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2 0 2 2 A A F P C O N S E N S U S S TAT E M E N T

Approaches to Urolithiasis Treatment

Marilyn Dunn, DVM, MVSc, DACVIM (SAIM); Matthew Kornya, BSc, DVM; Jody Lulich, DVM, PhD, DACVIM (SAIM)

Urolith management was once the sole province of the veterinary surgeon. However, a
better understanding of the causes and risk factors of urolith formation have changed the
treatment landscape. Therapeutic diets, miniaturization of equipment, and advanced
technologies have provided a unique opportunity for veterinarians to practice advanced
compassionate care that was not available in the past. The challenge for clinicians today
is to move beyond traditional surgery and consider less invasive alternatives. The following
are patient-centered, research, and experience-supported recommendations for the treatment This AAFP
of cystoliths in cats.
How do You Know if a Cat of commercial cat foods was considered a Statement
has Stones? primary factor because urine acidification
reduced struvite precipitation and increased provides
Depending on the size, location, and contour of urinary calcium excretion. Now that diet
uroliths, clinical signs vary from asymptomatic manufacturers modulate urine acidification, the patient-centered,
to life-threatening urethral or ureteral obstruc- prevalence of struvite and calcium oxalate are
tion. Bladder stones are often associated with research, and
about equal with struvite slightly over represented.
hematuria and bladder pain causing cats to experience-
urinate more frequently and often outside of the The most common urocystoliths in cats are
litter pan.1 Kidney and ureteral stones are also composed of calcium oxalate or struvite supported
associated with hematuria but changes in urination (magnesium ammonium phosphate;) with approx-
are uncommon. Instead, cats exhibit abdominal imately equal numbers and accounting for 90 to recommendations
pain, irritability, and signs secondary to azotemia 95% of uroliths in cats around the world.4 – 7
(e.g. decreased appetite). Urate stones are the next most common (~5% of for the
feline uroliths); other types such as cystine, treatment of
Medical imaging remains the gold standard for xanthine, dried solidified blood, and others are
urolith detection. Anecdotally, many urinary less common and are not discussed here. cystoliths in cats.
stones are detected incidentally in animals having
imaging performed for unrelated reasons. Most While definitive diagnosis of the type of urolith
uroliths are radiopaque and visible by survey requires ex-vivo analysis, there are some
radiography. Ultrasound has the advantage of radiographic, urinalysis, and systemic characteristics
detecting less-radiopaque stones like those that may be used to suggest the type of stone
composed of mineralized blood and urate, but it present.
is challenging to image uroliths in the urethra
and mid-ureter. Detection of urolithiasis Why Predict Urolith Composition
increases when radiography and ultrasonography Prior to Removal?
are employed together.
Therapeutic options for urolith removal and
What Types of Uroliths prevention are based on the prediction of urolith
are Common? composition. For example, struvite uroliths can
be dissolved rapidly with an appropriate
Between 1985 and 1995, struvite was the most therapeutic diet. In addition, urolith composition
common urolith, accounting for approximately may be a biological marker for diseases such as
80% of feline urinary tract stones.2, 3 During that portosystemic shunts. Knowing stone composition
time, the prevalence of calcium oxalate was is essential prior to stone removal to minimize
steadily increasing. By 1995, calcium oxalate adverse sequela and strengthen prevention strategies
surpassed struvite and remained the most to lower the chance of recurrence.
common feline stone for a decade. The reason for
the shift is unknown, however over-acidification

2022 AAFP Consensus Statement Approaches to Urolithiasis Treatment | 1

What is the Best Strategy to Predict Radiographic appearance of
Urolith Composition?
uroliths is the gold standard for
Radiographic appearance of uroliths is the gold
standard for predicting urolith composition (Table 1).
predicting urolith
Each stone type has a characteristic shape, opacity, and composition.
surface contour that is discernible radiographically
(Figure 1). An Android and iOS app is available
which incorporates breed, age, and stone prevalence
to assist urolith prediction (
Urinalysis characteristics such as crystal type and urine What is the Correct Approach to
pH are also helpful. Dissolution?
Dissolution of a urolith should be attempted prior
to any surgical intervention. The approach to dis-
solution of any cystolith entails decreasing relative
supersaturation of the urine for the type of cystolith
in question. Factors directly influencing relative
supersaturation include the urinary concentration
of mineral precursors and pH, which can impact
solubility.10 Struvite stones are readily dissolvable
when they occur within the urinary bladder; urate
stones may be dissolvable, though generally not in
animals with ongoing liver disease. Oxalate uroliths
cannot be dissolved medically.

For any stone type, increasing water intake and

decreasing the urine specific gravity will aid in
stone dissolution. As such, feeding a canned diet or
adding water to food may be recommended.
Figure 1. Radiograph of a struvite stone in a 5-year-old female DSH cat.
Insert shows the variation in the radiographic shape (round or elongated Dissolution of struvite uroliths can be achieved
oval) depending on its orientation in the urinary bladder. by feeding urine-acidifying diets restricted in
Image courtesy of Jody Lulich
magnesium.11 Acidification of the urine will
increase the risk of oxalate stones and as such
aggressive acidification should not be relied on as
Table 1. Predicting Mineral Composition of Feline Uroliths
the sole method of therapy.12 Many commercial
Based on Radiographic Appearance 8, 9
diets are available with struvite dissolution claims;
Radiopacity Surface Usual Approx
note that diets should not be “mixed and matched”
Mineral Compared to Contour Shape Number Size as they have different compositions. They should
Soft Tissue
be fed as 100% of the cat’s diet or with compatible
CaOx +++ to ++++ occasionally Round/rosette >5 1 to 5mm treats. Dissolution of stones generally takes 14 - 21
monohydrate bosselated days and is impacted by diet related factors, patient
CaOx +++ to ++++ Rough to Rosettes >3 1 to 7mm factors, and stone size. In some cats, dissolution
dihydrate smooth may take up to 56 days.10,11 The risk of urinary
1 to 3, obstruction during the dissolution is extremely low,
Sterile MAP ++ to +++ Slightly rough Round or occasionally 3 to 10mm
discoid many even in males.12
Infection MAP + to +++ Smooth to Round to Few to many 2 to >7mm
slightly rough faceted Urate stones may be dissolved through alkalinisa-
Urate - to ++ Smooth Round to Usually 1, 2 to 10mm
tion of the urine and treatment with allopurinol
ovoid but up to 5 (a xanthine oxidase inhibitor) to decrease the
formation of uric acid.13 It is important to feed a
CaP +++ to ++++ Rough Too rare Too rare 1 to 4 mm
to comment to comment low-purine diet during the dissolution as this will
reduce the risk of xanthine stone formation. Most
Cystine - to +++ Rough Round Many, but 1 to 4 mm
some with few
feline “Renal” diets are alkalinizing and low in
purines, and as such are acceptable for this use.
Silica ++ to ++++ Too rare Too rare Too rare to 1 to 4 mm Note that cats with active liver disease (such as
to comment to comment comment
portosystemic shunts) rarely respond to dissolution
Xanthine - to + Smooth Round to 1 to 3 1 to 5 mm until the underlying disease is controlled.14

CaOx = calcium oxalate, CaP=calcium phosphate, MAP = magnesium ammonium

Antibiotics are not indicated as a component of the
phosphate. dissolution of feline uroliths.15 Other supportive
therapy such as analgesia may be indicated if the
cat is experiencing clinical signs of disease.

2022 AAFP Consensus Statement Approaches to Urolithiasis Treatment | 2

Bladder Stone

Consider Medical

If Dissolution is Not Successful,

Consider Minimally Invasive

Voiding Cystoscopic Intracorporeal Percutaneous

Urohydropropulsion Basket Retrieval Lithotripsy Cystolithotomy

If Not Successful,
Consider Surgical Cystotomy

Figure 2. Algorithm for the recommended approach

to bladder urolith removal in cats.

What Minimally Invasive Options Are urinary tract stones consist of voiding urohy-
Available to Remove Bladder Uroliths? Minimally dropropulsion (VUH), cystoscopic stone basket
retrieval, intracorporeal lithotripsy, and percutaneous
Lower urinary tract stones, not amenable to medical invasive cystolithotomy (PCCL).
dissolution, can be removed through various
minimally invasive methods. Stone removal is approaches
Minimally invasive urolith removal should be
generally recommended as their presence can induce have a considered, discussed, and offered to caregivers of
inflammation, obstruction, or recurrent infection. cats suffering from urinary tract conditions after
Surgical removal of uroliths by cystotomy or urethro- multitude of attempting a dissolution approach. While at times
tomy has been the traditional method of choice. advantages appearing technically simple, these procedures have
However, surgical cystotomy and urethrotomy have been associated with serious complications when
been associated with complications such as urine over standard performed by inadequately trained personnel and
leakage, wound dehiscence, bleeding, stricture surgery should be referred to a formally trained and
formation, and incomplete stone removal in 20% of experienced specialist.
canine patients alone. Suture material within the such as
urethra or bladder wall may serve as a nidus for Removal of lower urinary tract stones is amenable to
future stone formation in stone-forming patients.
various interventional approaches depending on the
Upon analysis of recurrent lower urinary tract stones hospitalization sex of the cat, type of stone present, and stone burden
in patients having undergone surgical cystotomy,
9.4% were suture-induced.16 Recently, complications times, little to (number and size of stones). Considering minimally
invasive approaches to stone removal in lieu of
associated with traditional surgical cystotomy, no recovery surgical cystotomy is recommended. Correct meas-
regardless of closure method, were reported in 37%
to 50% of cases,17 with a mean duration of hospital- time, and less urement of stone size is critical in the selection of the
most appropriate intervention. Uroliths should be
ization of four days. Minimally invasive approaches discomfort. measured by standard radiography (or contrast radi-
have a multitude of advantages over standard surgery ography for radiolucent stones) using a radiopaque
such as shorter hospitalization times, little to no marker rather than by ultrasound which tends to
recovery time and less discomfort. In small animals, overestimate urolith size and underestimate the
minimally invasive treatment options for lower number of uroliths.

2022 AAFP Consensus Statement Approaches to Urolithiasis Treatment | 3

Size and Number Sex of Cat Advantages Disadvantages
of Uroliths

Stones < 2.5 mm • Female cats • Quick • Stones may remain in

Voiding in female cats • Not indicated in male • Low-cost equipment the bladder
urohydropulsion cats as risk of urethral • Can be done in general • Larger and spiculated
obstruction practice stones may obstruct
the urethra

No restrictions No restrictions • Excellent visualization • Specialized equipment

of the entire lower • Access to lithotripsy
Percutaneous urinary tract in females, may be necessary for
cystolithotomy and up to the distal embedded stones
(PCCL) urethra in males
• Easy retrograde stone

Stones < 3 mm • Female cats • Quick • Specialized equipment

Retrograde in female cats • Not possible in male • No suture material in • Not suitable for large
cystoscopic cats as penile urethra the bladder stones
basket retrieval is too small to allow
scope retrieval

Low stone burden • Female cats No suture material in • Specialized equipment

Retrograde • •
cystoscopic preferable Not possible in male the bladder Long procedural length
Intracorporeal cats risk of urethral trauma
lithotripsy while removing stone

Table 2. Minimally Invasive Bladder Urolith Removal Types

Summary of minimally invasive options and guidelines for patient selection for the removal of bladder uroliths in cats.

What are the Steps to Urolith

Urolith formation is based on several factors, including
genetic predisposition, diet, hydration status, and ■ Attempt to predict urolith composition
concurrent diseases. Some factors (such as genetic
Urolith based on patient, radiographic results,
and urinalysis factors
predisposition) obviously cannot be altered, however formation is
others can be and may play a role in the prevention ■ Dissolution should be attempted prior
of urolith recurrence. based on to surgical intervention
Increasing the moisture content of diets helps to several factors,
■ Minimally invasive techniques should
decrease specific gravity of the urine and as such the including be recommended prior to open
saturation of minerals that may form crystals and cystotomy
stones. Encouraging increased drinking of water genetic
using various strategies, feeding canned food, and
adding moisture to food may help to reduce the predisposition,
recurrence of urolith formation. Many cats will Control of any concurrent disease may help to control
diet, hydration urolith formation (i.e., ligation of a portosystemic
exhibit water intake preferences based on factors
such as freshness, temperature, taste, movement, and status, and shunt or treatment of idiopathic hypercalcemia).
container shape.18 Idiopathic hypercalcemia is diagnosed by measuring
concurrent ionized calcium. As mentioned above, adult cats
Feeding diets with a claim to urinary stone preven- rarely form infection induced struvite stones. Some
diseases. data has suggested that increased dietary polyunsat-
tion will decrease the saturation of minerals and
reduce the risk of stone formation.12 Most commercial urated fatty acids may reduce urolith formation.20
“urinary” diets available today have claims for the
prevention of both struvite and oxalate stones. Other
stone types, such as urates, may require specific diets For further reading, see the ACVIM Small
as discussed above. Animal Consensus Recommendations on the
Treatment and Prevention of Uroliths in Dogs
Some cats with recurrent oxalate stones may require
and Cats.
additional management, such as urinary alkalinisation
(generally with potassium citrate)19 or thiazide
diuretics (which decrease specific gravity and reduce

2022 AAFP Consensus Statement Approaches to Urolithiasis Treatment | 4

Conflicts of Interest
Jody Lulich performed clinical research in 2009 and is a 11 Lulich JP, Kruger JM, Macleay JM, et al. Efficacy of two
current speaker for Hill’s Pet Nutrition. Hill’s Pet Nutrition commercially available, low-magnesium, urine-acidifying
donates partial support to the Minnesota Urolith Center at dry foods for the dissolution of struvite uroliths in cats.
the University of Minnesota of which Jody Lulich is the J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2013;243(8):1147–1153.doi:10.2460/
Director. Marilyn Dunn is a member of the Royal Canin JAVMA.243.8.1147.
Urinary Advisory Board. The other member of the Task
12 Lulich JP, Berent AC, Adams LG, Westropp JL, Bartges JW,
Force has no conflicts of interest to declare. Osborne CA. ACVIM Small Animal Consensus Recom-
mendations on the Treatment and Prevention of Uroliths
in Dogs and Cats. J Vet Intern Med.
Funding 2016;30(5):1564–1574. doi:10.1111/jvim.14559.
This Consensus Statement was supported by an
13 Dear JD, Shiraki R, Ruby AL, Westropp JL. Feline urate
educational grant to the AAFP from Hill’s Pet Nutrition, urolithiasis: a retrospective study of 159 cases. J Feline Med
Purina Pro Plan Veterinary Diets, and Royal Canin. The Surg. 2011;13(10):725–732.
Task Force members received no financial support for the doi:10.1016/J.JFMS.2011.07.001.
research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
14 McCue J, Langston C, Palma D, Kelly. Urate urolithiasis.
Compend Contin Educ Vet. 2009;31(10):468-475.
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