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Topics Competencies Constructivist Teaching Strategies

Characteristics of Describe different objects based Hands-on exploration: Provide

solids, liquids, and on their characteristics (e.g., shape, students with various objects
gases weight, volume, ease of flow) representing solids, liquids, and
gases and allow them to observe
and manipulate them to identify
characteristics such as shape,
weight, volume, and ease of flow.

Inquiry-based learning: Encourage

students to ask questions and
explore the properties of different
materials through guided inquiry
activities, fostering curiosity and
critical thinking.
Human sense organs Enumerate healthful habits to Interactive activities: Engage
protect the sense organs students in activities that involve
their senses, such as sensory
experiments or simulations, to
understand how each sense organ

Health promotion projects: Have

students research and present on
healthful habits to protect sense
organs, encouraging them to take
ownership of their learning and
promote healthy behaviors.
Animals Describe animals in their immediate Observation and classification:
surroundings Provide opportunities for students
to observe animals in their
surroundings, classify them based
on various criteria, and discuss
their characteristics and habitats.

Role-playing and storytelling:

Encourage students to imagine
themselves as animals or create
stories from an animal’s
perspective, fostering empathy and
understanding of animal behavior.
Heat and Electricity Describe sources of light, sound, heat Experiments and demonstrations:
and electricity Conduct hands-on experiments and
demonstrations to explore sources
of light, sound, heat, and
electricity, allowing students to
observe and investigate the
principles behind them.

Problem-solving tasks: Present

real-life scenarios involving heat
and electricity where students
need to apply their understanding
to solve problems, promoting
critical thinking and application of
Proper disposal of Identify the effects of decaying Environmental projects: Task
waste materials on one’s health and safety students with researching the
effects of improper waste disposal
on health and safety, and then
develop and implement solutions
for waste management in their
school or community.

Debates and discussions: Facilitate

debates or discussions on waste
management practices,
encouraging students to consider
different perspectives and propose
sustainable solutions

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