Final Multigrade

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Multigrade Education

to Multigrade
Course Description
This is a course in implementation of multi-
grade course that deals with the theories,
principles, and concepts of multi-grade
learners and classes. It includes pedagogical
approaches and contextualized learning
environments for the different grade and age
levels that are grouped for instructions in
different school situations.
What is a Multigrade Class?
A multigrade class consists of two or more different grade levels in a single-grade classroom
manned by one teacher for an entire school year.

History and Background of multi-grade classes in the


 The Multi-Grade System has been implemented since the 1920s.

 It has always been covered by policies on monograde class organization which resulted in multi-
grade classes.
 The multi-grade system has been with us for quite some time but it is very obvious that we have
not regarded it as a very viable alternative delivery system to provide access to basic education as
well as quality education by providing complete grade levels in all public elementary schools.
A multi-grade class is defined as a class composed of two or more grades with less than one teacher
in a complete or incomplete elementary school.
What is a Multigrade Class?
A multigrade class consists of two or more different grade levels in a single-grade classroom
manned by one teacher for an entire school year.

History and Background of multi-grade classes in the

 The DECS (now DepEd) officials then had always recognized the existence of multi grade classes.
 It was only under the leadership of Secretary Armand Fabella (1993-1994) that the multi grade
program was launched as a systematic and viable means of meeting the goal and providing education for
The existence of the multi-grade classes in our country is also embodied under the provision of the
Philippine Constitution. Considering the present thrusts of the government to make at least elementary
education truly accessible to all particularly to children in remote barangays, a policy has been made and
declared to build a school in all school-less barangays where enrolment and population growth trends
warrant the establishment of a new school, and develop and /or implement the Multigrade System of
Delivery, so as to enable children to complete their elementary schooling particularly in areas where it is
uneconomical to put up a six-classroom building.
Why Multi-Age/Multi-Grade Classes
Teaching Exists in the Philippines
 As an archipelago consisting of more than 7,000 islands, the
delivery of government services, such as education, remains
challenging and sparse. In remote locations, classrooms practice
multigrade teaching—where one teacher instructs students from
different grade levels—to address issues of accessibility and teacher

Since 1993, the Philippine Department of Education (DepEd) has

considered multigrade education as a practical solution to bring
education to school-age children located in geographically isolated,
disadvantaged, conflict-affected, and sparsely populated
Why Multi-Age/Multi-Grade Classes
Teaching Exists in the Philippines
 It enables children to be grouped by need,
ability, or interest, not just by age. It builds
leadership and responsibility in older children. It
solidifies the skills of older children because they
have the experience of teaching and working
with younger children.
Benefits of Multigrade
 Improved Academic Outcomes
 Boosts Social Skills
 Encourages Emotional Well-
 Builds Self-Confidence
 Provides Stability
 Offers a Real-World Experience
Purpose of Multigrade Classroom
Our small school setting largely escapes the
We have a lower teacher-pupil ratio
fixed schedules, pull-out programs, red tape
than other private schools in the area.
and administrative trivialities of larger
This allows for more careful
schools. This enables new teaching strategies
assessment of the needs, strengths,
to be implemented with a minimum of delay.
and weaknesses of each student. The
Field trips, projects and use of equipment can
teacher is better able to individualize
fit into the actual flow of the classroom
the instruction to fit the student’s
learning experience without having to adjust
needs, learning style, and potential.
to the plans of several other classrooms.
Purpose of Multigrade Classroom
Several studies have found that multi-grade A sense of community quickly
classrooms improve personal and social develops. There is more
development. Students learn to work with a wide
interaction among a smaller
age span. Cooperative learning and peer tutoring
group. The mix of ages and
helps sharpen social skills. Independent work
habits as well as greater feelings of responsibility abilities is more like a family
and self-esteem are developed. Competition than is found in large classrooms
between peers is reduced, as is the anxiety and of same-age children.
pre-occupation of having to compete.
Purpose of Multigrade Classroom
Studies have shown that students from multi-
grade schools do as well or better on
standardized tests as do students in single grade Character building is the center piece of
classrooms. However, more small school Adventist Christian education. The family
students go on to college. Leadership Students atmosphere of the small school provides an
have the opportunity to develop leadership skills environment that supports and extends this
important work begun in the home.
from an early age. Every student is called upon
to lead out in some aspect of the school program
- a true training ground for the future.
Best Practices of
Multigrade Teaching
Connecting the
Collaborative Learning Using Differentiated Teaching to Real
Learning Life Situation

Collaborative learning This practice is a practical way

involves students working Differentiated instruction of education in which the
together and solving a teacher is making the
demonstrates how educators
specific problem, classroom the real world for
completing a task, and incorporate strategies in
addressing their pupils' needs, pupils. This theme includes the
solving a certain problem. explicit strategy of teaching and
It is also known As interests, and learning styles.
integrative teaching.
“teamwork Learning”
Best Practices of
Multigrade Teaching
Integrating Technology in Flexibility of the
Teaching Teacher

Collaborative learning involves Differentiated instruction

students working together and demonstrates how educators
solving a specific problem, incorporate strategies in
completing a task, and solving a addressing their pupils' needs,
certain problem. It is also known As interests, and learning styles.
“teamwork Learning”
Legal Basis for Establishing
Multi-Age/Multi-Grade School
or Classes in the Philippines
The legal basis for establishing multi-grade
schools or classes in the Philippines is the
Constitution’s provision that the State shall
protect and promote the rights of all citizens to
equality education at all levels and take
appropriate steps to make education accessible
to all.
Strengthening The Implementation of
Multigrade Program in Philippine
The Multigrade Education is one of the Department’s
strategies to provide access to quality education for all
school-age children in remote communities where
enrolment does not warrant the organization of
monograde classes.
-To address recurring issues in the implementation of
DepED Order No. 96, s. 1997, “Policies and Guidelines
in the Organization and Operation of Multigrade (MG)
The following guidelines are issued:
Strict implementation of Special Hardship Allowance
for Multigrade Teachers as contained in Department
of Budget and Management (DBM) National Budget
Circular No. 514 dated December 5, 2007, “Guidelines
on the Grant of Special Hardship Allowance” shall be
Teachers assigned shall be trained on multigrade
instruction through a continuing standards-based
professional development program managed by a core
of division and regional MG trainers;
DepEd Order 81, Series 2019
The Bureau of Elementary Education (BEE) shall provide
the Multigrade Training Resource Package (MG-TRP) and
the Multigrade Teach-Learn Package (MG-TLP). The
second contains lesson plans and pupils learning
exercises in the different learning areas.
A core of trainers for the division-based training of MG
teachers has already been organized and trained for this
purpose. They will continuously provide training with
financial assistance from the Bureau of Elementary
DepEd Order 81, Series 2019
As much as possible, trained multigrade teachers shall
not be transferred to another school within two years.
All divisions are strongly encouraged to provide
additional incentives for these teachers.
Regular monitoring and technical assistance on the
implementation of MG program shall be conducted at
the division level. Monitoring report on the
findings/results shall serve as basis for planning
enhancement programs and policy formulation at all
Multi-Grade Teaching in a New
 Multi-grade learners struggled to learn in their unique
set-up given their remote location, the lack of standard
school facilities, and the limited availability of learning
 Challenges in New Normal Classes
- Difficulty understanding the lessons and activities
- Lack of instructional time and collaboration
- An adjustment period parent Support
- Behavior management
- Lack of effective communication.
- Balancing different learning styles
- Changing in educational trends and technology
The Challenges of Multigrade
 Some multigrade teachers experience
insufficient time in handling classes
 Difficulty traveling to the school assignments
 Mis-communication with parents due to
illiteracy, language, and cultural barriers
 Poor economic background
 Challenges in the actual teaching and learning
The Situation of Multi-Grade
Teaching in the Philippines
 With a call to enhance the state of Philippine education, we
evaluate the effectiveness of multigrade teaching and try to
understand the problems encountered by multigrade teachers in
the Philippines.

 The Philippine Multigrade program provides opportunities for

community schools with low enrolments and limited number of
teachers in remote areas the ability to offer a complete cycle of
elementary education.
The Situation of Multi-Grade
Teaching in the Philippines
 To what extent should the national government standardize
multigrade teaching practices and what types of support should be
prioritized to help multigrade schools achieve global

 Although it was imperfect, multigrade education has served as a

sufficient solution to the issue of accessibility to education in parts
of the Philippines. However, as the country developed, the
multigrade teaching situation failed to improve significantly,
leaving generations of Filipinos in need of quality education.

The situation of multigrade education in the Philippines is indeed,

diverse and complex.
Thank You!

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