ .... (} Read the following, then answer the questions: (5m/1meach) Seagrass is found in the sea along the coasts of many countries. It is food for many sea animals, including turtles. Baby fish and sea animals live in seagrass because it is a safe place. Seagrass helps the sea to stay healthy and it can help stop climate change. This is because seagrass absorbs 10% of the ocean's carbon dioxide every year. Seagrass absorbs carbon dioxide 35 times faster than rainforests. A, Answer the following questions: 1. Why do baby fish live in seagrass? 2. Where is seagrass found? 3. Give a suitable title for the text? W Revision B. Choose the correct word from a, b, ¢ or d: 4, Seagrass helps keep the sea .. : a. healthy b. unhealthy . dirty d. clean 5. Baby fish and sea animals live in seagrass because it's place .......... a. save b. safe «. dangerous d, important (} choose the correct word from a, b, ¢ or d: (4m/1meach) 1. People cut .......... a lot of our rainforests every year. a. down b. out «in d. of 2. The Kharga oasis by desert. a. are surrounded _b. is surrounded ¢. surrounded d. surrounds 3. Astronauts can fly in a space a. station b. telescope ¢. craft d. wire 4. Ifwe .. more time, we would visit our cousins. a. have b. are «did d. had GC Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word(s) in brackets: (3m/1meach) 1. We... . (go) out for a walk after we had finished our homework. 2. Mariam told me that she was studying . (now). 3. Hanan always avoids ... .. (waste) her time. (D) Writing ‘6 Write a paragraph of SIX sentences on: (3 marks) " Media now and in the past." 2° Term 27 (A} Language Functions CG Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue: (3m/1meach) Eyad and Adam are talking about spending their spare time. Adam _ : What do you do in your spare time, Eyad? Eyad :®0 Adam : Read stories! That's wonderful. @ Eyad :1 prefer short stories. Adam : 6... es at home and some! Eyad :Somet es at school library. Adam_ : | will bring you some interesting ones. (B) Reading comprehension 6 Read and complete the text with words from the followii :] (2m/%meach) floods - would - planet - renewable - history Our weather is changing and our @ ... .. is getting hotter. One of the reasons for this is climate change. There are more @ .. .., droughts and forest fires than any time before. If we don't stop burning fossil fuels, climate change 6 .. ... get worse. So we need to use cleaner @ ... energy such as solar energy. K Read the following, then answer the questions: (5m/1meach) One day, my elder brother Hazem and his friends came home very angry. They said that the streets around their school were not clean enough. There was rubbish everywhere, so they decided, with the help of the pupils of their school, to clean these streets and put rubbish baskets everywhere. Most teachers and parents encouraged them very much. Now, you can see beautiful flowers and trees on both sides of the streets. Everyone is happy and proud. Visitors say, "What a lovely place! What a lovely school!" A. Answer the following questions: 1. Who cleaned the streets around the school? 2. What did Hazem and his friends do to make the place lovely? wot Revision 3. Are the writer's elder brother and his friends helpful? Choo: correct word from a, b, ¢ or d: 4. The streets around the school were a) hot b) dean * @ dirty €) lovely 5. Most .. encouraged the pupils very much. a) parents only b) teachers only ¢) visitors only d) parents and teachers (choose the correct word: (4m/1meach) 1. They (are having - would have - will have - would had) fewer storms if climate change stopped. 2. We decided to start a recycling project to (retry - redo - reuse - rewrite) plastic bottles in our community. 3. A (witness - worker - governor - tourist) is a person who rules an area ora city. 4. | didn't have lunch (as soon - before - yet - until) | had returned home. © Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word(s) in brackets: (3m/1meach) 1. The park .. 2. We enjoy 3. Mariam said that she .. uu. (clean) every day. (play) football at the weekend. .. (is) ill the day before. (0) Writing (¢) Write a paragraph of SIX sentences on: (3 marks) “A review of things we can recycle" 2° Term 29 ve Borer (CDseupply the missing parts in the following dialogue: (3m/1meach) 1 oe 0s8 | (A} Language Functions Yousif meets a tourist. Yousif : Welcome to Egypt. Where do you come from? Tourist: © Yousif : Italy! How did you come to Egypt? Tourist: @ Yousif : ® Tourist : | will stay for a week. Yousif : | wish you a nice holiday. Tourist : Thank you. (8) Reading comprehension (©) Read and complete the text with words from the following list:) (2m / 1m each) 1 - funny - called - me - names - likes 1 work in a tourist information office. Three other people work with O . They are @ ............... Nada, Samar and Omar. Nada is a very © irl and she always makes jokes. Samar is an older woman and | don't know her very well. Omar is a friendly man and everyone @ .. him because he's very helpful. G Read the following, then answer the questi (5m/1meach) Egypt is a big Arab country. It is located in the north east of Africa. Egypt has population of about 104 million people. They are famous for being kind and friendly. Egypt also has a very fine weather and a very long and great history. Its fine weather and its beautiful ancient monuments attract millions of tourists from all over the world. The Great pyramid in Giza is the most popular monument in the world. We all should be proud of Egypt. A. Answer the following questions: 1. What attract tourists to Egypt? 2. What is the most popular monument in the world? W Revision 3. What is the weather in Egypt like? Choo: correct word from a, b, ¢ or d: 4. The Egyptians are .. people. a) lazy b) friendly ¢) strange d) negative 5. Egypt has a population of one hundred million. a) more b) less ©) under d) about 6 Choose the correct word from a, b, ¢ or d: (4m/1meach) 1. The Egyptian museums .... .. by many tourists every day. a) visit b) are visited ©) are visiting d) visiting 2. Plants arbon dioxide from the air. a) absorb b) release ©) send d) heat 3. The ............ is a person who travels into space a) pilot b) driver ©) thinker d) astronaut 4. The man... us that he would attend the meeting. a) said b) told ©) asked d) said to K 5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word(s) in brackets: (3m/1meach) 1. When | was ill last month, 1 ..... .. (take) to the hospital, but now | am well. 2. My father ... Lo 3. | didn't go to the theatre unti (use) to live on a farm. . (finish) my work. (0) Writing (©) Write a paragraph of SIX sentences on: (3 marks) "Climate change" 2° Term ve Borer ie eaggad| (A} Language Functions GC Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue: (3m/1meach) Ahmed_ : You look busy, Ali? Ali : Yes, I'm reading a film review. Ahmed :@............. Co Ali : It's about "Modern Egypt". Ahmed :@............ esse secensnees 2 Ali : It says our plans today will make Egypt a better place to live in. Ahmed: What will the internet be like in Modern Egypt? Ali 76... (B) Reading comprehension (read and complete the text with words from the following list:] (2mm cach) photos - can - storms - are - signal - land Satellites allow us to study the weather all around the world. They send @ we .. of the earth from space. When these are put together, they show how clouds and @ ... .. are moving. Lots of people have satellite TV so that they © .. ... watch their favourite shows and sports matches. The @ .. goes to a receiver on the house. (Read the following, then answer the questions: (5m/1meach) Paper is the most useful gift of human skill. We write and print on paper. We keep our office records on paper. Students make their tasks on paper. We cannot do without paper. But, how much paper do people use every year? Probably you can't answer that question quickly. In 1900 the world's use of paper was about one kilogram for each person a year. Now some countries use as much as 50 kilograms of paper for each person a year. But countries like The United States and England certainly use more paper than other countries. In Egypt, paper wasn't very commonly used before the year 1400, Paper, like many other things that we use today, was first made in China. The Chinese first made paper about 2000 years ago. China still has pieces of paper which were made as long ago as that. Nowadays, people should use less paper to build greener world. A. Answer the follo' 1. How much paper did each person use a year in 1900? uestions: 2. Why is paper the most useful gift of human skill? 3. Is it useful to use less paper? Why? Why not? Choose the correct wor 4, Paper was first made in a) The United States b) China ¢) England d) Egypt 5. Now, the use of paper is . than the past. a) less b) many ¢) much d) more (Q) choose the correct word from a, b, ¢ or d: (4m/1meach) 1, Alazhar Mosque . about more than 1,000 years ago. a) was building ——_—b) is building ¢) was built 4) is built 2. My father helped me do my homework, after he w.w..i« his work. a) has finished b) finishes ¢) will finish d) had finished 3. Don't throw paper, glass or plastic, we can use them again they are wwe « a) rechargeable —_—) reusable energy-saving _d) sustainable 4. My brother is interested in the internet; he knows how to make his work look really good on a page. | think he would be a good... a) web designer b) photographer ¢) radio presenter d) camera operator (complete the sentences with the correct form of the word(s) in brackets: (3m/1meach) (is) made in 2007. (these) books had been very interesting. . (be) able to go out today. (D) Writing 6 Write a paragraph of SIX sentences on: (3 marks) “How we can help protect our environment" 1. A list of the new seven wonders 2. Ali said that .... 3. It's raining, we (A} Language Functions (7) supply the missing parts in the following dialogue: (3m/1meach) Gana and Dina are talking about the next summer holiday. Gana: Hi, How are you? Dina: Hello, Gana. O . wees Gana_: Where are you going to spend the next summer holiday? Dina :@... Gana_: Alexandria! @ .. Dina: | will go with my family. (B) Reading comprehension G6 Read and complete the text with words from the following list:] (2m /%m each) sl diet - fur - habitat - swim - swimming Polar bears are excellent swimmers, but their favourite O .. is on top of the ice that covers Arctic seas much of the year. They have thick layers of fat and @ .. .... to keep them warm while ® .. . The majority of polar bears' @ .............. consists of seals which they catch in the water. G Read the following, then answer the questions: (5m/1meach) The Nile is a major river in north eastern Africa. It is the longest river in the world. It is about 6670 km long. The Nile comes from two major sources. These are Lake Victoria which feeds the White Nile and lake Tana which feeds the Blue Nile branch. The Nile runs through 10 countries. These are: Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Congo, Kinshasa, Kenya, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan and Egypt. So, it is the main water source of Egypt and Sudan. A. Answer the following questions: 1. How long is the Nile? W Revision B. Choose the correct word from a, b, ¢ or d: 4. The passage is mainly about .. a- Egypt b- The Nile ¢- The ancient Egyptians —d- Africa 5. The Nile is the .. river in the world. a- shortest —_b- widest c- smallest d- longest (> choose the correct word from a, b, ¢ or d: (4m/1meach) 1. The mongoose's body is covered by thick ..... . a- feather b- fur ¢- skin d- leather 2. Rice ... .. in Egypt by farmers. a- grow b- were grown ¢ grows d- is grown 3. If | cuss. Special power, | would save the world. a- have b- bas ¢- don't have d- had 4. Don't worry, the ............ will show us the right way. a- GPS b- weather ¢- telescope d- camera (complete the sentences with the correct form of the word(s) in brackets: (3m/1meach) 1. What do I need .. (buying) from the shops, Mum? 2. Hoda did very well in the test because she .... .. (revise) carefully. 3. The owner explained that there .... ... (will) be over 100 new jobs next year. (D) Writing (¢) Write a paragraph of SIX sentences on: (3 marks) “How to solve the problem of climate change" ail} Ea g AcLdall jy Li cial Aan (Gall wo eVeVVAGOTFY Copan gelled SVVEVORNGGO pede e Ve OWN) eV AP OUYY Wall gras GudgHll jylies LE GUS oho] asd Ciba ae

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