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Junior Two

Final Revision

Unscramble the following words:
1. ingws --------------------

2. doby --------------

3. gueh ------------------

4. waslc ---------------

5. indoaurs ------------------

6. casyr ---------------

7. sourgedan -------------------

8. ailt ----------------

9. ynit --------------------

10. lows --------------

11. noetleks ------------------

12. gdi -------------

13. dnif ----------------

14. gju -------------

15. esbon -------------

16. ilssof --------------

17. enrokb --------------

18. ildub --------------

19. perttoy -----------------

20. acryr -------------------

21. pitr -------------------

22. necda -------------------

23. pord -------------------

24. etecomp -------------------

25. palc -------------------

26. keba -------------------

27. sdyut -------------------

28. artst -------------------

29. mlies -------------------

30. shnifi -------------------

31. necbuo -------------------

32. letvra -------------------

33. icetcarp-------------------

34. kacp -------------------

35. veom -------------------

36. eaenl -------------------

37. lapy -------------------

38. tiwa -------------------

Write the missing letters:
1. P _ t _ery

2. di _ o _aur

3. f _ s _ il

4. w _ngs

5. fi _ d

6. hu _ e

7. d _ g

8. _ laws

9. bo _ es

10. dan _ e_ous

11. _ ug
12. s _ ow

13. b _ o _ en

14. bo _y

15. b _ ild

16. ti _ y

17. s _ e _ eton

18. S _ary

19. Ta _ l

20. b _ ke

21. s _ udy
22. _ ta _t

23. ca _ _y

24. tr _ p

25. d _ op

26. c _ _ p

27. com _ ete

28. da _ ce

29. s _ i _e

30. fin _ s _

31. bo _ nc _

32. tr _ v _ l

33. pr _ ctic _
34. p _ c _

35. m _ ve

36. l _ _ rn

37. p _ a _

38. w _ _t

Choose the correct answers:
1- They began to (dig – build – broken) into the hill.
2- There are 206 (bones – potteries – fossils) in the
human body.
3- Many objects of bone, stone, and (pottery – dig –
bones) were discovered.
4- The remain or trace of a plant or animal from a past
age is (fossil – pottery – skeleton)
5- The girl was looking for her (fossil – jug – pottery) of
milk that she left on the table.
6- How do birds (broken – build – find) their nest?
7- Tom searched everywhere to (dig – build – find) his
8- Dinosaurs have a huge (skeleton – fossils – potteries).
9- Mom came back home to find all the dishes were (dig –
build – broken).
10- I couldn’t sleep yesterday because I watched a
(funny – scary – boring) movie.
11- His eyes looked (huge – tiny – slow) when he was
12- Don’t touch uncovered wires. It’s (huge – dangerous –
13- T-Rex is the king of (dinosaurs – cats – elephants).
14- Bears have sharp (nose – claws – tail).
15- Pandas have short (ears – tails – wings)
16- Tigers aren’t (slow – tiny – huge). They are fast.
17- The ant is very (fast – ting – huge)
18- Butterflies have beautiful (wings – claws – skeleton)
19- Yoga is very healthy for both (body – wings -
skeleton) and spirit.
20- He can’t (play – carry – dance) all of these bags! they
are so heavy.
21- Take care don’t (carry – trip – drop) there is some
water on the floor
22- She likes to (play – dance – study). She wants to be a
ballet dancer.
23- My little sister (drops – claps – bakes) all the dishes.
24- 60 runners (competed – clap – study) in a 10k race.
25- You cannot (dance – study – clap) with one hand.
26- My mom (started – baked – clapped) me a cake for
my birthday.
27- Tom doesn’t like to (dance – study – bake) his lessons
at night because he likes to sleep early.
28- The new movie (claps – starts – dances) at 3 pm.
29- Children like to (play – study – learn) all the time
with their toys!
30- My dad (travels – bounces – plays) a lot, he is a pilot.
31- She (bounced – played – learned) the ball quickly.
32- Jane (practices – learns – studies) yoga every day.
33- Sam (learns – studies – claps) to play the piano.
34- my family and I (moved- played – smiled) to a new
apartment last Sunday.
35- The baby (smiles – studies – packs) all the time. He is
36- I (pack – start – play) my bag by myself every day.
37- The football match (finished – moved – played) at 10
38- They (waited – learned – smiled) for him to arrive.
Rewrite the following sentences using the past simple:
1-We _______________ (fly) to Luxor on a big airplane
last week.
2-The fire ______________ (happen) while
we____________ (be) out of the car yesterday.
3- She _______________( drop) the vase last night.
4- My mother ______________( buy) a new car yesterday.
5-He ________________ (pay) his phone bill last month.
6-I ______________ (try) to talk to my father last night.
7- The driver _______________( stop) the bus to fix
8- The students _______________ (work) hard last
9-The dog _________________ (follow) us down the road.
10- I ____________( watch) a movie with my family last
11- She ___________( talk) to her grandparents last
12-Tom ______________ (find) a fossil last week.
13- My sister __________ (do) her homework and
_________ (go) to school.
14- I ____________( get up) late this morning.
15- I ____________( study ) hard ,and I __________(
pass) the exam yesterday.
16- They ___________( arrive) late and _________(miss)
the bus last night.
17- She ____________( have) a big doll as a birthday gift
18- When I was a child, I _____________( want) to be a
19- Today the weather is nice, but yesterday it
_____________( rain)
20- It was hot in the room, so I _____________( open)
the window.
21-Finally, we________________( find) the address.
22-She ________________( buy) tomatoes from the
market yesterday.
23- Tom ____________( say) he was ill last week.
24- After five years in London we___________( move) to a
small village last year.
25- The teacher asked him” Who_____________(do) your
homework, Jill?
26- They____________( pay) the bill and left the
27- The thief ___________( run) away from the bank last
28- They ____________ (have) a lot of talks yesterday.
29-I ________________ (read) the story at breakfast
this morning.
30- Little Sarah____________ (write) her first short
story two month ago.
Rewrite the following sentences using the past simple:
1- She visited her parents last weekend ( Question).
2- He cleaned his room last Sunday ( Negative).
3- Your mom made the breakfast late yesterday. ( Question).
4- She drank juice at the party last night (Negative).
5- We turned off the TV after the news ( Question).
6- He talked to his friend last weekend (Negative).
7- You ate cookies after dinner (Question).
8- You helped my mother to clean the room(Question).
9- She wanted to go the cinema alone (Negative).
10- The teacher found the missing exams ( Question).
11- I cleaned my teeth yesterday ( Negative).
12- The party started at 7.30 last night o´clock
13- We stayed at a very good hotel (Negative).
14- She lived in Scotland last year (Negative).
15- Lisa opened her present last night (Question).
16- Sue played basketball last Thursday (Negative).
17- The shops closed at 9 o'clock last the
18-My mom baked a cake yesterday (Negative).
19- I visited my friend last night (Negative).
20- They asked a lot of questions yesterday (Question).

Make questions using the past tense:

1- I phoned you yesterday.
2- You watched a film last night.
3- We went to a shop one hour ago.
4- They worked on Monday last week.
5- You went to school last morning.
6- She rode my bike yesterday.
7- They played football last afternoon.
8- He read a book last week.
9- Jane got a bike yesterday.
10- The policeman stopped the car.

Change the sentences into the negative form:

1- . He went along the road.
2- They heard the news.
3- The dog ran after the ball.
4- Jane broke her leg.
5- They were at home yesterday.
6- The weather was very nice last week.
7- The burgers were very expensive.
8- The exercise was easy.
9- They asked many questions last time.
10- They planned the holiday to France.
Fill in with the correct question word:
1- ____________ are you smiling?
Because I am happy.
2- ____________ is your home address?
5 yellow road.
3- ____________ do you like for breakfast?
I would like apple pie, please.
4- __________ are you from?
I am from Egypt.
5-____________ is your brother’s job?
He is a doctor.
6- __________ is your favorite subject?
My favorite subject is science.
7- ___________ do you study?
I study at home.
8- __________ were he born?
9-__________ are you going?
I am going to school.
10- ________ are you going to leave?
At 9:00 O’clock.

Choose the correct answer:

1- (when- what) do you go to school? At 7 o’clock.
2- (why – what) is the color of your bag? It’s yellow.
3- (when – what) did you come home? At 3 o’clock.
4- (where – why) were you absent yesterday? Because I
was tiried.
5- (what – when) is your friend’s name? Ahmed.
6- (when –what) did she arrive to Cairo? At half past
7- (what – where) did you buy yesterday? A new shirt.
8-( why – when) do you get up? At 6 o’clock.
9- (when- what) is she doing? She’s studying.
10- (where – why) is your car? In the parking.
Choose the correct answer:
1- Avatar is (the worst – the baddest – the bad) film I have
ever seen.
2- What is (the wettest –wetter-wet) month of the year in
3- Do you think books are ( better – the best – good) than
4- I think cartoons are ( funny – the funniest – funnier )
than films.
5- Is your brother ( older – the oldest – old) than your
6- John is ( the nicest – nicer – nicer ) person that I know.
7- Snakes are (fast – faster – the fastest) than snails.
8-London is ( biger – bigger-big) than Madrid.
9- Barcelona’s stadium is (new – the newest-newer) stadium
in Europe.
10- Five years ago I was ( fatter – the fatest- fat) than now.
11-Nothing makes my dad ( angrier-the angriest – angry)
than waiting on the phone.
12- A rock is ( heavy –heavier- the heaviest) than a leaf.
13- Tom is ( happy – happier – the happiest) than Peter.
14- Bicycles are( safe – safer- the safest) than motorbikes.
15- August is (the hot- the hotter- the hottest) month.
16- It is the ( larger- largest – large) shop in town.
17- Trains are ( slow –slower- the slowest) than airplanes.
18- Prices this year are ( higher – the highest- the higher)
than this year.
19- Beethoven was the ( great – greatest – greater )
composer in the western world.
20- Living in the country is (cheapest- cheaper – cheap) than
living in the city.

Rewrite the following sentences:

1- Miss Miller is _______________ ( good) English teacher
in the school.
2- I think running is _______________( healthy) sport in
the world.
3- The crocodile is_____________ ( wild) the snake.
4- It is______________(cold) in Iceland than in England.
5- Excuse me,” where is the________________(near) post
6- Blue whales are _________________( heavy) creatures
in the world.
7- He was _____________( luck) than me.
8- Who is the_____________( smart) person in your
9- Jupiter is______________( large) than the Earth.
10- Which is the _____________( short) month? It’s
11- . I think that good health is ___________( good) than
12- You look _____________ ( thin) than the last time I
saw you. Have you lost weight?
13- Arthur hates to clean. He has _________________
( dirty) car I’ve ever seen.
14- Sara is the ________________( kind) person I knew.
15- Angela works _________________ (hard) than I do.
16- Our teacher is ____________ (smart) than your
17- His voice is _________________( loud) voice in the
18- Annie usually gets up _____________(early) than her
19- A turtle moves _______________(slow) than a rabbit.
20- The students arrived __________________(late) than
the teacher.
Reading Comprehension
A- Haley’s Mask
Haley makes a mask.
How to Make a Mask
She starts with a paper plate. She draws
a face on it with a pencil. She colors it with
crayons. She uses scissors to cut out holes
for her eyes. She makes hair out of yarn.
She uses glue to put the yarn around the
edge of the plate. Haley’s mask is fun and
colorful. She puts it on and roars at her brother.
Choose the correct answer.
1- What does Haley use yarn to make?
a- hair b- face c- nose
2- What does Haley use to draw the face?
a- pencil b- crayon c- marker
3- What does Haley start her mask with?
a- yarn b- crayon c- paper plate
4- What is Haley’s mask like?
a- scary b- beautiful c- huge
B- A Weekend Outside

The Goldman family has a busy weekend planned.

On Saturday, they drive to the beach. The Goldman
kids like to swim in the ocean. Mr. Goldman brings
his bike. He doesn’t like to swim, but he does like to
bike. Mrs. Goldman watches the kids swim. Then the
whole family gets in the car and drives to the state
park. The Goldman kids play outside while Mr. and
Mrs. Goldman set up a tent. When night falls, they
all sleep in the tent. The next morning, they drive
home. It’s a fun weekend away from home.

Choose the correct answer.

1- The Goldmans go to the park first. Yes No

2- Mr. Goldman doesn’t like swimming. Yes No
Choose the correct answer.

1- What do the kids do at the beach?

a- bike b- swim c- sleep
2- Where does the family go after the beach?
a- park b- home c- ocean
3- Where does the family go at the end?
a- home b- park c- beach
C- Animals
Penguins are birds. They live in cold countries. They
can swim in water and walk on land, but they cannot fly.
They eat fish. They are black and white. Penguins lay
eggs. When the chicks are born they are yellow.
Giraffes are the tallest animals. They live in Africa.
They have long necks and long legs. They can run very
fast. Giraffes can grow up to 6.27 metres high. Their skin
is orange and black. They eat leaves from tall trees. They
live to 25 years of age.
Parrots are birds with brightly coloured feathers.
We often keep them in cages as pets. They have large
Choose the correct answer.
1- Parrots are _____________ with brightly coloured
a- snakes b- birds c- plants
2- We often keep parrots in _______________.
a- bags b- flats c- cages
3- Giraffes are one of the world’s _______________
a- tallest b- smallest c- oldest
4- Giraffes have long _______________ and long legs.
a- ears b- necks c- tails
5- Giraffes eat _______________ from tall trees.
a- leaves b- meat c- plants

Answer the following questions.

1- What can penguins eat.
2- Can penguins fly?
3- Where do giraffes live?
4- Where do we keep parrots?
D- On Holiday
Tom is on holiday in Rome with his parents. Rome is the
capital city of Italy. The sun is shining. Every morning
Tom has breakfast on the balcony.
In the afternoons, Tom goes to the beach. He swims
in the warm sea. Tom’s parents sit on the sand watching
him. At five o’clock they go back to the hotel. They have
dinner together. After dinner they visit the shopping
area. Tom’s mother enjoys looking at the beautiful Italian
clothes and shoes.
Answer the following questions.
1- Who is on holiday?
2- What is the capital city of Italy?
3- When does Tom go to the beach?
4- Where do Tom and his family go after dinner?
Writing sheet 1
Write about your last birthday party;

invited- decorated – ate – played – sang - gifts - evening- enjoyed




Write a paragraph about your last Friday using the
past simple tense.
Morning - Woke up - afternoon - park – visited -
evening - cooked - watched












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