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An Identity card system (ID) is packaged with all of the components needed to be up-and-running
and printing IDs within 15 minutes -guaranteed. Every ID Maker System comes with an intuitive,
full-featured ID Maker Software, photo-taking tools, as well as enough blank card stock and printer
ribbons to get through first run. A system, with numerous definitions can be literally seen in a
computer way as a collection of the hardware and software components of a computer. According
to (Chiemeke and Franca 2006), a system is set of components that interact to achieve a common
goal. In another sense, a system is a group of interrelated or intersecting elements forming a unified
whole. A computerized system as in this project is an application program used to verify that
someone or something rightly and legally belongs to a collection, an organization or an individual.

A new student comes in, and while their paperwork is being filled out, an ID card is printed. This
ID card has a full color picture of the student, their signature, and a barcode or magnetic stripe.
The student visits the library and since their ID card also works as a library card, it is scanned to
record the checkout details. The student visits the cafeteria, and instead of handing over money,
they simply have their ID card scanned. Since it also works as a meal card, the total amount is
deducted directly from their student account.

The student attempts to enter the staff lounge, and is because their special student ID card also
works as a security card, and it does not allow them access to the staff lounge. When the student
enters a classroom, they swipe their ID and are marked present. When they leave the classroom,
they swipe again to verify they were in class the full time... and to verify where they were last. If
that student turns up missing, the school's security system will know where they were last and
when. The student goes to computer class, and swipes their ID to log into a computer. That
computer then allows access to specific applications only... based on their pre-set configured
access levels, (Paul J. Deitel Harvey M. Deitel.2010).

There are different computerized system, notably address computer system, adult verification
system and card verification system to mention but a few. Student verification system is used to
know whether or not a student is or was a legal and rightly registered student. In this context, it is
used to verify that a student belongs/belonged to an institution and to confirm that he/she is
properly registered in a particular department running any of the institutions programme. This
student verification system (SVS), also known as e-Verify is a window based system. It is an
electronic and computerized means of verifying someone’s claim of studentship to an institution
by means of their matriculation number (Matric No) being input, hence using an output clearly
showing the truth or false of his/her claim,( Richard Dybowski. 2012).

An identity document is any document which may be used to verify aspects of a person’s
personality. If issued in the form of a small, mostly standard-sized card, it is usually called and
identity card (IC). Countries which do not have formal identity documents may require informal

In the absence of formal identity document, driving licenses can be used in many countries as a
method of proof of identity, although some countries do not accept driving licenses for
identification, often because in those countries they do not expire as documents and can be old
easily forged. Most countries accepts passports as a form of identification. Schools, colleges and
universities utilize secure ID cards to foster a safe learning environment, often combining access
control, identification and transactional applications into one card for flexibility and convenience.
Data card® school ID systems make it easy and affordable to integrate new ID card technologies
that make campus life more efficient for everyone (Kumar, B., Sharma, N., & Yadav, N 2014).

Students Identity card issued by the school administrators to a citizen intending to travel abroad
from the definition, identity card can also be called a true image of an individual, because it tells
well about a person coming into a country. Citizens in a country have the right to apply for issuance
of an interstudent’s passport. There is a need for the maintenance and processing of students
records in order to maintain current data concerning an individual in the institute of management
and technology Enugu, the unit, which takes the responsibility of producing an identity card for
student, has many sections. A system, with numerous definitions can be literally seen in a computer
way as a collection of the hardware and software components of a computer (Bajpai, M, and
Agrawal, A. 2013).

According to (Chiemeke & Franca 2006), a system is set of components that interact to achieve a
common goal. In another sense, a system is a group of interrelated or intersecting elements forming
a unified whole. A verification system as in this project is an application program used to verify
that someone or something rightly and legally belongs to a collection, an organization or an
individual. There are different verification system, notably address verification system, adult
verification system and card verification system to mention but a few. Student verification system
is used to know whether or not a student is or was a legal and rightly registered student. In this
context, it is used to verify that a student belongs/belonged to an institution and to confirm that
he/she is properly registered in a particular department running any of the institutions programme.
This student verification system (SVS), also known as e-Verify is a window based system. It is an
electronic and computerized means of verifying someone’s claim of studentship to an institution
by means of their matriculation number (Matric No) being input, hence using an output clearly
showing the truth or false of his/her claim.

In this modern age, computers have verified the cause of their existence. The advent of computers
in our society caused a lot of criticism on the danger it poses on the society. Critics of computer
and new techniques express their fear on how computers will displace and replace all human skills
thus resulting to mass unemployment. The presence of computer on virtually every field of today’s
fast life has proved the critic wrong as the invention of computers and new technologies continues
to create additional jobs for those who identify themselves with computers and new technologies.
This make computes partner to human beings in any fields of human endeavour. Over the past
decades, students identification and verification has been a major problem in large institutions as
documents, certificate and studentship can be forged at a great rate and easy way, using the
computer negatively. Forgers fail to know that in this fast moving world, the computer has equally
served as an aid to decision making, verification and authentication. This is because of computers
efficiency in terms of speed, accuracy, reliability, cost and security among others. In recent years,
awareness has existed and created in people as it concerned the use of computer in verifying,
authenticating and security activities either through web-based (internet) or window-based.
Decision support system (DSS) and others system like management information system (MIS) and
information system (IS) are used in organization. Decisions are largely based on experience and
principle. The value of every degree is the reputation of the institution and the students produced,
hence, the greatest obstacle to any academic institution which is dishonesty and forgery has to be
balanced with verification and authentication systems and processes. “In recent times, effort are
being made to build intelligence into computer system, whereby the computer can be used to
process large volume of structural and unstructured information for decision making (Masalha, F.,
& Hirzallah, N. (2014).

Most countries have the rule that foreign citizens need to have their passport or occasionally a
student’s identity card from their country, available at any time if they do not have residence permit
in the country. A student identification card can only be issued to genuine bonafide students. Card
holders can use the can to identify themselves as a student around the campus or outside the
campus. The identity card is managed and administered by the (Student Identity Card Association
(SICA) of the school.

In recent times, systems design is the process of defining the architecture, components, modules,
interfaces, and data for a system to satisfy specified requirements. It could be seen as the
application of systems theory to product development. The design and implementation of World
Wide Web has become an environment for distributed applications of all kinds. The originally
intended use of the Web as distributed system for knowledge-interchange seems to disappear,
compared to the increasing number of Electronic Commerce Web applications. Organizations
offer products and services in the Web, and use the Web as a means to integrate their
(heterogeneous) business application systems. Offering Web-based products requires combining
services of different application systems, which were built on the coarse-grained Web
implementation model. Reusing the respective fine-grained services and application systems
respectively integrating these cross-platform application systems increases quality and reduces
costs of the new product (Kumar, B. D., & Kareemulla, S. 2017).

In the contemporary educational landscape, the efficient management of student records and
identification is paramount. Traditional methods of student identification often prove cumbersome
and prone to errors, leading to inefficiencies in various administrative processes. However, with
the advancement of technology, there arises an opportunity to revolutionize the student
identification system through computerization and the integration of innovative features such as
QR code verification, (Beqrious.2012).
The "Design and Implementation of Computerized Student Identity Card System with QR Code
Verification" project aims to address the shortcomings of conventional student identification
systems by introducing a robust, efficient, and user-friendly solution. By leveraging modern
computing technologies and incorporating QR code technology, this project endeavors to
streamline the process of student identification while enhancing security measures within
educational institutions, (Qrme.2014).
This project encompasses the design and development of a comprehensive computerized system
capable of generating unique student identity cards embedded with QR codes. These QR codes
will contain encrypted information pertinent to the respective student's identity and enrollment
status. Additionally, the system will feature a QR code verification module, enabling authorized
personnel to swiftly authenticate students' identities using smartphones or dedicated scanning
devices, (Robabdul.2012).
The implementation of such a system promises numerous benefits for educational institutions.
Firstly, it facilitates the expedited identification of students, thereby minimizing queues and
administrative delays. Moreover, the integration of QR code technology enhances security by
reducing the risk of fraudulent activities such as identity theft or unauthorized access. Furthermore,
the computerization of student identity cards enables seamless integration with existing student
management systems, fostering greater efficiency in record-keeping and administrative processes.
Throughout the course of this project, emphasis will be placed on user-centric design principles to
ensure the system's usability and accessibility for both students and administrative staff.
Furthermore, robust encryption algorithms will be employed to safeguard sensitive student
information contained within the QR codes, thereby preserving data integrity and privacy (Richard
Dybowski. 2012).


Traditional methods of student identification within educational institutions often rely on manual
processes, leading to inefficiencies and security vulnerabilities. These methods typically involve
the issuance of physical identity cards, which are susceptible to loss, theft, and forgery. Moreover,
the manual verification of student identities consumes valuable administrative resources and can
result in long queues and delays, particularly during peak periods such as enrollment or
examination periods.
Additionally, existing student identification systems lack robust security measures, making them
vulnerable to unauthorized access and fraudulent activities. With the increasing prevalence of
identity theft and data breaches, it is imperative for educational institutions to implement secure
and reliable systems for verifying student identities.
Furthermore, the lack of integration between student identification systems and existing
administrative processes often hampers the efficient management of student records. Manual
record-keeping methods are prone to errors and inconsistencies, leading to discrepancies in student
data and administrative inefficiencies.
In light of these challenges, the need arises for a modernized student identity card system that
leverages computerization and innovative technologies such as QR code verification. By
addressing these challenges, the proposed project seeks to design and implement a computerized
student identity card system with QR code verification that enhances security, efficiency, and
usability within educational institutions.


The aim of the project is to Design and Implementation of Computerized Student Identity Card
System with QR Code Verification for managing student identification within educational
institutions. This system will utilize computerization and QR code technology to streamline the
process of issuing and verifying student identity cards, thereby enhancing security, efficiency, and
usability, the objectives of study include:

 To identify various existing students’ identity card (ID card system) being used in the
 Determine the factors affecting students’ identity card (ID card system).
 Examine the extent of the use of students’ inventory management systems in students’
identity card (ID card system).
 Assess the appropriateness of the regulations and rules guiding the students’ identity card
(Id card system)
 Develop the students’ identity card (ID card system).


For the fact that this project work is aimed at having comprehensive review of the manual
system of operation being carried out in the s t u d e n t s identity card. The following will be
taken into consideration for subject matters. They are:

 Ensure accurate and timely update of the holder record.

 Check multiple possession of the student’s Identity card.
 Deprive fake students who are not bonafide students from obtaining the identity card.
 A proper account of the identity card issued.
 Finally, a proper storage system which keeps all vital information ready for use.


This project work will be limited in scope to the design and implementation of computerized
students’ identity card (ID card system). The study would be limited to the students of Federal
Polytechnic Ede, Osun State.

1.4.1 Limitation of the Study

Some of the constraints that they have in one-way or another affected the outcome of this work

 Resources: Due to the complex and insecurity associated with human factors during this
research work, personnel who are used to the manual system perhaps for fear of losing their
jobs have been reserved in relinquishing all necessary information to make this project an
enticingly extensive one.

 Time: Due to time allowed for this project work, as a student was limited to come up with
a reasonable work within the stipulated time.

 Power: Availability of stable, efficient and reliable power supply was also a major
limitation of this project as it had to be suspended several times during design and testing


Computer: An electronic machine capable of accepting data in the form of input, processes it
under a set of complete condition, stores information or request for references and generated
result in the form of output.

Application: As it concerns this subject matter, it is one who applies to the Department of
Students Civil Registration for the Issuance of Students Identity Card of the stipulated age.

Students: Under the provision of the amended constitution of 1999, students is any person who
becomes learner of any country either by birth, descendant, Registration or Studentsization.
Identity Card Processing: The procedure involved in processing and identity card.

Students ID card Assessment: The procedure or act of checking Identity card already in used.

QRCODE: the QR which stands for “quick response” – code is basically a barcode on steroids.
While the barcode holds information horizontally, the QR code does so both horizontally and
vertically. This enables the QR code to hold over a hundred times more information.



Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary defines Identity Card as a formal document that
is used by an authorized official of a country to one of its citizens. The Question is “what is an
identity card? As defined by many authors and dictionary including the encyclopedia it is a
student’s document certifying state/Studentsity, issued by the Government of a Country to every
individuals or person that is to the stipulated age of ownership. From the definition, Students
Identity Card can also be called a true image of an individual or persons because it tells well
about a person.”
Identity card as defined cannot be acquired from neither from school nor home. But, there is a
special organization or ministry that takes charge of both processing and administration of
Students Identity Card. The ministry of Internal Affairs under the Department of Students Civic
Registration. According to J.K PLACK in his book “INFORMATION Processing and
Identification” says that identity card is a mark of Identification. And also, it tightly identifies the
holder whose photograph is placed in the identity card. It also contains all necessary information
needed to know about the holder of the identity card.
Furthermore, he emphasized that the essence of such identification is mainly for security purposes.
During student’s identity card processing, everything is put into consideration to check fraud of
any form. Any fraud is detected and canceled because the identity cards are made unique. It is not
always easy. Forging of identity card. And personification in areas where adequate attention is
not given to processing of the Students identity card.
JOHN ORGEON in his book. “TRAVELLERS AND JUORISM” defines travelers as a process of
making long journey within or outside one’s territory. People travels in other to visit people, do
business with people or for changing environment. To this effect, there is every need that he/she
traveling bears a mark of identification, which is the student’s identity card. The identity card being
and outstanding document, is very official and is only issued out and controlled by the Government
under the auspices of the ministry of Internal Affairs.
document processing as preparation of printed evidences for births, deaths, marriage, and
identification etc.
These documents are processed to be much unified and easily maintained.
With the introduction of identity card, the problem associated with identity card processing system
has been totally solved. The computer maintain and access information about identity card holders
automatically with little human intervention. Fraud is eliminated. The machine assess everything
automatically according to predefined program instruction using a defined government criteria.
BENEFITS” Says that identity card represents the image of a nation.
IKAM also emphasized that every Students should attach more importance to the mode of
insurance and assessment of identity card since it will contribute to a large extent sanitizing the
image of countries within or outside their own country. Identity card holders should at the same
time exhibit good and recommendable character within and outside the Nation at all time.


This project work focused on the design and implementation of a system for processing students
ID-Card. The study investigates the ID-Card processing expert system as a tool for revolutionized
computer profession. It concentrates on how improved representations of processing knowledge
and problem-solving strategies have advanced the field of artificial intelligence in computer. The
system generally involves mainly in manual process and it was discussed under the following
process, when students visits the processing department for the purposes of ID-card their personal
data are ended in the record and they will be asked to leave and come back in some days or weeks
to collect their processed ID-card. The researcher investigates the manual system in detail with
the view of finding out the need to automate it. Happily, the final result of the processing expert
system was its ability to produce on the spot a wait and take processed ID-Card by processing the
input data and provide summary of the ID-Card process for a particular student.

An identity document is any document which may be used to verify aspects of a person’s
personality. If issued in the form of a small, mostly standard-sized card, it is usually called and
identity card (IC). Countries which do not have formal identity documents may require informal
documents (Garfinkel, 2001). In the absence of formal identity document, driving licenses can be
used in many countries as a method of proof of identity, although some countries do not accept
driving licenses for identification, often because in those countries they do not expire as documents
and can be old easily forged. Most countries accept passports as a form of identification. An
identity document (also called a piece of identification or ID, or colloquially as one's 'papers') is
any document which may be used to verify aspects of a person's personal identity. If issued in the
form of a small, mostly standard-sized card, it is usually called an identity card (IC or ID card).
Countries which do not have formal identity documents may require identity verification using
informal documents (Ben, 2003).

In the absence of a formal identity document, driving licenses may be accepted in many countries
for identity verification. Some countries do not accept driving licenses for identification, often
because in those countries they do not expire as documents and can be old or easily forged. Most
countries accept passports as a form of identification. Some countries require foreigners to have a
passport or occasionally a student’s identity card from their country available at any time if they
do not have a residence permit in the country. The personal information present on the identity
document, or in a supporting database, might include the bearer's full name, a portrait photo, age,
birth date, address, an identification number, profession or rank, religion, ethnic or racial
classification, restrictions, and citizenship status (Doward, 2005).

Most countries have the rule that foreign citizens need to have their passport or occasionally a
student’s identity card from their country, available at any time if they do not have residence permit
in the country. A student identification card can only be issued to genuine bonafide students. Card
holders can use the can to identify themselves as a student around the campus or outside the
campus. The identity card is managed and administered by the (Student Identity Card Association
(SICA) of the school.

In examination of the main processing techniques used in ID-card processing system from the
stage of data processing system to end stage of the processed ID-Card, a number of problem area
are made known, which are as follows: It has been noted that for students to relieve or collect their
ID-Card in institute of management and technology (IMT) Enugu, they queue up for several hours
from one unit of the processing center to the another with the manual processed involved in
handling the students ID-card process, most of them waste the whole day in the processing center
without getting their ID-cards. So, student do waste a lot of time in taking information and
retrieving the student’s records. This is also an overview of literature and past research work in
related areas which provide a premise for this current research. Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate
Dictionary defines Identity Card as a formal document that is used by an authorized official of
a country to one of its citizens. The Question is “what is an identity card? As defined by many
authors and dictionary including the encyclopedia, it is a student’s document certifying
state/Studentsity, issued by the Government of a Country to every individuals or person that is of
the stipulated age of ownership. From the definition, Students Identity Card can also be called
a true image of an individual or persons because it tells well about a person.”

Identity card as defined cannot be acquired from neither from school nor home. But, there is a
special organization or ministry that takes charge of both processing and administration of
Students Identity Card. The ministry of Internal Affairs under the Department of Students Civic
Registration. According to Plack in his book “Information Processing and Identification” says
that identity card is a mark of Identification. And also, it tightly identifies the holder whose
photograph is placed in the identity card. It also contain all necessary information needed to know
about the holder of the identity card.

Furthermore, he emphasized that the essence of such identification is mainly for security purposes.
During identity card processing, everything is put into consideration to check fraud of any form.
Any fraud is detected and canceled because the identity cards are made unique. It is not always
easy. Forging of identity card. And personification in areas where adequate attention is not given
to processing of the Students identity card. With the introduction of identity card, the problem
associated with identity card processing system has been totally solved. The computer maintain
and access information about identity card holders automatically with little human intervention.
Fraud is eliminated. The machine assess everything automatically according to predefined
program instruction using a defined government criteria. Systems design is simply concerned
with how to provide an efficient (economical) and effective (relevant and useful) system. It is an
integral part of software development which embarked after a detail analysis of the system has
been done, and the project feasibility study undertaken.

The purpose of the design is to meet the user’s specification of the system software, determine
flexible system alternative that will achieve the recommended result and make optimum use of the
hardware, software and other processing resources that may be used in implementing the solution
for there to be good system design, top-down development was used so as to achieve a structure
programming that is directed in developing programmed in orderly way, decomposing the
requirement into well specified high level model.
The ID Center operates under the direction of the Office of Auxiliary Services. An AUB ID card
identifies an individual as a member of the university community. Cardholders should carry the
ID at all times while on campus and present it, upon request, to university officials whose assigned
responsibilities authorize them to seek proper identification.
 Location and Staff
The ID Center is located at Ada Dodge Hall, first floor, Room 100. The ID center can
reach at extensions 2376 and 2377.
 Objective
The ID center is entrusted with the responsibility of the issuance of ID cards to all
authorized members of the AUB community. The objective of the ID Center is to centralize
the issuance of the identification cards and to automate the information using the network
facility and the centralized servers.

Information for issuing new ID cards for students, academic and non-academic employees,
including retirees, is electronically sent to the ID Center. The ID Center can access the
information gathered by the departments concerned via the main server in order to produce
and renew the IDs for those authorized by the Registrar's Office for students and the Human
Resources Department for faculty and staff.


QR (Quick Response) code technology has emerged as a versatile tool with vast applications
across various sectors, including education. Initially developed for inventory tracking and
automotive industry applications, QR codes have found their way into educational settings,
offering innovative solutions to enhance teaching, learning, and administrative processes. This
paper explores the integration of QR code technology in education, highlighting its benefits,
applications, and potential challenges.
2.3.1 Benefits of QR Code Technology in Education
QR code technology offers several benefits in educational settings. Firstly, it provides an efficient
way to access digital content quickly and conveniently. By scanning QR codes with smartphones
or tablets, students can instantly access web pages, multimedia resources, or online documents
related to their coursework. This facilitates self-directed learning and enables educators to
supplement traditional teaching materials with dynamic digital content.
Moreover, QR codes can serve as interactive learning tools, engaging students in interactive
activities such as scavenger hunts, quizzes, or augmented reality experiences. This gamification of
learning fosters active participation, collaboration, and critical thinking skills among students.
Additionally, QR codes can be used to create personalized learning experiences, allowing
educators to tailor content to individual student needs and preferences.
Furthermore, QR codes streamline administrative tasks in education by simplifying processes such
as attendance tracking, resource distribution, and event management. For instance, schools can
generate QR codes for student IDs or event tickets, enabling quick and accurate scanning for
check-in purposes. This improves efficiency, reduces paperwork, and enhances overall
organization within educational institutions.
2.3.2 Applications of QR Code Technology in Education
The applications of QR code technology in education are diverse and multifaceted. In classrooms,
educators can use QR codes to share supplementary resources, such as articles, videos, or
interactive simulations, to enrich lesson content and cater to diverse learning styles. QR codes can
also be embedded in textbooks or educational posters to provide additional context, explanations,
or practice exercises.
Beyond traditional classroom settings, QR codes can enhance student engagement in
extracurricular activities, such as museum visits, field trips, or outdoor learning experiences.
Educators can create QR code-based scavenger hunts or guided tours, where students scan codes
to access information about exhibits, landmarks, or historical sites in real-time.
Furthermore, QR codes facilitate communication and collaboration between educators, students,
and parents. Schools can use QR codes to share important announcements, event calendars, or
emergency contact information with parents, ensuring timely and effective communication.
Similarly, educators can use QR codes to share feedback, assessment criteria, or learning resources
with students, promoting transparency and accountability in the learning process.
2.3.3 Challenges and Considerations
While QR code technology offers numerous benefits in education, several challenges and
considerations must be addressed for successful implementation. Firstly, accessibility issues may
arise for students who do not have access to smartphones or internet-enabled devices. Educators
must ensure equitable access to QR code-enabled resources and provide alternative access options
for students with limited technology access.
Additionally, privacy and security concerns may arise when using QR codes to access sensitive
information or personal data. Educators must adhere to data protection regulations and implement
appropriate security measures to safeguard student privacy and prevent unauthorized access to
confidential information.
Furthermore, the effectiveness of QR code technology depends on factors such as QR code
placement, scanning reliability, and internet connectivity. Educators must carefully plan QR code
implementation strategies to ensure optimal usability and functionality in diverse learning

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