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Molly Becker

Susan Madison

EDT 317

22 April 2024

Final Lesson Plan Reflection

My lesson, 'Exploring Movement Through Nature,' was a great experience for both the

kids and me. From the start, the kids were excited and engaged. They loved pretending to be

animals and exploring fake footprints. Seeing their enthusiasm reminded me why hands-on

learning is crucial for young ones. Engaging in tasks like mimicking animal movements,

examining footprints, and collaborating in group activities facilitated their understanding of

movement, teamwork, and nature in a hands-on manner. Initially, the lesson proceeded as

anticipated, with the children displaying enthusiasm and actively participating in activities such

as acting like animals and exploring footprints. Their collaborative spirit was particularly

noteworthy, indicating a positive response to group engagement.

Upon reflection, there are aspects I would adjust for future implementations. I would

introduce a wider range of animal movements to enhance the children's interest and diversify

their learning experience. Additionally, I observed varying levels of engagement among the

children during certain activities, prompting the need for clearer instructions and additional

support for those who require it.

In addition, from this lesson, I gained valuable insights into effective strategies for

facilitating preschoolers' learning. Incorporating tangible elements like authentic animal prints
enriched the learning experience and deepened the children's understanding. Moreover, teaching

them new vocabulary related to movement and nature encouraged verbal expression and

enhanced communication skills.

A highlight of the lesson was witnessing the children's imaginative play as they pretended

to be animals in a simulated forest environment. This emphasized the importance of fostering a

joyful and imaginative learning atmosphere. It was able to provide valuable insights into the

children's interests and learning styles. Their excitement and curiosity during activities such as

examining animal footprints highlighted the significance of hands-on learning experiences.

While the lesson proceeded smoothly overall, I identified areas for improvement, particularly in

catering to individual needs and interests. Providing tailored support, such as pairing children or

offering additional guidance, can ensure all children feel confident and engaged.

In conclusion, this lesson served as a valuable learning experience, emphasizing the

importance of adaptability and responsiveness to the diverse needs of young learners. Moving

forward, I am committed to incorporating these insights into future lessons, fostering an

inclusive and nurturing learning environment where every child can thrive. By continually

refining my approach and actively engaging with each child's unique strengths and interests, I

aim to create meaningful and enriching learning experiences that inspire lifelong curiosity and


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